• LIE (ENTj) Socionics Type Description by Stratiyevskaya

    LIE (ENTj) Profile by Stratiyevskaya

    Socionics LIE ENTj Yukio Mishima 2.png

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    Extended LIE Profile by Stratiyevskaya
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    Te Block of Ego, 1st position, Program Function: "Logic of Actions"

    There is no larger misfortune for the LIE than the impossibility of finding a proper application for his own proactive, pragmatic qualities. His entire life is a search for opportunities that would allow him to fully realize his strengths and to apply his acumen and abilities to interesting and promising endeavors.

    LIE's pragmatic qualities manifest depending on the objective possibilities that present themselves with specific conditions and various situations. The LIE does not rely on his own volitional efforts and qualities – this is inexpedient, especially since in life there are still such things as luck, good fortune, and other external circumstances, which create situations where it makes the most sense to apply effort and utilize one's skills and talents. Under unfavorable circumstances, LIE considers it to be generally senseless to force himself to do anything – it is better to attempt to influence the conditions instead. "Sisyphean labor" is not for him.

    Representatives of this type actively advocate for the equally fair conditions and equally broad range of possibilities for everyone. The LIE promotes the restoration of fairness, trying to return that which is rightfully due to him.

    If there is no possibility to restore fairness, LIE searches for a new place, where his point of view will be shared, where his work will be appropriately valued. Representatives of this type are involved in continuous search for best conditions and broader possibilities for application for their abilities and talents. Frequent change of professions is characteristic for them, as well as change of their place of residence: things didn't work out here – they depart for other places, discover new lands, new opportunities. They are "pioneers". If it was impossible for them to realize themselves in one sphere, they boldly try themselves in another, until finally they find an occupation that satisfies them.

    They prefer to attain high efficiency via reasonable and rational distribution of their efforts and energy. For this very reason, representatives of this type don't have an equal when it comes to development and introduction of new technologies, rational and effective organization of work process; they adeptly generate interesting ideas for realization; they are originators of many progressive technologies and methods.

    The LIE is an ardent opponent of all irrational and ineffective methods of operation. Organizing work and production, he also attributes value to material incentives and personal interest of the workers.

    Prefers work of concrete and practical application. He is not seduced by abstract and removed projects.

    He is not able to act contrary to his own opinion i.e. contrary to his own conception of what is sensible. Every activity he examines from the point of view of its expediency, its purpose ("otherwise, what for?"). He enjoys working and knows how to produce work of high quality ("otherwise, what's the point?").

    He considers it expedient to be occupied by a job that generates good profit. He tries not to deal in minor things (usually does not engage in criminal activities, in spite of promising income, since this may go against his system of ethical value, to which he is subconsciously oriented.)

    The LIE likes to earn "big" money ("otherwise, what's the point?"), and enjoys expending it. He doesn't like as much to save money nor to deny himself in his pleasures and habits. To set a sum aside, to accumulate and grow it, he doesn't always know how to do. Most readily he spends money that came "easily" to him (as in winning or receiving it as a gift). Generally not inclined to very adventurous projects, the LIE is capable to invest "light" money into enterprise, usually not making solid investments in terms of thinking everything through and making calculated investments.

    The LIE doesn't forgive himself for mistakes and failures, but outwardly he upholds calmness and optimism: "Mistakes are there to learn from them."

    Not petty and piddling, and dislikes this in others. He assumes: if you know how to earn – you have the right to spend. More easily and freely spends large sums of money – more heavily parts with smaller ones, due to which, despite the broadness of his character, may make the impression of being stingy. Irrespective of his income level, the LIE prefers to buy expensive things considering this to be a mark of quality.

    He doesn't like to be occupied with repairs, maintenance, remodeling. He prefers to earn enough and then simply purchase everything new or hire people who will do this work for him.

    In difficult times, however, he does not discount doing hard work, if it is rewarded well. The LIE does not like trivial, routine work, does not like working through minor details and specifics, dislikes being "on the pickup", "on service call", as well as mindless, unenterprising labor.

    The LIE don't tolerate or allow outside control of his behavior and actions, his time and quality of his work – he considers this to be a sign of distrust which is insulting to him. He considers mutual confidence to be a standard of relationships both in business and in personal life.

    Tries not to get involved with irresponsible people, dislikes cheats and charlatans, "dishonest game" and "freeloaders".

    The LIE prefers to promise a little less, but then to do a little more. He thinks of the future outcomes and evaluates his actions from the point of view of their consequences. He dislikes irresponsibility in dealings.

    LIE does not like to control someone else's work in process of its realization – he prefers to evaluate the final result.

    Does not like to depend on someone else's timetable and deadlines, or initiative; therefore prefers work where he can be his own boss: assign his own pace, make his own plans, establish his own standards. Does not like collaborating with a slow partner.

    Excellent leader and organizer. The LIE knows how to distribute work with respect to abilities and possibilities of each person. He immediately evaluates people according to their activities, level of qualification, and abilities. The work which he undertakes LIE carries out with the enthusiasm, quickly and qualitatively.

    Bureaucratic red-tape LIE sees as a great evil – it frustrates him greatly, kills his business activity and depresses him. The need to live under the conditions, where his business qualities find no application, where his labor does nor earn adequate payment – this suppresses him. He tries not to remain in such an environment for long. The LIE is very dynamic; he easily adapts to new conditions, stoically endures burdens and deprivations (especially, if he is aware that over the course of time such exertion will be quite profitable).

    Representatives of this type work well in extreme environments and conditions (rescuers, emergency personnel, testers and pioneers, stuntmen). Specifically, in extreme situations the LIE most readily manifests his volitional qualities, endurance, composure, logical keenness, and also the talent to accurately calculate his timing, forces and possibilities (when he is relaxed, however, he can generally forget about timeliness).

    The LIE never gives up before the difficulties but mobilizes all his energies in order to overcome them.

    Ni Block of Ego, 2nd position, Creative Function: "Intuition of Time"

    The LIE is perceptive of advantages that time provides him with.

    His talents and qualities manifest most vividly under the conditions for convenient and advantageous for him processes in time. He knows how to see the benefit of future changes, just as as much as he can see the hopelessness and lack of promise of "stagnant periods".

    The LIE knows how to see and to estimate the moment, in which possibilities will open up to him, and knows how to use all the benefits and advantages they offer. He knows how to adapt to difficult times and to endure through them with least losses and damages to himself.

    He knows how to make time work for him. He is very precisely aware what to do and when there is a purpose to do it. He knows when to hurry and when to wait. He knows when it is necessary to act decisively, and when it is necessary to patiently endure (though while he's waiting, he sometimes misses opportunities).

    The LIE possesses all necessary qualities in order to adapt to the conditions of uncertain and unstable life. For example, he knows how not to reveal that he is interested in some deal or transaction – in order not to place himself in unfavorable position. He knows how to be self-possessed and patient, however straining this may be for him. He knows how not to reveal his incompetence – in order to not lower his prestige. He knows how not to encourage in vain – in order not to create a reputation for himself of an irresponsible person (although in this, unfortunately, he does not always succeed).

    Under unfavorable circumstances, decisive actions alternate with doubts and idleness.

    In the period of waiting, it is difficult for him to switch to any other activity; therefore sometimes there is impression that he is idling, loafing. (Many LIEs consider themselves lazy, although in reality they really love being active and working).

    The LIE hates periods of forced idleness that are due to reasons that do not depend on him: this literally knocks him of the track. In such periods he is not always able to switch to another work – for him, as for any rational type person, all the confusion and mix-ups in affairs are rather inconvenient.

    The LIE prefers a saturated rhythm of life and feels himself well when his day is filled to the limit and by every hour with interesting and urgent matters.

    And at the same time it would be naïve to assume that with all of his rationality, the LIE would adhere to a strict timetable - he is sufficiently dynamic and intuitive and easily adapts to changes in circumstances. His intuition of time is subordinated to the interests of the matter at hand, to the interests of expediency; therefore he often introduces correctives and adjustments into his plans (which in turn can be expressed in such incidents as arriving late to a meeting, or scheduling two meeting narrowly spaced in time in two distant places.)

    It does not make sense to ask LIE when he plans to return hom or about his plans for the evening. He for sure will not answer such questions with much specificity (moreover, such questions usually irritate him.) Leaving the house, he automatically transforms into the "hunter after success" who orients by his intuition. Therefore, even LIE himself doesn't know approximately how long will be his work day (which has the effect of complicating the lives of the members of his household).

    It is not characteristic for LIE to subordinate his affairs to some schedule. For example, to put aside unfinished work and run to a meeting - he can only do in the cases when the relationship is of much significance for him. (Precisely such a "sacrifice" is required from him on first stages of dualization with Dreiser.)

    In the childhood, LIEs also don't like drafting for themselves an strict schedule for the day: maybe while he's sitting sitting at home and doing homework, something very interesting will happen in the yard, which requires his participation. Practice shows that daily schedules that Jacks make in childhood, are not observed by them for longer than a couple of days.

    Under favorable circumstances, LIE's plan for the day is frequently condensed: he can get marked off at a lecture in his college, then run to a coin-operated telephone to settle some matter, then run somewhere else to earn extra credit, and after this return back to continue listening to the lecture. Alternatively: he can ask for a leave for a week from his studies, travel to another country, complete a heap of tasks and matters, visit his relatives, make new professional connections, return back to his studies, and in two days make up what he has missed.

    If the day of LIE is not filled sufficiently with at least somewhat serious matters, this is a sure sign that he is going through difficult times. (Jacks hate idleness, but unproductive expenditure of time and energy he hates even more).

    He feels irritated by any unforeseen expenditure of time.
    Sluggishness, in all its manifestations, is irritating to him; for example, when someone is talking slowly. Most of all, he is irritated when someone ahead of him is moving or driving slowly. Traffic jams are a kind of monstrous torture for him.

    LIE can’t stand having to wait (although frequently he forces others to wait). For him, there is nothing more stupid than to stand at a bus stop waiting for bus to arrive. Therefore, LIEs often try to have their own means of transportation, even if this is only an old bicycle. In the absence of personal transport, they may prefer to get around by foot.

    LIEs adore fast rides. And it is useless to counter this. In spite of their pragmatic bent, they are ready to pay whatever fines, but they won't refuse themselves in this pleasure.

    Jack loves quick pace of work, and in general prefers to do everything quickly, preferably in a single session. He prefers the process of preparation to take the minimum of time - otherwise he will no longer want to work. LIE likes to do all his work quickly and qualitatively and then with pleasure spend time in a pleasant company.

    He doesn't like going to the stores and to making purchases, since he doesn't like standing in lines and, furthermore, he finds it difficult to evaluate the quality of things. Paying visits to different offices and sitting waiting in lines* is not for him (for the same reason that he doesn't like visiting doctors).
    *[translator's note: This passage about "standing in lines" is a relic from Soviet times, when standing and waiting in lines for hours to obtain basic products and services was one of defining features of everyday life.]

    LIE also dislikes being distracted from work to provide explanations, which he has already given many times before; it irritates him when he is unexpectedly assigned someone else's work which interferes with his own plans. (LIE in general dislikes when someone else frustrates his plans and objectives – it's another matter, when he himself changes them.)

    His mottoes are "Time doesn't wait" and "Time is money". He values his time a lot. Thus LIEs plans are usually flexible and dynamic enough to save him on this valuable "commodity". For him the most convenient partner would be someone who is considerate of his plans and capable of adjusting slightly to them. (This is subconsciously accomplished by his dual, Dreiser.)

    Se Block of SuperId, 6th position, Activating Function: "Volitional Sensing"

    As has already been mentioned, the objective achievements of LIE depend more on favorable conditions rather than his personal volitional efforts. And nevertheless, he often brings himself out of critical situations precisely by physical exertion, which he decides to undertake if not from personal motives, then at least in the interests of his partner or his friends for whom he feels responsible.

    With all of his pragmatism and practicality, LIEs have a tendency to periodically "hover in the clouds". It would seem that the LIE should not do anything inexpedient, since this contradicts his main program. Nevertheless, sometimes he discovers that his goals were mere mirages (since, as any intuitive type, he doesn't always realistically look at things). In such period, a lot depends on how soon LIE can make himself invest the required effort, to set faulty plans aside, to come up with new goals and orient himself at their realization.

    LIEs needs a partner who can orient him at practical goals and persuade him in evanescence of his previous goals. By himself, the LIE finds it difficult to make the necessary effort especially when his previous plans have collapsed. He is activated when in his life appears a new purpose that corresponds to his main program, that has positive and concrete value, a well defined direction, and an opportunity to apply actual forces – a goal which will bring him out of forced idleness and useless expectation of changes, a goal for which he will want to actively work and to surmount difficulties. Precisely such a goal sets before him his dual Dreiser (who is not able to see future prospects very well, but will sufficiently distinctly see the lack of promise of some undertakings, and therefore will not allow LIE to get stuck on some distant and unrealistic projects. Creatively manipulating various methods of volitional influence, Dreiser forces Jack to switch to more realistic, concrete and needed tasks).

    LIE does not like to neglect his undertaking. Nevertheless, this is exactly what will periodically happen. Since for him "fixing" the neglected matters is also unpleasant, as is mending anything broken, next to him must be someone, who will force him to it.

    Of course, it is impossible to make the LIE obey direct volitional pressuring – this he won't allow. Moreover, such methods deliver a blow to his ethics of relations. Thus, in dealing with LIE, volitional pressuring must be flexible, creative, and ethics of relations must be personal and firm in principle. Then, as much offended as he will be that he is constantly forced to make an effort, these offences must be quickly smoothed out by his partner such that they don't threaten the relationship (which is possible only in partnership with Dreiser).

    As any intuitive, LIE by his nature is sufficiently scattered. He doesn't always remember where he placed some item or another. Cleaning and ordering for him are not the most pleasant occupations. Nevertheless, when LIE, with his entire indifference to the everyday disorder, finds himself in conditions where order is strictly followed and maintained (as Dreiser usually does in his house), this organizes and vitalizes him.

    One of the first signs that LIE is over difficult times is him taking an interest in ordering his life, taking up sports, looking after his health, conducting physical and intellectual work on himself.

    Jack will readily do any work, provide any service at the request of another, than on his own initiative (if this is necessary for someone – then it makes sense to do).

    LIEs themselves don't strive to subordinate someone else to their will. (LIE knows well how to organize work, how to distribute tasks, but forcing someone to work is not for him. For him, it is easier to stimulate others materially, to spark their interest and curiosity, to inspire by his own enthusiasm, but to force - this is not his method. Incidentally, he won't ask and make requests either: it's not guaranteed that he won't receive a rejection, and for him this is always unpleasant.)

    The LIE is a democratic type. He is not attracted by any external markings of power, connections, position in society, and dislikes those who boast by these. He evaluates people according to their real abilities and actual results. He sees the advantages granted by authority only as a possibility to realize his own creative potential. LIEs are thus not inclined to abuse their power. Moreover, they also don't subordinate themselves to strict and unfair, in their opinion, orders. At their own risk, they won't follow inhumane instructions.

    The LIE readily takes on the role of a leader and usually handles it well. The more empowered he is, the more activate he becomes, and the more successful and large scale his work will be.

    Fi Block of SuperId, 5th position, Suggestive Function: "Ethics of Relations"

    This function forms the most fundamental values of this type. It is "blind". It is passive. It is realized subconsciously and constitutes a "storehouse" for holding life values and orientations, which then form the worldview of LIE. This is an indicator with which he evaluates information concerning actions and behaviors of those around him.

    To the LIE it is necessary to know the origins, the motives of actions of various people, to know who relates to him well and around whom it would be advisable to be more guarded. Since for LIE it is very difficult to analyze and grasp this on his own, he is in need of a person who excellently understands all the nuances and specifics of relationships and who can always provide a detailed analysis concerning this issue. (Precisely in this his dual, Dreiser, orients very well.)

    Subconsciously oriented at such ethical values and emotional guidelines, LIE will also defend and preserve the most important of them – friendship, love, devotion to the interests of the project, to the interests of his "team" – these form the positive basis for his ethics, his ethical foundation.

    Similar to his dual, LIE imposes on his partner very high ethical requirements, although he has much more tolerance for some insignificant deviations from his standards. In contrast to his dual, LIE doesn't always feel when he is being deceived: this he assesses logically, but, once catching his partner on lying will never forget or forgive.

    Any crises in relations, LIE perceives very painfully. The most terrible thing for him is when his partner either cannot or does not want to bring him out of this state. (Dreiser, in this respect, is again a preferable partner: not only will Dreiser not allow such crises to occur, but he won't leave even a trace of uncertainty behind.)

    In process of forming relations, LIE is subconsciously counting on his partner to take all the initiative. ESI is indeed predisposed to taking all ethical and volitional onto her shoulders (if, of course, she is not too constrained by the prejudices and social expectations). From his side, LIE gladly takes all the initiative related to taking objectively logical actions within the course of development of relations: he will find ways to overcome all obstacles, cover any distances – only so that his partner would experience no difficulties or inconveniences.

    The main problem of LIE is that ESI is not the only type capable of taking initiative for development of relations. (Furthermore, as any dual, Dreiser is usually the least conspicuous and the least attractive.) Thus, LIEs frequently allow initiative to pass to psychologically incompatible with them partners, which resonates especially painfully precisely in periods of crises in their relationships: partners of logical types, for example, possessing weak ethics, cannot deliver the relationship out of crises, while psychologically incompatible partners of ethical types are capable of provoking complications intently, in order to use this as means of emotional pressuring.

    Jack always notices when someone tries to manipulate his emotions. Another matter, he doesn't always know how he should react and respond to this. He needs time to analyze and understand what motives and attitudes stand behind such manipulations and games. If he comes to the conclusion that these relations don't particularly complicate his life, then he can be pulled into the ethical game that is foreign to him. Although, in principle, LIE doesn't recognize any ethical games: he hates hypocrisy, indirectness, double-speak, insincerity; he cannot stand when he is being deceived by cunning, when some indeterminate ethical goals are set behind him (in other words, when someone is playing games and fooling him).

    LIEs are not easily "led astray" from their "other half". In cases of strong psychological discomfort and incapacity to change anything in the relationship, he can leave his family, but he won't "go astray" in cases of more attractive alternatives.

    With all his seeming external mobility, LIEs are actually quite conservative in ethical sense, which creates certain problems in the cases of unions with psychologically incompatible partners. Dreiser is the only partner who can guarantee minimum of problems on the aspect of the ethics of relations with LIE.

    Source: http://socionika-forever.blogspot.co...post_2063.html
    This article was originally published in forum thread: ENTj profile by Stratiyevskaya: revised version started by Expat View original post