I think he could be SLI. When people say extroversion or introversion I think classical extro/intro and not socionics kind.
Not to play
Thought: there could be an inter-type relation dynamic that also affects how you see what type a person is, relative to how you understand the system,
Braingel Today, 02:24 AMWhen I say specifically that introverts have less accuracy overall, I mean that most the absurd typings have come from introverts, like ILE, IEE, SEE
Braingel Today, 02:15 AMI don’t mean introverts don’t ever get me accurately, as I included introverts (including yourself) in my post, but the broad pattern is extroverts
Braingel Today, 02:03 AMNot sure what you're on about. I'm introvert and type you IEI. North is way more extroverted than I am and typed you EIE, and as far as I know he was
Hot Scalding Gayser Today, 01:58 AMFor me, in my type, almost everyone goes extravert over its counterpart. One dissenter: an ILI suggesting IEI over what i said in text. Ultimately it
Distance Today, 01:53 AMi wouldn't call one subtype more intellectual than the other. I wouldn't even call SLE intellectual as in having a disposition towards developing a high
Kill4Me Today, 01:34 AMI don’t view it as a law, but I do think that extroverts may potentially actually be better typists, because their focus going external and not
Braingel Today, 01:34 AM
Is there a pattern you notice with certain types accurately getting your types and others less?
I am actually seriously looking at eii as a typing for myself in certain socionics models
- Hidden agenda Si works out well; I aspire towards
Braingel Today, 02:43 AM