INTp, ILI (Ni-Te)
Using introverted intuition as his base function and extroverted thinking as his creative, the ILI engages in deep, detached consideration, and skeptical examination of arguments and proposals. In fact, ILIs often engage in providing their critiques on practically anything - from someone else's ideas and conclusions to the food that they are eating. They have are particularly adept at identifying both lack of pragmatism and holes in other people's suggestions. As paradoxical as it might sound, the ILI has both the ability to foresee future trends and events, while at the same time refuse to make any assumptions that lack a thorough backing. At his best, the ILI will act as a very useful advisor, pointing out potential negative outcomes and flaws that he sees, while also making suggestions for improvements. At his worst, the ILI's penchant for deep and secluded thoughts, coupled with his assertive and at times scornful manner of expression, can result in social isolation.
Leading -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
Introverted intuition in ILIs is predominantly characterized by pensive, detached demeanor. ILIs, (especially Ni-ILIs) can spend a great deal of time in their mind, imagining potential scenarios. Most ILIs somehow manage to spend most of their time in their minds regardless of the responsibilities and seem lazy, skittish, and lackadaisical when it comes to fulfilling their duties.
The focus of ILI's imagination is usually reflecting on scenarios, pondering bodies of information, and assorted concepts of interest. Due to this distancing, ILI ideas may at times come through as unrealistic, erudite - but too quixotic and nonsensical, elaborately constructed - but too artificial and fragile.
The mind of an ILI is an oasis of sorts where knowledge is treated as a toy or even a vehicle that allows them to visit mental landscapes that are shaped and continually revised by new information. Nonetheless, an ILI is likely to find the process of accumulating new information tiresome and requiring too much of their energy; consequently, new information is often accumulated and updated in a rather lethargic, periodic, and occasionally incomplete fashion.
ILIs are often stereotypically represented as reclusive scholars, artists, and philosophers. The ILI, with their often unusual perceptions, may come across as unreachable, esoteric eccentrics. Some ILIs are prone to excessive daydreaming (especially intuitive subtype). Some ILIs have novelistic tendencies where they create intricate plots, characters, and places, though many ILIs may be generally unmotivated to display such creativity.
Because ILIs are confident about analyzing the implications of the knowledge that they have gathered, ILIs often appear perceptive, especially in fields of interest, and commonly tend to view the ideas of others with skepticism and scrutiny.
ILIs are given into predicting inevitable disasters and generally negative outcomes of events. ILIs have a general dislike of expressing or reinforcing positive attitude. To an ILI, it may be easier to predict pessimistic results - why unnecessarily subject oneself to the uncertainty of possible disappointment?
ILIs act very tentatively. In many situations they are inclined to hesitate prior to taking any action or making important decisions. They may commonly be pervasively plagued by gnawing doubts on any topic that they contemplate. They may also prefer to observe a situation for a long period of time, rather than actively participate.
Creative -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
ILIs place high importance on the credibility of methods. They tend to be rather skeptical of other people's positions, and even frequently tend to question their own position. In groups the ILI will often question the validity and authoritativeness of the source of information being exchanged. Likewise, ILIs sometimes use a sarcastic, mocking, and aggressive tone if they believe that the information being presented is absurd, redundant, or lacks solid backing. ILI's are thus often characterized by a nagging and constant sense of doubt, contradiction, and misinformation.
ILIs naturally keep track of unfolding of current events of, development of new methods.
The focus of Te manifests very differently in ILIs from SLIs: the latter are much more likely to be proactive in sphere of optimizing daily tasks and physical activities and with efficient use of resources. By contrast, ILIs are largely indifferent about the physical realm. Their desire for efficient allocation of resources may extend to less tangible areas, such as the allocation of resources in a hypothetical real world political (ideological) scenario or a virtual game, or the efficiency of a computer program or corresponding piece of code.
ILIs differ from Te dominant types in that they do not see it as critical to channel their energy into direct action and achievement, and, indeed, often do not even pursue the accumulation of new information very actively. They are also not very proactive at getting things done in the real world. ILIs may not directly associate their knowledge with any concrete purposeful goals. While ILIs do recognize the necessity of gathering knowledge required for their day to day functioning -- manuals, recipes, maps, forms -- they may develop a chronic habit of disinterestedly and lazily spurning such menial errands, especially if they need to physically exert themselves. It may be somewhat easier for them to simply do their errands if the relevant information merely requires looking up on the internet, or is otherwise easily accessible without bothering anyone.
Often ILIs possess deep understanding of their field of specialization of interest [ILIs are classed as information accumulators]. Sometimes ILIs perceive the real-world occurrences around them, such as the daily tedium of work or school, through the lens created to understand the information that is most useful for them, although they may choose not to share this perception with others. They often have little to contribute in many social situations, but when the topic of their interest comes around they may tend to be the center of attention, disseminating the information of their expertise.
ILIs can often be highly critical of others' ideas and actions. Typically this is because others' ideas violate the ILI's perception of what constitutes valid course of judgement, or because ILI can see more efficient or workable solutions. ILIs often channel their energy towards constructive criticism because they frequently lack the initiative to take decisive action themselves. They may also channel their criticism into humor typically coated with irony, cynicism, witticisms, and sarcasm. Like LIEs, they may be inclined to see others around them as essentially ignorant or incompetent, and sarcastic responses directed towards individuals whose ideas they see as foolish can be commonplace.
Mobilizing -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
ILIs may display an insensitive attitude towards others and may have a hard time establishing amiable relationships. However, when the ILI has developed deep interpersonal bonds, they tend to hold on to such attachments very strongly. ILIs are almost always lacking in confidence concerning their own abilities to forge relationships, consequently, they rarely speak of their more positive sentiments with others with whom they share merely superficial acquaintanceships.
ILIs often develop feelings from afar and nurture them in solitude. ILI may be painfully aware of these sentiments, but suppress them out of fear of appearing overly sentimental, or having feelings that are "out of line" or inappropriate. ILIs can also be quite sensitive. Despite their outward pragmatic presentation and propensity for cutting sarcasm, they may be far more emotionally vulnerable than they demonstrate.
Those ILIs who develop into good-natured and conscionable people who may place a great deal of importance on good will towards others, if they find the others to be similarly reasonable, trustworthy individuals. However, ILIs do not always speak of or demonstrate this explicitly. As a consequence, ILIs are not always seen as kind people, instead more typically appearing standoffish, neutral, or even hostile. If ILIs are drawn in by sincere and engaging individuals, the ILI's sympathetic feelings may come to surface.
Less actualized, unhealthy ILIs hold a far more vindictive attitude. This occurs when ILIs have been subjected to conditions that made them disenchanted about other people. In this cases, ILIs may aggressively and unrelentlessly attack people's intelligence, ideas, and character. Such actions may precipitate conflict which the ILI is liable to find highly frustrating, yet at the same time they further fall into despair concerning others. In ILI's eyes, the people who have been blacklisted are very deserving of the attacks. These kind of judgments may be very difficult to extricate from the ILI; such a process requires a copious amount of often thankless moral support and truth; SEEs are best equipped for this task, and may in their occasional naivete of others' motivations benefit from the ILI's rather harsh stances. Typically, however, if the ILI is surrounded by those with whom he feels very close and respects, he sees little need to interact with individuals who would inspire his aggression.
ILIs may appear overly neutral and formal in social situations, and thus may be treated with uncertainty by most others due to their inability to give off clear emotional cues. ILIs rarely, if ever, take it upon themselves to display initiative. Even when ILIs do take some initiative upon themselves, they almost never succeed in reaching a depth of inner harmony which satisfies them.
Realization and development of Fi in ILIs represents a process of growth. ILIs with poorly developed Fi are less aware of the importance of feeling sympathetic, acting compassionately, and developing lasting friendships, and can thus appear to be more insensitive and pragmatically-oriented.
Suggestive -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
ILIs often feel somewhat detached of the physical world that surrounds them, often playing the role of observer rather than an active and avid participant. They give little consideration to physical state of their current surroundings. For example, when conversing with someone, they may not remember how that person was dressed or what accessories they were wearing, paying attention only to the context of situation and informational content of what has been said. They may walk a dozen times along the same path, and not notice a particular store that they need located right on the same street. They may feel surprised and disenchanted seeing others give much consideration to external appearances.
ILIs are often characterized by having high inertia, especially the intuitive subtype. If left to their own devices, ILIs may choose to do relatively little to interact with the outside world. When they do interact with the outside world, ILIs may find many activities meaningless, empty and unfulfilling. Their life is characterized by sporadic periods of activity followed by longer periods of inactivity, disinterest in worldly affairs, apathy and rumination. ILIs are often not very adept at finding new interests and activities, and instead seek to reproduce past experiences. With this they risk becoming intellectually and experientially impoverished. In order to break out of this cycle, ILIs require an outside stimulus of spontaneity and activity. With such spontaneity introduced into their lives, the tedium and perceived meaninglessness is replaced by interest and motivation, enabling ILI to experience new things and escape from the confines of his own mind.
ILIs may feel reticent about asking for assistance or seeking company of others. This attitude is due to a strong disinclination on the part of ILIs to annoy or bother others with their needs. They also tend to assume that others are not genuinely interested in them, or what they are doing, and that offers of help represent a facade of social nicety rather than genuine interest or good will. ILIs require an impetus from someone who has a clear goal or material vision, and the energy to pursue it. They feel motivated by such individuals and consequently find their company pleasurable and attractive.
ILIs place importance on long-term work-related or intellectual pursuits, but this is done at expense of taking care of shorter term needs and seeing what realistic goals can be accomplished in the present. Moreover, accomplishment of their long-term goals do not provide a solution for the everyday discomfort that an ILI may feel from the inertia, disinterest, and disengagement with the physical and material aspects of his life.
ILIs typically exhibit a general detachment from day-to-day affairs. While an ILI might devote a great deal of time to his inner thoughts, very little attention is likely to be paid to such tasks as household maintenance or cleanliness, which the ILI sees as trivial, meaningless matters that are not deserving of his time or effort.
Ignoring -
Though ILIs often have deep intellectual interests, they are likely to be relatively limited in the range of possibilities that they consider. Whereas Ne leading types may jump from an association to association in quick succession, ILIs are likely to focus more closely on a more limited batch of mental themes in their ruminations.
ILIs often believe that a well developed understanding of a situation is of greater importance than a deep understanding of the potential outcomes. To an ILI, it would be a silly exercise to simply list a number of possible outcomes without considering the likelihood of their realization and why they may or may not come to pass.
ILIs may be more apt to take a more practical or imagination-oriented approach to evaluating the outside world. They are unlikely to generate comprehensive ideas about new and unusual concepts that they have just discovered; instead, they most typically incorporate new information into their database carefully and ploddingly. They may instead seek to expand upon aspects of things they already know or build upon their own internal realities -- such as thinking of possible characteristics or plots for inner mental universes. Additionally, they may seek to exert their mental faculties to deal with ideas in the real world, such as those pertaining to areas like economics, politics, or anything regarding the development of modern society.
ILIs often have difficulty adapting themselves to new intellectual interests. They instead seek to limit the amount of new information that they have to learn. Consequently, they may recycle interests until the same interests become a drudgery, even so much that intellectual progress becomes stunted.
Demonstrative -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
ILIs are often able to understand formal logical systems without difficulty. Nonetheless, most ILIs are often not interested in interpreting overly systematic or deterministic models of reality. The ILI's view of reality is a mental and often esoteric one, and models which focus on systematic connections with little apparent external basis. Instead, ILIs often ground themselves by focusing on real-world or practical examples of their mental wanderings. ILIs not uncommonly reject the notion of overly complicated theories in favor of simple, sensible interpretations that are easily understood and observed.
Instead of relying on systematic bases of knowledge, ILIs often fall into a constant cycle of dynamically reevaluating their informational outlook (ie "this may change, but at the moment i sort of am inclined to think the facts suggest that droog is better than blinth, despite these plausible alternative interpretations").
PoLR -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
ILIs feel uncomfortable openly expressing their sympathies and positive affects. Thus, they may be seen as sober, practical, even utalitarian in their judgements, as well as emotionally cold and undesiring of relationships, however, this is often not the case. As a consequence, ILI may become reclusive and often feel out of touch with others. They may feel unconfident and uneasy in social settings, especially those in which they feel that are expected to abide by social conventions that they have little connection to such as tribesmanship or purposeless joviality. Additionally, ILIs tend to regard the development of trust with others with significant anxiety, fearing that their inner world or antisocial tendencies will be unfavorably looked upon by others, and that most of the good will and friendliness they see in others is a pretense of social interaction rather than an expression of genuine emotional reactions. Often ILIs eschew many social situations and neglect emotional association with groups, instead seeking deep emotional connections with individuals.
ILIs are often seen as especially negative, overly critical, and sometimes harsh in their judgments. This is in part because ILIs -- when serious -- tend to communicate in a very direct, straightforward manner. They are often unaware of others' reactions to their statements, which may be overly pragmatic and lacking in compassionate consideration. Many ILIs see their criticism as constructive and believe that they would be doing others no good by withholding their ideas. Because of their incessant criticism and negativism, ILIs are sometimes seen as haughty or arrogant.
Role -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
ILIs generally place moderate to minimal importance on such matters as cleanliness, comfort, and sensory stimuli. Some ILIs may perceive these elements as a distraction. It is not atypical of ILIs to be completely uninterested by and unable to find any value in something such as a piece of fine artwork. Different ILIs respond to different such artistic stimuli in different ways; for example, an ILI might scorn painting as being worthless but possess sufficient background to enjoy other media, such as sculpture or music.
ILIs are often uncertain about the messages that their own body sends them. An ILI might feel some irregularity in their own body and be unsure as to its significance in the overall functioning of the body. An ILI will seek to determine the consequence of such stimuli through their own understanding of the functioning of the human body -- often with minimal success at determining the true cause, and often blowing things significantly out of proportion. An ILI's sense of self doubt may lead to such assumptions as the presence of a brain tumor as the result of a mere headache. In contrast to Si types, ILIs are significantly less adept at making active adjustments to their lifestyle to correct these minor ailments.
ILIs are very capable of placing a moderate life focus on maintaining their physical comfort. ILIs often construct a lifestyle based on various activities which feed their own intellectual stimulation; though attention to maintaining comfortable surroundings is likely to be ignored insomuch as it interferes with the ILI's deep interests, ILIs generally will not ignore their own comfort entirely, as some attentiveness to it goes hand in hand with their inactive lifestyle. However, in doing so, ILIs often still neglect the world around them and become consistently mired in their own inertia, and are liable to perceive something as missing.
ILIs often feel very hesitant and resistant towards lifestyle changes that threaten the commodiously constructed surroundings that they create for themselves. Nobody is better suited to opening the ILI for change than the hyperactive SEE, whose constant activity is perceived by the ILI as refreshingly active.
ENTj, LIE (Te-Ni)
Using extroverted thinking as his base function and introverted intuition as his creative, the LIE has an amazing ability at not only predicting future trends, but also understanding what is necessary to make these future trends profitable. The LIE has an innate understanding of the most valuable use of capital and labor, and has the energy and drive to align these tools to achieving his goals. The LIE easily assesses the validity and usefulness of any information he happens to run across. Like the EIE, the LIE has great leadership potential, but unlike the EIE, the LIE is less concerned with the effects of his decisions on people's relationships or emotions, and more concerned with the impersonal results. At his best, the LIE is a visionary leader who understands the the big picture as well as the risks and rewards of every decision. At his worst, the LIE can become so focused on the future and the bottom line that he loses touch with the present and his personal relationships. Additionally, the LIE can be so focused on achieving his external goals that he forgets to take care of his own personal needs
Leading -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
LIEs are impelled to accumulate and contribute useful information that is related to workings of the external world. They may accumulate knowledge in matters they find useful, either because it's their professional field or because it is something they find interesting and potentially of use in the future. They are constantly in tune with the workings of their external environment, which they need to do in order to function at optimal level and maintain an element of control over their experience.
LIEs are constantly searching for and involving themselves in projects and other avenues that let them exercise their skills and their intellect. They are comfortable with asserting their knowledge and opinion, challenging what they see as mistakes and inaccuracies in opinions others, and generally offering information that can be applied towards practically beneficial purposes. LIEs are generally pragmatic, assiduous, and proactive individuals. They often feel uncomfortable and restless if they are not able to pursue their own productive ventures and goals. They often have highly active schedules and lifestyles and tend to be busy most of the time. In work, they prefer more immediate results and quick returns rather than getting themselves involved in very long-term projects.
LIEs are often concerned with matters of efficiency and try to optimize everything - their route to work, their projects, their living environment - and may offer suggestions as to these improvements to others. LIEs do not always seek leadership roles, but neither do they shun them. LIEs most commonly step up to lead others if they feel that others are unqualified or that nonintervention would lead to ruination and failure.
LIEs usually have a rather direct and informal style of communication. They have a tendency to speak quickly (especially Ni-LIEs) and speak to the point. They value clear, unambiguous communication, enjoy sharing information with others, and often expect the same in return. In conversation and writing they usually express themselves in a more simple manner than ILIs, placing more importance on action rather than elaborately crafted argumentation.
LIEs can be rather opinionated and contentious towards the ideas of others. Some LIE enjoy debate, for which they may come to ill favor with others. LIEs openly express criticism of what may be widely accepted viewpoints, seeing them as essentially not grounded in anything substantial, ineffective, and unworkable.
Creative -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
LIEs tend to consider the consequences and implications of their actions and long-term strategies, paying less attention to the immediate practical details of how to actually carry out their ideas. In this way, they are good at long-term thinking and often take the role of innovator or consultant, leaving others to manage the practical side of things. Stereotypically LIEs possess an entrepreneurial spirit and seek to advance their own vision of some paradigmatic innovation or improvement. In pursuit of their goals, they may greatly vary their tactics and methods. If their current approach does not yield results, they may attempt to take a look at things from a new perspective and change their tactics.
LIEs may feel stifled unless they have a degree of flexibility with which to change their plans. They often feel an internal need to maintain autonomy over their affairs and schedules.
LIEs' imaginative inclinations are often not obvious, given their intense pragmatism. Nonetheless, behind their often encyclopedic knowledge and drive lies a rather internalized sense of mental activity, which can sometimes manifest in reflective, philosophical, and detached contemplative behavior (more frequent among Ni-LIEs). More commonly, however, LIEs' imaginative efforts are subservient to the domain of Te and become manifest in reflection and constant reevaluation over the practical matters in front of them. In this way, LIEs may direct their phrenic energies towards developing new analogies and metaphors for conceptualizing their understanding, juxtaposing concepts and thinking about the same material in different ways.
Mobilizing -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
LIEs can be somewhat avoidant, neglectful, indecisive, or simply scatterbrained in the details of their day-to-day affairs. They may have difficulty motivating or pushing themselves to take care of these kinds of details or decisions. Similar to ILIs, they may contemplate on possible outcomes, seeing only a myriad of negative consequences and results of a given situation, and therefore become too hesitant to take action. This may cause them to miss beneficial opportunities and have a negative effect on their professional or romantic life. Thus LIEs appreciate people who are less hesitant to take action than themselves. LIEs are different from Ni dominants in this respect in that they generally display more energy and drive in their everyday life, and thus need less of a push to get them moving. However, the heightened awareness and incessant mental activity of Se dominants which stimulates IEIs and ILIs might seem too scattered and imprudent to LIEs.
LIEs feel best when they are vigorously occupied with a lot of potential projects under way.
Suggestive -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
LIEs often have a poor understanding of how others react to them on a personal and emotional level. They typically have some difficulty gauging the state of their relationships with others around them. Their direct and straightforward lifestyle does not naturally lend itself towards ambiguity and uncertainty of the complex emotional sphere that usually encompasses many people that they interact with. Thus, they greatly prefer openness and honesty in personal matters.
LIEs are not naturally in touch with their own internal emotional states. They inner emotion states are in constant flux and thus they may see others as incapable of steadfast loyalty and friendship. They greatly appreciate people who display constancy in their affiliations. They may be somewhat fixated and perpetually in doubt of the emotional perceptions and hidden motivations of those around them. They require sustained and unambiguous discussions of feelings in order to feel secure about their relations.
LIEs commonly have difficulty making character judgments or assessing implicit intentions. They appreciate people who can supply these kinds of personal information and assessments for them.
LIEs take their own emotions very seriously, as well as the emotional responses of others. They appreciate deep and lasting emotional connections, where personal information can be shared easily in an atmosphere of mutual trust, sustained by shared sentiments and ethical beliefs that make external expression of emotions unnecessary. They are often proactive in engaging others, but are rarely confident of their ability to correctly evaluate the existence or status of intimacy or closeness; they are best complemented by people who take it upon themselves to establish and unambiguously reinforce the sense of intimacy.
LIEs may be somewhat shy in establishing close friendships, and may expect others to initiate a sense of emotional connection even in formal or business situations. They can be reticent to state their emotional perceptions, unconsciously protecting them and considering them jejune and poorly formulated. They may take the approach that actions and personal meaning speak louder than words, and may go to great lengths to fulfill others' needs when interacting with individuals with whom they share kinship and respect.
LIEs may lack the willpower and tenacity to resolutely and unerringly pursue their goals due to sense of uncertainly. They appreciate the influence of highly steadfast, even stubborn, individuals who can push through, encourage and support them towards their ends.
Demonstrative -
LIEs actively seek out new technologies, innovations, any pay attention to interesting developments or goings-on around them in search of useful information that they may later apply towards productive ends. They often have a keen interest in staying informed about the world going on around them and may further their knowledge and read about interesting novelties for their own sake, but consciously treat new or unusual ideas as always subject to the criteria of applicability and practicality. In the absence of an application of an idea to some useful end goal, LIEs usually will lose interest in it.
Ignoring -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
LIEs are often not particularly interested in thinking about the internal consistency of logical systems. usually base their viewpoints and suppositions on factual information, evidence, and ideas external to systems of logical inference. As pragmatic and outwardly-driven individuals, LIEs often ignore logical and mathematical relationships between concepts, perceiving them as uninteresting, unproductive, and of minimal importance in effectuating one's own productive goals in the real world.
LIEs are confident in spotting internal logical contradictions in ideas and arguments proposed by others, and in pointing them out; however, they are more likely to point out how such ideas and arguments do not hold if checked against external evidence.
They may exhibit a degree of impatience and can become especially frustrated if circumstances out of their control hinder their productivity, such as rules or regulations that hinder their activity.
PoLR -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
LIEs tend not to pay much attention to their physical environment or immediate surroundings. They usually have little to no interest in the aesthetics of their environment. They may neglect matters of organization, cleaning, or other tasks related to the maintenance of their physical environment. They often do not pay much attention to their physical well-being, considering the care of their bodies mostly as a nuisance, and may fall into a lifestyle of pushing and overworking themselves. They also may not be very aware of the need to relax or refresh themselves, and may engage in minimal leisure time. They may become listless and bored with simply relaxing, preferring instead to do something productive or informative in their spare time.
LIEs tend not to be very concerned with dealing with minor details related to their practical work. They may be inclined to speculating and considering long-term strategies and information, while neglecting the practical matters of organization and the details of implementing their ideas. If SLIs are independent, self-sufficient, and inclined to work with their hands to perform and/or oversee all of their projects, LIEs are the opposite; they could not care less about such things and would just as well hire someone else to do their dirty work.
Role -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
LIEs are capable of making an effort to adapt to the prevailing emotional atmosphere in group situations, and trying to promote a positive emotional environment. They may try to present themselves as cordial and friendly, and some LIEs have a rather cerebral and witty sense of humor. Such efforts, however, are normally low-key and of short duration. They may end up naturally substituting small talk and polite banter into an exchange of information or an argument on serious topics -- which may be perceived by their interlocutors as rude, hostile, or uninteresting.
While they may try to present themselves as friendly, they most typically come off as polite but relatively unengaging emotionally. It is often difficult for them to spontaneously display strong emotions, and they may come across as stiff or overly contained in situations where loud or intense emotional participation is expected of them. Instead, it is a much more natural interactional style for LIEs to discuss matters that they feel are of substance and importance, and they much more naturally adopt the subdued, candid and businesslike style suited to this role.
LIEs most typically maintain a calm and affable affect rather than a heated emotional disposition, though they can be inclined to argumentativeness and distrust.
ISFj, ESI (Fi-Se)
Using introverted feeling as her base function and extroverted sensing as her creative, the ESI easily distinguishes right from wrong, just from unjust, and/or appropriate from inappropriate. She provides a strong foundation for those around her and is not easily swayed from her beliefs. In a familial environment, she is protective and attentive, while enabling those she cares about to reach their goals. She is very down to earth and is more concerned with what is than what could be. The ESI has a strong grasp of the nature of relationships and understands what is necessary to maintain, strengthen, or end them. As such, the ESI is often guiding the direction that her relationships go, even if this guidance often goes unrecognized by the other party. At her best, the ESI acts as a model citizen, parent, and employee; she rallies around causes she believes in and actions she perceives as correct and condemns those types of behavior she views as wrong or immoral. At her worst, the ESI may become overly judgmental and this may push some people away from her.
Leading -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
ESIs are primarily interested in harmonizing their relationships and making sure they are in accord to their own judgements. They are attuned to their inner states and reactions to others. They are commonly introspective (especially Fi-ESIs) and often exists in a state of trying to sort out the way they really feel. ESIs value their own sense of fidelity and life stability. They may always try to treat others with fairness and decency (albeit what is fair is determined of their own accord). They are usually highly reliant on their own personal attitudes towards others in directing their path through life, which can sometimes lead them down circuitous and complicated road and interfere with their own advancement.
For ESIs, relationships with other people mark a predominant and over-arching life focus. They emphasize close connections and mutual understanding above all other things. ESIs may pride themselves on their emotional sincerity when dealing with individuals they value.
ESIs' attitudes towards others are commonly characterized by skepticism and distrust, and their overall demeanor may be private, closed, uncommunicative, and individualistic. They may feel as though they can see into the motivations and character of others, and sometimes are instinctively be quick to judge others harshly. As negativists, they more often note the personal characteristics that are lacking in others. Similarly, they may also have difficulty forgiving others and often react coldly to those with past transgressions, or who they see as immoral or reprehensible. They may by nature adopt a standoffish, confrontational attitude in lieu of a conciliatory one, which serves only to aggravate their emotional outbursts. Sometimes they see this judgmentalism as hypocritical and strive to be more considerate rather than cast preemptive judgments. In this way, their behavior around new people often has a certain push-pull dynamic - they oscillate between friendliness and distrust. Most commonly, ESIs hold an air of both amicable receptiveness and that of unapproachability.
ESIs may come across as unwavering and strict in their judgments. They are usually particularly oppositional towards those whom they mistrust or towards characters whose moral fortitude they are inclined to question.
ESIs typically try to work out clashes through honest and forthright discussion. Unresolved conflicts with friends or significant others may leave them in anguish for a long time, such that they always try to clarify their relations. Thus ESIs take charge of forge their relationships themselves - they give shape to and strictly define their standing with others.
ESIs can also be rather conservative in their judgements. This is because they do not see people's characters as easily amenable to change. They may tend to see others who try to interfere with them and who don't accept their judgements or their lifestyle as untrustworthy and flighty.
Creative -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
ESIs tend to place more importance on realistic considerations rather than spending time on imagining vague hypotheticals, potentialities, and outcomes. They are inclined to deal with real life issues immediately, decisively, and sometimes impulsively, focusing on tangible rewards and achievements. Their reactions may seem to be very direct, as they react to tangible characteristics of any given life situation. They are also very adept at manipulating concrete aspects of daily life. Their reasoning is often well grounded in reality; their reactions are well attuned and responsive to the reality that exists around them.
ESIs are typically practically minded, and prefer explanations based in everyday common sense rather than theoretical musings. At times ESIs are highly proactive, and constantly prepared to contact others or push them towards action or state of physical activity.
ESIs may sometimes practice a variant of "tough love," challenging others towards acting in a way they feel is in their best interests. They can often come across as matter-of-fact and demanding in their expectations of others, and may provide "blunt" advice, geared towards specific actions directed as success in the material world. Because of this, they are sometimes archetypally pictured as strict disciplinarians. Often, however, they may feel as though they challenge others no harder than they challenge themselves; they are often extensively self-critical and may strive hard to live up to their own expectations.
ESIs often have a keen sense of style and pay attention to their own looks and physical appearances of other people. They concern themselves with dressing attractively, often developing a unique style, and with coming across harmoniously and properly to others in social situations.
Mobilizing -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
ESIs are typically resolute and decisive in dealing with situations they see developing or already in front of them, but at the same time they are aware that they have a tendency to be too impulsive and take action that they will regret later. They may feel like they are too scattered in their pursuit of immediate achievement and experiences, at expense of paying attention to and keeping on track of achieving bigger and longer term goals. They appreciate outside evaluations of how a situation is likely to develop in order to keep from worrying excessively. Without an outside reassurance about which action is potentially dangerous, or which ongoing development they need to deal with, or when it is best to stand down, wait and see, ESIs may feel insecure.
ESIs may be slow in incorporating their experiences into their conscious identity, learning from the outcomes, creating a meaningful framework out of their actions, and changing their views. However they also gravitate towards a ruminative, reflective, and contemplative strategy in making sense of their experience and what lessons or methods of self-improvement they might discern from it. They see life as a gradual process of learning from new experiences. When ESIs come to understand their experiences in light of new meaning, their closed off and private demeanor may be tempered with periods of good humor and emotional openness. They may then re-orient themselves towards thinking of their goals from a longer-term perspective.
Suggestive -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
ESIs are often not confident about their ability to objectively evaluate their efficacy of own efforts or the pragmatism of their life conditions. They may be unsure about how to go about critically evaluating the veracity of the information they come across, instead seeking these kind of judgement from others. They perceive poorly ways in which they can change their methods to optimize their activities to be more productive and less time consuming. They may have difficulty conceptualizing what schedule, activity, or methodology they should follow in order to best meet their goals. They may have problems evaluating whether they have done enough on a particular task or whether their work was effective.
ESIs may also see little point in any endeavor that cannot be applied to their well-being in some way. They usually invest a lot of time into learning useful skills that may assist them in their daily life, experimenting, and attaining positions even if they don't have the necessary accreditation. They can sometimes dedicate themselves to improving themselves in this way very industriously, but they may be simultaneously unsure in what ways they should apply themselves; they may have difficulty discriminating between those ventures that are effective and those that are not, sometimes leading them into questionable methodological practices.
ESIs are commonly emotionally and factually straightforward in conversation, and may prefer interacting with individuals equally blunt. They pay attention to external accuracy of information in others, seeing these qualities as signs of a trustworthy and reliable acquaintance. In general, ESIs may prefer a communication style that may seem inexpressive and even robotic to others, but that in reality emphasizes internal feelings and unhindered transfer of information.
Ignoring -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
ESIs may sometimes be concerned with maintaining a positive emotional environment, sustaining a group mood, having fun and joking, etc. -- but usually do not focus towards this end as much as they do towards the internal experience of their emotions, and they usually see no point in maintaining a group atmosphere if they do not already have a positive attitude towards the people involved; they may simply be inclined to walk away and not participate in an atmosphere generated by individuals they dislike, which may be seen by others as judgmental and spoiling the mood.
ESIs may have difficulty interacting in environments where the air is openly hostile and unfriendly and can seek to ensure that others maintain minimum standards of cordiality and decency, especially if the environment is constituted by people they care about. However, at other times they may be responsible for and willing to sacrifice a friendly atmosphere by censuring others whom they see as reprehensible. In general, ESIs' sense of moral integrity and conscience is more influential in their decision making.
Though ESIs often show a degree of conscientiousness as to the way others respond to their actions, this tends to be only their driving motivation to base their actions on the expected reactions of others inasmuch as their personal relationships are at stake. They may at times be surprisingly blunt in their communications, instead taking a pragmatic approach towards disseminating rather direct advice.
Demonstrative -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
ESIs may be unconcerned with optimizing their sensory pleasures, with matters of personal comfort, their own internal well-being, or other matters regarding their physical state. They may sometimes concern themselves with these things and are often fastidious about matters such as cooking or the sensory pleasures of others. However, they may tend to emphasize these things primarily when there is not some more pressing matter to think about. In general, rather than pampering themselves or others, they may tend to take an approach more geared towards rigorous self-improvement, discipline, and self-imposed challenges. ESIs may be inclined to provide advice towards dressing well, impressing others, or helping others interpret health-related concerns.
PoLR -
ESIs also tend to see people's characters as invariable, static culmination of their actions of the person up to the present point. They do not easily see current potential for growth and change. This gives them a tendency to give overly negative, static, and even pessimistic evaluations of other people's personalities. In addition, they may act as if they are viscerally certain of such evaluations, stubbornly and aggressively insist on their judgements and view points. They may be dismissive of attempts to contextualize ethical situations and suggestions of alternate possibilities, instead insisting on others as being clearly responsible for their actions and thus reprehensible for them [discussed in this thread]. This is why they are sometimes labeled as conservative in their character estimates. They want people to be true to their internal selves and take any deviations as an indication of potential dubiousness.
ESIs have difficulty coping with deviations in essence and meaning, unexpected tangents, unforseen conclusions, and random hypotheticals brought up in conversation by others. These make them feel confused, discouraged, and unsure how to reply or act. They are unable to keep track of large range of possible outcomes and instead prefer a more direct and linear synopsis of the most likely course of events.
In general, ESIs prefer result-oriented, pragmatic advice on how to resolve their problems. They may have difficulty following or comprehending associative tangents, recombinations and permutations, absurd word play and games, and proposals that have no apparent tangible basis. They are often rather straightforward and grounded in their reasoning and expression, and may have little interest or proficiency in dealing with finding new potentialities. They may respond to many situations with the strategy of hard work, diligence, stubborness, rather than seeing how they can modify and transform their situation by recombining its aspects. Because of this, they can sometimes drive themselves into very narrow course of action, not seeing what potentially they can do to improve their conditions.
Role -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
ESIs may have a tendency to become caught up in justification for their actions, and in matters of theoretical consistency, evaluation of relative importance, and objective decision-making. They commonly see the justification of their actions according to logical and existing scientific principles as important and worthwhile, and may conscientiously wish to behave rationally and sensibly -- though they may have less interest or patience in relating their actions to theoretical material that is overly abstract. However, in fields where the practical applications of their work are based on theoretical, academic, or scientific knowledge (ie, economics, medicine, design, etc) they may feel the importance of understanding the conceptual or theoretical backing behind their actions, and they may become somewhat mired in attempting to make sense of the theoretical structure, often devoting excessive time to understanding the subject, leaving out important details, twisting facts inadvertently, and losing track of their organized arguments.
ESIs usually approach the arena of academia and theory formally, trying to make sense of abstract principles by sequential organization, memorization, and force of will. They may push themselves academically while working inefficiently to the point of wearing themselves out. They are typically more comfortable in situations involving ethical or interpersonal considerations where they can listen to their internal emotional guidance than in dealing with impersonal logical argumentation.
ESFp, SEE (Se-Fi)
Using extroverted sensing as her base function and introverted feeling as her creative, the SEE seeks to have a lasting impact on those around her. The SEE is a distinctly social type and she thrives in environments where social interaction is ubiquitous. She enjoys being the center of attention and is drawn to positions of power and influence. Like the SLE, the SEE is quite successful in attaining her goals; however unlike the SLE, the SEE focuses less on logic and more on an understanding of people and relationships to achieve these goals. The SEE is an energetic individual that is always on the go, and she is drawn to creatively expressing herself through her words, behavior, and fashion sense. At her best, the SEE is a charismatic individual who is capable of leveraging relationships to her advantage. However, the SEE's self worth is closely tied to achieving a certain status or materialistic position, and thus it can be particularly painful to the SEE when these goals aren't reached. Additionally, the SEE has difficulty comprehending logic and amorphous or abstract concepts.
Leading -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
SEEs are active, energetic, and assiduous individuals who try to apply their energy and initiative to worldly tasks. They may often be natural leaders who do not hesitate to take the initiative in any endeavor, and possess the ability to motivate others into levels of greater activity and determination. They may, even more so than SLEs, adopt a strategy of solving problems through sheer force of will rather than depth of strategy or insight. SEEs may have an unerringly proactive, real-world focus; their ambitions are usually centered around furthering some real world cause or doing some good in society rather than compulsive power-seeking. They can be shrewd, tactful, and sensitive negotiators and often apply their energy to the arena of persuading, activating, and motivating others.
SEEs are typically extroverts in every sense of the word. They are socially spontaneous, hyperactive, engaging, and enthusiastic. They may be predominantly oriented towards parties or other social gatherings, and may frequently and compulsively seek out new acquaintances, stimuli, or experiences. They often seek to augment the depth or intensity of their involvement in any affair -- including but not limited to exerting their emotional and physical energy. They may periodically seek out new stories, gadgets, media, or other things to obsess themselves over. Often they direct their energies to the sphere of social relations, in which they can exhibit a sense of obsessive attachment, intimacy, or closeness with others, sometimes leading contacts to feel smothered or uncomfortable due to a lack of emotional space. They may go about developing close relationships with a variety of acquaintances, effectively developing widespread social networks with a wide range of close contacts.
SEE are sensitive to the physical stimuli around them and may seek to overload themselves with the experience of the moment. They may tend towards materialistic lifestyles, sporting large collections of various kinds of gadgets or media. They adapt quickly to the changing needs of their environment and may shift quickly from hedonistic indolence to a state of vigor and vitality. They can often appear to act in a sudden, impulsive, uncontrolled, and confused fashion.
Creative -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
SEEs are often highly in tune with their emotional responses towards other people, groups, or ideas, and often may be inclined to act on their emotional reactions with minimal restraint. They tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves, and leave little doubt in the minds of others as to the nature of their emotional reactions towards almost anything. Their wide range of emotional responses, though often turbulent, may carry extraordinary weight and meaning to them, and they often deeply value their friendships and connections. They often tend to seek to expand their network of associates, getting to better know and deeply connect with new acquaintances. They may naturally take action in a decisive, morally principled fashion, though such actions tend to extemporaneous; they tend to be compulsive and uncontrolled, and others may perceive them as well-intentioned but erratic and unconscientious.
SEEs may be quite faithful and allegiant to those they are close to; however, their relations and emotional reactions towards others may be volatile and lubricious. Though they often aspire to treat everyone with whom they interact in a convivial manner, they may exhibit strong (and often variable) dislike of certain individuals. They may maintain an internal network of certain individuals whom they regard as friends, and others who they regard as jerks or otherwise with some antagonism. They often have little conception of the history of their emotional reactions towards others; they may be inimical and perncious one day, while incognizant of the conflict on the next.
In any relationship, SEEs feel more comfortable if they perceive themselves, and are perceived by others, as the "leader" in the relationship, as long as the "leadership" is freely and gladly acknowledged by the other parties, rather than grudgingly accepted.
Mobilizing -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
SEEs are often industrious and can in working situations expend large amounts of effort towards their goals. They may be constantly take proactive action and seek out new information on their topics of interest. They may tend to flaunt the information they gather and may sometimes assume that the knowledge they have accumulated is infallible. They also may jump into attacking a problem with minimal preparation and may in some circumstances fail to acknowledge the futility of their proactive expenditures.
SEEs often seek out conceptual clarity from others, and may tend to expect others to assist them in accumulating and making sense of the world around them. They may come to be good at mining new information, but they often lack confidence in their ability to collect pertinent information and navigate the outside world with it in mind, especially on unfamiliar topics. They tend to be especially unskilled at analyzing new factual information in an appropriate context. Typically, SEEs feel that it is more important to apply information than to gather and extend it, and they may push what they know to make a concrete impact on others around them. They depend on the guidance of others to forge and refine the applications of their industries.
Leading -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
SEEs often have rapid-fire and uncontrolled thinking processes. They are not naturally reflective or contemplative of what they experience, and may regularly fail to consider the consequences or implications of their actions. They may have difficulty concentrating on their mental trains of thought and tend to be inclined to make hasty and impassioned conclusions about the state of their affairs. They can exhibit a tendency to conceptualize their world in overly simplistic terms, without recognizing the degree of intricacy and complexity of the situations around them. In general, they welcome the perspectives of others who can reason with a slower thinking process and help them to carefully mentalize the world around them.
SEEs often lack caution and reserve. Their strategy towards solving problems may involve persuasion and brute force; their natural response to opposition or obstacle is to display further aggression or resistance, including in instances where such resistance is not necessarily appropriate. They may be distraught, tempestuous, and highly emotionally turbulent when their strategy fails. Because of their manic instability, they can exhibit accusatory or antagonistic tendencies towards others; some SEEs fall into a cycle of ruining their relationships or vocational prospects in this way.
SEEs are naturally attracted to individuals who seem knowledgeable and secure as to how events will develop from a given starting point, giving them a more strategic perspective to their own more instinctive tactical approach. They are inclined to make impulsive decisions, based on immediate and short-term considerations, which the SEEs nevertheless hopes will have a positive result in the context of their long-term goals. They expect assistance from others in that regard, and are disappointed if they do not receive it.
SEEs can be insecure about the negative consequences of their actions. They may tend to instinctively suppress and avoid thinking of the negative or painful aspects of their history that their recklessness may have caused. They may lack a calming or guiding influence in their lives, and sometimes attempt compulsively seek out individuals or environments that they feel can unshroud the uncertainties they face.
Ignoring -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
SEEs can be concerned with their internal physical state and with matters such as aesthetics and internal comfort. They may be seen as lazy or hedonistic, and inclined to maintain commodious, warm surroundings. However, when the situation requires, most SEEs will readily toss aside such aspects and quickly mobilize for action. They often want to experience and see everything around them, and place little restriction on what they allow themselves to do. They may push themselves physically, emphasizing productivity and vitality over relaxation. Conversely, SEEs face no difficulty when undertaking activities that require focused attention on small details of their surroundings; yet they are as likely to overlook such details when those are unimportant for the goals they are pursuing at the moment.
SEEs tend to be materialistic, emphasizing their material comforts and personal successes over physical comfort and internal physical stability.
Demonstrative -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
SEEs are generally adept at reading, reacting to, and often feeding off of the immediate emotional environment. However, they usually do not consider it very important to generate an emotional ambiance and do not take on the responsibility upon themselves for fostering an emotional atmosphere when interacting with others. They might find extensive maintenance of a particular mood or group affect tiresome and superficial; instead, they tend towards focusing primarily on the emotional connections of their relationships with other individuals.
They may be inclined to read into others emotional expressions, body languages, and other cues -- however, attempts to do so are often a result of SEEs' unbridled emotional tumult and corresponding fears, and more often represent an attempt to discern one's internal state of mind. SEEs' can be drawn to those individuals who are quiet and inexpressive, yet faithful, understanding, and connected internally to their own emotional experiences.
PoLR -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
SEEs generally exhibit uncoordinated and uncontrolled lifestyles. They are motivated by their momentary sentiments and feelings, and may have difficulty carrying themselves to fulfill day-to-day obligations and responsibilities. To the extent that their external obligations permit it, they tend to be habitually unstructured and vagarious. They do not engage in systematic decision-making and may instead base their behaviors on whimsical desires. They avoid restricting or regimenting their lifestyles based on rational or "common sense" behaviors and can resist attempts to bring order and stability to their lives.
They may have difficulty following externally imposed rules on their behavior, and may automatically resist being told what to do in matters pertaining to their lifestyle. They may have difficulty adapting their naturally impetuous lifestyle to some situations. Convincing them to change their ways is a gradual, tiresome and often thankless process, best accomplished by persons whose judgment they trust fully.
SEEs are often inclined to disregard what they see as petty rules and procedures, especially if those require a high investment of time and concentration in order to be understood and implemented, while blocking the SEEs from achieving their goals. If they are suddenly stopped in their tracks by external forces because of a previous disregard for such rules, they can lash out in frustration and impatience, while feeling helpless and angry at having been so sidetracked.
Role -
SEEs can be accomplished at offering perceptive potential explanations for the things going on around them. They are capable of generating novel conceptual structures and comparisons. They may make an effort to appear to have a handle on understanding and developing possibilities or potential mechanisms to apply to their environment, but in general they may tend to find such thinking tedious of minimal use in interpreting the actual effects of their actions in the real world.
As a lifestyle matter, SEEs are often oriented towards productive activity; they can be often impatient with abstract explanations or ideas, and they usually prefer tangible accounts of worldly affairs, and information that they can use and apply. They may prefer to work in real-world contexts or on projects that are subject to their influence, as opposed to trying to effectuate overly intangible ideas. They are more interested in identifying and understanding the processes around them and consequences of their actions than having to understand the underlying abstract conceptual framework. They may also be oriented towards thinking about longer term plans as opposed to evaluating extemporaneous or random experiences or information.
SEEs may find it difficult to consciously process ambiguity, uncertainty, or potentiality. When working on their goals, they may prefer to deal with any problems as they arise, rather than preparing for specific possible outcomes, of which they may have difficulty keeping track. They may sometimes become irrational or distressed if others around them become unpredictable or erratic, or if their environment becomes unresponsive to their pressuring influence.
SEEs are aware that there is often more to a person than meets the eye at first, and try to keep that in mind; yet their inclination is to trust more what their own experiences of that person have told them, especially when evaluating their capacity for work and assertiveness.
Amber Wright
Jimbean Today, 01:32 AMMichael Bargo is an extrovert. ENTj?