INFp, IEI (Ni-Fe)
Using introverted intuition as his base function and extroverted feeling as his creative element, the IEI exists in a timeless domain of the observer, the reader, and the seer. IEI is usually acutely attuned to the course of the events transpiring around him. He sees the unfolding storyline and often has an intuitive sense of when it's necessary to act. However, he is often unsure of how to proceed, and how to explain his intuitive insights to others since often he simply knows something without understanding how he arrived there. At best, the IEI provides deep and meaningful insight into events and trends, particularly those that involve human synergy. At worst, the IEI can become lost in his own imagination, emotionally wounded, indecisive. The IEI's depth of imagination and emotion often goes unidentified by those around him, and this is perpetuated by the IEI's disinterest in broadcasting these traits.
Leading -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
IEIs have a special relationship with time, seeing themselves and everything as within the flow of its universal current and themselves as the observers. They are thus often highly attuned to connections between the events and how the ensuing trends, patterns, conceptual frameworks for behaviors, experiences, relationships.
IEIs try to understand the dynamics and mechanisms of people, groups, relationships, situations, or experiences and demonstrate their mental abilities by assessing connections, patterns, and implications of events in their experience, often with a humanistic slant. They make judgments and assessments of others based on past trends and behaviors and seek to explain what makes others 'tick'.
IEIs, not infrequently, pepper their insights with intangible, vague nuances and connotations, and may base their ideas on associations and observations that are not readily apparent to others. This makes their proposal and ideas frustrating and confusing to grasp for people who are more precise, methodical, and grounded in their thinking. When trying to explain their ideas IEIs may face a challenge getting lost in all of the associations that they can see. Thus, they may express their inner perceptions to others in ways that seem contradictory, expansive, quixotic, or alternatively too concise and undeveloped. At the same time, however, their ideas may be prophetic, prescient, and profound in their scope.
Under influence of introverted intuition, IEIs feel a certain detachment and disengagement from worldly affairs and physical reality around them, and may demonstrate a lack of attentiveness to their daily life and responsibilities, and a generally withdrawn, inactive deportment. Under the affect of their leading Ni, they may come across as fickle and indecisive.
Being an irrational type, IEI may feel lost making decisions in life, seeing too many options and possibilities open before them while not knowing what would be the best and most meaningful course of action. They may prefer to just go with the flow, in place of adopting a more self-directed approach.
IEIs are often reflective and imaginative, and have richly developed mental landscapes. Many IEIs (especially those who are type 4 in the enneagram) feel an inner calling to express their unique views, and often find ways to make use of a myriad of expressive forms, such as writing, storytelling, photography, poetry, and other media.
Creative -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
IEIs naturally conceptualize the people around them in terms of 'vibes' or energy that they give off, the way that they interact, and the effect that they have on others. They are also often acutely sensitive to how others around them react to their own energy.
IEIs are generally very perceptive of how harmonious or disharmonious the emotional atmosphere is around them. They are often good at recognizing and influencing the moods of others, often with the goal of encouraging a greater degree of harmony in other people's interactions. They tend to be adept at reading the reactions that others have to them and are often quick to make use of emotional cues in interaction. They frequently feel a need to look after the mood of those around them, and characteristically seek to awaken or innerve others' emotional energy. They may exhibit a propensity for good-natured, friendly, lighthearted banter and try to promote good will and inclusiveness (this is more true of Fe-IEIs). On the other hand, IEIs can also direct their emotional influence through a mode of expression that limits their affable levity; they may take on a formal, toxic, serious, or even shock-jock emphasis as situations require (this is more true of Ni-IEIs).
The energy of IEIs can sometimes appear restless, moody, or gregarious, but much of the time it is inwardly-focused and self-contained. IEIs are often highly introspective and often have a rich and vibrant array of experiences, which they may dwell over and seek to discuss with others.
IEIs may feel a greater calling to make a difference in the lives of others. This is often manifest by championing intellectual, moral, social, or personal causes. IEIs may feel strongly about these types of causes and some may expend considerable effort towards expressing their avidity towards them, even posing toxic criticism to those that do not share these deep moral callings. Championing social or intellectual causes is especially widespread among IEIs type 1 in the enneagram.
At work IEIs may pay more attention to the harmony in relations between people belonging to their workgroup or department, rather than see to that they meet the criteria for productivity. They may feel like the later is of secondary importance, for only the people around them feel happy and included.
Mobilizing -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
IEIs often have a keen interest in interpreting their surroundings in terms of logical analysis. They may be drawn to concise but poignant logical statements and simplified logical models. Such statements and schematics help them organize their thoughts.
IEIs tend to brood and dubitate over logical categories. Their intellectual musings, however, are often more descriptive, observational, and causal; the logical categories they create as a result of these musings are more diffuse, fuzzy, and permissive than those of Ti ego types.
IEIs inner insights tend to be broad and extensive in nature, and frequently prove difficult to disambiguate and elucidate properly. They may be inclined to circumlocutory tangents and lengthy illustrations, sometimes presenting information in an overly vague and ambiguous manner.
Many IEIs do not naturally think in a structured fashion, and appreciate the introduction of clarity and consistency that helps to organize and refocus their jumbled cogitations. IEIs may also suffer from hesitation and uncertainty about the ultimate accuracy or truth of their views (likely due to V-S thinking style). They have a tendency to vacillate on important decisions or establish clear goals in situations with some ambiguity. Thus IEIs tend to have indecisive or even fickle air about them, and often give others the impression that they do not know exactly what they want.
In the presence of individuals who make decisions quickly and assertively, their determination may be accepted easily and relieve the IEI's confusion. IEIs tend to admire and gravitate towards individuals who are decisive, assertive, and inclined to energetically defend their beliefs and opinions in discussions with others. Conversely, they tend to show little interest in individuals who they see as lacking those qualities. They appreciate a sense of logical certainty in others; they may appreciate the unfailing assuredness in decisions of their SLE duals, whose tenacity and confidence free them from such plaguing doubts.
IEIs also may be highly suggestible and inclined to assimilate information indiscriminately from an eclectic and sometimes unreliable sources.
IEIs are prone to take note of weaknesses and incapabilities in other people as well as themselves. The later often serves as the cause of dissuading them from taking any action.
Often IEIs exhibit a kind, understanding and accepting demeanor. At times they take on a more rebellious, aggressive, and outspoken demeanor in order to defend their views, however, IEIs usually quickly grow tired of openly aggressive and competitive environments.
Realization and development of Ti in IEIs allows them to more critically examine the information that they are presented with as well as its sources.
Suggestive -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
IEIs often feel somewhat detached of the physical world that surrounds them, often playing the role of observer rather than an active and avid participant. They give little consideration to physical state of their current surroundings. For example, when conversing with someone, they may not remember how that person was dressed or what accessories they were wearing, paying attention only to the context of situation and informational content of what has been said. They may walk a dozen times along the same path, and not notice a particular store that they need located right on the same street. They may feel surprised and disenchanted seeing others give much consideration to external appearances.
IEIs are often characterized by having high inertia, especially the intuitive subtype. If left to their own devices, they may choose to do relatively little to interact with the outside world. When they do interact with the outside world, they may find many activities meaningless, empty and unfulfilling. Their life is characterized by sporadic periods of activity followed by longer periods of inactivity, disinterest in worldly affairs, apathy and rumination.
IEIs may have poor sense of what material resources they have at their disposition, or how they may use, manipulate, and apply the resources that they have. They may experience problems in managing their finances, either erring on the side of being too economical and inclined to accumulate money without putting it to good use, or being too spendthrift and lavishly wasting whatever savings they have accrued.
IEIs spend a lot of time in relative inactivity and may fall out of touch with the current state of things. They may contemplate incessantly over what would be the best or most meaningful course of action, while losing momentum and initiative. Many IEIs may be relatively immobile and hesitant to interact with the outside world, feeling that they are lacking a certain kind of external awareness. IEIs can withdraw from action in many social or working situations, and may come across as inhibited or shy. They may feel as though they are trapped in the observer mode (especially the intuitive subtype).
Some IEIs, however, are generally less reclusive and more comfortable in social situations, but even they may feel as observers, unable to mobilize themselves spontaneously and live in the present moment. They may have a deliberate, deadbeat attitude towards new events, feeling like there is nothing that is essentially novel to see or experience. This may lead them to seek to reproduce previous experiences and thus become experientially impoverished. They tend to only escape this cycle of inertia when impelled by another individual with a stronger initiative, drive, and momentum. IEIs gravitate towards such individuals, who exhibit spontaneity, enthusiasm, and can provide them with sensory rich stimuli and impressions (however, this does not necessarily mean that they seek to surround themselves with alcohol, members of the opposite sex, and debauchery). Some IEIs may be especially prone to enjoy adventuresome sensations, travel, and appreciate general change of scenery and lighthearted mischief. They enjoy feeling "shaken-up", however, they are often not very skilled at spontaneous self-stimulation. IEIs feel inspired by such individuals, who are active, driven, and enthusiastic about trying out new things, and who display a heightened sense of external awareness, and who know how to evaluate and to get by in the material world - in other words, who possess qualities that IEIs feel that they lack.
IEI place importance on long-term creative or intellectual pursuits, but this is done at expense of taking care of shorter term needs and seeing what realistic goals can be accomplished in the present. Moreover, accomplishment of their long-term goals do not provide a solution for the everyday discomfort that IEIs may feel from the inertia, disinterest, and disengagement with the physical and material aspects of his life.
IEIs typically exhibit a general detachment from day-to-day affairs. While an IEI might devote a great deal of time to his inner thoughts, very little attention is likely to be paid to such tasks as household maintenance or cleanliness, which the IEI sees as trivial, meaningless matters that are not deserving of his time or effort.
Ignoring -
IEIs are capable of generating a large number of possibilities and ideas, but are likely to view such an exercise with disinterest as opposed to their more natural process of developing explanatory insights about the dynamics of a situation. They may be inclined to continually revisit and expand upon or better organize their existing areas of intellectual interest or mental concoctions instead of moving on to new ideas.
Demonstrative -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
IEIs not uncommonly apply their cogitations to topics pertaining to morality, ethics, and relationships. They have a strong understanding of the breadth of their inner emotional responses and dispositions to others. However, they may be inclined to treat their internal personal sentiments somewhat passively and instead be responsive to and concerned with the sentiments of other people around them. While evaluating ethics of a situation, IEIs pay attention to direct and visible dynamics of their surroundings rather than attempt to derive implicit emotional motives and hidden relationships. IEIs make ethical judgements basing on the observable, external dynamics that transpire between individuals or groups, rather than judging others orienting by implicit static qualifiers of their personalities and character.
PoLR -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
IEIs actions and allocation of time may also seem to be ineffective and inefficient to extraverted logical types, since IEIs are inclined to stall and spend time on figuring out the inner workings of something before proceeding further, and inquire into why something needs to be done, rather than simply following through with already established and proven methods and protocols.
IEIs may be wary of basing their beliefs or actions on outside sources, instead preferring to rely on their own insights, own logical deductions and life experience. Such thinking can sometimes lead to difficulty and confusion in cases when the IEI cannot properly make sense out of information presented. In this case IEIs may arrive at conclusions and take actions that may seem completely irrational and illogical when evaluated by external criteria, but that may seem perfectly logical to the IEI who orients by deductions of his or her introverted logic.
IEIs may feel uncertain of making critical evaluations, and instead opt out to make no judgement or seemingly agree with the information presented. Thus on surface they may appear to be easily suggestible. At times they may fail to check the veracity and factual accuracy of statements that they are presented with, and thus fall victim to trickery.
IEIs may not pay much attention to what is would be considered to be logical, pragmatic course of action and decision-making as evaluated by external standards or sources (such as the society that they live in or organization that they are a part of). They may also feel stifled and demotivated by the need to fulfill roles or requirements that demand this kind of awareness from them.
At work IEIs may pay more attention to the harmony of their workgroup or department rather than see to that it meets its criteria for productivity. They may feel like the later is of secondary importance, for only the people around them feel happy and included.
They may generally try to avoid evaluating cost-effectiveness of resources, and are often not adept at making such judgements. They may see persons who focus extensively on practical matters as boring and inanimate. They deeply dislike and can avoid tedious and disinteresting tasks that involve attention to detail and pragmatic focus.
IEIs may shrink from openly competitive environments, positions and situations where they need to act authoritatively. They may be petulant and unresponsive in encounters with individuals who try to tell them what to do in an authoritative manner, and perceive such individuals as bossy and contemptible.
Role -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
IEIs readily see similarities in the inner essence of people, actions, and events. They may thus have trouble carrying out repetitive, everyday tasks, being easily alarmed to their insignificance in the flow of time.
IEIs also have little concern for maintaining continuity and calmness of physical state, their own or that or others. They may spontaneously spur themselves to action, random trip or adventure, attempt to shake others up by creating a ruckus or suddenly coming into physical contact. They may be given to random outings and trips, try to create commotion and set up surprises for their friends, enjoy pranks and any form of humor that suggest rapid changes in physical states.
Often IEIs will give some attention to their physical state and needs, but are not always aware of the full extent of their importance. IEIs may be overly diffident about matters pertaining to their health. Overall, they may have difficulty interpreting the signals of the body and may be inclined to focus excessively on them, possibly leading to alarmist self-diagnoses. They may perceive caring for one's body as a chore rather than a fulfilling activity.
ISTj, LSI (Ti-Se)
Using introverted thinking as his base function and extroverted sensing as his creative, the LSI excels at formulating conclusions and decisions that can be practically utilized. The LSI has a strong understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a system and can manipulate either to his advantage. Similar to the LII, the LSI will ponder over logical contingencies and principles. However, unlike the LII, the LSI does not speculate as much on hypothetical, intangible possibilities, but rather focuses on the concrete solutions to problems. At his best, the LSI acts as a dependable and responsible individual who can always be relied upon by his friends, his family, his community, and his co-workers, a loyal and faithful friend, an unwavering protector. He will uphold and enforce all that he sees as just, while discouraging actions he views as corrupt and unfair. At his worst, the LSI can become insensitive and impersonal in his thinking, too driven by his own willful nature to the detriment of anyone that stands in his way; in realizing these goals, the LSI can become oblivious to actions that many might consider inhumane.
Leading -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
Intellectually, LSIs, like other Ti types, are often most interested in determining underlying principles, causal mechanisms, and systems to account for real-world phenomena. They may have a tendency see the principles that they develop as universal and without exception. Additionally, they usually tend to emphasize the consistency and importance of their espoused rules, principles or ideological perspectives to a greater extent than the external evidence supporting these rules, which is often a much less poignant aspect of their thought processes.
LSIs are often arduous producers of logical structures, models, principles, rules, and order. In general, their lifestyle is at least partly organized according to the rules they impute to the world, which are paramount to their experiences. They may typically tend to conceptualize the world around them in terms of fixed categories, and can exhibit well-developed preferences for one category of things over another. Often, LSIs' interpretation of the world is directed towards existing social structures; their rules and guidelines pertaining to the behavior and actions of others; if LIIs are stereotypically the abstract physicists, building systems and thought structures that have little to do with "real world" life, LSIs might likewise stereotypically represent hard-line military officers, making sure that everyone stays in line. LSIs can often integrate into their rule-based framework the conventions of the predominant social order, and they may be vocally critical or judgmental of those that fail to follow the real or imagined conventions ascribed to them. LSIs can also sometimes be sticklers for minutiae in rule-based systems; they may have little sympathy or leeway for those individuals who require exemptions (along the lines of "no, sir, this bus must leave exactly at 7:30").
Many LSIs give off a sense of certitude and absolution. They can quickly and easily schematize what is correct and incorrect according to the systems they are familiar with and may appear to be absolutely certain of their views, unable to represent any ambiguity in the principles that they put forward. This may take the form of stringent intellectual, political, or other viewpoints, or simply in a high degree of confidence in the principles they put forward towards the social environment around them. LSIs, moreso than any other type, are likely to have firmly unchanging views over a long period of time. Even when LSIs do not have firm, unchanging viewpoints, they may parade their current opinions with brash conviction, as though the logic of their thoughts is sound and irrefutable. Of course, many LSIs are much less extreme in their viewpoints, and can instead come across as apathetic about enforcing their viewpoints, or primarily sociable in their orientation.
Creative -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
LSIs can be forceful, confrontational, and proactive. However, LSIs' confrontational nature is subdued and subservient to Ti ideology. As such, they are unlikely to express the same degree of raw impulsiveness as Se dominant types might, but rather are more likely to confront others in contravention of the "rules" or some other rule-based system. They are sometimes unafraid of criticizing or berating others who fail to act in accordance with their expectations (though they may be reticent to speak critically as well, as this may contradict their program of social order). In addition, LSIs can be quite proactive and can push others simply to get things done. They may feel a need to possess a certain degree of control over the situations and individuals around them, in order to ensure that their guidelines are followed appropriately.
LSIs may have a tendency to attend to the impact, influence, or impressiveness of their creations or behaviors on the outside world. Many LSIs have a sophisticated sense of fashion or dress style -- or if not, at least the confidence that they could dress impressively if inclined to do so, or critically evaluate whether others are dressed impactfully. LSIs with a theoretical bent may be inclined to create highly complex and dense systems with complicated terms and extensive integration of ideas, designed to be grandiose, intimidating, and impressive.
Some LSIs may have a gritty, rugged, and gruff character. Like other beta quadra types, they may tend to have an "us vs. them" mentality (in part influenced by their tendency to think in rigid categories). On the other hand, many LSIs have a much more benign, open, and friendly demeanor.
Mobilizing -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
LSIs, like other beta quadra types, are especially motivated by higher meanings and weighty causes. LSIs may feel innately that it is their civic responsibility to enforce or ensure their desired social order, or whatever higher drive they find themselves with. Being oriented towards Ni with Fe, they may be somewhat more oriented to see their causes as collectivistic in nature, and to see the success of the collective (e.g. a nation or party) rather than the specific fortunes of individuals, as paramount -- though for intellectual rather than moral reasons, they might believe exactly the opposite. LSIs are not uncommonly involved in politics and in the process of formulating important decisions (according to Expat's typings, a disproportionate number of Roman Emperors who came to the throne by non-hereditary means were of this type), and may be somewhat opinionated about the different existing ideologies towards an issue.
In some situations they can become followers of others' causes, passions, and interests rather than their own, and they may feel a certain emptiness in the absence of others who can supply them with a higher sense of purpose for their actions.
LSIs can have a tendency to act impulsively and to lack self-control, sometimes appearing aggressive and overbearing.
Suggestive -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
Being entrenched in logical, systematic thinking processes, LSIs need others to create an emotionally inclusive atmosphere where they know they are accepted and liked. Left to themselves, are usually quiet, reserved, and often relatively formal in their behavior, and frequently are not highly aware of how they might enliven the atmosphere or develop camaraderie and connections with others. LSIs might prototypically organize group events or precipitate a situation where emotional bonding might occur, but they are almost unable to create the bonding themselves; they need others to fill the situation with feeling, laughter, and fun.
As LSIs sometimes devote themselves extensively to whatever they do, they may tend to build up a lot of emotional tension, which can only be released when somebody gives them a vivid reminder that there is more to life than their responsibilities.
LSIs respect and admire people who are deeply passionate about things and care enough about them to instill their attitudes in others and try to get them involved. They can forgive a little unruliness, impulsivity, and disorderliness for the emotional value such people give them. LSIs sometimes tend to suffer from a deficit of passion and feel emotionally connected to the world mainly when they are around lively and emotional people who can generate a sense of kinship and group activity. Indeed, LSIs around passionate individuals can loosen up and moderate their usually stern lifestyle.
Like other beta quadra types, LSIs can show a preference for environments of where free and sometimes crude expression is permissible, and where they will be not be judged harshly or negatively perceived for their viewpoints, insensitivity, or humorous expression. More than other beta types, they may tend to monitor themselves excessively to avoid appearing rude or being so evaluated if they do not feel accepted and safe from chastisement.
Ignoring -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
LSIs can tend to have rigid, unchanging views that are not updated over time and not stringently evaluated in terms of their applicability in practice. They can sometimes adopt ideological viewpoints that pay only passing attention to, or are modestly unconcerned with the acquisition or application of new or updated factual information.
Demonstrative -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
LSIs may have some interest in creating comfortable, commodious surroundings for themselves, but tend to be unconcerned with having a pleasant physical environment, and are often more concerned with their ability to control the people or situation around them or their own personal goals.
LSIs, perhaps more than any other type, are reputed for their stubborn resistance to the reality of their bodies, and the nonrelevance of their physical states as compared to their own personal goals and volitions. At a socionics meeting, an LSI once walked four miles in his sandals, resulting in a badly scraped and bloody foot, and proceeded to sit through the remainder of the four-hour-long meeting before tending to it.
PoLR -
LSIs may have difficulty processing ambiguity or uncertainty. When they are the victim of necessary ambiguity, they may have a tendency to focus on the worst-case scenario, and may attempt to expend so much effort as to be prepared for any conceivable contingency. Some LSIs may also tend to be very suspicious of others' intentions. Many LSIs have a tendency to see most issues in black and white terms, seeing others as clearly right or wrong, and they may have difficulty adapting to ideas espousing shades of gray, multiplicity of causes, or doubt, often seeing such perspectives as logically weak, unstructured, or inconsistent. Indeed, they may see little value in such ambiguous perspectives and may see them as not useful at all -- rather, strong and unarguably consistent points may seem more compelling and important to them. Only through a gradual and tireless process of experiential learning can LSIs grow to understand and alter the nature of their perspectives and categories (many older LSIs are more "mellow" than "rough").
LSIs' logical programs may necessitate that they feel a certain degree of control over others and their surroundings. LSIs that feel that they have none of their necessary control in a situation may react irritably, argumentatively, and sometimes lose control of their emotions in the form of a seemingly childish tantrum. They may have difficulty dealing with people who are consistently spastic and unreliable in their behavior, or who are always doing or seeking something new -- such individuals are too unpredictable and lawless, and offend their ability to oversee others around them.
LSIs may sometimes be seen as paranoid, overly defensive and quite territorial in dealing with others.
Role -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
LSIs are sometimes aware of their internal sentiments and attitudes towards others, but do not always give their emotional responses much attention. They typically are disinclined to depend upon their interpersonal attitudes or internal moral consciousness as guiding principles, instead construing reality through the lens of somewhat stiffer and less sympathetically inclined standards of behavior. They may be disinclined to critically evaluate the ethics of their systems; rather, they may take their own standards somewhat for granted and make value judgments about others based on their conformance to their own accepted principles. They may, in formal contexts, appear to be somewhat cold, harsh, and inflexible. They may have rather dispassionate, formal, black-and-white views of morality (for example, Ayn Rand's philosophy -- which was rigid, "rational" in its criticism of emotional motivations of any kind, and unfailingly unambiguous -- is a phenomenal example of an a Ti and specifically LSI approach to morality).
LSIs are often by default conventional, polite, and perhaps somewhat mechanical (or even forcible) in their approach to social interaction. They may be predisposed to pay more attention to following relevant social ettiquette and appearing personable than to directly empathizing with, relating to, or interacting spontaneously with others. They often pay less attention to or have difficulty discerning the attitudes that others harbor towards them or third parties, and may be characteristically suspicious of others' motives or attitudes.
ENFj, EIE (Fe-Ni)
Using extroverted feeling as his base function and introverted intuition as his creative, the EIE excels at understanding people's strengths and potential. By intstinctively picking up on people's emotional states, the EIE can often accurately judge the psychological distance between a group of people. When socializing, the EIE uses this ability to determine ways in which he can encourage outsiders to participate in the group. The EIE has a propensity for edgy or direct commentary that is effective at breaking the ice. At his best, the EIE's understanding of people's strengths and interaction makes him a good leader and he can effectively put each person to their highest valued use. At his worst, the EIE's openness can lead him to easily get hurt by others and the EIE is not likely to forget these transgressions quickly or easily. Furthermore, remarks that were neither meant to be personal or insulting are often mistaken by the EIE as such. Overall, the EIE will often be a driving force of change in his world, and the EIE naturally seeks and accepts leadership roles that help him accomplish this.
Leading -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
EIEs are naturally animate and passionate and are skilled at generating liveliness and excitement. They believe that people need to be emotionally involved in life, not distant or indifferent to the important things that are happening. EIEs often hold strong views about governance and social custom, though their beliefs stem from the interests of their close emotional relationships. EIEs like to involve people in interaction and create groups based around a shared experience. They tend to try to continually broaden these groups and engage people who seem to be on the sidelines. The individuals who the EIE is spending time with are far more important to the EIE than the event that is actually taking place. EIEs like to make their friends laugh, and employ an over-the-top style of humor. Often the joke is on the EIE, whether or not they know it.
EIEs are one of the most insightful types about the minds and inner workings of people, and as a result are likely to be skilled persuaders. Their sensitivity to the emotional flow around them allows them a relative sense of emotional control of a situation, and they have an uncanny ability to convince others, even without the use of logic. EIEs generally don't use their persuasion tactics for manipulative gain over others (as much of their sense of self-worth comes from impacting people positively), but they've been known to use these tactics negatively in cases where they cannot win approval of their arguments. In many situations, nevertheless, EIEs value equality among social standards and do not mind taking the back seat if others wish to take the lead. EIEs love their friends, and they will do anything to keep them. Time spent alone for the EIE is often spent thinking about how to better interact with close relationships, even when time spent in those relationships is not particularly pleasing. Even when the other individual is hostile, if the EIE judges them to be a friend they will act in a caring fashion and show affection to the other.
Creative -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
EIEs have a keen sense of the significance of the moment, life's flow of events, and the past and future evolution of things. The excitement they stimulate generally has to do with insensible things that can only be perceived over time, rather than with experiences that are captured in a specific moment. For example, they love to instill confidence in people by taking great detail to their problems and envisioning ways of handling them. EIEs are quite able to "paint pictures with words", so to speak. They enjoy having objects around them that provide a connection to the past, such as ancient trinkets or souvenirs, old-fashioned things, and items from another time and place. They like to be aware of and talk about their place in history, as the EIE's concept of humanity itself is largely perceived through the sensation of trends over time. As a result, they like to imagine scenarios of different ways a situation can unfold with their imagination; such actions give them a sense of security about what is to come.
EIEs are very open about their feelings of hesitation, apprehension, anticipation, and anxiety regarding events. Sometimes they are melodramatic about risks and dangers, but this helps them and those around them to be aware of and to prepare for possible negative turns of events. It disappoints the EIE greatly when advice given to another is rejected, but not much weighs a helpful EIE down more than to see people wasting their potential by dwelling in their past problems. They tend to believe that people, regardless of long-term psychological mistreatment, can improve their lives to some extent.
EIEs reject the idea that life is just a sequence of ho-hum everyday events with no particular meaning. They want everything to have a grand or symbolic purpose that arouses the imagination and passions. For that matter, EIEs seek to define their unique purpose in life, and orient goals around the meaning they infer from their experiences across time. They constantly seek to improve the negative conditions surrounding them, and so tend to look for problems even when it isn't necessary.
EIEs also frequently reflect on their dreams, making symbolizations of the events that occur in dreams and relating them to external reality. They enjoy contemplating on what their subconscious psyche is displaying to them.
Mobilizing -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
EIEs struggle with focus and willpower and have a need for something or someone that will focus them consistently and prod them to act despite any feelings of apprehension and doubt. EIEs know that they often need to "just do it" and often look for something or someone that will provide the impetus and make them "do it." EIEs are drawn to people who exude determination and resolve. People who are certain of their views and cannot be swayed by external forces are especially attractive. Such people are, in a way, the opposite of themselves.
EIEs can be brash and harshly critical during fits of passion, and they appreciate people who are not fazed by their ravings, but calmly stand their ground. If such people are at times angry and forceful with them, they take this as a sign that the person cares enough to be emotionally involved in their lives. In conversation, EIEs have a tendency to impose their opinions on others in a forceful way, especially when challenged by a point of view that conflicts with theirs. They dislike giving in to others when they strongly believe in their own way of doing things, and can act smug and arrogant towards people who openly criticize their viewpoints.
Suggestive -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
EIEs admire people whose thinking is clear-cut, unambiguous, and stalwart, who reduce the myriad of possibilities down to one single option. This is something they are almost completely unable to do on their own (they easily doubt their ability to choose right), but have a deep need for in other people.
In conversation EIEs tend to go off on tangents when something is mentioned that triggers an emotional response, and they often need to be reminded of the subject matter or purpose of the discussion.
EIEs love to hear about information that their friends know. Talking about academic subjects, music, and movies expands the horizons of the EIE and gives them direction. The EIE is happy to simply be a part of the discussion of various subjects, while providing emotional input himself. The information just gives them a new reason to see their friends, and more things to talk about with them.
EIEs are happy to let someone else organize their schedule and keep track of their engagements and things to do.
Ignoring -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
EIEs generally refuse to conform to standards of what is acceptable and nice to say. Instead, they try to express themselves spontaneously — sometimes harshly, sometimes sweetly or kindly — not because that is what other people expect of them, but because that is what they actually feel at the moment.
EIEs understand interpersonal relationships and their own sentiments towards things and people, but they prefer to focus on the external side of these things (what happened, who said what and how they said it, etc.) and not dig around in people's minds or internal motives. They also dislike it when others express a negative evaluation of another; EIEs tend to view them as overly judgmental and closed-minded.
EIEs are usually hesitant about deciding how somebody internally feels about them if they aren't receiving expression from the person. If contact dwindles between themselves and another, EIEs frequently doubt that their relation is positive; if the person matters enough to them, EIEs can become overly consumed in trying to "solve the problem", and as a result tend to be quite overbearing.
Demonstrative -
EIEs can generate random ideas or come up with lots of crazy alternatives for fun, but they prefer to focus on understanding the development of a particular situation and not be distracted with possibilities that are outside that situation. Too much idea generation and focus on all the possibilities open to them actually disorients them, as they are already plenty scattered enough.
When experiencing deep stress resulting from a conflict, however, they become very doubtful about forecasting the likely unfolding of the conflict and start to use this function to imagine how events could happen. If resolution to the problem seems unlikely, or if nothing is being done to turn things around, EIEs turn to dark thoughts about what is likely to happen and become absorbed by the conflict (even if these negative thoughts are not very rational).
PoLR -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
The EIE is more likely to measure the comfortableness of conversation than other more physiological signs. Still, they are quite attuned to the the physical sensations others are experiencing and use the information to raise and lower the emotional conditions that those individuals are experiencing. In any case however, EIEs are prone to making errors in daily routine. This can include having little or no idea of where they put an object, allowing neglected responsibilities to pile up, or failing to remember important tasks given to them; excessive procrastination is common in EIEs. The EIE has little respect for people who seem to be too concerned with their health and comfort and who avoid straining themselves. The EIE feels that people who focus too much on caring for themselves will have no time to achieve anything worthwhile.
The EIE will feel empty and restless if he is in a situation where he is expected to just chill out and have a good time; he would feel that this undermines his devotion to realizing his abstract visions. He can only enjoy visceral contact with reality if it is accompanied by an active will to initiate such contact, to intentionally engage it. EIEs frequently reflect on experiences with others, both positive and negative, and are always bracing themselves for future problems (which mostly involve other people). This extensive planning of future engagements cause EIEs to often feel restless as they want to implement their goals quickly. In situations where they are forced to remain patient and idle, EIEs can dwell in their stress and neglect real problems.
Role -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
EIEs do not easily focus on the procedural aspects of things where their emotions and excitement have no place. They avoid administrative tasks whenever possible. Although they dislike routine work, they admire those who are able to maintain organization and efficiency in their lives, as long as those standards aren't imposed on themselves. They also enjoy an extent of logical debate about intellectual topics but hardly consider practicality when it comes to forming their own beliefs.
Efficiency always takes the back seat when the feelings of others are involved. The EIE will often disregard how work is being done if friends are leading the effort. If an enemy is in charge the EIE will harass and defame the enemy if a procedure is not being done effectively. EIEs like to simply get their work done in a short amount time and get it out of the way, often without putting much of a focus on the quality of the work itself. As such they tend to dislike those who are overly 'work-oriented' and indifferent to the emotional aspect of things. However, EIEs appreciate someone who knows an abundance of information; one who can be depended on to correct problems and maximize the efficiency of work-related projects the EIE is involved in.
EIEs attempt to make their emotive decisions correlate to rationality when taking action, as they want others to see the logic in the actions the EIE wants to take. However, when they themselves are confident in the importance of doing something, EIEs feel that logical explanations are only necessary for those who ask for them. Personal decisions are mainly made without even factoring in productivity or how beneficial they are, as EIEs tend to have a difficult time considering those factors.
Using extroverted sensing as her base function and introverted thinking as her creative, the SLE always has an immediate and noticeable impact on the world around her. In making decisions, the SLE follows logical rules like her mirror the LSI, but unlike the LSI, these rules are adjustable to fit each new situation. And unlike the ILE, the SLE is not as concerned with improbable possibilities and abstract thoughts as much as how she can make an impact on her surrounding environment. When socializing, the SLE loves injecting herself into high energy environments with large groups of people and boisterous activities. At her best, the SLE has a nearly unparalled ability to make her goals and aspirations a reality; at her worst, the actions taken to reach these goals are often to the detriment of others. Additionally, the SLE will often be unaware of how her words and actions may negatively impact the emotional states of those around her, and this insensitivity can often put her in awkward positions.
Leading -
![Extroverted Sensing](images/smilies/Se.gif)
SLEs are willful, independently-minded individuals who are able to recognise levels of willpower and motivation in others. They are adept at organising others effectively towards any given objective, and have no problem "getting the job done". They have no reservations about taking the initiative when they perceive that others cannot or will not do so. SLEs will often act without all the information they need to go about doing something, but can be successful nonetheless. They are very active people who think on the move, and who generally steer away from a contemplative lifestyle.
SLEs easily spot power dynamics within any given structure, hierarchy or relationship, and strive for a position where they are less subordinate to others. At the same time, SLEs are comfortable with hierarchies, and recognise that they are a part of everyday life. Their main objective lies in occupying a predominant place in any hierarchy, and because of their energetic and ambitious nature, SLEs can often seem intolerant towards and disrespectful of those of a lower social status. They will often see these people as weak or inferior in some way. Likewise, they see dependence as weakness, and so strive to minimise their dependence on others.
SLEs can be natural leaders. They are often quick to assume this role, even in alien or unfamiliar environments. They tend to have a very rigid and inflexible style of leadership, preferring a direct, single approach to achieving goals as opposed to experimentation with various methods to achieve said goals. However, if the method they're using isn't working, they won't foolishly persist, but will use or find a different one. They take full responsibility for their actions, and understand these terms when they take a leadership-based role within a group, company or organisation, as being part of what leadership is about.
SLEs are in tune with the immediate physical environment, and often seek to control or mold it to their needs or to assert themselves. They often make a point of displaying their strength to this end and often follow their instinctual urges with little inhibition. For this reason they can appear impulsive, aggressive, and rash. They can be inconsiderate of the needs of others in their attempts to pursue their goals.
Creative -
![Introverted Logic](images/smilies/Ti.gif)
SLEs often are adept at formulating logical systems, models, and at generating logical relationships and reasonings. They typically use such models as a basis for understanding the world. More intellectually-minded SLEs can place a great deal of focus on developing these types of considerations and see logical systems and structured views as necessary. Some SLEs have a tendency to staunchly and somewhat dogmatically adhere to their viewpoints. At the same time SLEs' use of Ti is largely flexible; if they perceive that their systems are not working to meet their ends, they can be relatively quick to expend and dispense with them.
SLEs predominantly focus their own power-based agenda in utilizing their logical faculties. They may be drawn to power hierarchies or environments where rules are plainly stated and enforced. They tend to gather - either legitimately or illegitimately - and retain information which they deem to be useful to their own ends; they may refer to well-known facts, statistics and historical examples to back up their claims. They are independently minded and frequently come to their own conclusions, often holding few reservations about in the face of strong moral or ideological opposition. They enjoy learning about a wide variety of things, and are motivated by the prospect of rewards and status; they like to prove their authority e.g. through a large amount of academic awards or extra curricular certificates.
SLEs tend towards simplistic, black-and-white views, and often dabble in logical absolutes. Often SLEs' have difficulty processing ambiguity and their inner sense of logical order may compel them to jump to impulsive conclusions rather than think things through. For this reason, an SLEs interpretations can be relatively subjective and suffer from a lack of other perspectives. It can be very difficult to argue with an SLE; often will they refuse to take others' advice or submit to another's logic that contradicts their own. They may be overly critical of ideas of others that do not mesh with their established interpretations.
Mobilizing -
![Extroverted Ethics](images/smilies/Fe.gif)
SLEs tend to highly value vibrant emotional environments in which they can freely interact and be themselves, without incurring moral judgment or inflaming their natural emotional guard. They, however, are usually minimally proficient at providing an emotional impetus to relieve atmospheres which they perceive as overly dull. SLEs who try to exert their influence on the emotional atmosphere may not get the desired emotional response and may feel offended or as though they have little control over the situation. In unfamiliar situations, they may feel the need to maintain their emotional guard and can appear unfriendly, brusque, unwelcoming, or insensitive. This can detrimentally lead to further group antagonism and estrange the SLE from others.
SLEs are most comfortable in dynamic environments in which they are able to let loose and not worry about guarding themselves emotionally. They interact most freely with people skilled at creating these open-ended types of emotional environments, who have little interest in moral judgments external to the general mood or expression, and who react tactfully and non-critically. They also especially are inclined towards large group environments with a common shared goal, which they can use as a basis for amicable interaction. Environments of this sort can bring out the inner expression and purpose of SLEs, and can serve as an emotional release.
Suggestive -
![Introverted Intuition](images/smilies/Ni.gif)
SLEs are active, impulsive individuals who often suffer from a lack of restraint or moderation. They are typically inclined to perceive most situations through the guise of their instincts and in some situations may act without thinking twice; in so doing, they may bite off more than they can chew.
SLEs tend to be largely unaware of the extent of their mentalistic capacities. They may form logical representations of a situation, beliefs, or schemas of thought by jumping to conclusions fairly quickly and haphazardly. They often seem unaware of the subtle intricacies of many situation and are not generally attuned to the ambiguities or problematic interpretations that their manners of thought generate. They often think too quickly and may require intellectual maneuvering and refocusing in order to slow down their thought patterns.
SLEs often seek a deeper sense of meaning in life. They can be oblivious to implications of deeper meaning, hidden symbols, or metaphysical ideas. They may aggressively or impulsively seek answers from multiple sources, meaning, or truth and often appreciate individuals who can express to them their deeply thought out philosophical, symbolic, mysterious, mystical or spiritual worldviews.
They are attracted to individuals who they see as sharing the SLEs's own broad goals and beliefs, but who are more inclined towards reflection than action, and able to put the SLEs' own goals and actions in the context of a higher meaning and objective.
Ignoring -
![Introverted Sensing](images/smilies/Si.gif)
SLEs are often aware of their internal physical state or how aspects of the outside environment are affecting them internally. However, they do not devote great conscious attention to such matters, or to preserving their physical well-being in their environment.
SLEs can usually manage to create for themselves an environment of comfort, but said comfort extends to very little, as they see no need to occupy themselves with creating excessively cosy atmospheres. SLEs are often unconcerned with what they eat and drink or about specific aspects of their surrounding environment. Some SLEs are quite capable of living with the bare minimum of physical needs and not feeling remotely disturbed or unsettled by their circumstances. In most SLEs, personal comfort is closely related to their interactions with the outside world or the status symbols that they can display towards the outside. An SLE might measure his comfort by the amount of "bling" or "cool gadgets" that he possesses as opposed to the fluffiness of his blanket.
Demonstrative -
![Extroverted Logic](images/smilies/Te.gif)
SLEs can be very practical, hard-working individuals who may devote attention to helping others with technical, bureaucratic, logistical, or functional day-to-day affairs. They often, however, are ambivalent to large bodies of factual information, productivity or efficiency. They rarely consider such matters with much interest. SLEs see people who are overly obsessed with business concerns, productivity or efficiency as incredibly dry and overly serious, and may playfully mock such individuals.
PoLR -
![Introveted Ethics](images/smilies/Fi.gif)
SLEs have trouble evaluating the internal emotional state of other people unless it is accompanied by a visible emotional expression. They are typically inept at reading people's inner feelings and often do not expect people to react to them on the basis of sentiments that are not outwardly visible. They do not like it when they are judged morally or when their lack of attention to others' feelings is criticized. SLEs are uncomfortable in overly sentimental occasions, and in situations where they are expected or required to offer emotional support. Many SLEs are highly emotionally guarded, and may become touchy or apprehensive if they expect that others may judge their character harshly.
SLEs will often tread carefully in their interpersonal relationships. They may fear psychological distance from others, which they often try to overcome by seeking respect and appreciation from others. They have few qualms about taking the iniative, and they may seek affirmation by attempting to engage or protect the other person. However, on some individuals their behaviour may have the opposite effect of their intentions; their protection may be viewed as jealousy and their advances as immature or inappropriate. SLEs can usually maintain an air of formality when necessary, and have the potential to be very direct and undeceiving partners, but they tend to find such interaction stifling; they usually prefer colorful emotional environments in which they are free to act on their impulses and exert control.
SLEs are often under the impression that while they might gain respect or admiration from others, they can never be truly loved by anyone. Sometimes, SLEs can become paranoid about their relationships with others; they may fear that current relations will affect future relations in some way e.g. a bond with a potential partner in the present might "ruin" a relationship with a future spouse.
Role -
SLEs are capable of offering judgments of potential or hidden qualities of other individuals or objects, but they are often based on impulse and suffer from an incomplete or limited perspective, and consequently can appear overly simplistic and one-dimensional. In some situations, they may seriously misjudge or underestimate the capabilities of others.
SLEs are often minimally confident in the evaluation of future developments or various possibilities. They may be hesitant in the arena of evaluating potential outcomes, and instead prefer to personally take charge and exert influence on their environment in order to effect their goals. They prefer relying on their instincts rather than pondering various possible outcomes to meet their ends. SLEs may speak with confidence and apparent optimism with regards to the future, but in actuality they rarely are very optimistic that events that they do not directly control over will produce favorable results.
Your typing of forum members
[MENTION=17788]godslave[/MENTION] One Punch Man is LSI. Please notice how's he positive and not negative.
Badger Today, 02:25 AM