[This is an excerpt from the book Socionics: Typology. Small Groups by Grigory Reinin, published in 2005. You can download the full text here.]
Types of information metabolism and situations.
An attempt to analyze behavior of people of different types of information metabolism in some typical situations might be presented as some kind of uniquely structured description of types, the latter being examined through the prism of interactions with the environment.
To begin with, let us examine a spectrum of situations theoretically, taking into account the eight elements of information metabolism (IM):
Inverse subject intuition (-). Infringement of the inner peace: irritation, moral discomfort; internal contradictions.
Positive objective intuition (+). Integrity of the environment: everything is known from beginning to end; the world as if rolls on straight tracks; there is a schedule; the world is predictable, people are predictable, too.
Inverse objective intuition (-). Infringement of the integrity of environment: unexpectedness, breach of schedule; the result of events is unpredictable, or an unexpected event.
Positive subjective sensing (+). Various bodily sensations: that of being strong and healthy, taste, color, smells. The practice of cleansing and healing techniques and diets; attention to health. Following fashions in the area of health.
Inverse subjective sensing (-). Indisposition, pain, hunger, fatigue, unpleasant sensations of other origin.
Positive objective sensing (+). Form, fashion, appearance. Movement, action, activity. Skills. Will.
Inverse objective sensing (-). Beautiful/ugly (judgment). Physical violence, danger.
Positive objective logic (+). External circumstances, events, facts. Personal space. Technology of arrangement. Statistics. The external world is the objective reality. Matter. Documents. Rules, laws. Material values. External social norms.
Inverse objective logic (-). Loss of values, money. Infringement of the order. Natural disasters. Traffic jams. “Facts are the objective reality.” Numbers, statistics. Loss of territory. Car breakage; TV, home appliance breakage. Dirt in the hall on the carpet.
Positive subject logic (+). Understanding, hierarchy, structure.
Inverse subject logic (-). Difficult task; a challenge to the intellect. Necessity to figure out and understand.
Positive objective ethics (+). External relationships. Relationships with people. People’s attitude to me. Negotiations. Meetings with friends. Fellowship with close ones.
Inverse objective ethics (-). Conflicts. Intrigues. Slander. Quarrel with near and dear ones. Conflicts at work.
Positive subject ethics (+). My attitude to people. Necessity to express my attitude, opinion, feelings of love. Pleasant/unpleasant. My evaluation of a thing, an object, a person.
Inverse subject ethics (-). I abhor, reject, detest.
Formally, this list can be regarded as an exhaustive one; however, at the same time it is rather abstract, remote from real life.
Let us pick an example from the abundance of daily situations and examine the `0:00
- Active interactions in the social sphere, both successful and unsuccessful.
- Intemperance; quarrels.
- Relationships with the opposite sex.
- Impossibility of definite actions; wavering and procrastination.
- Impossibility to assert one's own interests, to pursue the set goals.
- Extreme situations, natural disasters; dealing with masses in these conditions.
- Difficulties in communication. Impossibility of compromise.
- Personal conflicts.
- Bad health condition.
- Situation when a person is open to external influences. Deceit and intimidation.
- Behavior not usual to the person. Change of the image.
- Unexpected event. Frustration of the schedule.
Though incomplete, this set is not random. Our purpose now is to vividly demonstrate the socionic instrument at work. We shall address each type individually. Here we consciously will not adhere to an austere style, but shall try to model the "client - consultant" situation. Besides, here we will not consider all types in all possible situations.
So, we have a client who may end up in one of the twelve situations listed above.
Don Quixote (ILE)
Social cooperation is not your strongest side. You are running the risk of excessive emotional overreaction and doing something stupid. Make a correct estimate of your time and energy to be realized in the social sphere. In moments like this it is good to have a practically minded friend who can see and plan ahead.
Dumas (SEI)
You will hardly have any problems in the area of relationships. Everything will be fine. You, however, should not relax during signing of a contract or important papers: in fact, you will have to pay through the nose for your own mistakes. Invite an expert; do not rely on yourself only.
Hugo (ESE)
Try not to confuse business and human relationships. Do not neglect advice of competent people; do not rely on your communication skills only.
Robespierre (LII)
Things might happen that you have not been able to discern ahead of time. You probably will not be able to ignore them. People, unfortunately, do not always do the things they should do or the way they should. You cannot change that; they have a different view of life. Do not take it too close to heart. If you want to be a success, remember that any social activity is limited in time. If something does not satisfy you, you attempt to do or make something better, and even the best. But the best is the worst enemy of good; you might simply exceed the time permitted for a move and not realize what is already in your hands. An advice: timing is important.
Hamlet (EIE)
The situation is similar to that of a Hugo. Besides, in your interactions with social structures there might be a necessity of some paperwork. Then remember, there are lawyers and economists! Go for consultation!
Maxim (LSI)
The situation is similar to that of a Robespierre. Besides: if there is a person you trust 100%, take him/her with you. Alone you can miss something important. Some people are good at putting on the looks of solid and respectable people, you might be deceived.
Zhukov (SLE)
Many envy your business acumen and energy. People often agree with you, trust you. Try, however, to take into account other people's opinions. It might happen that their concession is not sincere and later you will not be able to rely on them. Advice: Take into consideration opinions and the real mood of your partners.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
You are able to communicate with different people, and this is your trump card. However, when the business gets into a formal phase, do not do it all yourself. Get your assistants involved, they can do the paperwork quickly and competently. Advice: Beware least you get involved in activity you do not need to be involved in.
Napoleon (SEE)
You are a born leader. You are not afraid of responsibility, and it is very important in any social activity. Try, however, to be more diplomatic. People like your openness and frankness; they know that it is better than vague hints and roundabout insinuation. Just do not put too much pressure on people, and many will follow you. Social interactions are your strong side. The only recommendation: try to define your goals and your territory (social 'territory' as well) as precisely as possible; that will allow you to foresee the consequences of your actions and control the situation. Your energy allows breaching any wall, to solve any problem. Carefully choose the area where you will invest your time and energy. Do not give in to your mood, it can destroy everything.
Balzac (ILI)
Your social activity may sometimes lack energy. You perfectly see the course, the development of the situation, the hidden dangers and the latent opportunities. However, a good energetic team is necessary for realization of your ideas, it is not necessary to rush into the journey alone. Active interactions require support. Be attentive to what is going on, otherwise you might find yourself in a situation you neither want nor need. Your ability to change your image is very useful in different interactions. However, do not lose yourself; people get quickly used to what suits them, and after a while they expect you to behave in a certain way. Advice: energetic assistants and partners are necessary to bring about your risky plans in the social field. Do not lose control; otherwise they will be in charge very soon.
Jack London (LIE)
What can be recommended to a pro? We would like to learn from you the skill to survive and win in the society. Your knowledge of the real situation, the ability to take into account the time factor and the objective laws of the society cause envy in others. You can be successful in ventures others consider impossible. Think, however, are you not too carried away in this sphere? Do not forget about the family. Your own home requires not only the financial support and ideas, but also your personal presence.
Dreiser (ESI)
Your nature is not that well adapted to the demanding social interactions. Watch yourself. Quite often you are in the position of an observer, not making any active moves. The society is not too attentive, therefore your may not be appreciated or you may simply remain unnoticed. Other people, unfortunately, could not hear your inner tune. The world is inharmonious and in order to be heard it is necessary to make considerable efforts. People are what they are; you cannot change them. To expect people or the world to act in certain ways is not always the best strategy. They probably live by their own rules. Advice: do not let the emotions rule you; they can sometimes overpower you. Do not give in to the hypnosis of the circumstances.
Holmes (LSE)
In this sphere you will not have problems unless you get stuck on trifles. Remember the main thing, and some details can be specified later. Do not be afraid of the new. Some things might be rather effective in spite of the fact that nobody has tried them before.
Dostoevsky (EII)
You can excel in this area. Just get to work. People may consider you a formalist; however, a decent amount of formalism would not hurt in business. Anyway, you will make things clear for you and your partners.
Huxley (IEE)
Be attentive when working with papers: contracts, instructions, agreements, etc. Try to see the core of things, get down to the root of problems; people are always looking to their own interests. Do not let other people to hypnotize you with facts.
Gabin (SLI)
You know perfectly how to arrange everything in the most rational way: it will be simple, beautiful, inexpensive and convenient. You will always have your own perfect way, the main thing – do not argue with fools.
Don Quixote (ILE)
Any situation has several stages. No quarrel arises instantly. Try to recognize the first stage, catch it in the very beginning. You always have a span of time when emotions get stirred but are still under control. Take care: if an emotional explosion might be good for people of other types, for you it is a stress, and it will take a long time for you to recover. A situation of emotional tension will probably hunt your thoughts for several days. Do you have to pay the high price of your carelessness?
Dumas (SEI)
If you suddenly understand that you have missed the beginning of a quarrel, you should have enough skill to suspend the unnecessary conflict, you do not let it develop into something huge. People of your type, as a rule, are rather skilful in the sphere of emotional interactions.
Hugo (ESE)
You understand relationships well enough to recognize a conflict long before emotions splash out. And in case you do not need it at the moment, you will manage to smoothly change the subject. You have a remarkable skill to create a cozy emotional atmosphere. Use it!
Robespierre (LII)
You should be especially attentive to those near and dear. Miss a moment – and emotions may blaze up, relationships may be spoiled for a long time.
Hamlet (EIE)
You will do your best for sure. Your skill to control your emotions can be only envied. We hope, however, that this will not cause a real fight.
Maxim (LSI)
It is possible eventually to quarrel, however, you must pay for the assault and battery. Advice: do not yield to emotions. You will not find the truth in a quarrel anyway, but the consequences might be sad. Remember this – and you will cope with the situation much easier.
Zhukov (SLE)
You know yourself. At times it is difficult to cope with a bad mood. Be ready for this, especially in a situation of a conflict.
Napoleon (SEE)
Well, you cannot deny it: it is easier for you to express your feelings than to conceal them. Sometimes it might hurt the situation, but even knowing that, you can do little about it. Strangely enough, other people do not have this problem at all.
When you divide people into friends and foes, it has some deep meaning for you. Your attitude to someone can abruptly change and move a friend into the “foe category” or a foe into the “friend category.” You do not want to be liked by everyone, and it is a precondition of your success in social life. As a rule, people of your type do not fear conflicts. Nevertheless, be attentive and do not go overboard when your are in a bad mood.
Balzac (ILI)
You will rather avoid a quarrel than be a part of it. Why waste energy on nonsense? At times you blow up too. In moments like that it is better to stay away from you. Be especially attentive in those cases, in fact these fits hurt you more than anyone else.
Jack London (LIE)
As a rule, you do not like conflicts, but nevertheless such situation may arise. Usually you try to avoid it. Is it always the best strategy? Do not you pay too much for it? Do not run from all conflicts; and observe yourself. You may probably find new strategies of dealing with people and situations.
Dreiser (ESI)
You may fly into a rage, sometimes your statements are harsh, but you will never prolong conflicts and just cannot be angry for a long time. You have a good memory, but nevertheless are easily appeased. Advice: If you are ready for the conflict beforehand, it will most likely never happen. You will simply not let it break out. The position of the observer often helps you in difficult situations, especially in the company of strangers. Anyway you do not like quarrels and will try to avoid them.
Don Quixote (ILE)
You are amorous. First of all you see in other person a representative of the opposite sex, and only later – a person. It is easy to infatuate you; you easily fall in love. Even one touch can sometimes drive you very far. You like to be liked, but consider this: it is a weakness!
Dumas (SEI)
Strangely enough, people of your type sometimes fail in relationships with the opposite sex due to an excessive rationalism. Do not forget that some things are not designed for understanding at all; the logic of life sometimes requires acts beyond human logic. Advice: a little recklessness would do you no harm.
Hugo (ESE)
People of your type show certain contradiction between outward openness, communicative skills and internal indecisiveness, even shyness in relationships with the opposite sex. You feel perfectly well in a company, you can be the life and soul of the party. However, in a one-on-one situation you often seem to be too irresolute, expecting initiative from your partner. You understand relationships well. Sometimes people may take your indecision for coldness.
Robespierre (LII)
It is hard for you to talk about your feelings. It is easy to demonstrate what you feel in a practical way, but to put it in words is another story. However, some people just need to hear about your feelings, otherwise they cannot feel secure. If the object of your sympathy is insecure you should gather your courage, maybe even write down what you are going to say in advance and read it.
Hamlet (EIE)
Remember: your emotional sphere is much deeper than the one of the majority of people. Your normal way of expressing of emotions may seem to another person too strong or extravagant. Advice: watch the partner's reaction. If your vis-à-vis became quiet, he or she has probably been frightened.
Maxim (LSI)
People of your type have a problem expressing their feelings, their attitude to things and people. It is a hundred times easier for you to do something to demonstrate your feelings than put it in words. Great, if your partner does not need words, but what if at least some talking or explaining is necessary? Then make an effort and get ready ahead of time, otherwise you might frighten your partner or get across as a rude and careless person.
Zhukov (SLE)
Some people expect subtle expression of feelings. And for you it is a hard task. You have a gentle soul, but externally may seem rude. Advice: pay attention to your emotional sphere, but do not fantasize, be yourself. Your energy will probably make up for some involuntary roughness in the expression of feelings.
Napoleon (SEE)
When young people of your type have especially tense relationships with the opposite sex. Not only sweet romances are possible in this period, but also affairs that could hurt. Later these problems smooth out. As a rule, in these situations you are the active party. Be, however, attentive: your energy can break barriers, but something subtle in the relationships can be destroyed in the process.
Balzac (ILI)
At times your relationships with the opposite sex you are not active enough and you let your partner take the initiative. If you agree with this statement, observe: at times do you find yourself involved in relationships against your own will? If you do not agree - well, you do not need our recommendations.
Jack London (LIE)
In relationships with the opposite sex people of your type are rather conservative. Watch for artificial restrictions in this area, which you do not need.
Dreiser (ESI female)
Looking very active and labile, you are nevertheless rather conservative in this area. However, your coquettish attitude might make people think that you are easy to seduce. You may agree that in your life such misunderstanding happened more than once. But in general you do not need many recommendations in this area since you are able to keep the distance like nobody else. Advice: remember that not everybody understands hints.
Dreiser (ESI male)
Your conservatism in this issue protects you well from difficult and ambiguous situations. You are capable of flirtation, but your home, family and its interests is your basic value. In this sphere you are perfectly competent and do not need any advice.
Don Quixote (ILE)
For you it is a grave situation. See if your own wavering is the reason (or one of the reasons) for the impossibility of definite actions. Try to step aside, have a detached view of the situation, as though seeing it on a silver screen; soberly, unbiasedly estimate the actions of the "characters" (including yourself). It could probably appear that you should be more resolute. An unresolved situation of this sort may seriously damage your health.
Dumas (SEI)
Same case as a Don Quixote’s. It is better to make your own choice; otherwise someone else will make it for you. Remember: 80% of the cause of wavering and procrastination is you; the impossibility of resolute actions is the result of your own indecision. You can never know everything from beginning to end. There will never be a 150 % guarantee of success.
Hugo (ESE)
The most difficult thing for you is to see the borderline of the situation. You may not notice the moment when the time of wavering and procrastination ends and begins the time of resolute actions. Look out for this transition and do not miss it.
Robespierre (LII)
Remember: nerve cells do not restore, or, more accurately, they restore much more slowly than other cells of the body. There is no need to stress out over objective circumstances. No matter how hard you try you cannot foresee everything. Induced delays are inevitable even with most flexible planning. Take a contrast shower or read your favorite book if you get a chance.
Hamlet (EIE)
Relax! This situation does not need any activity on your part. Try not to miss the moment when it is time to make decisions. Advice: Be alert!
Maxim (LSI)
This situation will demand self-control from you. Actions during these moments can be not only ineffective, but also even counterproductive. However, because you know when this interval will end, little effort will be required from you to endure it.
Zhukov (SLE)
Wavering and procrastinations are not in your book, but when all you could do has been done, let the situation ripen. Not always a mistake can be corrected by means of punishment of those at fault. It is needed and even necessary to put demands on people, however, there are also objective reasons. Advice: take it easy.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
You may simply not notice this situation. Be attentive to join in activity at the moment when resolute actions do not meet resistance any more. The motto: “Be ready!”
Napoleon (SEE)
Unfortunately, not everything depends on us, sometimes external circumstances overpower us. Be patient, try to relax. At this time resolute actions are impossible anyway. Switch to another activity, engage in something pleasant. Some problems take more time to be solved than we would prefer.
Balzac (ILI)
It is important for you not to miss the moment when the situation of induced procrastination may turn into a chronic one. See who benefits from it and do not let the things stagnate. Analyze all the reasons for the delay; you will probably see not only the objective circumstances, but also the interests of certain people. If it is so, do not be afraid to involve vigorous assistants: it will take more than your own energy to put things in motion.
Jack London (LIE)
Psychologists believe that people of your type are not confused by any delays and procrastination caused by objective circumstances. You have enough patience, and you will not go into extremes, worry or fret. If a delay has objective character, you will continue on with your activity, with the only difference: your actions will become internal, you will turn to developing your inner resources and searching for new options. The only thing that would be necessary is a precise self-positioning in the situation.
Dreiser (ESI)
Much like a Maxim. Plus: if you learn how to smoothly pass through the situations of delay it will save a lot of nervous energy in the future.
Holmes (LSE)
For you, just like for a Robespierre, various delays are the time of processing additional data, time for analysis. Probably this period would prove beneficial for you. Analyze the situation once more, look through the papers again, and make correction of plans for the nearest future if necessary.
Dostoevsky (EII)
You should not worry too much. In the world there are a lot of things and situations completely independent of our plans. Try not to miss, however, the end of this stage and be ready for definite actions. All your energy and concentration could be required then.
Huxley (IEE)
Take the advantage of the moment to estimate the situation, make a detailed analysis of data and make a decision. It will make for your success, and when the adverse period ends, you will be ready for resolute actions again.
Gabin (SLI)
Much like a Huxley. A plus here is that you have the time to think! Maybe you can find a more rational way to bring your plans about.
Don Quixote (ILE)
Since your activity in these periods will be inhibited, try to put it at rest. However, if there is the need to assert your purposes, you will certainly rush to fight despite of the forecasts even if it will be the struggle against windmills.
Dumas (SEI)
People of your type find it difficult to assert their goals. In such situation it will be even more difficult since your activity is inhibited. Think beforehand, whose help you could use at this time.
Hugo (ESE)
If you precisely know when it will be necessary to fight for your goals, call for somebody to whom the stars are more favorable at this period. A warning: standard ways could let you down.
Robespierre (LII)
Unfortunately, in this situation it might not be enough to just rely on your own strength. Habitual behavior might "not work". It is best to secure someone's support. Why risk in a disadvantageous position? The fact of the matter is, you might not be able to ignore reality.
Hamlet (EIE)
People of your type are characterized by some indecisiveness. In these circumstances this feature may amplify. Be attentive: during those periods of time decision-making requires even more energy than it usually does.
Maxim (LSI)
Try to relax. It is best to plan for yourself something pleasant, a holiday or an entertainment, otherwise you could waste too much energy for upholding your goals, it may unsettle you for a long time. Advice: take this situation for granted, just like rainy day or bad weather.
Zhukov (SLE)
You are used to relying on your own resources. As a rule it is enough, so the situation of compelled inactivity, impossibility of action for you is especially unpleasant. Unfortunately, you cannot do anything right now. Relax, do not waste your energy, you will need it soon.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
If you are going to assert your goals during this period, get someone else's support. You will not make it alone. Even your communicative skill may not work.
Napoleon (SEE)
The situation may seem especially difficult since you are a person of action. The compelled inactivity may seriously upset you. However, when you know precisely the time when the spell ends, it is not necessary to worry as much. You can wait till this period is over. Caution: Alcohol is not the best remedy for bad mood.
Balzac (ILI)
This situation is not too dangerous for you for your goals might be of a deep internal character.
Jack London (LIE)
Usually you do not depend on external circumstances, you move towards your goals no matter what. However, be ready for delays you will not be able to overcome. In that case do not waste your energy; it is better to temporarily switch your attention to something else.
Dreiser (ESI)
For you this situation should pass easily enough: you know about it already, and it will not fall out of the general harmony of daily events.
Don Quixote (ILE)
People of your type show their maximum potential under extreme pressure. During those moments you may demonstrate the character qualities you did not know you had, so there is no point to prepare for this beforehand.
Dumas (SEI)
You probably noticed that in unexpected, extreme situation your body and mind either freeze or continue working automatically. Expect this reaction and acknowledge the problem as soon as possible. The quicker you come out of this state the easier you will be able to overcome the danger.
Hugo (ESE)
You are subconsciously ready for this situation. You have enough energy for both resolute actions and control of people in extreme situations.
Robespierre (LII)
If something of this kind really happens, try to not lose sight of the integrity of the situation. Otherwise rash decision may lead to unreasonable and excessive waste of energy. Try to catch the whole picture of what is happening.
Napoleon (SEE)
In an unexpected extreme situation you can lead people like nobody else. You are able to take fast and drastic measures. People of your type are as though prepared by the nature for extreme situations and do not need further recommendations.
Balzac (ILI)
In an extreme situation you are capable of resolute selfless actions; however, you are not fit for the role of a leader. You may get stuck, or stop if it seems to you that someone else should take the responsibility.
Jack London (LIE)
In an extreme situation you will act confidently enough. The maximum of your abilities will be revealed here. Anyway, it is better that you would not have to use them.
Dreiser (ESI)
An extreme situation may unsettle you for a moment. However, you are capable of quickly bracing yourself and working energetically.
Gabin (SLI)
People of your type in an extreme situation can behave energetically and rather rationally. However, during the first moments of the situation you may stop, get stuck, or go into a stupor. Be ready and try to make this period of time as short as possible.
Don Quixote (ILE)
Usually you manage to find common language with people. However, failures are possible: when people are not constructive, you are in a difficult situation. Advice: do not be too self-confident, your communicative skills may fail.
Dumas (SEI)
You successfully communicate with almost everyone. This is your strong side. Probably in these circumstances you will have to invest more energy and attention. However, if the situation demands serious compromises, it is better to look for other time and other circumstances.
Hugo (ESE)
Do not be too self-confident. It is quite possible that it is not the best situation for a dialogue. Negotiations requiring serious compromises should be postponed. Advice: it is better to wait than get involved in anything at times like this.
Hamlet (EIE)
You are perfectly able to control your emotions. However, other people may misunderstand you and misinterpret your words or acts. During the periods of distorted perception it is better to refrain from any actions and decisions.
Zhukov (SLE)
In a situation when understanding between people is difficult some of their statements may seem insulting to you. Stop, do not draw any conclusions. Most likely it is a simple misunderstanding. He or she meant something absolutely different and simply failed to convey their thought. Be attentive, otherwise relationships may go sour and stay like that for lengthy periods of time.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
Similar to a Dumas. The following situation is possible: you have come to an agreement with your partners but it turns out that you misunderstood each other. Clarify whether you have really come to an agreement or it is a mutual illusion. Advice: Be especially attentive.
Napoleon (SEE)
If you manage to adhere to a 'dry' official style, everything should turn out OK. For compromises, however, it is better to choose another time, and if possible, another place, otherwise your business may suffer.
Balzac (ILI)
In this situation you should avoid prickly statements. Your conclusions might prove to be correct... And nevertheless it is better to leave them for tomorrow. You will still understand people well (which could not be said about representatives of other types).
Jack London (LIE)
If it is impossible to postpone a serious meeting, try to be especially attentive and check how other people understand what you said. Especially if they agree with you! It is quite possible that each party understood the state of things in their own way.
Dreiser (ESI)
Psychologists say that people of your type generally do not seek depth in relationships, and are content basically with superficial dialogue in which are not inclined to compromises. But there is a small circle of people (as a rule limited to the family circle) with whom you are very close and there is a number of already settled compromises. In this light the situation is not too disturbing for you - you are attentive enough in the sphere of interpersonal relationships. However, be ready that partners would show more misunderstanding and obstinacy than usually. But an emotional move can always help you.
Holmes (LSE)
In this situation it is better not to plan any personal meetings. There might be misunderstanding you would regret later. Should you stay away from the difficult people for a while? By the way, there is always some unfinished paperwork.
Dostoevsky (EII)
You have probably been in a situation when people do not understand too well what you are telling them, but pretend that they do. Pay special attention to this: people may agree with you probably having in mind their own goals. If in your relationships with someone serious adjustments and compromises are required, it is better to devote this time to other things.
Huxley (IEE)
As a rule, you judge people characters rather accurately and talk to people in their language. On the one hand, it facilitates contacts, but on the other makes them more so to say 'artificial'. Slips are possible here. Try to define your assessments more accurately. The initial opinion may prove to be not absolutely true. As to the 'near and dear' ones, here the contacts already exist and are finely tuned. Beware, however, of losing your temper, it may put you to a disadvantage.
Gabin (SLI)
Do not make appointments with new people: the probability is great that the dialogue will fail. Your professionalism and knowledge may certainly help, but most likely you will misunderstand each other. Even if someone in this situation agrees with you, be not delusioned, there might be no understanding at all.
Don Quixote (ILE)
Any conflict between people (even if it does not concern you directly) bothers you. The more you are involved in a conflict, the higher the psychological cost for you will be. Remember that you may lose much more energy than other participants of the conflict. You know the famous formula of a failure: “Be good to everyone, please everyone.” Check yourself and see if you follow the formula?
Dumas (SEI)
As a rule you successfully avoid these problems. You are able to help a person calm down or at least switch the focus of attention to another topic or person. Advice: practice self-control. Even if your opponent gets personal, do not retaliate. It does not help resolve the conflict at all. This situation may be creative for you, however, try to stay away from the front lines. Direct conflicts are not recommended for you.
Hugo (ESE)
Generally, fighting and conflict is not your part in life. There are people who get a kick out of fighting, they even get charged in a conflict; you instinctively try to avoid conflicts. And remember nevertheless: sometimes it is better to call a spade a spade, and an open and direct talk is much more effective than hints and equivoques.
Robespierre (LII)
Of course, you want justice and you strive for it. Pay closer attention to the means you use. Are they too radical in this situation? Is your approach too harsh and serious?
Stand back and look at the situation from outside. It is a good quality to have – to be able to laugh at yourself.
Hamlet (EIE)
People of your type are good actors. It is easier for you than for other types to put on a face and live with it for some time and then discard it. You are better than many others able to control your emotions and inner states. Since you have this remarkable gift, you do not need to fight with anybody. Advice: Choose a suitable role for yourself and change the script. Or, to put it more accurately, the script will change itself according to the logic of life of the image chosen.
Maxim (LSI)
The ability to work under the pressure of conflict is not your strongest side. To act, to risk is another story, you are good at it, but the sphere of emotions... In this place you are unprotected, open for influence of other people and, unfortunately, might find yourself involved in a conflict against your will.
It is very important to know this zone. The situation of interpersonal conflict provides a fine opportunity to observe your own behavior. This observation will help you to learn something new about yourself, get more protected.
Zhukov (SLE)
You are a rather rational person and absolutely not inclined to personal conflicts. However, if this happens, you have a problem coping with the subsequent stress. You are ready to cut off relationships with people after a minor conflict. Advice: Remember that people are what they are. Does it really make sense to take offence? You will get hurt, but they will not change.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
People of your type are good diplomats. Even in a difficult situation of interpersonal conflict you will manage to find the necessary course and prevent emotional explosion.
Napoleon (SEE)
Emotionally intense conflict is a habitual working situation for you, you do not take things personally, it is a stimulus to action, and it does not disturb you emotionally. You do not cling to negative emotions; you get rid of them soon. And often people are grateful to you: it is pleasant to deal with a person who does not keep a grudge.
Balzac (ILI)
Quarrels and conflicts are not your element. You adhere to a constructive rather than an emotional manner of dealing with problems. It may happen, however, that you get involved in a conflict. Advice: Be ready and try to use the situation for introspection. Be diligent and you will get a lot of invaluable information about yourself.
Jack London (LIE)
As a rule, you do not initiate conflicts. Nevertheless, this may happen to you. Usually you try to avoid it. Is it always the best strategy? Is the price you pay for it too high? Do not run from a conflict and observe yourself. You might discover a new strategy of interaction with people.
Dreiser (ESI)
You may blow up, and be harsh in your statements. But you will not prolong conflicts and be angry for a long time. You have a good memory, but nevertheless you are easily appeased. Advice: If you are ready for a conflict, it will most likely not happen. You simply will not let it develop. The position of an observer quite often helps you in difficult situations, especially in an unfamiliar company.
Gabin (SLI)
You do not like disputes and conflicts. People of your type prefer to escape from conflicts; they do not support disputes. You are not excited about convincing anybody of anything. The sphere of conflicts is not your strong side. If you had a choice, you would avoid them altogether. Advice: If a conflict occurs do not blame yourself too much. Usually everybody’s guilty.
Don Quixote (ILE)
If you feel sick and it is nothing extraordinary, just wait through this period of time. Besides, it is better to refrain whenever possible from food, especially avoid tasting new foods and unfamiliar kitchen.
Hamlet (EIE)
Do not be afraid. If you can make it without taking medicine, try to just wait through this period while doing something pleasant.
Maxim (LSI)
You are certainly a patient person and can endure a lot of pain. Nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary to go and see a doctor, at least for consultation. It is simply dangerous to ignore certain things.
Zhukov (SLE)
It is often said about people of your type that they have a peasant's attitude to health: “He ploughs until lies in the furrow”. Advice: Find time in you schedule to take care of your health, then problems will not build up.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
You do not enjoy talking about these issues; conversations about illnesses have little attraction from your point of view. However, sometimes it is necessary to make an effort and see a doctor. People of your type should schedule regular physical check ups.
Napoleon (SEE)
At times people of your type tend to ignore sickness, turning their attention to other things. However, it is necessary to take time to take care of your health. Your body, just like any mechanism, requires not only repairs, but also preventive maintenance.
Balzac (ILI)
You, just like a Tutankhamon and a Dreiser, pay enough attention to your health and try not to neglect minor sickness. You are patient and try to endure sickness. You do not like to visit doctors. You worry about your relatives' health much more than they do. Observe yourself. Probably somewhere in the body there is a misbalance, and at this point simple measures are required.
Gabin (SLI)
You are very rational in health issues. You know precisely what is the problem and how it should be treated. You are always ready to face health problems. You can help yourself and other people.
Don Quixote (ILE) and Huxley (IEE)
Be attentive to health issues. You have probably noticed your suspiciousness in this sphere. Do not take too serious what others may say about your health. It is better to trust the experts.
Dumas (SEI) and Gabin (SLI)
Circumstances, schedule, plan, and timetable force you to live rigid life. Take part in planning and scheduling, otherwise you will have to do unnecessary things and take care of somebody else’s business.
Hugo (ESE) and Hamlet (EIE)
Can you think of a time in your life when somebody explained something to you so logically and rationally that it took a while to figure out that you have been deceived. Does this happen to you too often? Pay attention, do not take in a beautiful and logical reasoning, and look for the motives and premises. Advice: Get at the root! Remember that facts are stubborn things; do not despise them. Works speak louder than words.
Robespierre (LII) and Maxim (LSI)
If people compliment to you, idolize you, admire you, you cannot resist. Discern flattery and2 hypocrisy from sincere attitude, otherwise those who need something from you will quickly learn to use this 'button'.
Zhukov (SLE) and Napoleon (SEE)
Strangely enough, your most unprotected spot is your mood. Remember that in a bad mood it is possible to do a lot of things in a short time but you will be sorry later. In a good mood pay attention to what you sign. And, at last: no business when even slightly intoxicated!
Tutankhamon (IEI) and Balzac (ILI)
When people expect you to do certain things, see if you need it. It might be that they want to accomplish things at your expense, to take advantage of your good attitude. Be attentive.
Jack London (LIE) and Holmes (LSE)
A certificate is not always the true proof of professionalism. A book with a nice cover does not always contain truth. Do not let yourself be hypnotized by the quality of print! Considering modern technical equipment it is not hard to arrange.
Observe how your opinion is being formed. Do you prefer to turn to "objective" and "competent" sources, other people? If yes, here you are not protected, more open for external influences, your opinion might be controlled from outside. Look at the situation it might prompt a correct decision.
Dreiser (ESI) and Dostoevsky (EII)
Facts are a stubborn thing; that is true. And nevertheless do not jump to conclusions. Watch attentively: facts might be represented in different ways, or simply juggled. Look who and how interprets these facts and what are their motives. Maybe the solution of the problem is not as simple as it seems to be.
Don Quixote (ILE)
You can catch yourself doing something unnatural, unusual for you. Observe: there is an impulse for change, expansion of abilities. An unusual situation gives you an opportunity to look at yourself as if in a mirror. Advice: Be attentive, and you will learn something new about yourself.
Dumas (SEI)
Extraordinary behavior - excellent! This is a good opportunity for you to look at yourself as if from outside and go beyond the limits of the habitual image. Be not afraid of yielding to this temptation, and you will learn something new about yourself. This experience might prove to be extremely useful.
Hugo (ESE)
Be attentive in this situation, especially if you have essential problems at the moment. Maybe an unusual image will help you to find a non-standard way of solving your problems.
Robespierre (LII)
There is something of an artist in you. An unusual situation, a change of image is an opportunity to expand the “bouquet” of your roles, to experience and master a new behavior pattern, a new view of the world, to become someone or something new. New states of mind will help you to go beyond some routine limits and norms. Advice: Be daring, and understanding will come.
Hamlet (EIE)
With your artistic turn and ability to control different moods and states some new, unusual images are a wonderful boon. Be attentive, though: a new role may lead you too far. Advice: Remain alert and take it easy keeping everything under control.
Maxim (LSI)
Pay attention to new patterns of behavior, expression of emotions. You have an opportunity to enjoy them to the fullest. It will probably be an unusual state or movement. Observe the form, it might be a wonderful adventure.
Zhukov (SLE)
Generally people of your type do not fancy change of the habitual image. As a rule, they are set in their judgments, appearance and behavior. These are vigorous, active, at times even too straightforward people. And nevertheless they might sometimes display a completely unusual behavior. Do not be afraid to discover new sides of your personality. It will not harm you at all. Certainly, people around you will be surprised, but this is not your problem.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
You have an artistic bent, your are capable of changing your image easily. You do not bother with technique; it comes naturally. In different psychological spaces, with different people you can be a different person. But even you have an area of extraordinary images and deeds. Catch the moment, investigate this area, and it might become an interesting journey towards yourself. It is always good for you to test the limits of your habitual behavior.
Napoleon (SEE)
It is not easy to perplex the people of your type. You are not afraid of extravagance neither in clothes, nor in behavior. You have enough willpower to defend your own image even if some people do not like it. So why not try something new, unusual? Have you been too predictable lately? Let it be astonishing. Sometimes it is good for people to be surprised.
Balzac (ILI)
You as nobody else are able to fit in any concrete situation, concrete psychological space. Sometimes you even experience difficultly separating yourself from the common image in which you spend most of your time; but even for you, certainly, there are unusual or impossible roles. Extraordinary situations allow you to take a look at yourself, and it gives you a good stimulus to self-development.
Modern man is so constrained by circumstances and overloaded with stereotypes that there is almost no room for live, natural manifestation.
Jack London (LIE)
You have two completely different personalities – one on the inside, another on the outside. Your external image is quite stable, even conservative. But in the inside a constant change of states and images is going on… Now you have an opportunity to work on your external image, to leave the habitual behind and dare into the unknown. Be daring, this may become an unusual fascinating research and finally could help remove restrictions, maybe even psychological suppressions.
Dreiser (ESI)
People of your type are not very predictable. At times people can hardly grasp the logic of things you do. Although you know the reason why you do certain things, it is hard for you to explain it to others, and you detest doing that. But all the same some of your actions may seem extraordinary to you first of all and they will not seem so unusual to others. Anyway, there is no need for you to analyze your new behavior. Simply enjoy a new experience, a new aspect of your nature.
Holmes (LSE)
Usually people of your type are rather conservative in their habits, their choice of clothes and manners of behavior. You do not favor extravagant deeds or powerful emotional outbursts. It is possible that one day you will surprise yourself by a new or unknown trait or behavior, this will give you a new vision of self. Do not be afraid; let it be. Those experiences may be fascinating. Advice: Relax and look at it from the outside.
Dostoevsky (EII)
At times it seems to you that people should be more understanding, they should appreciate your feelings, and see your virtues. Alas, it is a grave mistake. People just do not have time to see the subtleties. Advice: assert yourself with more confidence.
Huxley (IEE)
As a rule, people of your type are well aware of their own behavior, though they are not always able to cope with emotions. Probably an unusual image and extraordinary behavior could be a great tool in your study of self. You will be able to understand some things you did not understand before.
Gabin (SLI)
You are rather conservative. You are not fond of changing images. Then this situation may serve you well. If you approach this experiment unbiasedly, you might receive a new stimulus for creativity.
Don Quixote (ILE)
When an unexpected event occurs you stay cool. You do everything right. You realize that it is impossible to foresee everything. The best thing to do is to have a relaxed control of the situation.
Dumas (SEI)
Try to get ready for an unexpected event, or frustration of schedule by developing an automatic program of behavior in case of emergency. You have a quick mind and can foresee most of possible ways of further development of events. You successfully cope with 95 % of situations. What if a quick reaction is necessary, but you do not have a prepared program of actions? Then it is your weak spot, you may end up in a very unpleasant state, even in a stupor. Here you will need some other patterns of behavior, some emergency strategy. Think back, probably something of this kind has already happened in your life.
- Get your focus off yourself, try to be adequate to the situation as much as possible.
- Take time to analyze similar cases in your life. Remember that you are not perfect. Now all that has happened is history, you have learnt your lessons and it will be easier in the future. Consider the things you lacked earlier, and take them into account in the future.
- Make a list of all similar cases, then imagine that you are in a movie hall watching a movie about a gentleman (or a lady) and when the story comes to the critical scene, let go of the control button. Let the script develop by itself, but do not forget that you are an onlooker. It is possible that the ending will be different from what has really happened. Do that with episodes of your life. If you caught the idea you will probably enjoy the experience. Rely on this aloofness of a spectator in any similar situation. There is one problem though: you may not have the time to recognize the situation. As soon as you feel that you are "not OK", switch to the state of an onlooker.
Hugo (ESE)
Will an unexpected situation interfere with your meditation or your fellowship with people? If it won’t, fine. But nevertheless be prepared. Be attentive, and your reaction will be adequate. You might experience unpleasant feelings, you might waste a lot of time, but correct understanding of the problem will secure the sympathies of people around you.
Robespierre (LII)
The world is not very harmonious. The unexpected is waiting for you just around the corner. This energizes you. You might have to experience sickness and injuries. But your correct understanding of the situation, the love of your close ones, the respect of your associates will restore you and help you to cope with any surprises in any extreme circumstances. There is one thing here that is dangerous for you. In your yearning for the optimal and the maximum effective you may cause misbalance and go overboard. Remember: The best is the enemy of the good. You need to catch the moment when you need to stop and make a decision.
Hamlet (EIE)
The situation catches you off guard! Wrong actors came on the stage and they are playing the wrong play. This is the perfect timing to use your amazing flexibility. You can play any role still being yourself, having your ideas and principles intact. Never mind the change of the scenery and plot; if your intention remains firm, external forms will not matter. You can do wonders!
Maxim (LSI)
You have a good reaction, and the unexpected physical events tone you up. However, there are surprises of a different sort, they are harder to cope with. Those surprises happen in the area of relationships with other people. You expect certain things from certain people, expect certain results by a certain time, you trust other people... and suddenly... Treachery, you are deceived by your business partners; they have been telling you half-truths, etc. All this, unfortunately, are modern realities of life. Relax, and remember the Buddha saying: “People are people, they cannot be different.” Do not jump to conclusions. Angels, after all, live in heaven; here on earth you are more likely to meet sinners. Look for the “golden middle”, it will be helpful: a lot of your difficulties in relationships will be dissolved. You have a strong personality and you can do it.
Zhukov (SLE)
An unexpected event is just another working situation! You will certainly find a way out at once, and maybe there will be more than one way out. There is just one request, please, take into consideration what price other people will have to pay for it. Some people may find it too high, and you will make enemies. You certainly have a strong personality, but do not turn down other people's help. Even when they do not want to work as hard as you do. You should estimate other people's resources more accurately. Then they will be more helpful.
Tutankhamon (IEI)
Try to stay in control of the situation; observe. Do not let others get you involved in anything against your own will.
Napoleon (SEE)
An unexpected event?! Do not worry, life is full of the unexpected. Every moment of life brings something new. What’s there in life if everything is known from beginning to end? Your desire to get involved in a situation is honorable and often bears its fruit. It is a winner's strategy. And nevertheless, if you have a sober-minded partner, get together with him/her and brainstorm the possible hidden dangers. Do not rely on the intuition only. Certainly, it is good to have the gut feeling, however, even your energy is not infinite. Probably it is necessary to spend a little more time to make an accurate choice of the direction you will be working in. Details are not very important. People trust you, but do not forget that you need a strategy.
Balzac (ILI)
Something unexpected, disruption of a schedule – it is certainly an unpleasant situation, but try to understand the reasons for this disruption. Think where the harmony of the situation was broken? When doing the analysis you may discover the weak spots of the structure you are working with. When you get on this way of thinking you will find surprising discoveries, the benefit of which will make up for any minor disadvantages. Consider this a working situation, and you will reap the benefits soon. A hard-to-endure, tense situation can turn into a creative one, and you will know it when people will give thanks.
Jack London (LIE)
As a rule, you are ready for the unexpected. You can quickly find your bearings in a new, even absolutely strange situation. The world is what it is, and you accept it. Whatever surprises and difficulties you face on your way, whatever cataclysms and natural disasters may happen, you will have enough strength and patience.
Dreiser (ESI)
Unfortunately, unexpected situations happen more often than you would want them to! The world turned out to be not as harmonious as it promised to be in the beginning. And the less we expect from it, the less we are disappointed later. You need thicker walls to protect your inner tune and make it less dependent on external circumstances, and then the world will cause you less grief and disappointment. Advice: build up an immune system to the unexpected.
Holmes (LSE)
Frustrated schedule, disharmony is something you do not plan for. If all things depended on you, nothing like that would ever happen. But some people, unfortunately, do not have respect for time whether it is their time or somebody else’s; some people do not pay attention to this at all. Expect this, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble. Make your schedule more flexible and have plan B,C, etc.. Alas, the punctuality is kings' courtesy, not everyone practices this virtue.
Dostoevsky (EII)
The world around you will be less aggressive if you lighten up, and ease the inner tension.
Huxley (IEE)
The situation may force you to do something against your will. Try to resist the external pressure. Observe. Try to stand your own ground.
Gabin (SLI)
An unexpected situation?! Great! Let us consider the objective aspect of things. People always complicate simple things. It takes just a little observation, and a simple way out always presents itself. It is absolutely unnecessary to use standard patterns. Why pay so much for useless garbage? It is necessary to look at things from a different point of view, and then you will move on. Do not forget about your ability to find simple solutions. There is no need to argue with fools! Let them scratch the right ear with the left hand.
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