• Four Types of Employees in Times of Crisis - Socionics DCNH subtypes to the Aid of HR

    Four Types of Employees in Times of Crisis - Socionics DCNH subtypes to the Aid of HR
    -by Kirill Kravchenko

    This article will be useful to everyone who has encountered the problem of recruiting personnel during periods of crises, as well as to those who have passed socionic diagnostics with me and want to understand their growth zones and weaknesses. The situation of uncertainty in the economy poses difficult tasks before businesses, whose leaders and representatives want not only to withstand difficult periods without losses, but also to increase the momentum of their business or project if possible. This is not an easy goal to achieve without a particularly competent approach to selection of personnel, an approach that should take into account that in situations of uncertainty, representatives of different types (subtypes) of the psyche will respond and act differently. In this article, we have outlined the advantages and disadvantages of working with four types (subtypes) of workers, which are clearly manifested in a crisis situation.

    "Mister Wisdom" - the Harmonizing subtype

    The laissez-faire policy inherent in this type of employee is the most ineffective one during periods of crisis (for a company). The activities of such a representative in the team will mainly consist of discourse and philosophizing: he will weaken the motivation of colleagues with statements like: "We're dust after all" or "Things don't last eternally, there will be a holiday on our street someday!"

    Regrets, reassurances, dreams and a lot of wise words is all that can be squeezed out of such a "wise person" in a tough period. A crisis situation for such people is a reason to justify their own inactivity. This is not to say that they are bad employees: they are often distinguished by high intelligence and erudition, however, their knowledge "kills" their ability to actively accomplish things.

    For the company:

    Benefits: they are good at identifying the shortcomings of something in advance.
    Disadvantages: with their sophistication can demobilize the team; don't value the working time of others and themselves do not keep up with the times. Time of their co-workers seems to flow through them.
    Personal qualities shown in work: Wait-and-see kind of behavior, the downside of which is missing out on business opportunities; lack of balance and stability in decision making; weakened ability to show volitional qualities and adequately respond to a sharp and intensive rhythm of life.

    Tips for the company:

    Is a person of Harmonizing subtype found on your team? Want a ton of information combined with complete inaction? .... In good times, such an employee could find the use of their sophistication and erudition, but in a crisis you need to save your business from such personnel.

    Tips for the candidate:

    If you recognize yourself in the description of "the sage", then you should know that you are not quite a team player. You might perform better as a freelancer than a proactive and resourceful implementer during a crisis. Look for yourself in individual custom work. IT programming or design are especially good for you.

    "Mister Reliability" - the Normalizing subtype

    Employees of this type are balanced, prudent, and reliable people. Impulsiveness is not characteristic of them and they rarely commit rash acts for which they would be ashamed. While strictly observing discipline, they don't demand its observance from others.

    Without deviation and with an inherent to them accuracy, people of Normalizing subtype follow the established order, and with much difficulty react to changing circumstances. Such employees are not inclined to scheme and "set up" their colleagues due to their typically lowered ambition and innate sense of decency.

    Their survival in a crisis situation is based on the ability to keep their spirits and be content with little. In the event of a crisis, they rely on their own savings.

    They are distinguished by stable attachments to their environment and established traditions. They deliberately avoid risk and any extremes in order to avoid problems. Employees of this type are the basis for stability of a working team.

    For the company:

    Benefits: owing to their responsible attitude to their labor duties, employees of Normalizing subtype will keep "afloat" any project or work under their management; their honesty and reliability are the best assistants in non-risky activities.
    Disadvantages: manifestations of instability in working conditions, whether in relation to them or in wages, will be an inevitable incentive for them to find a more reliable employer.
    Personal qualities shown in work: the ability if not to create then at least to maintain order in any areas of activity; slow but constant ability to get things done; in a critical situation when presented with a choice to take a step forward or to retreat, they will choose to retreat and think.

    Tips for the company:

    Such employees are much needed for any business or company, since they are the basis of diligence and order (even worldly one!). Tossing such potential aside - is the height of imprudence. People of this subtype form the very foundation on which the stability of leadership is based. In order to avoid the "leakage" of such personnel, the employer must unobtrusively demonstrate to the stability of his company to his employees: both its viability and the long-term potential of maintaining working relations. It is stability that is one of the main values of employees of this reliable type. The feeling of loss of stability in their well-being, as the main support to their livelihood, completely disorients the “reliable” worker.

    Tips for the candidate:

    You need to be clearly aware of your weakness with going beyond the framework of that which you have gotten used to, as well as your tendency to excessively analyze in situations that don't need any delays. Try not to limit yourself in the realization of promising opportunities. Don't hesitate to make useful contacts, for example, at corporate parties, and use informal connections. Understand that being able to keep your nose downwind and make quick decisions is essential to a successful career.

    "Captain Freedom" - the Creative Subtype

    As a rule, these are upbeat people, with a good sense of humor, resourceful and impulsive. They quickly "light up" with interest for a new project or business, but just as quickly drop it and cool down. They stand out against the background of other employees with their riskiness, quarrelsomeness, and creative approach to business. Unlike the “reliable” Normalizing subtypes, these “heroes” are motivated by status and uniqueness, while difficult and unexpected situations (and crises) mobilize and motivate them.

    For the company:

    Benefits: people of Creative subtype feel fine in unexpected and adventurous situations, as well as in cases of unexpected troubles. A crisis for them - is a challenge that they will readily accept. They have an interest in everything new and promising, the desire to immediately apply the knowledge gained in business.
    Disadvantages: if such employees are not sufficiently motivated by their status and uniqueness, they can easily fail to complete the work or project that they have begun.
    Personal qualities shown in work: excessive manifestations of adventurism and independence, despite a possibility of deteriorating relations with management. Heroism (want to stand out on their own). Frivolity and extremes in behavior.

    Tips for the company:

    During periods of inspiration, the performance and creativity of such employees beat all records, however, monotonous and unpromising work can plunge them into depression. The best motivation for such employees is complex creative tasks, perspectives in development (albeit within the framework specified by you), freedom of action under the control of the outcomes and results by the management and not the working process itself.

    Tips for the candidate:

    Learn to get things done and to be consistent in achieving goals. Strong impulsive energy can work wonders, but one cannot reliably count on a continuous existence of such talented energy. There are good chances you might go to extremes (creative sprees alternating with depressions, etc.), but this is not because of weakness, but because you have tried to be strong for too long and too intensively. You lack strategic goals, and sometimes even consideration of the social norms. Remember that organization and orderliness of less talented competitors can be more effective than your creative and intellectual spurs.

    "Mister Persistence" - the Dominant subtype

    Representatives of this type need to be emphasized especially. In terms of individual talent and the ability to quickly mobilize (get involved in business) they yield to people of Creative subtypes. Creative subtypes - are resourceful tactics, but Dominant subtype is ideally organized, flawlessly socialized strategist, purposeful and tenacious, if not overly persistent. Time, for this subtype of people, is measured by the number of useful things that have been done per a unit of time. The more densely useful deeds are "packed" in time, the better the Dominant subtype feels. The "persistent" don't need any motivation from the outside, moreover, unlike the Normalizing subtype, they are able to easily organize and motivate others. Their performance, unlike the Creative subtype, does not depend on any external factors. And their consistency in business can only be envied.

    Tips for the company:

    Benefits: people of Dominant subtype are meant for long-term, strategic competition. They can lose a fight, but they can win the battle. One could write anecdotes and legends about the amount of their persistence. They are less demonstrative and bright than Creative subtype, but their level of leadership skills is higher (they calculate their energy well and bring all things to the end). Know that such employees only need victory, and they won't be shy about its price. Authoritarian. During the labor process, they tend to hand out assignments and instructions to colleagues.
    Disadvantages: there are no major disadvantages, unless the management puts such a person into the role of assistant-implementer. Then the Dominant subtype will show proactive initiative where it is not really needed.
    Personal qualities shown in work: Dominant subtypes show an ability to set clear goals for themselves and people around them, and not deviate and be put astray during large time intervals. They often have either congenital or acquired leadership qualities. Competitive with those who are similar to them.

    Tips for the company:

    Looking for a successful leader? You've found them! This person won't stop at anything: will bring "in their teeth" any result necessary for business. The Dominant subtype doesn't suffer from dips in motivation in case of uninteresting affairs or monotonous required work, or at least you won't hear about them. He is able to break through any walls, but not with the help of force, but thanks to his organizational skills and perseverance. However, two Dominant subtypes on one team will find it difficult to get along; it is better to separate them, assign to different projects and away from each other.

    Tips for the candidate:

    know that there's nothing is impossible for you. However, your workaholism and lust for activity are not the best basis for a happy personal life. Sooner or later you will have to choose between family and career.

    A note from the author: I will be glad to answer all your questions and help in choosing worthy candidates who are suitable for a certain position within your business. For those who are still looking for a job, I provide individual consultations to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

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