• Psychological functions and Information metabolism models by T. Prokofieva, M. Kuzmina

    Psychological functions and Information metabolism models

    Tatyana Prokofieva
    Marina Kuzmina

    In the previous article we told you, dear readers, about the connection between socionics and psychology. And now it’s time to describe the connection between socionics and informatics, to tell you about that information system which, as it tuned out, all of us have. Recently people could not even imagine that there is some kind of a “trip computer” in our psyche which determines our talents, preferences, spheres of interest, professional inclinations, the mode of life. The ability to know it in details helps to consciously manage our life, not to make same mistakes again and again, to secure ourselves against troubles in time.

    What do we know about the exchange processes?

    There is a term in biology – metabolism, which literally means exchange, assimilation and processing. The food received by an organism is decomposed into numerous components and gets into cells. In other words, the physiological process of energy metabolism means the exchange of materials (metabolism) and the biological level of an organism’s life.

    The Polish psychiatrist, A. Kempinsky, has compared energetic metabolism (EM) to assimilation and processing the information by a human psyche. The essence of his information metabolism (IM) theory is the fact that outer information signals are similar to foods. By analogy with the energy metabolism of the cells Kempinsky showed that information is perceived by certain channels of a human psyche, assimilates, accumulates, is kept there, then is transformed and partially goes out to interact with the outer world, and some part of it remains inside and makes the person’s inner world. A. Kempinsky introduced the following image: “The human psyche is fed with the information. His mental health depends of the quantity and quality of this information”.

    Information metabolism is the process of assimilating, processing and transferring information by the human psyche.

    · That is why socionics has the second name of the information metabolism theory.

    By analogy with the natural cell metabolism, the information flow coming to a person is decomposed into separate components by the human psyche. But only a certain channel, not at random, but exactly tuned into each of these components, is responsible for receiving and processing this information. In this connection A. Augustinavichuite writes: “C.G. Jung’s discovery is the discovery of the selection mechanism of signals perceived by the psyche. This mechanism can be called an information metabolism (IM) code or the rules of the language with the help of which information is transferred”.

    Mental type determines the way of receiving information from the outer world by an individual and the selection of this information. The certain individual psyche structure determines the certain kind of “filtration system” for information processing. These are Jung’s functions (logics, ethics, intuition, sensorics). Dominant functions ensure a larger volume of information processed that weak ones.

    Let’s imagine a mathematics class. The teacher gives a flow of abstract, logical information: formulas, parabolas, sines and cosines. They get to the strong functions of logics to one of the students (for example, a representative of the “logical-intuitive introvert” type) and to the weak function of another one (for example, a representative of the “sensoric-ethical extravert” type). Naturally, the first one will easily understand and remember the proof structure, and the second one will have a hard time doing that. If they would like to discuss their impressions after the lesson, it will turn out that they took the lesson differently. One of them liked logical conclusions and constructions, and the other remembered only epithets and comparisons made by the teacher, beauty and flow of the lines, especially if they have been drawn with colourful chalks.

    In different perception of one kind of information there is the difference between the personality types.

    · Due to the fact that differences in personality types are just differences in information signals exchange with the environment, personality types can be called the information metabolism types (IM types).

    Combination of C.G. Jung’s typology and A. Kempinsky’s information metabolism theory became the fundamental discovery in socionics. That is A. Augustinavichuite’s contribution. Now we can introduce another definition of socionics:

    Socionics is a science of information metabolism types and of intertype relationships.

    As every other science, socionics has its own subject of studies and its own method.

    · The subject of socionics is the studies of information exchange processes between a person and the environment and their effect on the person’s psyche.

    · Socionics method is information metabolism type diagnostics on Jung’s basis and socionics models.

    Information metabolism types

    On the pages of earlier publications we tried to trace the differences in details on every socionic dichotomy: extraversion – introversion, logics – ethics, intuition – sensorics, rationality – irrationality.

    The dichotomies can be described in another way answering the following questions:

    Which world determines our vital activities?

    The inner world – the outer world

    · (extraverts) (introverts)

    Which type of information do we easier perceive?

    Concrete information – Abstract information

    · (sensorics) (intuits)

    Which world is better for us: of objective rules or human relationships?

    Objective rules – Human relationships

    · (logics) (ethics)

    How do we arrange our life?

    Steadily moving to the goal – Sensitively react to changes

    · (rationals) (irrationals)

    In human psyche all the four features united in pairs are represented. Nevertheless, each of us uses only one part of each pair more surely and freely, perception on the other one is inadequate and accompanied by difficulties. Here we can draw the analogy with the right and left hands. Thus, the right-handed people better manipulate with the right hand but that does not mean that they do not use the left one at all. The left-handed people do all the main work with their left hand but the right hand is a very important aid for them.

    It is not by chance that we have returned to the previous material for by that we have closely come to the most important and at the same time the most complicated matter – combining together the data received in the diagnostic process and thus identifying the information Table 1.

    Information metabolism types

    Division by Jung’s basis

    The name and the symbol of the type





    Logical-intuitive extravert ENTj



    Logical-sensoric extravert ESTj




    Ethical-intuitive extravert ENFj



    Ethical-sensoric extravert ESFj





    Intuitive-logical extravert ENTp



    Intuitive-ethical extravert ENFp




    Sensoric-logical extravert ESTp



    Sensoric-ethical extravert ESFp






    Logical-intuitive introvert INTj



    Logical-sensoric introvert ISTj




    Ethical-intuitive introvert INFj



    Ethical-sensoric introvert ISFj





    Intuitive-logical introvert INTp



    Intuitive-ethical introvert INFp




    Sensoric-logical introvert ISTp



    Sensoric-ethical introvert ISFp


    Socionic functions

    Aushra Augustinavichuite suggested using two symbols for marking the type. These symbols you can see in the last column of the table. What are these symbols and why are they used to mark the type? Now we will talk about that.

    A. Augustinavichuite did not stop at describing the information metabolism type by dichotomies. She was sure that certain peculiarities of the human psyche are not described by them. That is why the Lithuanian scientist made the next step in socionicsdevelopment: she paid attention to the work of the functions described by Jung in the person’s informationsystem. Shesuggested considering first every Jung’s function in its extraverted and introverted variants. And she also introduced their symbols .

    Socionic functions process information about the world. Each function is “responsible” for “its own” information. And what is the way to understand which information refers to which function? Let’s look at the table for that (table 2).

    Table 2. Socionic functions


    Name and the symbol



    Logics (Thinking)


    Logics of actions


    Technology, function, action, deed, fact, knowledge, use, benefit, business, method, reason, instrument, tool, expediency, business team, effectiveness, price, movement, mechanism


    Logics of relationships


    System, analysis, instruction, mathematics, structure, classification, register, parameter, regularity, law, synthesis, proof, understanding, right, duty, responsibilities

    Ethics (Feelings)


    Ethics of emotions


    People’s emotions, laughter, weeping, enthusiasm, romanticism, anxiety, joy, insult, ecstasy, impression, mood, delight, admiration, fanaticism, emotional experience


    Ethics of relationships


    Sympathy – antipathy, attraction – repulsion, feelings, ability not to offend, morality, decency, humanness, morals, religion, hostility, love - hatred




    Intuition of opportunities


    Capabilities, ability, guess, uncertainty, suddenly, polysemy, ability to see the gist, perception of the whole, inner structure, invention, chance


    Intuition of time


    Time, event, past/future, evolution, sometime, forecast, history, generations’ relationships, plan, punctuality, development, process, strategy

    Sensorics (Sensation)


    Will sensorics


    Strength, power, will, effect, desires, tactics, appearance, weight, form, colour, beauty, territory, realization, to defend, to reach


    Sensoric of sensing


    Comfort, coziness, health, delight, quality, practice, state of health, harmony, “here and now”, aesthetics, convenience, pleasant, nuances

    Fairy Matrix

    : How are these functions reflected in the peculiarities of a psychological type? Let’s start with the initial matrix of two cells:



    There are a few rules to fill it in:

    · For example, if in the course of diagnostics you have found that the person is intuit (by the axis intuition – sensorics) and logics (by the axis logics – ethics) then these two cells will be filled with the according symbols. The question arises: which of them should be put in the first place and which in the second? For that we will turn to the rationality – irrationality dichotomy.

    · If the person is irrational, then the first cell of the matrix will be filled with irrational functions – either intuition or sensorics, if he is rational – either logics or ethics.

    · Here we should remember that the first cell also contains the information about introversion – extraversion. If in the course of diagnostics it has been found that the person is extravert, then the first function will have a black symbol, and if he is an introvert – a white one.

    That is why if you have defined the person to be an introvert, intuit, logics and irrational, then the cells will be filled in as follows:



    One more example . If the person has been defined an extravert, intuit, logics and rational, then the fairy matrix will look like this:



    Thus we can see that the name of the type is formed of two cells – intuitive-logical introvert ( ILI) – in the first case and logical-intuitive extravert (LIE) in the second case.

    According to the same principle the type name can be deciphered. Having heard LIE or seen the symbols (Te-Ni), then it should be interpreted as logical-intuitive extravert. As logics is in the first place, then this type is referred to the irrational category.

    And by analogy, if you see ILI or the symbols (Ni-Te), then it is about intuitive-logical introvert. Intuition is in the first place with him, then the type is irrational.

    Besides the type’s name the fairy matrix shows his strongest functions. In these two examples they coincide: that is intuition of time and logics of actions.

    Socionic model

    One of the main socionics achievements is modeling of the human psyche structure. In Jung’s time this was beyond scientists’ power as no mathematic modeling existed then. There are no any serious models in western type watching as well coming from Jung directly but adding almost nothing to his theory. Here our scientists have turned to be “ahead of the whole planet”.

    Aushra Augustinavichuite has constructed a model consisting of eight functions arranged in a certain order. These are all the eight functions described in table 2. Thus, at present the integral personality psyche is represented in socionics. The model shows how we process all the information about the world. Some functions (strong ones) process the larger volume of information, the other (weak ones) – much less. But we see, hear, perceive all of it. That is why all the eight functions are represented in the model.

    Strength and consciousness of each function is defined by its place in the model.









    Constructing a type model starts the same way as construction of the fairy matrix: the strongest and conscious functions of the type are placed in the first and the second cells. Further, the law of socionic functions alternation by extraversion and introversion comes into force: if the function in the first cell is black, the second will necessarily be white, the third will be black, the fourth – white. And at the same time the second law works: alternation of the functions by rationality – irrationality: if the first function is rational, then the second will be irrational, the third one – rational, the fourth – irrational. Look at the pictures how the models for analyzed by us ILI and LIE are filled.

    To construct the 5 th, 6 th, 7 th and the 8 th cells it is important to remember that they are mirror reflection of the first four only with the changed colours of the symbols. Let’s imagine. That this model is a sheet of paper. Let’s fold it by the line between the 3 – 4 th and 5 – 6 th cells. We will see that the 1 st and the 2 nd cells will be mirror to the 7 th and the 8 th, and the 3 rd and the 4 th cells will mirror the 5 th and the 6 th with the difference in colours by extraversion – introversion.

    · Intuitive-logical introvert (ILI):

    · Logical-intuitive extravert (LIE):

    The first four cells are referred to the conscious functions, they include the things a person more often thinks and talks about. The cells from the 5 th to the 8 th are referred to subconscious. These functions are rarely shown in speech, more often they can be seen in behaviour, instinctively, without discussions. As we know, there is social and biological side in us. The first four cells are connected with our social manifestations, the second signal system (thinking and speech). The last four cells is biological in us, is connected with the first signal system (instincts).

    Now we will describe each of the eight functions by its place in the cells of the model.

    Strong conscious functions (by Z. Freud’s theory – Ego) – these are the first and the second ones – reflect the main things in the type essence. They represent the zone of confidence. A person chooses his goals in life and the means to reach them by these functions. Basing on the first functions a career should be recommended.

    The first function is basic, the base of a personality and intellect of a person. He receives the information in it adequately and can play a role of an expert on matters connected with this function.

    The second function is creative. Here a person can easily assimilate information and often generates it himself and acts as a critic.

    Weak conscious functions (by Z. Freud’s theory – Superego) – the third and the fourth. They serve for a person’s adapting in a society. Here the social rules and expectations are important. A person is never sure in the contents of these functions as he is not sure in his compliance with the social demands.

    The third function is the role one. A person plays a role to adapt himself in unusual conditions, tries to be bright in this function.

    The fourth function is a painful point, the place of the least resistance. It is difficult to perceive information in this function adequately, to work creatively here, that is why it is better not to criticize a person on the matters connected with it. Even praise is hard to receive on the painful point. Here we can draw an analogy with physical pain: it is better not to touch the place which is hurt at all – neither for the purpose of stroking nor pricking.

    Weak subconscious functions (Superid) – the fifth and the sixth ones. The weak unconscious functions are pliable, are rules with information getting from outside, are easily subjected to suggestion, programming. Information on them is taken non-critically, with trust and is remembered without any analysis. Here a person needs help but he studies easily and effectively in these functions. A person accepts information and help on these functions gratefully. If you feel like making a present for a person, do it on the fifth and the sixth functions.

    The fifth function is suggestive.“Entering gates” for information. It is considered that we receive information on it from the outer world to process it later in our conscious with the help of other functions.

    The sixth function if referent. The weak function unfit for creative work. However studying on this function goes so easily that can give good results. On this function a person is guided by the referent group opinion without opposing himself to it. He reacts to the tone of the talk. The function needs to be comfortably provided for as a person finds it difficult to resist the circumstances.

    The strong subconscious functions (Id) are the seventh and the eighth. The contents of these functions is rarely thought of by a person, there is almost no creative work on them, but the decisions are made immediately, generated on the subconscious level without unnecessary words and reasoning. The strength of these functions and the speed of their involvement determine the zone of subconscious confidence of a person. These functions more often join in an extreme situation when there is no time for thinking or in usual everyday situations when the routine work does not demand “brain joining in”.

    The seventh function is limiting, framing. This is the strongest function with every person. With the help of it he can guard himself from any unwanted influence, reduce the excessive activities of the environment. But the person himself can be limited on his own seventh function: this disarms him and does not leave means.

    The eighth function is bringing plans to life without words. It is almost always in work, and makes the background of the whole person’s life. One should not strive for creative work here but that is the reliable support for the person in any situations.

    The above mentioned model is called the Amodel in socionics. It got its name after its discoverer A. Augustinavichuite. This model is used for exact psychological type diagnostics, for discovering a person’s capabilities and analysis of problems. It is also the base of intertype relationships diagnostics (relationships between personality types in a family, work team).

    The A model example

    Let’s construct the A model for a logical-intuitive introvert. By the way, in the everyday life there are not only the scientific names of personality types but also their nicknames from literature or historical heroes: Huxley. Balzak, Jack London, Zhukov etc. It is convenient, it is shorter and one can approximately imagine what Maxim Gorky is like, which is easier than to understand and remember the main LSI features. A few socionics introduce new type names. For example, some schools call intuitive-ethical introvert by the name of Esenin, others call him Tutankhamon which causes confusion. Often behind the external simplicity there is their wrong interpretation. That is why we recommend not to use nicknames very often. Moreover, in the writing it is agreed to use only the scientific names.

    The A model for a logical-intuitive introvert (LII)

    nickname “Robespier”

    LII is often said about: cool head, clean hands and hot heart.

    (to this type the following people are referred: M. Robespier, A. Chakhov, F. Dzerzhinsky, C.G. Jung, R. Dekart

    And of our contemporaries: N. Amosov, O. Yankovsky, A. Gordon, I. Khakamada).









    Basing on the above described model we will try to describe the logical-intuitive introvert type representative. What is his strength, and where is his area of difficulties?

    As the first (strong) LII’s function is logics of relationships (Ti ), then Robespier can be characterized as a person trying to see a system and rules everywhere. This information metabolism type representatives are, as a rule, accurate and pedantic. They try to arrange and plan the environment making all possible plans and patterns starting with the order in their work and finishing with rest. By that reason “Robespiers” can not bear any looseness and sloppiness. They keep their once said word in everything. These are the people of rules and justice. There is such socionics saying: ““Robespier” is always right”. If you try to prove that is wrong anywhere your relationships will be put in jeopardy.

    The second (creative) function is intuition of opportunities (Ne ) . It gives LII a chance to evaluate and forecast perspectives of this or that activities direction. They are able of solving even a very complicated matter in a non-trivial way. Often “Robespiers” know a few foreign languages and successfully practice them.

    The third (role) function is ethics of relationships (Fi ). It manifests itself with LII representatives in a new, unfamiliar situation. They are not capable of foreseeing what is accepted in a certain society. It results in a certain inadequacy of their reactions. “Robespier” can try to be a bit too of a joiner or vice versa be gloomy and reserved. A certain rigidity in evaluations of people and interpersonal relationships can also be caused by that. LII representatives are the people of black and white colours in the sphere of feelings, they are not well aware of nuances and half-tints. Even a small episode can turn a “Robespier” from friendship to hostility.

    The fourth (painful) function is will sensorics (Se ) often promises a LII representative lack of self-confidence because of impossibility of a person’s manifestation of strength. Persistency is not the strong feature! Having made a scientific discovery, they hardly would be able to bring their invention to application in production due the lack of energy. This type representatives are often accused in certain slowness, the absence of a desire to be everywhere in time.

    The problem of self-assertion can push “Robespiers” to unnecessary asceticism or drive to self-torture by intensive physical exercise. An acquaintance of ours took many kilometer bike races at a crazy speed. This way he wanted to demonstrate himself and the people around that he is really strong and very “cool”. The weakest function of will sensorics is sometimes compensated and makes these people tireless fighters for justice and honour. Look carefully and you will see LII flare up like a torch when the topics of personal and social derogation are touched upon.

    The fifth (suggestive) function if ethics of emotions (Fe ). The logical-intuitive introvert type representatives receiving information on this channel (emotions and mood of people, enthusiasm and anxiety, panic, emotional experiences, a feeling of ethics in inner impulses manifestation, romanticism) process it with the help of intuition – their strong function. From here a non-trivial decision is derived, unexpected insight in thoughts and turn in business matters. And a certain inadequacy of emotional evaluation of people as well.

    The sixth function is sensorics of sensing (Si ). LII are not of the people who accurately detect human senses. They are able to absolutely exhaust themselves and only after that see the level of their own and other people weariness. Without accentuating their own state of health they underestimate the importance of human factor.

    The seventh (framing) function is logics of actions (Te ). LII are able to be excessively pragmatic and strike their opponents down with a number of facts to limit the boring influence of the environment. By the way, representatives of other personality types can also limit “Robespier’s” expansion using logics of actions.

    The eighth function is intuition of time (Ni ) . LII are capable of evaluating a situation in time. “Robespiers” can be characterizes as in-time people. They know for sure when they should slow down and when it is better to spur themselves and rush to the goal taking the bit between their teeth. They see the exact picture of development perspectives of this or that business. Together with the developed purposefulness and a tendency to subdue everything to logics LII are often often absorbed in dreams. These people have strong imagination.

    A.S. Pushkin in the mirror of socionics

    Returning to the topic of information metabolism type identification we would like to answer the following question: what is the way to identify the information metabolism type, when it is impossible to use the traditional methods (test, interview, observation)? For example, with historical personages or politicians. In such cases socionic types are identified by creations, statements, letters or by contemporaries’ reminiscences. We will try to show this prevalent method by analyzing the famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin as a representative of the intuitive-ethical extravert socionic type (nickname “Huxley”).

    At first glance it could seem that Pushkin and Huxley have nothing in common. Is that really so? Thomas Henry Huxley, an English naturalist, Ch. Darwin’s brother-in-arms was a popularizer of the latter’s theory. The sincere fascination by the Darwin’s theory, enthusiasm with which he told the audience about it, made all the world believe that we all come of a monkey. And only one hundred years later humanity started to get out of hypnosis of T. Huxley’s inflammatory oratory and think whether it is really so. This is the force of charm of all representatives of intuitive-ethical extravert type. Let’s remember A.S. Pushkin’s tales. He managed to see unusual for his circle things and vividly tell his readers about them. Do you know what distinguishes Pushkin from the contemporary poets? This is the life-asserting force of his lyrics, sincere faith in good and beauty, victory of the good over evil. Many generations are brought up on the hero’s of his literary works.

    There are many talented journalists, writers, psychologists among IEE. Besides Pushkin the following people are referred to this type: Y. Nikulin, E. Shifrin, M. Boyarsky, M. Twain, D. Carnegie, P. Rishar, G. Khazanov, A. Vertinskaya, S. Rotaru. Of the literature personages the brightest representative is Tom Soyer.

    The A model for intuitive-ethical extravert:








    The first function of the type is intuition of opportunities, that is, everything connected with new ideas, perspectives, chances, people capabilities. IEE see the opportunities and abilities that people have, feel the perspectives of bringing projects into life and forethought enterprises. Representatives of “Huxley” type often forecast a person’s behaviour in this or that situation and actually their prognoses often come true. Despite the fact that the contemporaries predicted glory and great future to the poet Kukolnik (who is almost never remembered), Pushkin wrote about himself:

    The monument I’ve built is not at all material,

    The folk’s path to it will never disappear…

    Understanding greatness of his poems, the poet never put on airs on that. He just knew it, that is all. Pushkin had his own, exact, clear, integral picture of the world; his own view on the life. He had a keen eye on people, that is why his friends called him the most penetrating person. “but which force is behind that – pore or impure? To my mind, it’s impure!” – he roared at padre Larion who had spied on him. Intuition of opportunities helped him to see lies and not believe in false words.

    His caring about his friends is the manifestation of the second, creative function – ethics of relationships which included the ability to see and evaluate exactly people’s feelings, ability not to offend, and if it happened, to apologize in due time, to show his humanness. As early as at school we remember Pushkin’s wonderful poems dedicated to his friends Lyceum mates. The second function is ambiguous and can not be approached with the prior criteria. Pushkin was sociable, could find a way to almost every person that’s why he overloaded himself with many contacts. It is by this reason he could often be rude, could say too much. Thus, his epigram on his friend in Lyceum, V. Kyukhelbecker, is well-known. This epigram became the cause of the duel:

    My dinner was a bit too much,

    The door was locked by Yakov heedless -

    My friends, I really felt such

    Both Kyukhelbekerness and sickness!

    Insulted Kyukhelbecker shot first. While he aiming Pushkin shouted to his second Delvig: “Stand in my place, it is much safer here!” The pistol moved and the bullet hit the cap on Delvig’s head. When it was Pushkin’s turn to shoot he rejected his shot.

    If asked what people know about the poet’s life, most of them perhaps would say: a great list of Don Juan’s victories, friends, epigrams and duels… They reflect Pushkin’s pert character. The impression is created that he took nothing seriously. His biographers have counted about 15 “matters of honour”. Such attitude to danger, manifestation of courage where it could be avoided is the third function – will sensorics manifestation. Adapting to a new situation all IEE representatives show themselves as strong personalities: they are handsome and determined. But as this function is weak its manifestations of it are of temporal, unequal character, make the person take social rules into consideration. In his letter to his friend Pushkin described his character in the following way: “uneven, jealous, suspicious, harsh and weak at the same time”. He took his appearance critically: “I have never been good-looking, but was young”. It is not easy for “Huxley” to assimilate in a new area. Pushkin’s museum-reserve curator writes: “He took long to get accustomed to Mikhailovsky home. Talked to himself: what for does he need all this mansion?.. As early as at Lyceum he understood the great mystery of solitude. In one room he somehow felt more concentrated, stronger. Everything is handy here, he will never live in a big house! He will never change his small room with a small traveling icon-lamp, ink-pot, leather trunk, his burrow, his cave for anything!”

    The fourth function (the point of the least resistance) is logics of relationships or everything connected with analysis, systems, rules and formalities. His contemporaries remember that Pushkin was better prepared for classes than many of his classmates but did not try to show that. He had “ 0” in mathematics but it did not prevent his becoming a great poet. Being adult when he got in wrong with tsar police he was driven mad with spying on him, prohibition to visit his friends in other cities and reading his correspondence.

    The fifth function is sensorics of sensing: comfort, health, rest, esthetics and harmony. Such information “Huxley” take non-critically, with trust, remember without any analysis. Here a person needs help and care of the people around. A.P. Kern remembers that Pushkin’s mother, Nadezhda Osipovna, attracted her son to lunch by baked potatoes which Pushkin liked so much. There is a well-known episode when Pushkin received a nice letter and a bugle on a bronze chain from a landowner and he liked that present very much. Reading the letter and enjoying the bugle he scintillated delight and repeated: ‘Charmant! Charmant!”

    Six years at Lyceum (getting up at 6 in the morning, going to bed at 10 p.m.) made him plain in his everyday life. The habit of modest surroundings was subconsciously taken in by him for all his life. Even at Mikhailovskoye he wrote with burnt pieces of feathers, small pieces which could hardly be hold in a hand.

    The sixth function is logics of actions. Moving, actions, results, facts, knowledge, categories of use and benefit are referred here. This is the weak function. A person feels difficult to resist the circumstances on it. As a true “Huxley” A.S. Pushkin found it difficult to arrange his work. He locked himself up at his room, curtained the windows, ordered his family not to bother him on penalty of his anger. Only this way he could create. The problem of providing for his family never left the poet in peace. Here is his letter to his wife Natalia Nikolaevna; “We have no reliable income but the sure expenses of 30000. Everything is supported by me and my aunt. But neither me, nor my aunt are eternal”. Besides that, great riches were concentrated at his home – the whole table of unpublished manuscripts.

    The seventh function is intuition of time. Huxley are very quick by nature, they can contact many people during a short period of time. But as this function is unconscious, it is hard to keep it in the sphere of conscious. That’s why IEE representatives are often late, fail to do the planned things by time, tend to get distracted by other matters. After graduating from the Lyceum, the gained freedom absolutely turned Pushkin’s head. His impetuous life started: balls, theatres, parties. Being drawn away from reality he lived in future for a long time.

    Well, my heart in future lives;

    It is dull and sad in present:

    Every moment comes and leaves;

    What will pass, that will be pleasant.

    Pushkin’s deep interest in history and folk legends are one more manifestation of the strong function, intuition of time. In his letter to P. Y. Chaadaev he wrote: “I am far from admiring everything that see around… but I swear on my honour, I would not like to change my motherland or have another history for any thing in the world, but for the history of our ancestors, as it has been given to us by God”.

    Many of those who knew A.S. Pushkin speak about his emotional sharpness, passion, impetuosity, gustiness, vulnerability to mockery, susceptibility to offence, impatience, inexhaustible agility of his mind. It is not for nothing that he managed to make a real personage of Don Juan on paper so successfully. All that is the manifestation of the eighth function, ethics of emotions. We can judge about the emotional riches of the poet by his letter to A.P. Kern: “Come to Trigorskoye, and I promise to be extremely courteous. I will be merry on Monday, exalted on Tuesday, tender on Wednesday, quick and nimble on Thursday…” Sometimes Pushkin emphasized his inclination to sadness and melancholy, sometimes he advocated coldness. However he never concealed his feelings, expressed them sincerely, was charming, when something pleasant touched him and irrepressible in anger when encountered arrogance, boorishness and meanness.

    ,What was the price he got his right at

    A chance or the eternal grace

    With wise and archly details sighted

    To joke or to keep straight face…

    ( A . Akhmatova )

    Список литературы:

    1. А. Аугустинавичюте Соционика: Кн. 1. Введение. Кн. 2. Психотипы. Тесты. – М.: “АСТ”, СПб.: “Terra Fantastica”, 1998.
    2. Т. Н. Прокофьева. “А. С. Пушкин в зеркале соционики” // www.socionics.ru, 1999.
    3. Т. Н. Прокофьева. Опорные конспекты для изучающих соционику. – М., 1999.

    Source: http://en.socionics.ru/index.php?opt...252&Itemid=189