Project and Implementation Groups by Gulenko
Project Groups
Projection is attribution of subject's properties and states to external objects. It requires first of all understanding of the problem and setting of goals. Compilation of projects as the next step in this process means development of course of action.
In practical psychology there are so-called projective tests that are usually made up of pictures. Traits that are most projective are intuition and sensing as well as
left-ness and right-ness. Intuition shows itself in the measure of unconventionality of the picture of the subject, while right process manifests itself in selection of important details.
Left + intuition = general results (emotivism)
Left + sensing = concrete results (constructivism)
Right + intuition = ideational processes (constructivism)
Right + sensing = concrete processes (emotivism)
Right sensing types: SEE, SEI, LSE, LSI - groups of concrete processes
The most detail-oriented types who often have a superior ability in precise handwork. Such orientation leads them to assimilate information in small doses, as if in form of crumbs. The group includes managers and socialites who concern for the good of specific individuals. Their style of management is socially-oriented. The nature of this group carries elements of social justice and charity. SEI and LSE due to their innate nurturing capacity provide social assistance directly, while SEE and LSI promote and control charitable donations, subsidies and scarce resources.
Left intuitive types: LIE, LII, IEE, IEI - group of general results
This group is a complete opposite of the previous group. These types are the most "coarse" in their approach to information - they assimilate it in large blocks and are averse to getting into details. The style of this group are projects of training and education. The junction of scientism and humanitarianism. Approximation is characteristic of these types - sequential approach from a vague contour to a more specific result.
LIE and IEI pick out ripe but easy problems that can be quickly solved with elements of play and optimism. IEE and LII are inclined to take on complicated, difficult problems that may require changes at level of foundation.
Right intuitives: ILE, ILI, EIE, EII - group of ideational processes
This group carries out translation of specific observations into overall theory. Generalists and synthesists. This group is inclined towards philosophical and religious conceptions. Often they have goals of synthesizing religion and science, rationalism and mysticism. Among their favorite topics are bioenergetics and extrasensory perception. This group works on the crossroads of scientism and humanitarianism.
EIE and ILI are inclined to set unreal, impossible, idealized goals. ILE and EII gravitate more towards theories that have a chance of being implemented.
Left sensing types: ESE, ESI, SLI, SLE - group of concrete results
This group carries out implementation of generalized plans into something concrete. They never wait long and are only interested in projects that can be quickly implemented. They specialize in construction and habitation. They work on the interface of societal and managerial issues.
ESE and SLI create comfortable conditions. SLE and ESI organize and protect newly created "oasis".
Rings of Benefit
These groups are demonstratively of energetic character. Latin word iflatio means "bulging, swelling". With the use of these groups, socion is filled with energy. This is why these groups are unstable, short-lived. They overfill quickly if there isn't an outside force capable of containing the spill of energy.
Mechanism of relations of social order (benefit) has a lot in common with the act of hypnosis - the act of benefactor on the subconscious of the beneficiary. Energy is transferred directly only if benefactor (sender) is able to somehow relax the beneficiary (receiver) and predispose him to the benefactor.
With consciously critical attitude on the part of the beneficiary, the energy impulse is not transmitted. It is either blocked or even reversed, bringing into effect reverse order - a destructive process when emotional get heated causing a breakdown in the system. Information in this system undergoes inflation - it is devalued if not put into circulation immediately.
The basis of the differences between inflation (benefit) rings lies in the way energy and information get used. Energy corresponds to extraversion, but also left progress. Similarly, information is tied with introversion, but also with the right progress.
Left + Asking = recombinators, generators of information (introversion)
Left + Declaring = transformators, energy carriers (extraversion)
Right + Asking = combinators, generators of energy (extraversion)
Right + Declaring = restorators, accumulators of information (introversion)
Left extraverts: SLE, IEE, LIE, ESE - energy carriers
These types are the most saturated with energy in the socion. They suffer from lack of fundamentally new information. Energizers of small groups. To be good at management and coordination, they have to break up large groups into small groups and then control these smaller groups.
SLE and ESE solve concrete, immediate problems. IEE and LIE unite on basis of romanticism, they are captivated by more daring ideas.
Right introverts: LSI, EII, ILI, SEI - accumulators of information
ILI accumulates scientific or philosophical information, LSI accumulates operational or managerial information (both of these types make for the best collectors), EII - humanitarian information, SEI - social information (prices, services, events and holidays). They suffer from lack of energy. Specialize in informatics of large groups.
LSI and SEI engage in solving immediate concrete problems at work or at home. ILI and EII cooperate on basis of philosophical, scientific, and spiritual topics.
Left introverts: IEI, SLI, ESI, LII - generators of information
These types translate energy into information. They function as stabilizers in socion. Suffer from weak ability to energetically impact their environment. They specialize in informatics of small groups and feel good in small groups of similar-minded individuals.
IEI and LII capable of uniting a small group on the basis of some novel interesting information. SLI and ESI engage in solving problems relating to survival and well-being.
Right extroverts: EIE, LSE, SEE, ILE - energy generators
These types translate information into energy. They bring about energy processes in their environment. EIE and SEE with their words and actions evoke strong emotional reactions in others (for this reason they also make for the best actors).
They specialize in energetics of large groups and for this reason realize themselves in such conditions. They have a tendency to unite small groups into larger groups. These are the most inflationary types, that start up energy chain reactions in the society.
ILE and EIE are innovators and fighters for an idea. SEE and LSE draw in people for collective effects.
Implementation Groups
Jung's dichotomy Logic-Ethics describes, on the one hand, the rational side of actions, the systematic work to promote innovation, and, on the other hand, the feminine and masculine origins in human psychology. Implementing, introducing, forcing through is the male role, while developing the right conditions, assimilating, stabilizing in the society as a whole is the female role.
Left process + Logic = SLE, SLI, LII, LIE (strategy)
Left process + Ethics = IEI, IEE, ESE, ESI (tactics)
Right process + Logic = LSE, LSI, ILI, ILE (tactics)
Right process + Ethics = EII, EIE, SEE, SEI (strategy)
Left logical types: SLE, SLI, LII, LIE - most masculine types, left process and logical disposition are united within them
Act bravely without looking back. Their field of activity lies at the junction of management and scientism. Localized introduction of promising ideas and developments into production. This brings the greatest violation of homeostasis.
SLE and LIE are the best promoters i.e. managers of risky projects. SLI and LII are effective in the development of technological support.
Right ethical types: EII, EIE, SEE, SEI - most feminine types, right process and ethical disposition are united within them
They maintain that which has been established and is traditionally accepted. At times they fix new, more unusual customs if prompted. They operate at the intersection of social and humanitarian spheres - mass ideology, advertising companies, show business.
SEE and EIE are advertisers, propagandists, entertainers, show agents. EII and SEI prompt movement towards new stereotypes.
Left ethical types: IEI, IEE, ESE, ESI - intermediary types, transition of masculine to feminine, still masculine origins predominate in them
Their spheres of activity are humanitarian and social. They undermine and destroy that which is routine and established, may take on traditionally male responsibilities. They bring localized focused implementation of humanitarian ideas. From large groups they transfer to small teams.
ESE and IEE are enthusiasts and inspirers, shaking the foundations of the humdrum of life. IEI and ESI serve as internal motivators, deeply penetrating into the psyche.
Right logical types: LSE, LSI, ILI, ILE - intermediary types, transition from feminine to masculine, still feminine origins predominate in them
Main focus on this group is the junction of management and scientism, generalization of the practical experience in management. These types are inventors, rationalizers, creators of laws. They enable mass implementation of technologies.
ILE and LSE make good inventors and innovators. ILI and LSI finalizers and explotationists.
In real life ideals of femininity and masculinity gravitate towards the center. Extremely feminine manifestation (EII) as well as extremely masculine (SLE) are not considered harmonious.
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