Duality Descriptions (Meged & Ovcharov)
© From: V.Meged, A.Ovcharov. Learn To Manage People Efficiently, 2000.
See also:
Wikisocion - Duality
Duality observations
Making Duality Work by Meged
Duality descriptions by Gulenko
Complete Intertype Relations Chart
"The Innovator" = ENTp = ILE (Ne-Ti)
"The Mediator" = ISFp = SEI (Si-Fe)
The Innovator is somewhat torn away from reality. He is captivated by far-reaching projects. He usually has many ideas and interests, which he explains so vaguely that only few people can fully understand him. The Mediator, however, does not reject them at once, but displays an interest; if he notes one that is useful, he looks for support from people who can help with practical realization of these ideas. If these ideas, however, seem to him too naive, or if their implementation is too problematic, The Mediator can subtly 'ground' The Innovator's inventive energy, calm him down, and distract him from 'fighting windmills'. The Mediator appreciates The Innovator's originality of thought and often shares in his interests and his passions. In general, he tolerantly relates to this 'eternal child', playing the role of a caring parent. He manages the practical side of their everyday life together.
The Innovator critically refers to everything that has been already invented and made. He searches for new solutions and alternatives. Analyzing the situation and finding points that are arguable, he may cause a split in an organization and create his own group of adherents. However, due to lack of tactfulness he cannot always attract and keep his supporters. His dual, The Mediator, is an expert at 'shuttle diplomacy'; he is quite capable of banding people together, softening the ethical mistakes of his dual and finding support from his superiors. He takes care of the comfort, rest, and entertainment of other people, can arrange gatherings and parties. In handling everyday tasks and chores The Mediator is very active and mobile. He strives to finish all that he has started, but on the condition that he is convinced that it has good future prospects and that he receives advice on resolution of complicated and intricate situations. The Mediator watches and manages the flow of work and does not let The Innovator drop everything and stop halfway being pulled aside by another idea. The Innovator needs such a person who can exert a stabilizing effect on both affairs and relations.
The Innovator readily mobilizes in critical moments. He courageously rebuffs his opposition, protecting both his own interests and interests of people close to him. While at this, he sometimes loses the sense of measure and goes overboard. The Mediator watches for this and skillfully directs his initiatives. When The Innovator loses his energy and vitality, and begins neglect his duties, The Mediator arranges for an emotional shake-up for him and by this raises his spirits. Likewise, The Mediator can soften a conflict and extinguish a quarrel by relying on diplomacy and jokes, before it leads to a break up of their relations. The Mediator's feelings often return The Innovator 'to solid ground' and distract him from abstractions, making him consider the practical side of life as well.
The Innovator does not regulate interpersonal distance in communication very well well; sometimes he is inappropriately familiar and impolite, too trusting towards other people, or too kind to those who don't care for him. For this reason he may fall into troubles and difficult situations. The Mediator relieves him from such mistakes.
The Mediator can take care of the health and well-being of others. The Innovator appreciates this trait of his dual. He responds with reciprocity, strives to be faithful in their partnership and friendship, which is especially liked by The Mediator.
Although from afar The Mediator demonstrates an optimistic attitude, he, in actuality, is very much afraid of the future as the source of uncertainty. His dual saves him from such doubts by foreseeing what is going to happen and especially by taking protective actions and measures of global strategic nature. The Mediator periodically falls into periods of inaction and laziness, but his dual does not rebuke him for this and does not require him to be always highly productive. The Mediator likes The Innovator's talent to derive benefit out of everything without much effort, to make profitable deals, and willingly assists his partner in such endeavors.
Spontaneity, immediacy, ingenuousness, and impulsiveness in life and in feelings are the 'visiting card' of this dual pair.
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"The Analyst" = INTj = LII (Ti-Ne)
"The Communicator" = ESFj = ESE (Fe-Si)
The Analyst possesses clear logical thinking and makes well-defined and well-argued conclusions. This is exactly what The Communicator needs. His emotional concerns often interfere with his ability to keep objective in his assessments and actions. Moreover, he has trouble discerning that which is important and primary from that which is secondary and insignificant. Due to this, The Communicator is predisposed to waste too much of his time and energy relating with and doing favors for people who could do without his assistance. The Analyst suggests to him which undertakings are truly promising and which are not worth his time and resources; otherwise The Communicator may be given to dissipation of his energies and reckless wastefulness.
The Analyst strives for intellectual development. He pays attention to new developments, theories, and technologies. The Communicator is receptive to everything new and willingly finds necessary information for The Analyst on issues that are of interest him. Since The Communicator is very active and prompt, he is always well informed about everything that concerns demand and offers.
The Analyst lacks tact and sincere attention towards other people. In this way he often unintentionally offends others, who may feel that they have been denied their value as a person while being subjected to a cold analysis. The Communicator brings personal warmth and ease into interaction. He often alleviates tension by his jokes, demonstrates his heart-felt relation by closing physical and psychological distance, by hugs, touch, etc. In this way he softens the ethical lapses of The Analyst and turns something too serious into something humorous. He may even apologize for his partner in critical situations, unless he is in agreement with him. And when The Communicator is in agreement and supports his partner, he becomes alike an emotional hurricane that wipes out the opposition in his wake.
The second problem of the Analyst is lack of drive and dynamism. He may defend his interests inadequately or ineffectively, unless they directly concern his principles. He also difficulties with taking care of his material and physical needs. However, in defending his convictions The Analyst demonstrates outstanding firmness and resolve. His obstinacy may be broken only by influencing his amenability, which he hides under a mask of being uncompromising, and even then this works only in sphere of relations and not of ideas or principles.
The Communicator easily manages and resolves such problems, especially because he rarely delves into the sphere of abstract ideas and does not consider himself to be competent enough to argue about them. He is more interested in problems of everyday life. This is why he willingly cares for the material and physical well-being of The Analyst, and by this he softens his austere nature. The Communicator knows how protect practical and material interests, which are of little interest to his dual such that he shies away from taking care of them; he may visit different departments, make deals and arrangements, take care of everyday chores. He bravely rebuffs would-be-friends who in fact only want to use The Analyst's skills for their own purposes.
In turn, The Communicator finds in The Analyst a source of clear-cut information and total objectivity, which helps him resolve his problems and better manage the scheduling of his actions. He finds pleasure in arranging activities for entertainment and leisure time for his dual, who tends to exhaust himself by hard work. The Communicator feels proud of himself when he succeeds in thawing the ice of The Analyst's distrust, when he conquers his independent partner by the power of his emotions, tames his proud nature, directs and manages him so finely that it raises no qualms for The Analyst ("since you actually want this yourself").
The Communicator adeptly manages emotions of people, by this establishing the necessary relation towards himself and towards others. He is perceptive of the benefit and use of The Analyst's talents and work, and so does not hold back in praising him and creating efficient working conditions. The Communicator's weakest point is his lack of distant vision, due to which he makes significant mistakes in his life, as does The Analyst in the sphere of feelings. The Analyst can objectively predict the consequences and results of certain actions or events (if only he himself does not fall under the influence of emotions, which happens to him very rarely).
In certain cases this dual pair may demonstrate a disregard for the morals and opinions of the others, shocking them by straightforwardness of their actions.
Discussion threads & examples
"The Commander"= ESTp = SLE (Se-Ti)
"The Lyricist" = INFp = IEI (Ni-Fe)
The Commander is decisive and purposeful, brave and full of initiative. He is capable of persevering a long time towards his goal, overcoming any difficulties at his way. He is not always capable of taming his emotions and outbursts of wrath, but can subordinate others to him and make them do what he wants. The Lyricist lacks such decisiveness; he admires strong people possessing leadership skills. He tries to be useful to them by giving cautionary advice.
The Lyricist foresees very well the negative outcome of certain actions of The Commander. He watches people's emotional reactions and then suggests to the Commander measures to influence them. Without such advice The Commander may act precipitately. The Commander possesses good organizational skills. He has a talent for planning actions, distributing duties and resources. The Commander at the same time lacks diplomacy. He will manipulate people like inanimate objects, not reckoning with their feelings and interests. Thus he turns people against him but he does not understand why. The Lyricist softens his authoritarianism, tuning him up to a warmer attitude. He advises to be diplomatic, calms him down, releases The Commander's irritability by jokes and compliments made at the right moment. At the same time he creates the atmosphere of politeness, being aristocratic, 'keeping aloof', regulates distance in communication, as soon as he feels the partner is ready to insult him. In this way The Lyricist avoids possible confrontation.
The Commander tends to doubt not only the good attitude of others towards him, but also noble motives of others. He rather notices people’s negative traits more than positive ones. Sometimes he is excessively suspicious, afraid of treason, and for this reason tends to surround himself by favorites whom he trusts. The Lyricist neutralizes The Commander's prejudice by his trustful and kind manner of communication, neutralizing his suspicions by assertions of his loyalty.
The Lyricist is capable of choosing a moment for sudden decisive actions, which discourages opponents, and this makes him useful to The Commander, who appreciates his original advice. The Lyricist attracts people and manipulates their feelings and relations. He looks forward and prepares for the future in advance. He finds necessary acquaintances and fulfillers for his projects. Unlike The Commander, he is optimistic and can inspire others with his optimism, especially his dual, who values interests in concrete affairs over all and so expects from others dirty tricks rather than assistance. It is for this reason he loses adherents and falls into depression caused by bad foreboding.
The Lyricist's shortcoming is his inclination to blame others considering them guilty of his own misfortunes. The Commander easily calms down his dual by threatening to punish the offenders and to restore justice. Sometimes he puts The Lyricist to shame, teaches him lessons of courage and endurance. Together with such a strong personality The Lyricist is ready to overcome everything, believing in success. He needs moral support, without which his vital tonus decreases. He needs, too, a support of an authoritative partner, who understands instructions and rules, possesses penetrative skills, realism and practical intelligence.
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"The Inspector" = ISTj = LSI (Ti-Se)
"The Mentor" = ENFj = EIE (Fe-Ni)
'''The Inspector''' is good at coming up with activities and measures for the nearest future and thoroughly thinking them over in advance. '''The Mentor''', who is prone to sinking into doubts, needs such a concrete program of action. The Inspector's precise, factually based logic leaves no space for conjectures, doubts, and exaggerations. His cold realism calms down his restless dual, who is impressed by The Inspector's tendency for stability and organization. In him The Mentor finds support, solid backing, and reliable haven in his stormy dynamic life. The Mentor easily allows his partner to guide him in practical issues, although he may be obstinate in the sphere of concepts and ideas. In addition, he distracts The Inspector from being too scrupulous and his excessive attention to specifics by reorienting him at general axioms, larger scale patters, and far-reaching goals in life.
The Inspector possesses well-developed power of will. He is capable of overcoming any difficulties with enviable courage, self-possession, and stoicism. At the same time he can keeping his dual in 'firm hands' while not allowing him to lose heart and faith in a positive outcome. The Inspector can mobilize himself and others in critical situations. However, in everyday life he is capable of patience and can wait for the situation to resolve itself, without hurrying up events. The Inspector believes in educational value of personal experience.
The Inspector is distrustful of feelings of others, but he usually does not show this and communicates with them in a courteous and amiable manner. However, he soon grows tired of such interaction and, needing his solitude, he switches his attention to his hobbies or work. He likes a partner such as The Mentor who is capable of an ardent expression of his feelings, a kind that leaves no space for doubt. In this case The Inspector has only to see to it that his partner's feelings remain stable; thus he takes 'under his wing' the one who needs him so much. If The Inspector meets coldness from the other person, he closes off and becomes inaccessible himself. He can for a long time suffer in his soul, as a result of which he may start quarrels for reasons seemingly unrelated to the real problem. The Mentor also needs situations of emotional discharge, which he adeptly sets up.
Another weak point of The Inspector is his weak ability to understand the motives behind people's behavior. This makes him mistrustful and private, and sometimes excessively suspicious. He may blame a person for something he is not guilty of, and in such cases it may be difficult to persuade him otherwise. On the other hand, The Inspector may underestimate the potential dangers; he may not foresee either positive or negative courses of of development of a situation. This makes him somewhat careless and short-sighted in his behavior and too hopeful for the victory of the common sense.
The Inspector has difficulties accurately and by merit evaluating people's capabilities, new developments and ideas, or non-traditional approaches. Others may accuse him of being too conservative or dogmatic. The Mentor, foreseeing all of this, provides him with timely advice, as well as helps by action, taking precautionary measures and explaining the possible negative outcomes of his actions. The Mentor calculates in advance all the possible options of the development of a critical situation.
The Mentor is able to emotionally influence his partner and interest him by his ideas. He is a person of a refined metaphysically-oriented nature who constantly strives for self-development. This saves The Inspector from falling into a rut and the routine of everyday life, which is characteristic of him because due to his desire to organize everything and then change nothing.
The Mentor is inclined to take on major projects without carefully evaluating his capabilities and resources. He needs advice of The Inspector on conducting practical activities, on rationality of his actions, on the economy of the resources, on the use and quality of things. He needs a person who will share responsibility with him and help in overcoming all the difficulties he has taken upon himself. Nobody can do it as efficiently as his dual.
The Mentor sometimes lacks in will and is undemanding of others concerning fulfillment of concrete work. He willingly assigns people small errands, which many forget to fulfill – but not The Inspector! The Inspector is demanding of himself and of others. He can organize work and achieve results. The Mentor, feeling inspired by his dual, can fulfill large amount of work in a short period of time, and thus not disappoint his demanding partner.
The Mentor also doesn't always take care of his well-being, his health, and his peace of mind. He feel unsettled and suppressed by poor aesthetics and by the discomfort in his surrounding conditions or in his own appearance. The Inspector takes on the issues of material security, creates viable conditions, gives advice concerning the partner's appearance, quality of foods etc. He is a good housekeeper.
In general, this dual pair is distinguished by a certain 'aristocracy' and reserve away from others, a complicated emotional life, and an adherence to the sense of duty.
Discussion threads & examples
"The Critic" = INTp = ILI (Ni-Te)
"The Politician" = ESFp = SEE (Se-Fi)
The Critic gives figurative descriptions of expected development of events, and such information is very interesting to The Politician, who has difficulty imagining the outcome of his actions. The Critic counsels with insight and caution, he gives detailed strategies - this is just what the super-active and impulsive Politician really lacks.
Possessing business skills, The Critic immediately notices the best investments and critically speaks of those he considers as a waste of time and energy. In this way he saves The Politician exhaustion and disappointment –that is, if The Politician pays attention to his dual's advice, which does not always happen. But even this is good, because a more slow-moving partner might get discouraged or become complacent. By contrast, such criticizing helps The Politician to find the golden mean in his activities, to use the mean rationally and to be more scrupulous in choosing ways of achieving goals.
Both at work and at home The Critic likes peace and harmony. He values comfort, cleanness and order. However, due to his inertia he does not always achieve what he wants. The Politician likes his thoroughness, polite manners, philosophical tranquility and economical skills.
Since The Critic is vulnerable but not sufficiently flexible and not very diplomatic, he easily spoils his relations with the others. He does not really understand why this happens and he often falls into melancholy and sadness. He needs a cheerful partner who could easily correct his tactical mistakes and not stay resentful over trifles. The Politician will divert attention from a dangerous topic, will tell a compliment at the just the right time or make everything into a joke. The Politician prefers quick and decisive actions. He easily widens the field of activities and breaks down all barriers on the way towards his goal. He does not like covert resistance or crude orders – if he perceives them he will do just the opposite of what was desired.
Strong and self-confident people are attractive to The Critic. Nevertheless, he simply ignores excessive pressure, as if not noticing it. Also he does not accept a challenge, will not fight and by doing this softens the force of The Politician. It awakens in The Politician the understanding that he needs to act more diplomatically, to use persuasion and not a direct attack. If he happens to be at the top of an organization, in order to keep common order he needs a well-wishing and wise partner capable of creating trustful atmosphere of communication, softening arising misunderstandings by demonstrating their relative value.
In this way The Critic serves as a balance to his sometimes-aggressive partner. They both often quarrel with each other but soon come to agreement forgetting all hurts. The Politician demonstrates sympathy and understanding and by this relaxes The Critic. If he responds to his dual’s warnings he can demonstrate his great capacity to handle all difficulties. The Politician does not pay much attention to general regularities and trends. He dislikes clerical work and does not always know rules and instructions. Unwillingly he plans in advance. He does not like to submit to schedules and norms. The Critic helps him distribute his energy and schedules, only the most important, worthy task. He performs detailed work, up to the logical final.
‘Aristocratically polite’ relations with the smack of humor and easy mutual critiquing distinguish this dual pair.
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"The Enterpriser" = ENTj = LIE (Te-Ni)
"The Guardian" = ISFj = ESI (Fi-Se)
The Enterpriser' activities are pragmatically directed; he likes to spearhead the newest developments of science and technology up to practical implementation. He pays attention to everything unusual and less studied, but more willingly he is occupied with things bringing material profit. The Guardian needs such a hardworking partner, who can provide the necessary life standard; he helps his partner by accomplishing all undertakings, taking care of details and sparing material resources. Without such assistance The Enterpriser can be too extravagant, reckless and neglectful of his responsibilities, getting attracted to other things.
The Enterpriser sees perspectives and positive trends in development of business. He bravely takes risk, making great investments and bets. He is very optimistic and ardent in his dealings, which sometimes leads him to failure. But he never loses heart and with the same enthusiasm starts everything up again.
The Guardian likes such an impulsive and unpredictable partner, who does not let him get stuck with weighing all pros and cons of a decision. It helps to avoid the distressful feeling of uncertainty by confronting him with the fait accompli. Any waiting for the definite outcome is painful for The Guardian; he can becomes indecisive, too conservative and fussy. The Enterpriser with his characteristic sense of humor allays all his partner's apprehensions and takes the initiative in his own hands. He distracts from unnecessary details, thus targeting The Guardian to more global actions.
The Enterpriser is hardly capable of safeguarding achievements, keeping old traditions and customs. He neglects his own time (and sometimes others), when he has an interesting conversation. For these reasons he may be late for meetings and behind on commitments. By contrast, The Guardian is punctual and attentive. He 'calculates' his time and energy and then spends them rationally and evenly. He tries to makes sure that others are timely as well. His life may become monotonous when his partner does not inspire him with new projects and ideas, which he hardly notices on his own.
In communication The Guardian creates a certain distance, even when he tries to be kind and polite. He is mistrustful and critical and increasingly demanding. The Enterpriser creates a relaxed, natural and easy atmosphere of communication. But his jokes tend to be out of place or ambiguous.
The Guardian watches and corrects his dual's mistakes. He succeeds in doing this as much as The Enterpriser succeeds in releasing tension in relations with people. The Enterpriser may become a victim to people who exploit his unwariness. The Guardian understands the nuances of relationships and sees what people really want. He takes preventive actions to counteract deceitful people and actions. He thus saves his dual from false friends.
The Guardian diligently performs routine tasks; he is well aware of what people need not in the future, but in the here and now, and finds an active supporter in his dual.
The Guardian is capable of handling great tasks for extended periods without relaxation, enduring difficulties and illness. He can be quite tolerant, but if irritated, he may strike a blow in the enemy's most vulnerable spot, teaching him a good lesson. In achieving his goals he is insistent, demanding to himself and others, and thus he stabilizes his restless dual, who tends to squander his energy in conflicting directions.
The Guardian likes justice and objectivity. He wants to know what is legal and what is not. He is not sure of his own skills and is mistrustful of compliments, especially concerning his talents, possibilities and business skills. On the other hand, he is sure about his rights and power. Being well aware that The Enterpriser does not always properly protect his interests, he bravely repulses those who encroach upon them. He is thankful to the Enterpriser for demonstrating by real facts that there is nothing impossible for The Guardian, that he does everything well, either by himself or in cooperation with his partner.
The Enterpriser finds ways out of difficult and intricate situations and by doing this also inspires his dual with the feeling of a secure future, which is so important for this worrisome person. He suggests, what can be required from whom in certain affairs and why, who possesses which talents and how they can be used.
This dual pair is distinguished by such qualities as endurance, hard work and the sense of justice, which sometimes turns into critiquing self and others.
Discussion threads & examples
"The Craftsman" = ISTp = SLI (Si-Te)
"The Psychologist" = ENFp = IEE (Ne-Fi)
The Craftsman easily detects smallest deviations from esthetic standards in the surrounding world; such disharmony makes him feel distressed, awakes in him a feeling of discomfort, the desire to improve the situation, to perfect what he achieved or actually possesses – not only in the material world, but in his intellectual and spiritual development as well. This is why The Craftsman is exigent to himself and often also to the others. He likes nothing drab, trite and banal, strives for improvement of his own, his friends and family, beginning from the appearance and health, and up to the mental development. He is very curious, has wide range of interests, often he is not self-confident because of increased self-criticism. He needs praise of his capabilities, encouragement of his efforts.
The Psychologist is just the kind of person who notices talents of the others, inspires them with belief in their capabilities, readily tells compliments. He notices even hidden capabilities and willingly encourages their development. This in turn very much commands respect of The Craftsman, who does not feel bored with such a partner. The Psychologist is useful to him also because he easily finds solutions to difficult situations, which would otherwise make The Craftsman feel depressed. Being thankful for that, The Craftsman takes care of the mental and external comfort of the one solving his internal problems.
The Psychologist very much needs a caring partner and finds relaxation for his emotional and restless soul in the 'quiet haven' of a friend, who is constant in his words and deeds, reliable and faithful. The Craftsman creates convenience and comfort for The Psychologist, who is not much adapted to the real life, thus giving him the opportunity to focus on spiritual and intellectual values, generate new ideas, which will bring the taste of novelty into their common affairs.
Everyday chores are usually undertaken by The Craftsman, who believes he can do them better. The Psychologist takes initiative in relations, can unite people around himself, and becomes the 'life of the party'. He gains people's favor, willingly advises on solving personal problems. He is a subtle psychologist, who understands well hidden motives of people. He emotionally demonstrates his attitude towards people; his sincerity, warmth and ingenuousness make others forgive his excessive straightforwardness and hot temper. He corrects The Craftsman's ethical mistakes, and often even his own, since he is not rancorous and likes people very much. His trustfulness disarms the incredulous Craftsman, and emotionality softens his more cold-tempered and reserved partner.
The Craftsman is reticent enough and does not like to demonstrate his feelings. He can put a distance in communication, seems to be arrogant and non-sociable. But in the very depths of his soul he is thankful to the person who takes responsibility for ethical issues on himself. He likes The Psychologist's spirit of trust, whose permanent optimism, capability of foreseeing the future and perspectives of various undertakings, finding ways out of any problems. The Psychologist raises The Craftsman's confidence of the future, decrease his skepticism and mistrust towards everything new, not well known or not proven by practice. In addition, The Craftsman is sometimes excessively nervous and mistrustful; he exaggerates possible dangers not to mention real ones. But The Psychologist, who lives more in the future than in the present, 'calculates' everything in advance and in such moments call for caution, and at the same time calms down his partner when an alarm is false.
The Craftsman is very technological and practical. He can work quickly and is well organized. He plans all stages of his work in advance, acquires all the necessary things in advance. He is enduring in perfecting details of his work, can separate important things from trifles, which is not an easy task for The Psychologist. The Psychologist's efficiency of working is high only in critical situations, while routine and monotonous, non-creative work deteriorates his vital tonus, being a source of boredom for this restless creative personality. The Psychologist gladly accepts a role of 'second' or 'assistant', which suits The Craftsman's commanding nature. The Craftsman does not like when others impose on him other ways of doing things than he would prefer. He is strives for real benefit and profit, unlike altruistic Psychologist, and this contributes to growth of material welfare of this dual pair.
The Psychologist needs a partner indulgent enough to his weak points: negligence at work, lack of consideration to rules, norms and hierarchy, outbursts of non-motivated aggression. The Craftsman is indulgent to such, sometimes they even amuse him. He likes the independent nature of The Psychologist, which does not encroach on his own independence.
The characteristic features of this dual pair are the independence from each other, as well as from others, harmony of relations and a restless spirit of creativity and self-development.
Discussion threads & examples
"The Administrator" = ESTj = LSE (Te-Si)
"The Humanist" = INFj = EII (Fi-Ne)
The Administrator is very hard working; he rationally spends his time and does not like getting distracted by extraneous talk. He is very practical and economical. He strives to be competent in business issues, accumulating necessary information on problems interesting to him. He tends to take on too many responsibilities. So he needs The Humanist, which can suggest, which actions are most promising. The Humanist willingly helps in this work, doing it diligently and qualitatively.
The Administrator does not tolerate inferior quality. He likes integrity and uprightness in relations. The Humanist, as a rule, is an exceptionally honest and conscientious partner. He willingly processes great quantities of information, draws general conclusions and schedules actions. The Administrator sees planning as a problem. On the one hand, he is sometimes too impatient, on the other – he may be distracted by outside matters, procrastinating on important issues and failing to fulfill them in due time. He accepts this fact very painfully. He needs an undemanding regulator, a provident and prescient partner.
The second bright trait of The Administrator is his ability to take care of his family's welfare. He strives for a high standard of living. He demands quality and possesses well-developed esthetic taste. He is a kind of gourmet, likes tasty and healthy meals; parties for his close friends or family members organized by him are distinguished by very high taste. The Humanist is very reserved in communication. He is devoted to his narrow but stable circle of friends. He possesses 'clever hands' and interest in various technologies, culinary and medical recipes. While The Administrator creates comfort on a whole, his dual perfects all the details.
The Humanist is very attentive towards people, which is not applicable to his dual who is interested more in results of work and communication rather than in the very process. For this reason The Administrator, who is usually reserved and polite, may give way to irritation and wrath, especially when people take his precious time. At such moments he loses the feeling of tactfulness, may become blunt. He needs an ever-reserved, diplomatic and peaceful partner by his side. The Humanist softens ethical mistakes of his dual, performs peacemaking activities. By his persuasions he softens harsh behavior of the Administrator, appeals to his inborn nobility, magnanimity and conscience. By doing this, he facilitates communication with others. This helps The Administrator to keep stable the circle of his business partners.
The Humanist also foresees well the outcome of undertakings and relations. By his advice he helps his improvident dual to avoid many mistakes, the main of which is wishful thinking, especially about health and relations with people. He recognizes well the perspectives of new theories or technologies and he is among the first to struggle for their implementation.
The Administrator is conservative enough in his views, and without such support he tends to fall into routine, may even stop in his development, stagnate in everyday chores, or lose his spirituality, romantic feelings and interest towards intellectual novelties.
On the other hand, The Administrator is capable of thinking clearly and logically, of noticing what’s most important, of modernizing inefficient, outdated structures or technologies. He strives for higher quality and better outcome. The Humanist needs such a partner, who switches his attention from trivialities to more global undertakings. In addition, his dual attracts him as a protector and leader.
The Humanist is a very softhearted and sensitive person. His kindness if often misused by the others. By contrast, The Administrator is full of initiative, but does not like when others impose their own initiatives on him. He may show aggression, but hardly perceives aggression of the others. The Humanist, in spite of his indecisiveness, defends his own interests silently but impertinently, if he is sure of his being right. In practical affairs he is not very capable of protecting his interests, letting his more penetrative dual do it. He tolerates The Administrator's inability to praise, make compliments, which is caused by his insufficient understanding of individual traits and human potential capabilities. The Humanist understands this aspect and considers it to be so obvious that he does not require words of approval. He likes the integrity and hard work of his short-spoken dual.
This dual pair is characterized with certain reticence, isolation from other people, hard work, and attention to details and integrity in everything.
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[MENTION=17788]godslave[/MENTION] One Punch Man is LSI. Please notice how's he positive and not negative.
Badger Today, 02:25 AM