As far as my own self, I would say I try and show off Ti. With my systemic grasping sand aspiring to make in a Ti pursuit, as a reversal for Ni base...
I lean towards an LSI who has over-identified with their Ni hidden agenda, and who had fixated it on to be able have it occupy his conscious. I just...
Sometimes it seems like you don't even read what I write. Are you really criticizing someone famous (Gore Vidal) who criticized Ayn Rand by saying he...
The thing with ENTp is they don't live in the future. Si is here. It is precision in thought, and working thru the BS to find the best overall way. ...
Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei | US news | The Guardian
Stunning Report Exposes Project...
tbh i thought she looked like all SF types simultaneously and he looked SLE SEE ESE to me. but i can agree he may be EIE hes too skinny and his body...