View Poll Results: Socionics Type

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Thread: Let's Do This Again...

  1. #1
    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    Default Let's Do This Again...

    I'm an MBTI XNTP, by the way.

    Personal concepts

    1. What is beauty? What is love?
    How do I answer this? I'm confused, but I'll try anyway. Beauty is something which can never be appreciated or recognized objectively. It is essentially an attribute that is subjectively discerned. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    Baby, don't hurt me! Seriously, I don't really know what love is, except for the fact that it is an emotional element which causes living organisms to develop romantic predispositions? Dunno.

    2. What are your most important values?
    I'm not really the kind of guy who believes in harboring a fixed set of values as a guideline for your life. I basically do whatever is beneficial to me, whether it is productive, amusing, entertaining or enlightening. I actually think that values restrict us.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Nope, I'm an agnostic with a proclivity towards atheism. I have invariably been indifferent to religion and the concept of a higher power. I don't want my life to be in the hands of some omnipotent antiquated deity. Destiny is merely an excuse for people who are too lazy to try to achieve what they want to achieve. They use it as as a pretext for their failures, their shortcomings, their indiscretions. And this is coming from an extremely lazy individual. Spiritualism only appeals to me when I'm reading or watching fiction. And yet, for some reason, I am yet to abandon my irrational fear of ghosts.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    Those belligerent buffoons can keep fighting all they want, I don't care. I think it's ridiculous how world peace has not been attained yet. And when I think about military, I visualize tough-minded, serious and muscular soldiers undertaking inconceivably rigorous training and trying hard to decrease their lifespan. Summarily put, I don't give a damn. I like power, as long as I don't have responsibilities, conferences, sycophants, documents and obligations around me.


    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Dunno, my conversations are pretty versatile. I keep vacillating and jumping among thoughts so that I can never really converse about anything in particular. My conversations are brief and random, anyway. I only have long conversations in written media.
    Interests? Reading, exploring, THE INTERNET, soccer, movies, introspecting, researching, getting to the truth, surrendering myself to conspiracy theories (although, a majority of them are incredulous and ludicrous).

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Hell no! I'm only focused on staying alive and having magnificent abs. However, I do occasionally get terribly fearful about my body. For example, a weeks ago, I mistook a mere shoulder bruise for heart attack. I mistook an eyelash in my eyeball for brain tumor.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    I avoid chores like the plague.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    There are so many to talk about! I'll die before I finish enumerating them. Without much introspection, I can confidently assert that my favorite movies of all time include Fight Club, The Dark Knight, Inception and Django Unchained.

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    The vagueness is strong in this one.

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    In front of my beloved computer - my eternal companion.

    Evaluation & Behaviour

    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Laziness, quietude, shyness, tendency to procrastinate. If I did not have social anxiety and poor social skills in general, I would never dislike myself. I also wish I was more outspoken and confident. I believe I have confidence, but somehow it is in a perpetually dormant state.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Humor, excitement, passive enthusiasm, creativity, eccentricity. These adjectives are also what I like about myself, along with my imagination and wit.

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Social areas. I want to increase my self-confidence, social skills and communication skills. I want to extinguish my social anxiety and become less prone to dangerous phases of procrastination.

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes, mostly when I'm stressed or told to do something I don't want to do. My reaction is to indulge and explore uncharted territories, and hope that I return to my former self.

    People & Interactions

    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Qualities I like - Humor, creativity, wit, intelligence, open-mindedness, spontaneity, susceptibility to new experiences and having fun.Qualities I dislike - narrow-mindedness, assertiveness, obnoxiousness, lack of concern about grammar, traditionalism, society-oriented, sycophancy, obeisance, authoritativeness.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Romance does not interest me. Sex does, but not influentially.
    I haven't decided yet. I'll know when I see her.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I don't know. Never thought about how I would raise a child.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I silently condemn the guy and recount all of his flaws and defects. Then I return to peacefully entertaining myself to the aesthetics of the world outside the windows. My inward reaction would depend on my relationship with my friend. If he's merely an acquaintance, I would not hesitate to explain my perspective. Normally, I would be too nonchalant or lazy to indulge in an argument over beliefs. I like arguments, especially when I derive the satisfaction of exposing the logical fallacies and inconsistencies in the opponent's say. I like the defeated look on their face as I conclude my argument with a dramatic bottom line. I'm a psychopathic debater.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Damn society. I don't want your asinine rules imposed upon me! I won't let you! Yes, I'm a rebel. I see people as entertainments. Sometimes, I even see them as distractions. But for the most part, I see people as people. Paparazzi are very problematic. I think they and the conservatives constitute the prevalent social problems of today. Don't take this answer seriously, though.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't choose my friends. I just let friendships happen spontaneously. Then, after a certain period of time, I start evaluating them. In their vicinity, I behave more naturally than I do around my parents.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    I become curious, objective, observational and neutral.Ask me more questions, preferably the scenario kinds of questions.

  2. #2
    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    I don't understand. What is missing from my questionnaire? Does anyone at least have enough damns to post a rudimentary suggestion? Hmmm, I was just reminded of another personality trait of mine because of this post. I hate it when people remain silent and don't speak when I expect them to. I can get terribly impatient when I have to wait for answers or replies. For example, if I ask someone for a favor and they tell me to wait, I can get highly frustrated. But I have enough decency not to verbalize my frustration.

    I'm also an incorrigible social critic. I have been compared to George Carlin. I'm often found speaking or ranting against established systems, rules, authorities, and global stupidity and hypocrisy. Usually I'm cheerful and calm, but when I rant or criticize, I can become verbally malicious. My humor consists of sarcasm and creative exaggeration.

  3. #3
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    I don't understand. What is missing from my questionnaire? Does anyone at least have enough damns to post a rudimentary suggestion?
    hey! Big loud SF here says put a pic of yourself as your avatar so people can see who you are and effectively give more of a damn about you due to being able to access more of you in a less effort-intensive manner than reading stuff.

    Anyhow, it's too early for me to make a conclusive call on anything, and yes, welcome aboard! Leaning slightly to ILE.
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    I don't understand. What is missing from my questionnaire? Does anyone at least have enough damns to post a rudimentary suggestion? Hmmm, I was just reminded of another personality trait of mine because of this post. I hate it when people remain silent and don't speak when I expect them to. I can get terribly impatient when I have to wait for answers or replies. For example, if I ask someone for a favor and they tell me to wait, I can get highly frustrated. But I have enough decency not to verbalize my frustration.

    I'm also an incorrigible social critic. I have been compared to George Carlin. I'm often found speaking or ranting against established systems, rules, authorities, and global stupidity and hypocrisy. Usually I'm cheerful and calm, but when I rant or criticize, I can become verbally malicious. My humor consists of sarcasm and creative exaggeration.
    dude. I second visually-thirsty Gamma SFs here. Wanna have ppl swarm on your posts? pics or it didn´t happen. Naked is a plus, bad-looking is a minus.

    I kinda tend to LII . But i´m also sorta ambivalent (and slightly disconcerted) about this : "Qualities I dislike - narrow-mindedness, assertiveness, obnoxiousness, lack of concern about grammar, traditionalism, society-oriented, sycophancy, obeisance, authoritativeness. " were you just browsing through a McMillan or it´s supposed to make sense

  5. #5
    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    hey! Big loud SF here says put a pic of yourself as your avatar so people can see who you are and effectively give more of a damn about you due to being able to access more of you in a less effort-intensive manner than reading stuff.

    Anyhow, it's too early for me to make a conclusive call on anything, and yes, welcome aboard! Leaning slightly to ILE.
    Why, thank you!

    Well, I would do that, but I'm currently living in an abandoned shack that does not possess the adequate resources. I exaggerate, but the exaggeration is marginal. I don't have webcam working, either.
    Last edited by Phantom; 05-28-2014 at 06:27 PM.

  6. #6
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    I don't understand. What is missing from my questionnaire? Does anyone at least have enough damns to post a rudimentary suggestion? Hmmm, I was just reminded of another personality trait of mine because of this post. I hate it when people remain silent and don't speak when I expect them to. I can get terribly impatient when I have to wait for answers or replies. For example, if I ask someone for a favor and they tell me to wait, I can get highly frustrated. But I have enough decency not to verbalize my frustration.
    Giving it more than 24 hours might help. I've been there and done that, and it can be frustrating. Sometimes these things just take a little time to generate responses.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    dude. I second visually-thirsty Gamma SFs here. Wanna have ppl swarm on your posts? pics or it didn´t happen. Naked is a plus, bad-looking is a minus.

    I kinda tend to LII . But i´m also sorta ambivalent (and slightly disconcerted) about this : "Qualities I dislike - narrow-mindedness, assertiveness, obnoxiousness, lack of concern about grammar, traditionalism, society-oriented, sycophancy, obeisance, authoritativeness. " were you just browsing through a McMillan or it´s supposed to make sense
    I have been incriminated because of my verbose way of speaking. I like using big words. This is often mistaken for condescension or arrogance, what people don't understand is that I'm genuinely infatuated with words. Words are your verbal bullets. Words can permanently hurt a person, without killing him. Even bazookas enhanced with grenades cannot achieve that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vois View Post
    um, can you talk more about this?
    I was exaggerating.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vois View Post
    What would you do if, after shopping for a new webcam, you returned to your inhabited shack and found your computer missing?
    That's the most despicable thing someone can to do me! I'll be devastated.

  10. #10
    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    Anyone else willing to give this a shot?

  11. #11

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    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    What about that thread?

    I'm not overly impatient, but I am slightly disconcerted about the fact that this thread has 226 views and only 3 votes on the poll. If you think there's something deficient in my questionnaire, just tell me!

  13. #13


    noone really wants to type other people =/

    maybe you could start by putting a random TIM beneath ur avatar for people to see and be like oh u r so not that u r that bcuz so and so lol that's kinda cool when it happens

    anyway,you sound like a spazzier and more dogmatic Radio
    maybe you can frequent the chats and see who u wanna kil or fuk and maybe then u can get typed or not

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    What about that thread?

    I'm not overly impatient, but I am slightly disconcerted about the fact that this thread has 226 views and only 3 votes on the poll. If you think there's something deficient in my questionnaire, just tell me!
    if you simply take part in other discussions and threads , it gets easier ... for ppl to have a picture of some function you're using . For you to get to know it as well ...

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    I'm not overly impatient, but I am slightly disconcerted about the fact that this thread has 226 views and only 3 votes on the poll. If you think there's something deficient in my questionnaire, just tell me!
    It's not about your replies. It's about nobody on this forum knowing you, since you haven't participated in any discussions or chats prior to posting inquiries about your type. Little known posters usually don't attract much attention to their typing forms.

    This forum has a constant inflow of newly registered users who come here only to post a typing thread and then disappear forever, which as you might imagine is rather boring for the local community to invest their time into analyzing these forms and then never seeing these people again. So many don't even bother.

  16. #16
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    I'd say ILE based upon questionnaire...

    that said, I tried to engage you in conversation and you didn't reply, so yeah... what the people above posted about not caring to type someone who doesn't engage me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I'd say ILE based upon questionnaire...

    that said, I tried to engage you in conversation and you didn't reply, so yeah... what the people above posted about not caring to type someone who doesn't engage me.
    Which conversation?

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    It's not about your replies. It's about nobody on this forum knowing you, since you haven't participated in any discussions or chats prior to posting inquiries about your type. Little known posters usually don't attract much attention to their typing forms.

    This forum has a constant inflow of newly registered users who come here only to post a typing thread and then disappear forever, which as you might imagine is rather boring for the local community to invest their time into analyzing these forms and then never seeing these people again. So many don't even bother.
    Where should I begin? I'm a dilettante when it comes to Socionics so I could not really participate in the discussion forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    Which conversation?
    I asked you who was the big thing before you (or, which would have been better phrased, "who's the big thing now?")

    Welcome btw, you'll find your type in time ^^

  20. #20
    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure you are an INTp.
    Do you consider yourself to be reliable?
    Baths. What do you think of baths?
    Sincerely Yours,

    Beyond the clouds. Beyond the sun.

    The Rebel without a cause.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    Where should I begin? I'm a dilettante when it comes to Socionics so I could not really participate in the discussion forum.
    then you can talk about your favorite sex positions or give people cooking tips. Or if u´r bored talk about some books you read.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
    I am pretty sure you are an INTp.
    Do you consider yourself to be reliable?
    Baths. What do you think of baths?
    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    then you can talk about your favorite sex positions or give people cooking tips. Or if u´r bored talk about some books you read.
    Not at all. I'm only reliable when I'm interested in what it is that I'm supposed to do. I'm helpful, but unreliable.

    Sex positions? There are too many! I read fiction, mostly adventure, fantasy, crime and thriller.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    Sex positions? There are too many! I read fiction, mostly adventure, fantasy, crime and thriller.
    Dude. Are you gonna fill in this job application form or are you gonna risk dying untyped :

  24. #24
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    Well, if he really wants to be typed he needs to do the video questionaire someone posted a while back! Preferably naked, while balancing a ball on his nose!

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    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    I don't own a car. I like the convenience that cars offer, but I don't find them physically appealing.

    2. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    Black, messy and long, black, Olive or yellow-ish.

    3. Ethnicity?

    4. Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    Heterosexual male. Can occasionally have man-crushes.

    5. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    Nope, I'm an atheist. No. Yes, I'm a football enthusiast. Probably. What the hell is that? Dunno what that means.

    6. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    Not really. But I do collect information and ideas obsessively on the internet.

    7. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    I'm a terrible artist. I'm a great writer. In fact, I've written a few short stories and screenplays for my high school thespian ventures. I love writing or producing fiction, books or movies. I'm great at making up ridiculously entertaining songs with ludicrous lyrics but I doubt whether I'm serious about it. I sing in the shower. I sing on random occasions. I sing to annoy people. I dance in my cave, that's all.

    8. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    Partial insomniac. There is so much fun to have when the sun goes down and the moon goes up. Dead to the world? That's interesting. I often wonder whether I can sleep with my eyes open. I'm late to bed but I also like to rise early, which is paradoxical. No wonder I'm a partial insomniac. I'm early to bed when I have a boring, stressful or strenuous day, preferring to wake up on a new day, with a new life, and new things to do, forgetting about the abysmal past. I like rising early so that I can make the most out of the day and other reasons but I tend to wake up late.

    9. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    My dreams are outlandish. I'm no stranger to nightmares. Fortunately, they're more fascinating than scary. Out of the world fascinating. Literally.

    10. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    Sexual fantasies, possibilities, imaginations, stories and mental anecdotes. My style of flirting is subtle but overt enough to display my interest. It's so covert it's overt.

    11. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    George Carlin/Jesse Eisenberg/Robert Downey Jr./Woody Allen + Tina Fey/Aubrey Plaza

    12. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    I'm still living with my parents. But I do spend extravagantly.

    13. Any deep, dark secrets?

    14. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    Computer, Permanent Wi-Fi, Minion.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    Where should I begin? I'm a dilettante when it comes to Socionics so I could not really participate in the discussion forum.
    Anywhere of interest. Many discussions on this forum are dedicated to subjects other than socionics, participation in which is encouraged because it allows others to get to know you outside of scope of black and white triangles and form an opinion about you as a person, and, in parallel, about your type. Even if you know very little you can still participate or even ask questions.

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    B - Ba
    U - Agh
    M - mmmm
    P - Ppp

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    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    Lately, I have been perfunctorily investigating other "What's my type" threads and noticed that the maximum replies, suggestions and speculations are elicited by the kind of threads where the OP, instead of going along the standard route of attempting a questionnaire, provides a personal description of himself or herself. I guess people look for novelty instead of the banal procedures. Something which is conspicuous. Something which stands out. I can relate to that. I have a problem with this. Two of them, on second thought.

    1.) I'm terrible at organizing my thoughts. Often, I don't know what to write at all. Writing an essay on myself would be a horrifying prospect, unless I'm given some directions or clues as to how I should write. I'd rather talk about myself.
    2.) There are simply too many things to write. I have a complex personality. Every day, I notice some new peculiarity or idiosyncrasy about my behavior. It's as if my life is a perpetual autobiography. I can't just write about myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    Lately, I have been perfunctorily investigating other "What's my type" threads and noticed that the maximum replies, suggestions and speculations are elicited by the kind of threads where the OP, instead of going along the standard route of attempting a questionnaire, provides a personal description of himself or herself. I guess people look for novelty instead of the banal procedures. Something which is conspicuous. Something which stands out. I can relate to that. I have a problem with this. Two of them, on second thought.

    1.) I'm terrible at organizing my thoughts. Often, I don't know what to write at all. Writing an essay on myself would be a horrifying prospect, unless I'm given some directions or clues as to how I should write. I'd rather talk about myself.
    2.) There are simply too many things to write. I have a complex personality. Every day, I notice some new peculiarity or idiosyncrasy about my behavior. It's as if my life is a perpetual autobiography. I can't just write about myself.
    each person is free to choose their way of making themselves visible and typable. Who knows, maybe most answers go to ppl who piss others off cause they claim to be a type they're not and thus become controversial. You behave like stubborn IJ who prolly needs a good kick in the ass from a EJ. But you don't think like a Ti dominant. So're a mystery , enjoy yourself, write your bio, whatever pleases you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    each person is free to choose their way of making themselves visible and typable. Who knows, maybe most answers go to ppl who piss others off cause they claim to be a type they're not and thus become controversial. You behave like stubborn IJ who prolly needs a good kick in the ass from a EJ. But you don't think like a Ti dominant. So're a mystery , enjoy yourself, write your bio, whatever pleases you.
    Sorry, I didn't construct my post efficiently. I don't have a problem with that particular method or anyone who uses the method. Indeed, I'm the problem here. Or maybe my mind. I have tried three different approaches (standard questionnaire, photo, brief questionnaire and some independent questions) and still not arrived at a definite conclusion. Maybe I should come back to this later, when I graduate from high school almost two months later. I'll have four months of liberty before going to college and I guess I'll be more suited to pursue my Socionics identity then. I'll be rid of anxieties and patient.

  31. #31
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    you posted a photo somewhere? i must have missed that

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing View Post
    Maybe I should come back to this later, when I graduate from high school almost two months later. I'll have four months of liberty before going to college and I guess I'll be more suited to pursue my Socionics identity then. I'll be rid of anxieties and patient.
    That's a good idea. Give it some time, keep researching and posting, and eventually it will become more apparent. Socionics is such a complicated mess at first that it takes some time to make any sense out of it. Anyone who is expecting to quickly jump in, figure out their type, and jump out usually doesn't have such expectations met.

  32. #32
    Perennial Wanderer Phantom's Avatar
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    Hmmm.... I used to be quite obnoxious.

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