This has really been bugging me. I have a feeling I'm right in the middle of the P/J department, and I need help figuring out what I am!!!

I'm pretty sure of my ENF, but J/P is where I'm confused. So help me out. I'll do my best to describe some stuff.
1. I'm 17.
2. Although I tolerate differences in people, I myself would be very reluctant to accept people I love and know very well breaking social norms. In other words, I have no problem with interracial marriages. However, I would never get into one.
3. When I start writing my essays, I like to just brainstorm and throw out ideas. My deepest and most ingenious ideas come during random brainstorming.
4. I'm not the guy that says: procrastination is good. However, when I do procrastinate, I work efficiently in the final moments. Time pressure is very nerve-wracking; I hate it. I never am energized by knowing that I'll be under pressure. Nevertheless, I work well under it.
6. Only things that genuinely challenge me interest me for long. I like a continuous, uninterrputed learning experience. When I am constantly immersed in a learning environment, that's what I like. It's hard for me to sit down and focus on something, but when I do, I usually finish it.
7. I'm extremely competitive. To start out, I set goals that are fairly high. As time passes, I set even higher goals until they are virtually at the very top...and almost impossible.
8. I'm pretty insecure about my ability, appearance to an unreasonable extent. I want to portray the best image at all times. I would love to be my natural self, but maintaining my reputation is extremely important.
9. When people say they want me to go to a party, I say yes right away, even though I am not sure that I am able to go. Then I go into the process of trying to convince my parents to go. I don't like to tell people that I might not be able to go for some reason.
10. Situation that happens a lot: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" (parents). My inner answer is that I didn't want to create conflict between their authority and my desire to go, so if I surprise them all of a sudden, they're probably just let me go b/c they have less time to react."
11. I love spontaneity, and I love it when people surprise me. If someone were to suddenly say that they were going to the movies, eating dinner, then doing something afterward, it would be really hard to say no. Sometimes, I just have impulses...if they are refused because "it doesn't make any sense," I get very upset.
12. When I feel discouraged, confused, I write down all of my goals on paper and make a list of accomplishments that might happen ahead, and by what time I might become what. After about 30, I have no idea where my life is going to lead...and I am always searching for that perfect life for me
13. I want to make enough money so that it is not an issue in my daily life; financial security and comfort is extremely important. I want to manage my money well, but only if it was something I chose to do, not something I was forced to do.
14. When people don't let me do something because I haven't shown responsibility, I get upset, because I'm thinking: "Let me try first, THEN judge me." I never feel as if I'll let someone down, and am very optimistic in that regard. I'm a strong believer in second chances.
15. It usually takes a lot to make me annoyed. Even when someone lost my glasses, I was pretty calm. Also, even when I know deep down inside that an activity might not be fun, I tend to go along with it and hope for the best.
16. Organized in my daily life: really appreciate homes that are clean and well-decorated, need things to be squeaky clean, make shopping lists...i really like to make lists and think about what's ahead!
17. i immediately notice people that are of a high status.
18. highly gifted

Furthermore, does my feeling or intuition seem stronger?

1) I tend to experience powerful emotions...when I'm looking up stuff online, and I go on travel websites, it thrills me to just look at people's comments...and I really feel the places in myself and all of the atmosphere.
2) The feeling that I get is very important to me...and I didn't like a certain video game; it was because the environment wasn't as pleasing...
3) Everything in my wardrobe must be extra stuff that I don't wear, and the stuff that I have needs to be personally attached to me.
4) Real estate really fascinates me...looking at the individual characteristics of a house is awesome

1) very good at seeing the general principles in ideas, especially political and social issues; i'm not so quick in economics/business issues
2) virtually all of my cognitive processes come from intuition; so much as to make it very difficult to follow simple directions and tasks.

So...ENFJ or ENFP?
What is your first impression from meeting people such as myself?