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Thread: Please comment if you have had an illusionary relationship

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    Default Please comment if you have had an illusionary relationship

    A clear explanation of Illusionary relations
    By Reuben McNew [ENTp]

    Illusionary partners are ones of drab similarity; though somewhat different, it is not out of norm for them to seek each other out, to spend long periods of time together discussing various topics and relaxing in a nice cozy atmosphere. In many ways, illusionaries admire and enjoy each others presence, and the things that they do together ... usually, they can not stay away from each other long.

    The main aspect that attracts illusionaries together the most is their means to realize their desires, goals, and to create. With their own natural and unique abilities, partners fascinate themselves, since they can naturally inspire and support each other in ways they can not alone. The manifestation of this unique aspect in illusionary partners lies in the fact that while they lack a natural ability to make-up for the most unconscious and most vulnerable of flaws in each other, they can use their own creative confidences to manifest a feint to disguise those very weaknesses. In this way, each partner can indirectly support and care for the needs of the other without too much effort, energy expenditure, and can naturally protect each other's interest. Because of this, illusionary partners can maintain exceptionally strong ties, as they often form an instinctual feeling of trust and loyalty towards each other over a period of time.

    One of the main problems with illusionary partners is their inability to relate in day-to-day matters; they can maintain routines, habits, and hobbies that do not interest each other. Despite of this, one partner may attempt to involve the other in his or her own matters, only to find the other uninterested or perceiving him or her as annoying or clingy. Even though they usually manage time fairly well together, their interest in each other may appear fake, superficial, and a little hard-pressed. They often do not understand each others motive, and may begin to criticize each other and the means by which they manage things; in result, they can have difficulty working through unified goals.

    However, the creative output produced by illusionaries usually more than makes up for their flaws, so long as partners allow themselves freedom to simultaneously work on different, yet similar projects and goals. In reality, illusionaries usually make for very good friends, and close loving, personal, and intimate relationships can develop among them taking their is ample opportunity and interest in that.

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    Hmmm, I am wondering if anyone had anything similar happen in an illusionary relationship, perhaps?

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    Cone's Avatar
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    I don't get close enough to many ENFps to really know about this. I know about mirror, contrary, duality, supervision, semi-duality, and supervisee, but not illusionary or conflicting.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  4. #4


    Fairly much so for my Fi/Se friend. We are pretty much entertainment buddies but once he gets into the finer points of art or I go into abstract ideas... our eyes glaze over and nothing happens. There is no conflict but there is no guiding point either. The gossip factor reigns supreme here tho. Put two F's that dont threaten each other and ... gossip gossip gossip. It's a very relationship (friendship, not sure how this would go with the other gender since I dont know any others in close relation).

  5. #5
    Forest-Dragon's Avatar
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    I have an illusionary relationship with one of my INFP friends. I definitely 'find it comfortable discussing different subjects' with her, particularly philosophy and literature, that some of my more S orientated friends don't care about. We do have a problem with 'mutual business' though, she being extremely humanitarian, whereas I'm less so. All of the times that I've worked together with her, we can never agree about what's important, and this can escalate into open criticism at times. However, these 'disagreements are short,' although I couldn't say we have the warmest of relationships.

  6. #6
    Dmitri Lytov's Avatar
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    It may be a romantic relationship that sometimes stumbles over two unpleasant things:
    - certain inability to protect each other;
    - about 80% information of your partner is accepted as a "background music" (like in movies) that does not need to be analyzed. This is not too bad when the partners are in love, but this is very bad in other cases, e.g. in business. is no longer my site.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitri Lytov
    It may be a romantic relationship that sometimes stumbles over two unpleasant things:
    - certain inability to protect each other;
    - about 80% information of your partner is accepted as a "background music" (like in movies) that does not need to be analyzed. This is not too bad when the partners are in love, but this is very bad in other cases, e.g. in business.
    Dmitri Lytov, what exactly do you mean an inability to protect each other?

    From my experience with the relation, the illusionary partners can help conceal each other weaknesses, but that can not support each others weaknesses fully or protect them from harm if they are discovered.

    I think maybe that is probably what you mean, atleast that is the way I understand it ...

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