Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning includes the cognitive processes of analysis, comparison, inference and interpretation, evaluation, and synthesis applied to a range of academic domains and problem-solving contexts.

Students Who Are Higher-Order Thinkers and Sound Reasoners:
• Identify the essential elements in a problem as well as the interaction between those elements; use electronic tools to facilitate analysis.
• Assign relative values to essential elements of a problem and use those values to rank elements in meaningful ways; assess similarities and differences in problems and their elements.
• Construct relationships between the essential elements of a problem that provide insight into it; extract implications and conclusions from facts, premises, or data.
• Create and apply criteria to gauge the strengths, limitations, and value of information, data, and solutions in productive ways.
• Build new solutions through novel combinations of existing information.
"Statement" = a dotted statement

First statement:
XeXi = identify the essential elements in a problem, then extract the interactions between those elements.
XiXe = identify the interactions of a problem, then extract the essential elements.

Combination of second and first half of third statement:
Assign relative values to essential elements (PeJi)
Assign relative values to the interactions between elements (PiJe)
Use those values to rank elements in meaningful ways
Assess similarities and differences in problems and their elements
T = quantifying values
F = qualifying values

2nd half of third statement:
JS = extract conclusions from facts, premises, or data (FS, TS)
JN = extract implications from facts, premises or data (FN, TN)
(does someone else have other ideas regarding this one?)

Last two statements:
Last two are based on the information the individual type has, inferred, deduced, etc.
(does someone else have other ideas regarding the last two?)