XXXps are perceptive individuals who can see the viewpoint of their dual in the context of their own viewpoint. This grants them great predictive power, which they use to guide the actions of those around them to the fulfillment of their personal ideals.

There are 8 XXXp types, although they seem to share the same relation patterns between themselves and normal types. (the only difference being the order of changes in relationship as the cycle progresses)

XXXps experience a unique sense of duality within the XXXp type spectrum. For example, ESTp may be an exemplar of the ideal prodigious servant, but they find themselves living in a world of appearances without the accompanying internal insight of the INFp, who themselves may wilt under the pressure of social expectation without ESTp's protection. Duality for XXXp means finding someone who's life mission coincides with their own.

XXXps share a common belief in their existence due to the necessity of a divine agenda or mission, which is evident to them by personal knowledge. They may go to great lengths to fulfill this agenda, in which they take great pride.


Se -> Fi -> Ne -> Ti -> Ni -> Te -> Si -> Fe
Ni -> Te -> Si -> Fe -> Se -> Fi -> Ne -> Ti

Observes evolution paths of accepted events.

Observes binding ties in the context of produced feelings.

Accepts role as representative of external field dynamic
influence on potentials.

Observes subjective perception of objective conclusions.

Receives suggestive content regarding events in time.

Estimates dependence of relational dynamics on feelings.

Experiences personal knowledge of the influence of external field
dynamics on potentials.

Determines conclusions drawn in the context of subjective experience.

Ni -> Te -> Si -> Fe -> Se -> Fi -> Ne -> Ti
Se -> Fi -> Ne -> Ti -> Ni -> Te -> Si -> Fe

Observes events transpiring at accepted moments in time.

Observes relational dynamics in context of feelings.

Accepts role as a representative of possibility.

Observes conclusions in the context of subjective experiences.

Observes evolution paths of suggested events.

Estimates binding ties in the context of feelings.

Experiences personal knowledge of external field dynamics
in the context of possibilities.

Determines subjective perception of objective conclusions.


Ne -> Ti -> Se -> Fi -> Si -> Fe -> Ni -> Te
Si -> Fe -> Ni -> Te -> Ne -> Ti -> Se -> Fi

Observes external field dynamics of accepted possibilities.

Observes subjective perception of produced objective conclusions.

Accepts role of anticipating event evolution paths.

Observes binding ties in the context of feelings.

Receives suggestions regarding the influence of external field
dynamics on potentials.

Estimates conclusions drawn from subjective experience.

Experiences personal knowledge of events in time.

Determines dependence of relational dynamics on feelings.

Si -> Fe -> Ni -> Te -> Ne -> Ti -> Se -> Fi
Ne -> Ti -> Se -> Fi -> Si -> Fe -> Ni -> Te

Observes potentials afforded by external field dynamics.

Observes objective conclusions drawn in the context of subjective

Accepts role as reckoner of events in time.

Observes feelings in the context of relational dynamics.

Observes external field dynamics of suggested possibilities.

Estimates subjective responses to objective conclusions.

Experiences personal knowledge of event evolution paths.

Determines relational dynamics in the context of feelings.


Se -> Ti -> Ne -> Fi -> Ni -> Fe -> Si -> Te
Ni -> Fe -> Si -> Te -> Se -> Ti -> Ne -> Fi

Observes evolution paths of accepted events.

Observes subjective perception of produced objective conclusions.

Accepts role as representative of external field dynamic
influence on potentials.

Observes binding ties in the context of feelings.

Receives suggestive content regarding events in time.

Estimates conclusions drawn from subjective experience.

Experiences personal knowledge of the influence of external field
dynamics on potentials.

Determines dependence of relational dynamics on feelings.

Ni -> Fe -> Si -> Te -> Se -> Ti -> Ne -> Fi
Se -> Ti -> Ne -> Fi -> Ni -> Fe -> Si -> Te

Observes events transpiring at accepted moments in time.

Observes conclusions in the context of produced subjective

Accepts role as a representative of possibility.

Observes dependence of relational dynamics on feelings.

Observes evolution paths of suggested events.

Estimates subjective perception of objective conclusions.

Experiences personal knowledge of external field dynamics
in the context of possibilities.

Determines binding ties in the context of feelings.


Ne -> Fi -> Se -> Ti -> Si -> Te -> Ni -> Fe
Si -> Te -> Ni -> Fe -> Ne -> Fi -> Se -> Ti

Observes external field dynamics of accepted possibilities.

Observes binding ties in the context of produced feelings.

Accepts role of anticipating event evolution paths.

Observes subjective perception of objective conclusions.

Receives suggestions regarding the influence of external field
dynamics on potentials.

Estimates dependence of relational dynamics on feelings.

Experiences personal knowledge of events in time.

Determines conclusions drawn from subjective experience.

The Evolutionary

Si -> Te -> Ni -> Fe -> Ne -> Fi -> Se -> Ti
Ne -> Fi -> Se -> Ti -> Si -> Te -> Ni -> Fe

The Evolutionary is the human form of the "Guiding Hand" principle put
forward by Adam Smith (The Wealth of Nations). Not content to rely on others
to do "the right thing", they seek to psychologically coerce mankind towards
a suitable destiny. Their cold, expressionless eyes bear a sense of
responsibility for man's welfare and regret for his failures. With elegance
not unlike that of an angel they position themselves to influence the history
of man.

The Evolutionary seeks a role which requires of them insights into the
future. From these insights they can deduce external object statics:
injury, life, even death. Their subjective perceptions are unavoidably
colored by the content of these insights, followed by a field
static of determination to change history.
In regard to how to do this they are uncertain and open to possibilites,
any one of which will evoke a field dynamic. Their acceptance of the best
available possibility changes their relationship to the world around them
and triggers an estimated feeling response. This internal field static
vaguely redefines their relational dynamics and allows them to form the
bonds they need to overcome their situation. Drawing upon personal
knowledge they will history into a new direction, redefining external
field statics and producing a new subjective experience for the world.
In the wake of this experience a range of new field dynamics emerge, each
of which allows for the existence of a new potential. The most favorable
dynamic is accepted and its potential exercised. This potential represents
new relational opportunities, which in turn imply the emergence of new
feelings. In the context of these feelings new roles may be considered which
allow for the observation of new timeframes.