This is more of a spreadsheet more than anything, but I would like to hear other' input on the Love is Blind cast' typing.

(Warning: Don't recall all the cast members, feel free to add those I have forgotten.)

Season 1
Cameron Hamilton:
Lauren Speed:
Matthew Barnett: SLI
Amber Pike: SEE
Giannina Gilbelli: EIE
Damien Powers:
Mark Cuevas:
Diamond Jack:
Carlton Morton:

Season 2

Salvador Perez:
Mallory Zapata:
Natalie Lee: LSI
Shayne Jansen:
Deepti Vempati: ESE
Abhishek "Shake" Chatterjee:
Jarrette Jones: SLE
Iyanna McCeely: IEI

Season 3

Colleen Reed: SEI
Matt Bolton: LSE
Cole Barnett: ILE
Zanab Jaffrey: LSI
Bartise Bowden: SEE
Nancy Rodriguez: IEI
Alexa Alfia: ESI
Brennon Lemieux:

Season 4

Irina Solomonova: SEE
Marshall Glaze: IEE
Bliss Poureetezadi: LSI
Kwame Appiah:
Micah Lussier: EIE
Zack Goytowski: LIE
Jackelina Bonds: EIE
Brett Brown:
Chelsea Griffin: SLE
Josh Demas: SLE
Tiffany Pennywell: ESE