I'm replying here, so I don't take over the thread. I suspect this topic might get some feedback and too much attention for an offtopic thing.

Quote Originally Posted by FDG
What's the dynamic telltale, Kri?
dynamics are supposed to have horisontal lines and statics are supposed to have vertical lines on the forehead. I used to think that all such telltale signs are BS, but then I started noticing it. After a while it seemed so reliable, that I have to tell myself that I'm still testing the theory! ENFps and ENFjs are the easiest to tell apart with this method, for the rest of the human kind, the lines are more blurry.

Young people are easiest to observe, because they barely have any lines, and when they do, it must be caused by a strongly characteristic look.

ESxj with the characteristic EJ raised eyebrow look, which creates horisontal lines:

ENFp with the vertical lines (ENTps often push their eyebrows together, forming a characteristic look and vertical lines):

Introverted people barely have any lines at all, especially INxjs. Their eyebrows barely move so they don't get lines. .