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Thread: My own personal type description - What am I?

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    Default My own personal type description - What am I?

    I love hats, especially hats that are made out of straw and look like australian or cowboy hats. I also like diffrent color combinations, especially shiny black shirts with a nice pair of jeans. I always make sure that I look my nicest when I am going to an interview, meeting, church, or school. I have been known to iron the clothes that I wear the night before I wear them. I like combinations of colored clothing such as black and blue. I have absolutly no taste when it comes to clothing and I relay on other people to help me make fashionable choices in what I wear. I always make sure that there are creases in shorts and that the clothes I wear match with themselves and they are not too big for me. I will almost always ask another person for their opinion of what I am wearing and if things match, but only because I have no clue what fits or matches on me. I do not take offense to what other people say to me when I ask for their opinion. However, I am horribly suspecious of what other people might think about me and how I look when I am not so concerned. When someone says I am a certain way good or bad, I sometimes question their motivation for saying what they did with baiting questions. I want to know what it is that they are really saying. For example, if someone says I am nice I would question what they mean by 'nice,' and will
    not stop inquiring until I get a decent answer I accept.

    In new situations where I have an opportunity to meet new people, I can often be the first person to initiate contact with others. However, I tend to watch people for a while to see how they behave before deciding if I should get to know them as more than an aquintance. I tend to only attempt to form close ties with people who are like minded and can understand me at my own intellectual level.For this reason I might be considered 'odd' by others, because I am able to speak to others in ways
    that are so intellectually indepth, yet so vague that only a person who has the same amount of knowledge would even ever have a clue what I am attempting to convey. Yet, others have at times found my knowledge insightful and full of wisdom, especially when matters of human nature are concerned. I have warned people of problems and my friends respect my advice. I am appreciated by many who have been relieved that I have never condemned them for their troubles and my intuitive understanding of them.

    I like to learn about various subjects; one of my favourite things to study is language. I have taken 3 foreign languages in school so far [German, Greek, Hebrew], and am preparing to take Spanish as my fourth foreign language at a local community college. I love doing things with computers, and I know several programming languages, and have programmed as a hobby for atleast 10 years now.I can do most anything in C/C++, Assembler, Basic, Perl, Java, etc.

    I also love psychology, as I have an interest in understanding what makes people tick; however, I really want to understand what it is I have done in my life to drive people away. I want to have an understanding of the way that I am effecting others, and what I can do to allow people to want to come closer to me. I do not like isolation and I am sensitive to way I have been treated by others who have hurt me in the past. However much I forgive, I can not change the way I am effected by it. I can only learn to deal and to cope.

    I do not have many friends beyond school or work, and I do not tend to do much with my friends short of actually being at work or at school with them. I spend most of my time alone or with my family. I do not always go out of my way to do things with people, either. Some people may say this results in that I do not show any interest in other people. Well, I do, just people with similar interest. I am not very flexible and adaptable when it comes to change and I have a hard time adapting to new ways of doing things that I have myself not already initiated. I do not follow along with the plans of other people, and tend to do my own thing alot. However, I am greatly appreciative when someone follows me and wants to do similar things that I do. Those people usually end up being my closest friends and companions.

    I tend to learn very very diffrently than a good majority of people. I am able to understand math and scientific concepts, but I am unable to convey my knowledge of these concepts due in part to the fact that I tend to lose track of what I have done. I have problems correctly solving math problems, because I sometimes miss a number and end up doing the problem wrong. I have problems giving required public speeches, because my ideas become so general, vague, and complex that the end quality of the speech suffers. However, when I speak publically what I do origionally convey usually has so much emotion and fluency that the audience is captivated at my oratory, with many nods of heads and owes and awes. I have problems understanding concepts that seem oversimplified. I perfer breaking down complex systems into smaller parts and rebuilding the system in a way that has a personal familiarity to it. I do not like to be pushed to learn in a way that stresses my weaknesses. In the past, if a school teacher of some kind does not accept the way I learn, I have been chastised and considered to have learning
    difficulties. However, experience has told me that the way I learn is really a gift that few people posess. I can think asemtrically and link concepts to other concepts in ways that no one else seems able to do. Things that are similar in concept, but totally different. I have been told that I could have ADD, Asbergers syndrome, or some other type of learning disability. I have ceased to listen to people who want to pessimistically believe that they should force everyone to learn a certain way or they are inferior. Either education should learn to adapt to students or continue to fail, like it failed for me.

    I am able experience deep emotions that sometimes effect me in odd ways. Sometimes I will hear a song on the radio in my car that has such deep spiritual meaning, that I cry and sometimes have to pull over to the side of the road. However, I have problems with 'safeguarding' my emotions. I am very wary of having my feelings hurt and can be sensitive to teasing or from rejection by the opposite sex. I can not function very well if I am in a position where I feel that I have to protect my feelings, and I tend to freeze up or lose my appetite. When I am depressed, I have been known to write for a long period of time making pages and pages of writting on how I have been treated in the past and what I have done or others have done. I always analyze every part of my life and try to avoid my past mistakes; because of this, I have grown more emotionally healthy and more mature quicker than I would have if I did not do these things. I want to be accepted by people and I want people to like me for who I am.

    I feel insulted when a girl I like gives me fickle wishy washy responses, excuses, or just wants to be a friend. I do not hang around girls that act this way, and I do not like being just friends with girls. Because of this, I tend to find many girls who display promiscuous qualities or show immediatelly high signs of interest. Sadly, these girls usually disappoint
    me. Some of them just find me sexually attractive, and others are just leading me on. Sometimes even the girls are engaged,

    married, or have several other boyfriends who do not know about each other. I can not say that I am any more guilty. I tend to not persue girls much, and most of the decent girls who like me constantly wonder if I like them and also may eventually give up on me ever being interested in them; mostly because I fail to make any moves on them or rarely attempt to ever get to know them well.

    I have been known to not be very aware of my surroundings. I do common everyday things in ways that irritate other people, and sometimes there are group public outcries to stop me from doing things the way that I do them. I often tend to always look like I am in a hurry and that I have something urgent that I need to do when in actuality I am probably not going anywhere special or actually not really doing anything urgent at all.

    I believe that rules are not absolute; they are bendable and subject to change when they have served their purpose. I do not like people who emphasize that rules must always be followed to their exactness and never challenged. I have a healthy respect for rules that are healthy for a person and exist to help people grow into independant individuals, but when rules are set to hold people back or to give biased privaledges to a select minority, I will blatently disregard the rules and no matter of authority enforcing the rules will ever have my support or be accepted as an authority by me. I challenge any rules in the wrong and have no part with people who insist on living like babies all their lives. Rules are for infants!

    I am religious, attend church, do not drink, do not smoke, and generally harmless. However, I am not pushy about what I believe. I think that everyone should follow their own consciounce, even if they may conflict with my own established morality. I was a vegitarian for over 10 years. Although, I have a hard time taking care of my health sometimes. I do not sleep very well, and sit around alot. I am not as active as I should be.

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    My best guess would be ENTP.

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    Are you guys actually reading all of this or just saying that because everyone here is already convinced that I am ENTp?

    Heh, maybe I should write down that it bugs me when people do not bother to read every little detail of my long spiels before commenting!

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    Hmmm, my spelling and grammar should be a hugh tipoff that I am atleast not very sensible. I am going to have to proof-read this thing.

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    Don't worry McNew, I read every word.

    Let me ask you something, what makes you so sure you're an Extravert? You actually sound like an INTP to me.

    Oh, and I have no reason to think you're an ENFJ or a feeling type what so ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Are you guys actually reading all of this or just saying that because everyone here is already convinced that I am ENTp?
    I really wasn't aware of that in the first place. Though I was a little shaky on it, ENTP was my best guess.

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    Steve, you seem to think that Introverts like to be isolated from people and don't care what others think about them. This is not true. Some Introverts are the most touchy if people don't understand them.

    I have good reason to think he is INTP rather than ENTP.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Don't worry McNew, I read every word.

    Let me ask you something, what makes you so sure you're an Extravert? You actually sound like an INTP to me.

    Oh, and I have no reason to think you're an ENFJ or a feeling type what so ever.
    I have asked people in real life who know me which description describes me best ... ENFj was usually people's first choice when talking about my physical qualities and most behaviours ...

    ENTp was peoples second choice, but not so much as ENFj on the physical aspect.

    And of course, INTj ...

    I once thought maybe INTp, but I have very very weak , I a do not work slowly and meticulously nor do I worry about small details usually or food freshness, and I do not really ever poor cold water on the enthusiam of others ... makes it seem unlikely.

    I am a little compulsive, though ...

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    One of the reasons I believe that I am an extrovert and not an introverts is mostly due to the fact that I can not function as a human being and I lose motivation to care about myself even to the point of starvation and death if I am not surrounded by people who care about me and are actually concerned about my wellbeing.

    And yes, I am serious about the death and starvation thing. I can not function as a human if I do not have friends and family or people that care about me around me.

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    That is also the reason my ISTj father had to come get me when I was living in Texas. All of my friends graduated on me and I lost so much motivation that I could not focus on schoolwork that whole last semester causing me to get Ds and had problems finding a job for the summer. I almost got kicked out onto the street and had no money to eat, and I would not take showers for days.

    And yes, it honestly was because my friends were graduating. All of the underclassmen were unknown to me and were all starting to look like children. I just had no motivation left to stay or to even survive hardly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    I have asked people in real life who know me which description describes me best ... ENFj was usually people's first choice when talking about my physical qualities and most behaviours ...

    ENTp was peoples second choice, but not so much as ENFj on the physical aspect.

    And of course, INTj ...

    I once thought maybe INTp, but I have very very weak , I a do not work slowly and meticulously nor do I worry about small details usually or food freshness, and I do not really ever poor cold water on the enthusiam of others ... makes it seem unlikely.

    I am a little compulsive, though ...
    First, forget about the physical behavior part for now.

    Can you define Te and what you think it means?

    Worring about small details is ussually associated with Sensors (although sometimes Intuitives can be nuerotic about details).

    Just because they mentioned food fresness as a generalization in one type description doesn't mean all or even most INTPs do it.

    I don't even get the pooring water on others enthusiasim part. A lot of INTPs are worried that people don't like them so they would probably avoid something that would push others away.

    As for why I think you're an INTP. To start, most of your post you seemed to be complaining about a poor Fe and a poor Si. An ENTP would talk more about a lack of Se and Fi, but I've never heard you mention them. You also said you were religious, but you don't like to push your ideas on to others. This is stereotypical INxP. Also, just because you approach people first doesn't make you an Extravert. You said that you first observe them then approach them. This should be a big red flag for an Introvert.

    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    One of the reasons I believe that I am an extrovert and not an introverts is mostly due to the fact that I can not function as a human being and I lose motivation to care about myself even to the point of starvation and death if I am not surrounded by people who care about me and are actually concerned about my wellbeing.

    And yes, I am serious about the death and starvation thing. I can not function as a human if I do not have friends and family or people that care about me around me.
    This is one of the reasons that I thought I used to be an Extravert. I was the same way and I believe you hear. Unless I actually am ExTP and not an ISTP, then this applies to people with a poor Fe as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Can you define Te and what you think it means?

    Examples of Strong
    -good at organizing
    -can stimulate self and others
    -does not wate time and energy on fruitless task
    -does not let plans and goals go unrealized
    -strict factual logic that allows for practical calculations
    -realistic and good judge of effectiveness
    -typically well informed in what they do
    -has no problem budgeting
    -stays away from anything unprofitable
    -works steady, deliberate, with attention to detail
    -shows practicality by planning everything out beforehand

    Examples of weak
    - extreeme informality or extreeme formality
    - lack of motive when working on projects that are of no interest
    - can waste excessive loads of energy on risky or fruitless activity
    - has a hard time keeping word or promises
    - tends to get caught up in domestic activity
    - has a tendency to hoard items, some of which are of little use
    - has a hard time adapting to new enviroments or a changing enviroment
    - routine laziness and stagnancy that henders ability to care for self
    - can buy or want items on impulse without consideration to budget
    - does not always plan ahead

    As for me --

    - I have problems with excessive formality
    - I have no organization skills
    - I buy things on impulse
    - I have wasted most of my life undertaking unprofitable ventures
    - I am a packrat, my room is a mess, and I hoard useless items
    - I have never budgeted in my life
    - I rarely make plans for the future
    - I do not always succeed in my goals

    Worring about small details is ussually associated with Sensors (although sometimes Intuitives can be nuerotic about details). Just because they mentioned food fresness as a generalization in one type description doesn't mean all or even most INTPs do it.
    I know an woman who both me and my family highly suspect is INTp, and she worries all the time about the freshness of food and about small details. I am nothing like her in that aspect or even really like her at all.

    I don't even get the pooring water on others enthusiasim part. A lot of INTPs are worried that people don't like them so they would probably avoid something that would push others away.
    The problem is that I am not necessarily worried about people not liking me ... I have done things intentionally knowing that people would not like me if I did it that way. No way I can please everybody in this word.

    As for why I think you're an INTP. To start, most of your post you seemed to be complaining about a poor Fe and a poor Si. An ENTP would talk more about a lack of Se and Fi,
    One of the major complaints people have about me, and this was pointed out to me by a close friend and also my family. Is that I do not ever really act like I like other people. I even had a girl who liked me tell me once that she never thought that I ever liked her or liked anyone for that matter, and that is the reason I do not have many friends or a girlfriend.

    but I've never heard you mention them. You also said you were religious, but you don't like to push your ideas on to others. This is stereotypical INxP. Also, just because you approach people first doesn't make you an Extravert. You said that you first observe them then approach them. This should be a big red flag for an Introvert.
    No, I remember saying that I was usually the first to greet a person, and then watch them to see if they were someone I would like to get to know better. I only approach people I think are like-minded and can hold a conversation with; few people can talk with me on my level on if they can not the conversations get very boring and I lose interest in talking with that person.

    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    One of the reasons I believe that I am an extrovert and not an introverts is mostly due to the fact that I can not function as a human being and I lose motivation to care about myself even to the point of starvation and death if I am not surrounded by people who care about me and are actually concerned about my wellbeing.

    And yes, I am serious about the death and starvation thing. I can not function as a human if I do not have friends and family or people that care about me around me.
    This is one of the reasons that I thought I used to be an Extravert. I was the same way and I believe you hear. Unless I actually am ExTP and not an ISTP, then this applies to people with a poor Fe as well.
    My whole motive for going to school was because I wanted to meet people who were like-minded and could be friends with. Believe it or not my entire reason for going to school was the exact reason I went. I had no friends and no motivation for life; I did really well and made lots of friends and made emotional improvements, but when all of my likeminded friends left and everyone started to look like children, I lost motivation and focus and reverted back to the way I was before I left for school.

  19. #19


    Perhaps instead of trying to analyze every aspect of your behavior you should just take some time to consciously act as you would imagine each type acts. The type that you find it easiest to be like would be your own type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Steve, you seem to think that Introverts like to be isolated from people and don't care what others think about them. This is not true. Some Introverts are the most touchy if people don't understand them.

    I have good reason to think he is INTP rather than ENTP.
    I never considered INTp before. You posted while I was writing mine. INTp or ENTp could definately fit. I think he's definately in the *NTp area.
    The reason why I am coming off as possibly both INTp and ENTp is because I have a very strong and a very strong , but my is way way stronger than my ... In fact, my is almost none existant in a good number of circumstances. It would be odd to say that I am an INTp with this being the case unless I am a very very bad example of one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Perhaps instead of trying to analyze every aspect of your behavior you should just take some time to consciously act as you would imagine each type acts. The type that you find it easiest to be like would be your own type.
    That would be ENFj, but I am not a feeler type.

  22. #22


    Are you sure?

    I know ENFJ's that act and dress like you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Are you sure?

    I know ENFJ's that act and dress like you.
    I know ... my mother thinks I act more ENFj than ENTp, but I have always explained that away by saying I could only look ENFj because of ENTps hidden agenda ( ) ...

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    If you look at the top link in my sig, my own personality test even tries to tell me I am functionally ENFj and not ENTp ...

    I suppose it could be true ...

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    An ENTp would NEVER talk about their lack of Se and Fi, it's the very thing they DON'T want attention drawn towards.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    An ENTp would NEVER talk about their lack of Se and Fi, it's the very thing they DON'T want attention drawn towards.
    Did I?

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    No, you drew attention to your Fe and Si.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    No, you drew attention to your Fe and Si.
    Hmmm, I reallly did not intend to draw attention to anything or any functions. If there is a cognitative pattern there that can be seen by other people, it was not put there by me at a conscious level. I just wanted an honest type description of myself.

    I had my mother read the article, she thinks it is a pretty good description of me and exactly the way that I behave.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    An ENTp would NEVER talk about their lack of Se and Fi, it's the very thing they DON'T want attention drawn towards.
    Agree. Super-ego is the vulnerable part after all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    An ENTp would NEVER talk about their lack of Se and Fi, it's the very thing they DON'T want attention drawn towards.
    Agree. Super-ego is the vulnerable part after all.
    Hmmm ...

    So, what everyone is suggesting now is that I talked about my hidden agenda and dual-seeking function to avoid talking about the weaknesses of my ROLE and POLR functions?

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    And usually when a person "hints" at one of their super-ego functions it's usually only in the context of some sort of psychological field, where they can refer to it simply as "Fi" without having the conceptualize the reality of what they had just said.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    You should also note that the above statement is only a personal observation.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
    When you were writing that long story, did you purposely include all the Si/Fe related stuff or did they just come to you and you just jot them down?
    A good majority of it I wrote as it came to me, but some of it I was aware was related to a certain function or functions. I could not help to know in some ways. But, I was not aware of the frequency of behaviours that would be associated with certain functions and I did not intentionally try to make any sort of patterns. If there is a pattern to be found at all, I did not insert it intentionally or consciously.

    Just to give an example: If an ENTp were to hint at his Fi, he would be telling people how hard it is to sympathize with people. That is one example and I decline to elaborate more because I don't like to put down any particular types.
    I am not really sure if I can sympathize with people much ... all I know is that I tend to not condemn people and I tend to be able to understand and accept people for who they are inside and out.

    Actually, I am wondering what it is you are trying to say ... I am not sure if I am following quite exactly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
    What I meant was, people are much less likely to 'hint' at their vulnerable functions (yeah, I did hint at my structural logic before but that was an exception not a norm) but are more ready to cry out help for their super-id functions because that is where they need their dual's support. And for the latter, they do it subconsciously.
    Ohh, I think I understand now ... I think what you are saying is that fact that I whined alot about and in the description of myself and also the way I act is an indication that I am yearning for the support of my dual?

    If I am understanding you correctly, that could be the case if I am ENTp ...

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    You're actually suppose to have a stronger yearning for your activity partner...
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Gonna go out on a limb here.

    rmcnew, is it possible that you were vegetarian, and do not smoke or drink, not because of convictions, but because you are trying to establish a personal identity, or self-image? I know that unless I rationally analyze why I want to do something, or act a new way, and approve it in kind, that I feel like I am just doing because I don't know what to think of myself.

    Sound familiar?

    BTW, I enjoy meat, smoke cigarretes, and like beer. This may be crap or whatever, but I think we've all established that I have strong but am still ENTP.

    I have never been sure what your type is, and have never understood why you post here so much (look at your posts compared to mine), but in many respects you seem akin to me. We both seem to privately harbor guilt that we are not worthy of being loved. (does this apply to you or am I wrong?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    Gonna go out on a limb here.

    rmcnew, is it possible that you were vegetarian, and do not smoke or drink, not because of convictions, but because you are trying to establish a personal identity, or self-image? I know that unless I rationally analyze why I want to do something, or act a new way, and approve it in kind, that I feel like I am just doing because I don't know what to think of myself.

    Sound familiar?
    Not smoking, not eating meat, not drinking is my identity. And also attending church on saturday and not eating any pork or unclean meat.
    But, I have health reasons for not doing most of that. If I started drinking, I would become disfunctional and homeless. Combine that with my reliance on other people to care about my wellbeing and to feed me positive emotions for me to be functional, and I would be totally screwed for life or even dead. Smoking does not help in that area, either.

    BTW, I enjoy meat, smoke cigarretes, and like beer. This may be crap or whatever, but I think we've all established that I have strong but am still ENTP.
    Yeah, those are just personal choices.

    I have never been sure what your type is, and have never understood why you post here so much (look at your posts compared to mine), but in many respects you seem akin to me. We both seem to privately harbor guilt that we are not worthy of being loved. (does this apply to you or am I wrong?)
    No, harboring alot of guilt and not feeling like I am worthy of love is one of the core foundations of my personality; you are exactly right in that.

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    I have no clue what I am anymore ...

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