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Thread: lol i have too >_<

  1. #1

    Default lol i have too >_<

    type this person for me....ill give you the "about me" section of his myspace.

    Hi, my name is (blank) or (blank) (my alter ego) if that entertains you better. I am a huge music fan and love good art, and people who love art and music. Girls who play guitar are hot. I fucking hate emo and I have made an oath about 4 years ago that I will utterly destroy the whole emo and pop-punk scene. I am very honest and straight up with people, even though I am the shyest motherfucker you will ever meet, especially towards women. I go to college at Devry and I am studying business and computers (I know its crazy, (blank) is going to school?!?!). I hate fake people and try to stay away from them as much as possible. I love hanging with my friends because I am an asshole loser and don't have anything else better to do. I am the Facilities Maintaintence Leader at Wawa or if you wanna be an asshole about it, the janitor. Yea thats right, I clean shit. Go ahead and say what you want but that fucking store is pretty much always clean mainly because of me. I am very sarcastic and very good at breaking things. That is basically it.
    Wawa is like 7/11 or a really popular gas station/corner store type place, in Delaware/Pennsylvania/New Jersey.

    I only have one picture sorry

  2. #2
    Expat's Avatar
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    Some Delta -- perhaps ISTp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  3. #3

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    He's cute.

  4. #4
    Joy's Avatar
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    I'd guess ISTp.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by dreamer
    He's cute.



    He was my first boyfriend and everyone was like "Eww (so and so)" And he isn't THAT bad looking IMO >_>

  6. #6


    Oh and if there are any other questions about his character and all just ask

  7. #7
    Elro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aurora_faerie
    Oh and if there are any other questions about his character and all just ask
    Does he enjoy burning things?
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

  8. #8


    Honestly after about four sentences into his description I started to . I tried for about five minutes to explain the feeling I got reading his description but kept erasing... writting... erasing... He seems fake somehow. One of those people who puts more effort into hating and complaining about non-individuals than they do being individuals themselves. Like that's what he's based his identity on. he seems unoriginal.

    then again I've never met the guy so what do I know?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    Honestly after about four sentences into his description I started to . I tried for about five minutes to explain the feeling I got reading his description but kept erasing... writting... erasing... He seems fake somehow. One of those people who puts more effort into hating and complaining about non-individuals than they do being individuals themselves. Like that's what he's based his identity on. he seems unoriginal.

    then again I've never met the guy so what do I know?

    You noticed

    It's actually fake. He's been picked on a lot and made fun of, when people are like that towards him he doesn't know how to react so it just automatically goes to spurting out mean comments and crap.

    He is quite awkward in person, but I felt fine with him. He has no reason to be awkward he just is...and defensive. Sensative but would NEVER EVER EVER want people to know that hahah Now the forum does.

    Aaaaand no I don't think he really likes to burn things...>_>

  10. #10
    Elro's Avatar
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    Aaaaand no I don't think he really likes to burn things...>_>
    Well, clearly he's not human then. Case closed. Next?

    Actually, it's kinda weird, because going from the picture alone he reminds me uncannily of two different people who I'm pretty sure are different types. One I think is ENTp (definitely Ep), the other ISTp (definitely T)... But anyway.

    (Incidentally, both of them quite enjoy burning things, which was why I asked. )
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Elro
    Aaaaand no I don't think he really likes to burn things...>_>
    Well, clearly he's not human then. Case closed. Next?

    Actually, it's kinda weird, because going from the picture alone he reminds me uncannily of two different people who I'm pretty sure are different types. One I think is ENTp (definitely Ep), the other ISTp (definitely T)... But anyway.

    (Incidentally, both of them quite enjoy burning things, which was why I asked. )

    Well...I like burning things ^.^

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by aurora_faerie
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    Honestly after about four sentences into his description I started to . I tried for about five minutes to explain the feeling I got reading his description but kept erasing... writting... erasing... He seems fake somehow. One of those people who puts more effort into hating and complaining about non-individuals than they do being individuals themselves. Like that's what he's based his identity on. he seems unoriginal.

    then again I've never met the guy so what do I know?

    You noticed

    It's actually fake. He's been picked on a lot and made fun of, when people are like that towards him he doesn't know how to react so it just automatically goes to spurting out mean comments and crap.

    He is quite awkward in person, but I felt fine with him. He has no reason to be awkward he just is...and defensive. Sensative but would NEVER EVER EVER want people to know that hahah Now the forum does.

    Aaaaand no I don't think he really likes to burn things...>_>
    I've had friends who came from the same place. It's a weird situation they get themselves into. Somewhere during highschool they just lock themselves away behind that asshole mask like they think it's their ticket to outgrowing it all. The sad part is that the only thing that's wrong with them is that stupid mask they wear. Inside there's a perfectly legitimate human being who's slowly withering away.... Does he get high at least or does he hate druggies too?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    Quote Originally Posted by aurora_faerie
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    Honestly after about four sentences into his description I started to . I tried for about five minutes to explain the feeling I got reading his description but kept erasing... writting... erasing... He seems fake somehow. One of those people who puts more effort into hating and complaining about non-individuals than they do being individuals themselves. Like that's what he's based his identity on. he seems unoriginal.

    then again I've never met the guy so what do I know?

    You noticed

    It's actually fake. He's been picked on a lot and made fun of, when people are like that towards him he doesn't know how to react so it just automatically goes to spurting out mean comments and crap.

    He is quite awkward in person, but I felt fine with him. He has no reason to be awkward he just is...and defensive. Sensative but would NEVER EVER EVER want people to know that hahah Now the forum does.

    Aaaaand no I don't think he really likes to burn things...>_>
    I've had friends who came from the same place. It's a weird situation they get themselves into. Somewhere during highschool they just lock themselves away behind that asshole mask like they think it's their ticket to outgrowing it all. The sad part is that the only thing that's wrong with them is that stupid mask they wear. Inside there's a perfectly legitimate human being who's slowly withering away.... Does he get high at least or does he hate druggies too?

    I'm honestly not sure. He loves a lot of bands that are notorious for drug use and all that though. Mainly Nirvana. I dated him when I was 15 and he was 16, and then neither of us did any drugs or drank.

  14. #14


    He needs to go live with hippies for awhile... Hippy magic is the only thing that can cure a person like that Otherwise they end as that weird fat guy who lives alone downstairs and never puts pants on. Either that or they just totally fade away and become ghost people (the ones who live under bridges and only come out at 4 in the morning.

    Lol... I'm baked... don't listen to me, half of what I'm saying is coming from straight outa of ass

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