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Thread: anyone else INXX?

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    Default anyone else INXX?

    I consistently score either F-T or J-P, but generally it's INTP. Does anyone else get similiar scores?
    INXX (usually TP)

  2. #2
    Koneko's Avatar
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    Default I wonder if this can help somehow?

    I'm not really sure if it helps but i believe for intuitive intraverts there's a "Self temper-Self appearance" comparison that might be insightful in a way...

    INTJ: Cold inside-out
    INTP: Cold inside-Warm outside
    INFJ: Warm inside-Cold outside
    INFP: Warm inside-out

    IxxJ = Stiff and neurotic < no offending to any types...
    IxxP = Relaxed and psychotic < it's just for appearance V.I.

    T-F is something you can think more as of Decision Pattern more than plain insensitiveness or lack of logic. It's a matter of which of both functions has the last word on your acts and conclusions.

    J-P one will be a kick on your 4th function specially if you're a P with rational subtype or a J with irrational subtype (this one is my case). That means if your first function is the rational(ethics/logics) or the irrational(sensing/intuition). And being the case you're an Ixxx, that's the choice between having White (Intuition of time) or Black intuition (Intuition of Possibilities).

    If you got that far you can try to distinguish which of N's is yours. White one is the one of the "psychic foretellers", "business foresighters" and such. Black intuition is that of the "multiple theoric model building" and maybe that of the "creative writers". The first finds -the- truth in one irrevocable step, the latter generates all possible and impossible truths and viewpoints.

    White intuition: INTP/INFP
    Black intuition: INTJ/INFJ

    And by the way... seriously beware up to distinction between what you "ARE" and what you "WANT TO BE" >.>... i scored intp on my first attempt too. It's easier to say it than to do it tho...

  3. #3
    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    I test out as an INTJ, INTP, or INFP depending on what my mood is at the time. Never tested as an INFJ though, and I definitely lean P. But on the T/F scale I'm right at the borderline on almost every test I take. Right now I "feel" and act more like an INFP and identify most closely with that.


  4. #4
    Koneko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevINP
    I test out as an INTJ, INTP, or INFP depending on what my mood is at the time. Never tested as an INFJ though, and I definitely lean P. But on the T/F scale I'm right at the borderline on almost every test I take. Right now I "feel" and act more like an INFP and identify most closely with that.

    Many things can be tricky on these tests for the Thinking/Feeling, Perceiving/Judging dichotomies.. as they're too innocently direct in showing the essence of the question; innocent enough to fail on tricking the reader in answering confortably and confidently since caring thinkers, evil feelers, lazy judgers and willful perceivers get puzzled right away as question in the richest forms seem to be prejudging about those qualities as stereotypicaly opposites that the test subject may not really share. But that shouldn't be qualities opposite enough to turn into !
    (I'm an evil feeling-lazy judger... you bet I had the worse time taking these tests..)

    Standard questionnaires attempt to set a difference here by opposing choices of empathy and mercy capciously again others of cold decision but capciously tanned by a missing element...: "interest", elypsis of such is incredibly relevant to fill with meaning and confidence the question. And this is obvious, because evil feelers (like me ) won't answer confortably a question of empathy about interaction with others and will force me to choose against it, with "decision" that isn't -cold-, just -evil-. And then one question would have failed.
    This is very puzzling, say, for example, for INFj's and ISFj's who are both very picky about people, and would confidently answer you with the very opposite if you direct that choice to be "about their wife/husband" or "about a stranger on the bus". Picky thinkers and feelers can have a special preference about being "correct" or being "merciful" with each other's loved couples, friends, or anyone they value somehow. Other types are more "even" among people and won't fall in this trap, but mine does. So let's willingly add "people you CARE about" and "knowledge topics you CARE about", and then choices shall be more accurate.

    Here we get into a hell of a mess as well, since the elypsis here is not only that of "interest", but also that of "willpower". Astenic judgers easily test as perceivers because they're asked about being neurotic about -every- aspect of their lives while they may be quite picky about that as well. By chance you may not be interested in having your room clean and tidy even if it bores you and procastinate your chores and works for later because you are in a headache. But headaches and astenia shouldn't be enough to turn -again- into ! So here again... questions about the nature of Perceiving and Judging tendencies must attain the reader more cunningly. Here we lose meaning when willpower and interest cease, so we need to reduce ourselves to questions that -add- that element, so we can be confident when answering.
    This is of my own tailoring, but I think it may help lazy judgers and willful perceivers to find out who they really are...
    Forget about how you -actually- work, or you -actualy- clean your place and you -actually- dress, because context is way too conditioning to start there. I think the concept of "Suprise", abstractly speaking, should say much more about the rational nature of a subject, because this dichotomy tries to set difference between sincere amuse and sincere annoy about the uncertain, obviously implying their corresponding, sincere annoy and sincere amuse about certainness.
    So suppose there's a topic you really care, may be a person, a plot, an answer of any kind, so let's say: A gift.
    My theory is that xxxJ types regardless of their morals and logics, their extraversion or intraversion o their sensing or intuiting tendencies, and regardless of their actual reaction too, should feel somewhat -annoyed- and -anxious- about this part of their destiny they're -interested- in (don't forget you are -interested-) and will find relief once and only once they have revealed it's content. They're amused by the idea of destiny in a way that makes them feel more -confortable-, regardless of the fact they believe on factual determinism, religion, or any cosmology. xxxJ types feel better when they -know-in-advance-what-they-care-about-. They have fobia to the unknown, they feel it may go out of control.

    And xxxP types, (add all previous preconditions again), would feel torture on the opposite. Their world would be pleasing as long as there's chance for anything to happen, as long as there's -room- for one more new freedom that hasn't been chosen yet. xxxP feels choked by destiny. And their amusing will die right when they open their gifts.

    So we can say travel and adventure are sort of xxxP pleasing things, and schedule and safety are xxxJ pleasing in turn, and even keeping in mind coward adventurers and lazy planners exist, one of both makes each types more "confortable" in the end, in their ideal world.

    And also! are two deceiving sources of xxxP cognition, because these are assets that will make you get easily lost in a city, get easily messy with your things, and get easily unaware of daytime; still, one of both will do for INxP and the other for INxJ. S is J spoiling... N is P spoiling... but xSxP exists and xNxJ too.

    These two differences must be properly dissected from personal beliefs about what's convenient, about how the world works, about what's the origin of the universe, and from situations of personal -pleasure-and-confidence-. Because i'm a lazy planner, but I go nuts on a gift I can't know abut it's content, I go nuts if i don't know what will happen tomorrow, even if I'm too lazy to do anything about it, it doesn't makes me happy anyway.

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