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Thread: estima meu tipo... ou não

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    Default estima meu tipo... ou não

    a variety of questions
    Set 1

    1.How do you feel about those who criticize and dispute your logical reasoning and arguments, is this irritating? How strongly irritating is it, if so?
    It’s a bit irritating if I put effort into my argument and the criticism is superficial, but mostly not really.

    2.Is it important that people around you take your reasoning? Do you have problems with someone who misunderstands your actions?
    Nope. If someone misunderstands my actions it does get on my nerves somewhat if they think they have me figured out when they really don’t. It’s okay if they are open to discussion about it.

    3.How difficult is it for you to defend your conclusions in a debate?
    I don’t really have solid conclusions worth fighting for and debating isn’t what I consider a time well spent. I prefer to figure things out on my own mostly and discuss ideas when asked.

    4.Do you have trouble restructuring your conclusions, if they are found to be untrue, and how painful is it for you?
    Not really painful at all, I enjoy realizing whatever is evident at the time.

    5.Does it annoy you if there is something that in your opinion is counter-intuitive and you can’t understand?
    Nope, it only makes me more curious about wtf is going on.

    6.Do you like to explain anything to people, to talk or lecture, and how creative is your approach in doing this? Examples?
    Eh I don’t enjoy explaining anything if I can get away with it. Of course I love teaching the things I love to learn, like alot. But so few people are interested in those things so why would I enjoy teaching about something I’m not interested in?

    7.Do you have an inclination to explain meticulously, even if you find the other person doesn’t want to finish listening?
    I know when to shut the fuck up if the signs are there that they wanna leave and talk to their friends about some new season of some tv show. I can’t motivate people or seduct them into thinking that what I have to say is important.

    8. Is it important for you that people you explain to all understand it, or is it important just to present the material – and whether or not they understand it be their responsibility?
    If they keep asking I will always provide an answer. Whose responsibility it is for them to know something? I don’t know.

    9.Does it flatter you when people praise your use of logic?

    10.Is it important for you to understand everything? Do you get upset if there is something you don’t understand?
    Nope. Maybe not understanding will make it more interesting to think over. It’s only irritating when someone tries to explain it to me multiple times very hastily and I don’t have time to think over it by myself.

    11. Are you afraid to admit you don’t understand something? If so, why?
    Yes, if only because that provokes a response from people to help. If it didn’t do that maybe I’d be comfortable with admitting not understanding the difference between apples and apples.

    12. Do you have the ability to understand subjects, even if the subject matter you are not familiar with?
    I guess I could try.

    13. Do you have a tendency to avoid what is unclear, instead surrounding yourself with only what is clear, rather than take and understand the issue?
    I have no idea. I only want to understand what I want to understand regardless of whether it’s clear or unclear.

    14. Do you have an inclination to find comfort in places where everything will be clear and simple, with no ambiguities?
    Yes. At least where it matters to me- like dates/time and how to avoid being fired (for some reason I such have an obsession with avoiding bad consequences and chaotic situations that I end up having no life of danger and freedom). Also, Afaik it’s ok to be ambiguous if you are bullshitting someone or bullshitting for fun.

    Set 2

    1.How would you react and what would you do if the head of the company you work for caused everyone to act according to their own rules, which proved damaging to the productivity of the company? This company gives you a well-paying salary – Do you adhere to the rules, or attempt to ‘sabotage’ or otherwise dispute their efforts?
    I would do what I want without harming myself or others. This scenario seems a bit too complicated for it to be stated without any details at all. So that’s all I can say.

    2. How do you feel about people who criticize your work and your rules?
    Ehh it’s a bit annoying if I worked hard on something and there’s not one positive things they can find about it. But It’s alright. Anyone can criticize my rules if they aren’t annoying or persistent about it.

    3. Do you have a tendency to impose your idea of how to do things – For example, telling someone how to do their job properly even if you aren’t in charge of them? Another way to look at this, is do you have a tendency to give unsolicited advice on how to improve a situation or a person’s work?
    Nope, I prefer others to help themselves and make their own decisions.

    4. Do you like to restore order around you in chaotic situations? Example? Does it irritate you when people move objects away from where you think they should be?

    5. Do you feel control over whatever situation you are in?
    I’m okay without having control. I just don’t want my life to be controlled and my dreams inhibited by people who think they know best. If someone wants to control me temporarily that is fine. But as soon as someone tries to stop me from doing what I want or limit life to a two dimensional line of “Get a degree, work hard, play hard” I get very frustrated. I don’t take it lightly when people make large statements about how life should be lived and “how things are”. There is no rulebook governing us here on Earth, and people shouldn’t pretend there is.

    6. Do you have people who question your knowledge or rules you create?
    What kind of dumbass question is this? Whether or not they do, it’s whatever.

    7. Do people bother you who are inefficient, unproductive, and otherwise make
    It bothers me when people are annoying and intentionally disruptive or chatty, otherwise I kinda don’t mind if someone is just oblivious to what they are doing. It’s easier to deal with people who don’t know than people who don’t care.

    8. Do you like to give instructions to others and share your knowledge on how to do things?
    Only if I enjoy the thing myself.

    9. Do you want to become the most informed person in your surroundings, so that if anyone has questions, they can turn to you for advice or help? Does this please you?
    Yes of course. Though I can neglect to be informed about popular topics that people might care about.

    10. Do you like to find some imperfection and fix it? Do you like to work with imperfections and upgrade them? Example?
    I don’t like finding imperfections, I only enjoy making things perfect if I want them to be. I can look over imperfections if they don’t seem to be affecting much or if I don’t want to bother figuring it out yet.

    11. How important is it that you are successful at your job, and is there a desire to become an authority in this area?
    I don’t get this question. I do the job I’m supposed to do, there’s no success involved. Either success is a word that overestimates the effort put into “doing your job the way it should be done” or success means I’m putting more effort than I need into the job. In either case, the answer is no.

    At least not until I get a job relevant to me, why the fuck would I want to be an authority in something that has no relevance to my life except at that job?

    12. How do you feel when some of your knowledge can’t be adequately implemented in practice?
    It’s not important.

    13. Do you have a tendency to select only the facts that confirm you are doing well and ignore the ones that indicate that something is going wrong?
    No idea. I don’t focus on whether I am biased or not because it doesn’t mean much to me until someone tells me I am, and then I usually notice it and fix it or think about it some more. I mean I prefer to be optimistic about results more than negative, I don’t like crying over little things.

    14. How do you feel when there is something you don’t know, do you admit that you don’t know? Does not knowing something cause your self-esteem to fall? Why or why not?
    Ehh probably confused. I can isolate myself from the world and so not know many simple things that others do through word of mouth… it really does come easy for me to ignore most details of most matters, no self-esteem lost if I don’t know what people are talking about. I would try to poke for more details if it were a personal conversation, but most of the time it’s just a laugh as much as you can banter conversation about things no one really cares about sort of group environment so I assume it’s not in place to ask for more.

    15. Do you have a tendency to say you know something, even if it’s not true? Why?
    Not unless it seems like something I want to skip talking about.

    16. Do you need to have a piece of territory where you are in charge?
    My body?

    17. Is it important for you to have a circle of friends who approve of and accept your requirements for their activities?

    18. Do you like it when someone organizes your activities and sends you in the right direction?
    Ehh… not sure.

    19. Do you feel uncomfortable in situations where you don’t know what you should do, and what you shouldn’t?
    Yes, I can sometimes overcomplicate and over think simple procedures or directions… I prefer being told what the result should look like rather than being given too many details and instructions that I could easily interpret in a different way and the fuck up and not know that they wanted me to do something else (I do fuck up with reading/listening to any sort of directions almost 50% of the time somehow). I might feel more comfortable knowing that there isn’t only one correct procedure. If there does happen to be a procedure, I don’t think I’d care to remember it or follow through every step. So if I could just go by gut, then I probably could at least make sense of my actions enough to get where I want to be.

    Set 3

    1. Can you restrain your irritation towards people you really don’t like?
    Yes pretty easily.

    2. Can you work with someone you find unpleasant?
    Sure, it’s work. Even if it wasn’t work I could still be in their company.

    3. Do you separate people into good and bad, and adhere to that principle strictly in your life?
    No and no.

    4. Are your sympathies-antipathies towards people constant? Are you sure of your relation to anything?

    5. How confident are you in your assessment of anything, in regards to your emotional attitude towards them? (likes dislikes, attraction repulsion etc)
    Not confident.

    6. Do you like to convey to people your own moral and ethical assessments and principals and make people better in this regard? Are you creative with this?
    Maybe I can be a bit moral. I’m more against hypocrisy and values that seem faked. I’d rather people accept that they aren’t moral than pretend to be good. I hate criticizing most people though. It’s only when people are deluded, wrong, or seem high on something yet confident about themselves on that I get to be very critical. Even then, after I criticize them once I usually give up on making anything more of it.

    7. Do you like to talk about your relationships to people, to evaluate them or events surrounding them?
    Never lol. This almost seems like a nearly female exclusive trait though.

    8. Are you amorous, if so how often do your feelings change?

    9. Do you have a tendency inconstancy in your feelings toward people – for instance, one day they are your enemy, the next your friend?
    Not at all.

    10. Do you have a tendency to look for likeminded people in terms of your ethical views? Why or why not?
    Sounds disgusting and boring and a nuisance

    11. Do you constantly shuffle ‘favorites’ – to people who are nice to you at the moment?
    Ehhh do I have favorites to choose from? I don’t even know if I can answer this, well, maybe I just don’t have favorites and that’s my answer.

    12. Do you have a property to tell people how you feel about them even if they don’t ask?
    Definitely not.

    13. How important is it for you to have a good attitude towards the people around you? If there’s someone around who you dislike, how hard does it affect you and what do you do about it, if anything?
    Not important. The feelings will still be there and it might be a bit irritating to not want to express them. If I don’t like someone in the group I’m in I might just abandon it entirely and come back when things seem fine. Or uh just ignore the person, that’s okay too if I can do that.

    14. Does being in an environment with someone you find pleasant improve your self esteem?
    Sure, whatever that means. It improves something!

    15. Do you try to change the person you don’t like, or adjust to them?
    No, I adjust to them only in whatever way I can be rid of them as soon as possible without any pain on my part.

    16. Do you like to talk about love? Are you affectionate?
    Lol definitely don’t know what love is. Not affectionate.

    17. If you don’t like someone, do you feel bad about it?
    Yes, but I don’t do anything about it.

    18. Do you have a tendency to idealize people you like?
    I can idealize everyone once in awhile but never for very long.

    19. Is it important for you to express your frank opinions and estimates anywhere, no matter the cost? (for instance, causing an awkward situation)
    Not really. I prefer to keep quiet or find somewhere nicer to be. I mean I could be if I wanted to and had the feelings behind it, but most of the time I don’t?

    20. Is it important for you to have a place where you can talk about your relationship with anyone and openly show your feelings and emotions?
    It’s not important in that most of the time I’m not looking for it, but it is important as soon as I do have a place like that.

    21. In a romantic relationship would you rather receive emotions, and feelings and provide services/actions that illustrate care or vice versa? Why?
    I’d rather receive more emotions and provide services, pretty easily.

    22. Do you like to listen to other people’s ethical evaluations of something?

    Set 4

    1. Does it anger you when people act out of negative emotions: for instance, anger or envy?
    No, it’s something I could be doing
    2. Do you have a tendency to keep people close to you, whose attitude towards you, you can visibly see? (People who are visibly emotionally expressive)
    Yeah I suppose that is true. But it’s not something I consider, it just happens that we become friends more easily than if I were with someome who is colder and less open. Well let’s just say I don’t know how to approach those people, so it’s more of a personal issue than it is a preference.

    3. Do you have a tendency to hide your attitude to people as to avoid damaging the relationships of people to you? (For instance, hiding your dislike of something someone does to avoid ruining your relationship with that person?) To preserve the positive emotional attitude between you and that person?
    Yeah, all the time.

    4. Do you strive to be in good terms with the people around you, maybe at the expense of your own feelings, opinions and emotions driving them underground?
    Not really no.

    5. Do you collect the emotions of others so that you can try them on for yourself?
    Sometimes people’s are emotions are interesting, yes.

    6. Can you say that your opinion on any occasion if too often a compromise, and for this reason not really yours? Provide reasoning and/or examples
    Not only do I not wanna answer this question, but now you ask for reasoning for a question I don’t wanna answer. Aagh. It’s a mixture between not wanting to limit myself to one opinion as well as not wanting to offend someone who believes something else, even if I don’t respect it at all.

    7. Do you like to use psychology in your daily life in unexpected ways? For example, if you have a client or person who initially didn’t want to cooperate with you, all of a sudden having them wanting to deal exclusively with you?

    8. Can you come up with clever ways to cheer up frustrated friends? Is this easy for you?
    Maybe? I don’t think so. I could try.

    9. Do you consider yourself well versed in social psychology? Do you have an ability to build social networks?
    Nope and nope.

    10. Do you like to influence the people around you with a purpose? Examples?

    11. Is it easy for you to make new friends and do you enjoy doing it?
    Nope, and I don’t know.

    12. Do you have a tendency to be in good feelings in order to improve contact with someone, and end up promising something you later find yourself not wanting to do? Elaborate if necessary
    Yeah maybe I’m capable of that but I wouldn’t know. I don’t improve contacts with many people?

    13. Do you brag sometimes to embellish reality? Do you use language in a colorful way to make situations more interesting or ‘bigger than life’?
    I can speak colorfully yes, I don’t brag though.

    14. Do you like talking to closed and uncommunicative people who are in need of psychological support and communication? A soft spot for them?
    I can’t do that.

    15. Are you more oriented towards the attitudes of the people specific to you or of society, and why?
    People, cus i’m not interested in deluding myself into thinking there is a society?

    16. If someone doesn’t express their attitude to you openly (isn’t very expressive, hard to read), do you
    have a tendency to provoke them into doing it? Why or Why not?

    17. Is social recognition important to you, do you want to receive honors, and awards? Are you susceptible to compliments?
    Maybe it would be if I thought it was deserved and if I was actually working on something that benefits society… as of now I don’t care at all because I’m not doing those things.

    18. Do you have a tendency to improve poor relationships no matter the cast? Why or how?
    Nope, the exact opposite. If it’s not going good then I let it die on its own lol.

    19. Do you avoid dealing with people who do not openly express their attitude to you?(Isn’t very expressive, hard to read --) a visual representation here : -_-)
    No, they’re ok lol.

    20. Do you communicate with people on a business level?
    Not usually, though I still avoid unecessary talk if I’m working, if only because I don’t like talking about things I don’t wanna talk about with people I don’t know anything about.

    21. Do you tend to spoil peoples attitudes towards you through careless words? Example?
    Yes I can have very angsty moods towards people who cause me trouble.

    Set 5

    1. How hard is it for you to make important decisions in your life? Explain?
    I try to think through my options before choosing is even necessary, and then when it comes to choosing something I can wait too long and never come to a good enough decision. Sometimes I think it would be best for me to just go with the best option I can come up with at the time, then treat that decision sacredly and go through with it as far as I can go. But I don’t do that.

    2. Do you know how to deal in internal conflicts and problems of a person and be able to him understand the essence of of their complex issues? Are you attracted to this sort of activity? Why or why not?
    Sure I guess, if they come to me for advice I will give whatever I can to help them realize what they can do. I don’t like it when people think they are helpless or have limited options. I always like to reinforce the fact that it’s best to think about yourself without the interests of others in mind, mostly because the people who come to me for advice are hindered by other people it seems.

    3. Do you have a desire and ability to ‘enter into the role’ of another person, to get used to it, and see yourself in it for awhile? Do you feel empathy in the image of another, placing ‘yourself’ into the background?
    Sometimes, just to know what I’m capable of being, or could have been. It would help me talk to these people too.

    4. Do you have a tendency to be indecisive in activities that are important to you because of a fear to shake your inner peace?
    I dunno what this means.

    5. Do you lack interest in people who are not internally conflicted? Do you like to dig into those that are? Why or why not?
    I do love to figure out people who are internally conflicted and help them realize their potential, if only because I love to be a changer of reality and not let people tell anyone what they can or cannot do.

    6. Do you like to compare different belief systems, knowledge, and beliefs?
    Not really, I don’t really see beliefs as something worth thinking about, I prefer thinking about everything in terms of cause and effect instead of trying to put everything under strict rules and beliefs that must be true all the time. These kinds of comparisons are only for mild entertainment, including entertaining people who bother to believe in something so strongly.

    7. Do you feel vulnerable when you cant find internal conflicts in others? Are you uncomfortable when everything is ‘too good’ and ‘smooth’?
    Maybe.. Yeah. I do feel better somehow if people are conflicted somehow. There are some kinds of moods/forms of expression I find distasteful and one of them is the “everything is good and smooth” kind. I find it hard to relax myself and be in the “everything is okay” state of mind… alot of times when I see other people doing this it seems a bit faked, but not always. There are times when I think being negative is useless/annoying though, like when the “rice is too bland or dry”. I’m like, it’s rice… just eat it.

    8. Do you have a desire to cause intrigue when the external environment is too peaceful?
    Not really, I don’t usually cause much of anything.

    9. How important is it for you to follow your own principals and why? Are you loyal to your principles?
    I follow myself mostly but it’s hard to say that there are principals I have. Yes I will do what I want and even consider what I want to be purposeful and meaningful, but that doesn’t mean that I have any consistent rules. I kind of am stubborn in action if I want to be but the reasons behind my actions could be completely different. But from day to day I usually am very passive and don’t seem stubborn at all, in fact giving in to what other’s want.

    10. How do you react if someone does not share your principles and openly criticizes them?
    I don’t really care. It doesn’t change anything.

    11. Is it important for you to be internally harmonious and calm? Why?
    No idea what this means, but seems like something I prefer. The world doesn’t like to let me feel this way though, so I do feel like adapting to others makes it easier to have more time to myself to feel calm. I try to figure out what lets me return to my calm state first, then go out of my way to satisfy it anxiously, before returning to my normal state again. I just kind of expect to not be at peace most of the time though and try not to get too comfortable anywhere, unless I know for sure I am going to remain undisturbed and happy.

    12. If there is suddenly some kind of internal conflict, how does it affect you?
    ?!?!? Use more words please

    13. Do you have a tendency towards self-criticism, especially when it results from your principals and beliefs? Examples?
    I don’t criticize myself much, I feel more guilty about what others think than what I think about myself. I just see what could be improved in myself.

    14. Do you have a tendency to keep distance from people in order to look correct, coherent, and consistent?
    I keep a distance from people in order to look well put together maybe, instead of looking insane and quirky. >

    15. Do you think the ends justify the means? Why or why not? Examples of this thinking in action?
    Too simple of a question, I’m not gonna answer.

    16. Do you have a tendency to constantly look for a place which will not cause you internal conflicts and contradictions? Why or why not? Is this important to you?
    Ehhh?! I dunno. I like being in my room, perfect place if I’m honest. Though nature is also nice. So is a city full of people. All places where I feel pretty great and undisturbed.

    17. Do you avoid activities that can shake your inner harmony and self-confidence?
    Yeah sometimes…. Especially sports competitions or anything remotely physical.

    18. How important is it for you to be an ideological environment, where people are internally harmonious?
    This sounds pretty disgusting tbh.

    19. Is it important that the people around you share your beliefs and ideas? If they don’t what reaction do you have? Is there a desire to get away from them and escape? Is it important for you that people take your beliefs unconditionally?

    20. Do you avoid people who know how to sow chaos and conflict in you?
    What?! I take conflict easily if that’s what they want. It’s not something I’ll avoid if it comes. Sometimes I like it even.

    21. Do you have an inability to maintain inner peace, and if so, do you need someone who can calm you down or ‘put you out’ (for examples, in instances such as a ‘flash’ rage)?
    It’s hard to say. I am either peaceful/easygoing or irritable/cold depending on the time… usually I’m peaceful on my own though. And usually if I’m irritated no one helps me.

    Set 6

    1. Do you consider the world, by definition, harmonious and beautiful? Why?
    I guess it’s harmonius enough to be hospitable by the Daedric Prince of Chaos.

    2. How do you feel when people conflict, destroying the harmony of the external world?
    People conflicting does not destroy the harmony of the world. What does it for me is this: If people are a bit too boring and simplistic in their expression I find that it destroys the harmony of the world in that they are dumbing down the beauty of the senses. Alot of people seem to enjoy relating to others but in doing that they start using and sharing really boring language and it ends up poisoning the human tongue as they keep repeating whatever they hear from others and spreading it all over everywhere. I just feel so much more alone and as if life is really truly boring when I am around these kinds of people who think the best way to talk about something is to copy paste phrases that capture shared emotion instead of individual words put together to express individual emotion. :’)

    3. Do you have a tendency to live bold and promising ideas, and surround yourself with people who will accept them unconditionally? Examples?
    I dunno if I live out anything that I consider big or bold, though I do think about drastic changes in lifestyle alot and if my life could improve from that.

    4. Do you have a property to combine groups in your perception into a single unit and generally see the world as an integrated, complete and consistent situation?

    5. Do you seek out new opportunities in the world and actively pursue them?
    Nope and nope. I think about what I could be doing or going and then almost immediately reconsider it.

    6. Are people who are internally conservative and who ignore modern ideas about the world, preferring old proven techniques, bothersome to you? Does this approach make you angry?
    Not really, I’m sure they could be convinced about whatever you are antsy about convincing them of, if you say it to them right.

    7. Do you change and harmonize the world for the better? How creative are you in this?

    8. Do you have a talent for creating interiors, harmonious environments, music, and various other processes?
    Maybe I could actually, I do have some good ideas for my own ideal aesthetics.

    9. Do you know how to dismantle a situation into parts and then optimize it – For example, to read laws and offer an upgraded version?
    I don’t find this exciting at all but maybe?

    10. Do you like to get into a chaotic situation and optimize it for harmony? Examples?

    11. If someone says your house is a mess, how do you react to it and what do you feel?
    Whatever! I’ll clean it later.

    12. How important to you is the comfort of your home? Are you afraid of poverty?
    I just care about where my home is located and what I’m surrounded by… what’s on the inside or how big it is really doesn’t matter to me. I’d hate to be surrounded by lots of people I don’t like, I’d rather be surrounded by very little people or lots of good people and sounds.

    13. Do you have a property to idealize the world around you? Do you live in a dream, ideal world?
    Yeah I can sometimes idealize different places and people at differen times- but I am never going to be satisfied with admiring just one. I might dislike a person and their values and like them depending on when I need them most.

    14. How do you react to changes in your life situation, do they scare you?
    Idk, maybe I could adapt??! You are assuming that I’ve experienced changes in my life situation… and if I have, then no they don’t scare me much, though there’s lots of anxiety involved at first.

    15. Can you say to yourself that you are a supporter of permanence in external circumstances of life?
    No! I don’t mind if things change or stay the same externally, what matters most is myself and if my head is still intact or smth.

    Set 7

    1. Do you have a tendency to keep long outdated attitudes?

    2. Do you have a tendency to work in music, nature, or art in general? What draws you to these things?
    Not really, but music is amazing almost all the day for feeling different moods and headspaces and nature is just perfect for seeing and feeling things more clearly and closely.

    3. Do you like to engage in design and aesthetic work? Why? Are you good at this?

    4. Do you like/accept horoscopes, fortune telling, etc? Do you believe in them?

    5. Are you afraid to miss out on possibilities the world has to offer? Why? How much of a concern is this?
    Not really.. I more just wonder about where I could be if I wanted to, which to some seems like a negative but to me is just lousy day dreaming.

    6. Does it upset you if someone sweats, or uses rough language, destroying the harmony of the external environment?
    No not really, unless they are touching me.

    7. Is it important for you to be like everyone else?
    Definitely not!

    8. Does it soothe you when someone opens you to new possibilities or self interest, do you like these people? Why or why not?
    I more like it when someone gets me involved in something than tells me about something. I don’t really care about what’s out there and alot of times I remain oblivious to the things I see as not that interesting, so if someone tries to open me up to it usually it takes me some time to get used to. Alot of times I just don’t bother to do things that are right in front me that could be really fun, like I don’t like the idea of it so I don’t look into it. When people remind me that these things can be fun by actually SHOWING me what it’s like instead of talking to me about it, it makes me happy.

    9. Do you have a penchant for a constant search for a more harmonious outside world in everything? Including new friends, places of life, work study, etc
    No, not at all.

    10. Do you have an inclination to reproduce the atmosphere of life in which you were brought up

    11. Is it important to be at the center of a situation where everything revolves around you? Why or why not?
    Ehh maybe once in awhile. I don’t know why you’d bother to ask me why though. It’s just fun to be admired sometimes.

    12. Do you have a desire to avoid external conflicts and seek a place to stay where they don’t exist where the atmosphere is harmonious and consistent?

    13. If conflicts do arise, is there a desire to escape from there even if everything else is all right?
    Nope, I can work with that.

    a variety of pictures

    I'm pretty sure I also had facial hair at some point

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