I think Likeness is power is a more accurate translation than kindness is power for SEE. The latter can be misleading. It can confuse Fe and Fi for many.

Likeness: resemblance, outward appearance or guise, the fact or quality of being alike, a portrait or representation.

Now think of how this power in numbers with common others has given Gammas so many strongholds. Think of the kinds of ethics associated with Dreiser ESI. I know one well who is not necessarily more traditional or conservative, rather she conducts relations by who believes like she does and defends them viciously no matter how liberal her values.

Just providing some food for thought. I think we need more Alphas in USA politics and economics to help bring a balance back to the norm. Yet Alphas like Tesla are so inclined to give away innovative brilliance for free out of a sense of humanity, like Tesla, that trends grow very unfair in societies - some types having to comply and suffer under the big business power grabs and requirements of others while their own Quadra values are not being sufficiently esteemed. Consider the state of the fine Arts wrt aesthetic beauty and also intellectual copyright in the USA, as examples. Inventors must sell off their genius to employing corporations for rights with meager pay even before any breakthrough has been made. And why must the most lucrative easy jobs be in boring finance? Etc. Yes I diverge ... I'm talking about Alpha vs. Gamma quadras.