For some reason I'm not sure of my type anymore, and for some reason it is bothering me. My main issue with me being ENTp is that I lack the need to socialize, and am perfectly content being by myself most of the time. I will be the first to admit that while I have certain talents in psychology, I am a novice at type theory, so I would like some general elucidation on the Introversian/Extroversion dichotomy, as well as a do over of my VI and personality identification. I know you guys will come through for me.

Here are some pithy observations about myself:

I irritate easily. Little things (which probably seem random to others) set me off. I am dealing with this.

I am tall, thin, and pale. I have stone-carved facial features.

My IQ is high, but I have trouble going after intellectual pursuits. I am lazy. I will spend all day playing video games unless something comes and rescues me from my lethargy.

I am absent-minded, and tend to just make intuitive gueses rather than doing exact math. I believe this may be due to weak ? However, I am good at seeing underlying patterns and causes, root symptoms. ( ?)

I am sociable only when I am interested in what others are saying/doing. My social interaction is therefore mainly "pragmatic," and not "just because." I have no problem sitting quietly if I feel there is no reason to do otherwise.

Even though INTps are supposedly "contrary" to me, I get along well with them. This may be taken with a grain of salt, obviously, as these people may have been miss-typed.

I hate, hate, hate math. I hate it. I think it is due to the nature of it, and me not wanting to think about the world in terms of . Could this be due to interacting poorly with my , causing me to conjure up scary thoughts? I think this may be the case.

I can be narcissistic, which seems to imply a lack of . I feel bad afterwards, and deep down I am a pretty warm, sympathetic person. I'm the kind of person who would actually investigate if I heard a woman screaming "rape." This may be a desire to prove myself to the world, or experience personal glory. ?

When I site alone to think, I am less actively guiding my thoughts than I am just letting them carry me along. I sort of go stream-of-thought and can come up with some pretty neat ideas and observations. Using this method I uncovered a huge streak of irrational thinking in religion, and when I told my sexy asian friend about it she told me what I described to her was Iconism, which I believe is heavily related to Jung.

I am very sensitive about my appearance, and what others think about me. I know I shouldn't care, and if I am actively engaged in something I usually won't. But outside these moments of activity I am almost hyper-sensitive. However, my standards of appearance are my own. This is sort of hard to explain. Essentially, I want people to like me and the way I look, but after having realized that most people have pretty shallow, and ignorant standards, I try to make my own image. This self mobility is something I strive for. I want to become better than I am, but without being anyone's bitch.

I will eat pretty much any food, as long as it is fresh. And even if it is not, if I am hungry enough I will eat it. However, when I go out to eat I want to have a fun experience, so I am particular about what I order.

In spite of my overly technical style of writing, I am zany and borderline ADHD when I get comfortable and in the mood. Most people describe me as very funny, and I am self-conscious when people don't laugh at my jokes.

If a boss admonishes me it takes me a while to get over it. I still hold vendettas against my elementary school teachers.

I like games that involve both quick tactical thinking, and deep strategy. RTS games like Warcraft I can't take, as multitasking is something that bores me. Paying huge amounts of attention is not my idea of relaxing. FPS games like Counter-Strike and Battlefield 2 are great, as they require patience, coordination, tactics, and strategy all rolled into one. I also enjoy RPGs of the non-paper variety.

I get jealous of people accomplishing things over me. In a relationship I am not clingy or controlling because I don't think I should have to be. If the person is good for me they won't cheat or be mean, or find me boring. I keep a long leash on my girlfriends and expect the same. If we're meant to be together then just being ourselves should be enough. "Working" at the relationship comes after marriage, IMO. My first girlfriend broke my heart and turned me into a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.

Sexually, I am dominating.

People tend to like me and are drawn to me after being around me for a while. I give off the vibe of something "different/new/intriguing/mysterious" and people like it.

I am not emotionally stable, and as a result am prone to panic attacks, and highly traumatic episodes where I completely lose my sense of "self" and have no feeling of personal identity. These seem to happen about once every few months.

I usually only like music that has a coherent theme to it, and only if it strikes the right emotional chords.


Here are my pics again, for those who haven't seen them.


Oops, that last one is not me. It's my pal Jeffk.

Thanks a lot in advance guys. You rock!!!!!!!!

[Edit: I love StarTrek]