Hello everyone; I have a couple of things bothering me, lingering issues that made me think I'm a 4w5 that I'll write out and hope some of you are able to clarify (I am otherwise an EII-Ne, 6w5, 649 and probably so/sp).
The issues are:
-my pursuit of an ideal self; if I may attain it, some new ideal emerges and I will pursue it (to me it presents meaning in a way; after finding out I'm not a 4 I had to to a degree reconstruct my ideal and sense of identity)
-I have a need in relation to others to in different ways set myself apart; I also have a fear of just being part of the crowd as I feel I then disappear
-I fear giving an impression which I deem lowly which I mention as I think it relates to image management, though it may be related to my so lead
-coexisting senses of superiority and inferiority

While I have an inner sense that I am a 6w5 (for a period I believed I was a 4 I felt I lived a momentary ideal dream-like world, like those in movies where before generally the final undertaking the protagonist one way or another experiences the ideal world due to its difficulty, which is dream-like in nature, but must in the end confront reality) the above points poke at me and am not sure if it's my tritype. Thank you for any provided insight.