Hi guys, I literally just joined this site about 5 minutes ago.

Well, I've been into psychometrics for a while now, MBTI was my first exposure to it, like my most people I guess. I'm bored with it now though, I just don't think it's very intellectually satisfying and it's not rigorous enough.

If you use purely the dichotomies (as most people who superficially used it do), you basically get a poor mans Big Five, and if you go into the functions, I find it's rather wishy-washy and ambiguous as to what's what. Socionics seems to be a little less ambiguous.

I've just started to get into Socionics seriously lately (knew about it for a while) so I'm not too knowledgeable about it. (I'm not sure of my type and will make a thread on it later.) But it seems to be a far more interesting and in-depth theory than the personality theories. It's becoming my favourite of the Jung derivatives.

The VI aspect is also something I'm greatly interested in, and I'm glad it's taken seriously (unlike in most MBTI circles) because in my opinion the division between body and mind is an illusion. It's all one thing so there should correlates between the 'body' aspect and the 'mind' aspect.
Okay I've waffled long enough... so yeah, hello everyone and see you around.