Alright so I am trying to figure out which one of these I have as a normative (2D) function because I seem to be really shit with both. I know the stereotypical answer would be that role Fi tries to be polite/politically correct while Fe HA tries to respects the emotional atmosphere but it is a little more complicated then that in my case. I social situations I often overlook the importance Fi/Fe and end up accidentally offending someone, such as making inappropriate jokes. Nowadays I've learned to deal with this by simply staying quiet and out of the picture.

One instance where I might be showing normative ethics is when I play with these toxic assholes on dota 2. A lot of the others players there possess zero kindness about make these blatantly rude and hostile remarks that I would never in million years say myself. I played other games with communities considered bad such a call of duty and found it more amusing then anything else, but in dota players criticize you on on much more personal level and it really strikes my nerves sometimes. Is this Fi polr because of the painful reaction I have to these hostile venom spewing players, or Fi role because I don't do it myself? How would Fe HA be like in this scenario?