Hello everyone,

I've spend time to read this socionics chart: http://www.socionics.com/rel/relcht.htm
But I've noticed something strange:

ENTp - INTp = ILL (Mirage/Illusionary relationship)
ESTp - ISFp = ILL (Mirage/Illusionary relationship)
... and so on for a couple of types,

so I got the rule for this ILL (Mirage/Illusionary relationship): second and last letter - the same, and the others are opposite.
Also, MBTI consider this pairing to be the best for romantic relationship (Kersey books), of course, for introvert types, j->p...

My question is: why Kersey the rule is not the same for all types?
Look here: ENFj - ISFj = ILL (Mirage/Illusionary relationship)... why so?
According the rule (first examples), ESFj should have ILL relationship with INTj!... but there is ISFj!!!

Please somebody inspect that chart and set things clear!

Thanks a lot! Any feedback will be much appreciated!