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Thread: Socionics- what the hell?

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    Default Socionics- what the hell?

    Let's do this!

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Of course the definition of beauty varies from one person to another, but I believe for me it's the aesthetic aspect of it. Inner beauty also exists in my opinion but when I hear the word beauty I immediately think of nice art, jewelries, clothes and makeup.

    Love is this deep connection, emotion, of putting someone or something before you; the feeling that you can't live without this one person or thing. I'm being a little extreme here but you get my point.

    What are your most important values?
    Something that's very important to me is to be kind to yourself and others, work ethics, creativity and a thirst of knowledge, equality and love.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm not a very religious person but I do believe there is some kind of a god out there, something very abstract and surreal that cannot be explained by religions and rules. I hold this belief because probably like any other person, I can't accept the fact that I'm not as significant as I'd like to think and I have to have a purpose, a reason for being put on Earth.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I hate wars and I wish they wouldn't exist, but they will never cease to exist because it's in the human nature and there will always be the ones who're unwilling to accept any point of view other than their own.

    Power is having control over something, whether it is people, yourself, whatever etc. It's also will and ambition.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I don't usually have long conversations, in my longest conversations I jump from one topic to another. I enjoy talking about politics, current events, the existence of god, funny stories, media, jokes, sex, anything that keeps my mind busy.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Eh, sometimes I do, actually. I like to keep myself healthy and I enjoy bragging lol. I am very interested by it.

    I am, I try to eat healthy and exercise as much as I can. I know I need to sleep exactly 8 hours a night (no less, no more) because if not I'll be tired for the whole day. I'm not one to stay up all night or wake up late. I'm very aware of my body; in addition I always wear makeup and nice clothes to make myself look good.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Someone needs to do them, and more often than not it's me. I finish them off as early as I can so I'll have the rest of the day off. I don't like stuff bugging me for the whole day and I prefer work first and play later.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    A book that I loved is Pope Joanne, a feminist story in an interesting time (medieval times), and of course- Harry Potter, magic and alikes are fun to me, I love fantasy.
    I enjoy comedic movies that most of its cast is females (dunno why, it makes it funnier to me), animation and musicals.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    My cousin told me that I end up taking too much responsibility on myself and I end up falling apart and not helping at all, which was hard for me to hear because I really wanted to help and do well. In general I cry because someone has hurt me (usually pointed out one of my flaws or betrayed me in a way), or a very sad moment in a film (I cry over everything).

    I smile a lot, I think. Jokes, friends, family, and things I like. Those make me smile.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    In bed, sleeping Mhm, unsure, I feel at home when I travel in Europe and everything around me is green, cold and rainy.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    People think that my weaknesses are either me being uptight and maybe a bit anxious, or that someone might take advantage of my good nature. Other than that, people don't see many weaknesses in me.

    What I dislike about myself is of course, the ones stated above. Also, I'm a perfectionist and sometimes I'd like to just relax and not care. I care too much. I think I like myself as a person a lot, and have made peace with my flaws a long time ago. I'd like to stand up for myself a bit more because I can let people step on me sometimes and I hate that. I'd love to live more in the moment. I'd like to be louder.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People see me as quiet, sweet, creative, artistic, helpful, dependable, responsible, precise and self confident. I've heard people say that I'm perfect, kinda scary to be honest. I'm not perfect, no one is. No idea why I give that kind of vibe.

    I like my goodness, my creativity and resourcefulness. I like my self confidence and I believe in shines through; I'm myself's best friend, and if people would be kind to themselves the world would be a better place.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Mhm, not sure what this question means but I already do plenty of help around the house and in school, I guess I'd like to do more volunteer work because I think that's important but I currently don't have the time (school sucks), when I'll be free I'll do some charity work.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    When I'm stuck in a routine; exams, homework, nothing changes, a week after week. I get bored and a bit depressed. I get tired and restless; I am not as studious as usual. I try new things to spice up things a bit but I leave it after awhile.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I admire people who take charge, who take responsibility, who get the job done. I admire people who're creative, people with a vision who know where they're heading. I also admire goodness in people, a helpful person who is charitable- I can only admire. I dislike people who're close minded, unkind, rude and fake.

    Types- mhm, if we're taking MBTI in account I tend to get along best with xSFPs, INFPs and ISTJs.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    It's good, I don't know if I want it now but someday probably. I need a partner with a good head on their shoulder, someone who's mean to everyone except me (muhahah), humorous, unemotional (I'm the sensitive one in the relationship!), and of course trustworthy and loyal.

    My sister told me I must be a Lesbian (I'm Bisexual) for rejecting a really cute hot guy I dated- but he was rushing things too much (he asked me after two dates what I look for in a man and invited me to the hot tub, like man chillax I need time to think about this, and when I would text him one word texts we would get mad and say I'm disrespectful. Mhm k). My point is that he was annoyingly emotional and I couldn't deal with it.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Well, they need to grow up to be independent and on their own but still know I have their back. I would want them to be respectful (it can be taught) and curious (yes, I believe it can be taught as well).

    Not sure how I would make it happen, but maybe try to let go a bit (though I know it will be hard for me once I'll have children cause I'm a bit of a control freak), encourage them to learn and not sure what else.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Depends on how important is the subject to me. If not so much, I'll shut up, if it's important I'll educate them nicely about my point of view and hear about theirs (and probably won't be convinced lol, but I'll say "okay let's drop this it isn't going anywhere good").

    There was a question here about the relationship between me and society, and what are some problems with society nowadays or in general. Usually I would answer but this answer alone would take me 4 paragraphs and this wouldn't end and I'm tired so I'll gloss over that one

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    My friends are outcasts, almost always. Most of the times they're very weird, in a good way- mystical or whatever. Artistic and creative, deeper than most. I have a friend who likes to say each of us has something that's very different from everyone else, I believe she's right.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Very kind and polite, I'm the kind of person who will say "Good day" and "Thank you" every time. I smile a lot (my sister says I'm like a ray of sunshine, a delight xD), I look very nice to others util I don't really want to hang out with them cause my energy level is very limited so I'd rather spend it on people who matter xD

    Also, for visual identification purposes, here's a few videos of me blubbering. Don't watch all of them unless you want a brain damage.

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    Gonna give this a bump- I relate most to the SEI (ISFp) description, does it make sense?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    Gonna give this a bump- I relate most to the SEI (ISFp) description, does it make sense?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    Could you elaborate?
    EDIT: I believe ESE (ESFj) is also possible, what is more likely? Others said that Fe>Si.
    Last edited by Dooneese; 06-13-2015 at 02:06 PM.

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    @kalimera @Suz I've seen you liked the post, do you happen to have any thoughts? I'm sorry for being so annoying, I just have no clue about Socionics

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    @kalimera @Suz I've seen you liked the post, do you happen to have any thoughts? I'm sorry for being so annoying, I just have no clue about Socionics
    I'm not confident about my socionics typing skills, but i just think you're a really kind, genuine person, and i can resonate with you in many ways.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    Could you elaborate?
    EDIT: I believe ESE (ESFj) is also possible, what is more likely? Others said that Fe>Si.
    i am between those two types myself...
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I'm not confident about my socionics typing skills, but i just think you're a really kind, genuine person, and i can resonate with you in many ways.
    Aw, thank you so much! Hey, perhaps we're type twins

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    I read one answer and watched about 30 seconds of video. <-- disclaimer

    You remind me of someone I know who is SLI, but you're more animated, so I can see where the SEI idea comes from. Si seems right.

    ESE seems like a longshot; you're putting across a lot of irrational body language (fairly soft, flowing movements, not very tense), although sometimes I misjudge that point because I'm dealing with extremely rational people in my everyday doings right now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GOLDEN View Post
    I read one answer and watched about 30 seconds of video. <-- disclaimer

    You remind me of someone I know who is SLI, but you're more animated, so I can see where the SEI idea comes from. Si seems right.

    ESE seems like a longshot; you're putting across a lot of irrational body language (fairly soft, flowing movements, not very tense), although sometimes I misjudge that point because I'm dealing with extremely rational people in my everyday doings right now.
    lol, you seem to be very fast to decide if you're going by 30 seconds of video xD But yeah, I do that sometimes as well when I try to type others.

    Haha, what do you mean by extremely rational people?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    lol, you seem to be very fast to decide if you're going by 30 seconds of video xD But yeah, I do that sometimes as well when I try to type others.

    Haha, what do you mean by extremely rational people?
    Like, my husband is LSI and rational as fuuuuuuuk. My stepdaughter is some kind of EJ (probably LIE) and same. Doesn't get much more lockstep rational than these guys. They've changed my setpoint for gauging rationality. So I realized recently that if someone is less extreme than that, I might misclassify them. And a lot of people are less extreme.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GOLDEN View Post
    Like, my husband is LSI and rational as fuuuuuuuk. My stepdaughter is some kind of EJ (probably LIE) and same. Doesn't get much more lockstep rational than these guys. They've changed my setpoint for gauging rationality. So I realized recently that if someone is less extreme than that, I might misclassify them. And a lot of people are less extreme.
    Mhm, got it haha So you agree with ESE or SEI?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    Mhm, got it haha So you agree with ESE or SEI?
    My snap reaction was Si dominant. So based on the Internet, SEI >ESE. But I normally take a long time to type people, and that's irl.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GOLDEN View Post
    My snap reaction was Si dominant. So based on the Internet, SEI >ESE. But I normally take a long time to type people, and that's irl.
    Awesome, because I plan on staying here

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    I see a handling of the paradox, Dialectical Algorithmic cognition + hidden agenda of to be perfect

    LSE with extroverted logic preference and blasts of extroverted ethics from position superego, resistance to emotional appeals

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    Haven't read nor watched anything but you VI logical from your video preview images.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
    Haven't read nor watched anything but you VI logical from your video preview images.
    Thanks! What makes you think that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post

    I see a handling of the paradox, Dialectical Algorithmic cognition + hidden agenda of to be perfect

    LSE with extroverted logic preference and blasts of extroverted ethics from position superego, resistance to emotional appeals
    Hm, interesting. Thank you!

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    You seem like a Si-ego type, too animated to be SLI, not sure beyond that. SEI seems the most plausible to me, but you also seem to have the Delta idea of "working first, playing later" that my Delta friends emphasize.

    It could be helpful to read about the duals of the types suggested (ILE, LII, or EII, since we are considering SEI, ESE, and LSE)and see which would be the most appealing to you. Your idea of wanting someone to "take charge" and "get things done" could even make you a Delta NF, but SEIs exhibit this behavior too as they seek an ILE getting everyday responsibilities related to Te (PoLR of the SEI) out of the way as quickly as possible.

    Good luck and welcome to Socionics!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    You seem like a Si-ego type, too animated to be SLI, not sure beyond that. SEI seems the most plausible to me, but you also seem to have the Delta idea of "working first, playing later" that my Delta friends emphasize.

    It could be helpful to read about the duals of the types suggested (ILE, LII, or EII, since we are considering SEI, ESE, and LSE)and see which would be the most appealing to you. Your idea of wanting someone to "take charge" and "get things done" could even make you a Delta NF, but SEIs exhibit this behavior too as they seek an ILE getting everyday responsibilities related to Te (PoLR of the SEI) out of the way as quickly as possible.

    Good luck and welcome to Socionics!
    So it's somewhere between SLI an SEI, like what comes first, Te or Fe?

    I read about those, and my thoughts are:
    ILE- eh, I don't know; seem cool, but a bit scattered and seemingly lazy.
    LII- I read this and got bored in the middle. In the middle I was thinking: "I know you're trying to say something but all I hear is blah blah blah"
    EII- I'm very drawn to this type, for a while I "wanted" to be this type because it's just so adorable. Most of my best friends are IxFj in general.

    Does that mean LSE? Also, I love your avatar- Baymax is lovely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    So it's somewhere between SLI an SEI, like what comes first, Te or Fe?

    I read about those, and my thoughts are:
    ILE- eh, I don't know; seem cool, but a bit scattered and seemingly lazy.
    LII- I read this and got bored in the middle. In the middle I was thinking: "I know you're trying to say something but all I hear is blah blah blah"
    EII- I'm very drawn to this type, for a while I "wanted" to be this type because it's just so adorable. Most of my best friends are IxFj in general.

    Does that mean LSE? Also, I love your avatar- Baymax is lovely.
    Haha, thanks. Baymax is cool, probs also a Si-ego type.

    And yes, LIIs are percieved as boring, though that depends on your definition. Jokes aside,

    In general, I wouldn't say that a type that you're "drawn" to is always your dual, more like it could be your dual, your benefactor, or even your conflictor. But intertype relationships are confusing, convoluted, and not always right in practice.

    If EII seems ideal to you, you relate to Te and Si as ego functions, you relate to an Ej temperament, and you relate to a Delta quadra description, I'd say think about LSE.

    Also, I don't put much stock into visual identification, but your eyes don't seem to be very expressive even though your face is, something I've observed in Te ego types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    Haha, thanks. Baymax is cool, probs also a Si-ego type.

    And yes, LIIs are percieved as boring, though that depends on your definition. Jokes aside,

    In general, I wouldn't say that a type that you're "drawn" to is always your dual, more like it could be your dual, your benefactor, or even your conflictor. But intertype relationships are confusing, convoluted, and not always right in practice.

    If EII seems ideal to you, you relate to Te and Si as ego functions, you relate to an Ej temperament, and you relate to a Delta quadra description, I'd say think about LSE.

    Also, I don't put much stock into visual identification, but your eyes don't seem to be very expressive even though your face is, something I've observed in Te ego types.
    Yeah, he's the real SEI or ESE.

    Hehe, I'm not saying LII's are boring but their descriptions at least made me go to sleep xD

    I've only met one EII in my life and we became friends very, very quickly and we had a very strong instant bond until something had shifted in her somehow lately, now we're still good friends but not as much as we used to be.

    I relate to Si very much and Te as well as Fe, EJ temperament is a lot like me (which is why I'm not so quick to say SEI- IP temperament is nothing like me). I still need to get around the quadras but I think LSE can be a very logical option (actually, my friends always compare me to LSE characters now that I think about it, lol).

    Mhm, interesting! Thank you very much for your input.

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    Guys, thank you all- I'm really getting close to finding my type.

    Tomorrow I'll make a more recent video and see what results it yields! Kind of excited, actually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    You seem like a Si-ego type, too animated to be SLI, not sure beyond that. SEI seems the most plausible to me, but you also seem to have the Delta idea of "working first, playing later" that my Delta friends emphasize.

    this was one of the things in dooneese's questionnaire i actually didn't resonate with (I wish i did though ), the other being her de-emphasis of inner beauty (idk if it's type-related though).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    this was one of the things in dooneese's questionnaire i actually didn't resonate with (I wish i did though ), the other being her de-emphasis of inner beauty (idk if it's type-related though).
    Maybe it's a quadra difference or whatever D: I'm not sure about inner beauty though.

    Also, cool stuff to consider:
    I'm a complete control freak, to the max.
    I don't get emotionally involved. Almost ever.
    I do care about politeness and social graces, a bit of a people pleaser.
    There might be drama around me, but I'm always unaffected. My grandmother said that I remind her of a dolphin because it's so smooth and unaffected.
    I get stuff done.
    I'm very responsible.
    I'm considered to be a rational, logical, objective person.

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    I think ISFj is not out of the question as well, Se sounds kinda like me as well.
    Tagging @Suz @Hacim @Satan @GOLDEN @Enoch @Velvet and @Mega because apparently people are saying I'm a lot like him and now I'm curious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    Could you elaborate?
    EDIT: I believe ESE (ESFj) is also possible, what is more likely? Others said that Fe>Si.
    Sorry - I'm slack, I'll give it my considered opinion at a later time. I don't have the head space to be thinking and considered right now.

    ESFj could also work, I'd have to see how you moved.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    Maybe it's a quadra difference or whatever D: I'm not sure about inner beauty though.

    Also, cool stuff to consider:
    I'm a complete control freak, to the max.
    I don't get emotionally involved. Almost ever.
    I do care about politeness and social graces, a bit of a people pleaser.
    There might be drama around me, but I'm always unaffected. My grandmother said that I remind her of a dolphin because it's so smooth and unaffected.
    I get stuff done.
    I'm very responsible.
    I'm considered to be a rational, logical, objective person.
    some of these might be E1 related, actually. I have varying amounts of 1 in me, being 9w1.
    I cant relate at all to almost never getting emotionally involved... that is how i live and breathe, actually. It's not always a good way to be, but i can't help it. That makes me think perhaps more logical for you.
    Being unaffected by drama around you makes delta ST a real possibility (Fe-devaluing).
    I resonate with you on being very responsible and getting stuff done, though.

    I vote LSE!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese
    Mega because apparently people are saying I'm a lot like him and now I'm curious.
    OMG!!! YES!! now that you mention it, wow you two look like clones!!!

    Mega has considered LSE for himself, incidentally.

    But VI can be iffy sometimes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    some of these might be E1 related, actually. I have varying amounts of 1 in me, being 9w1.
    I cant relate at all to almost never getting emotionally involved... that is how i live and breathe, actually. It's not always a good way to be, but i can't help it. That makes me think perhaps more logical for you.
    Being unaffected by drama around you makes delta ST a real possibility (Fe-devaluing).
    I resonate with you on being very responsible and getting stuff done, though.

    I vote LSE!

    OMG!!! YES!! now that you mention it, wow you two look like clones!!!

    Mega has considered LSE for himself, incidentally.

    But VI can be iffy sometimes.
    I do have a strong 1 fix

    Another vote for LSE woohoo

    haha, really? I need to see how Mega looks like for god's sake xD

    Really? Why is that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    I do have a strong 1 fix

    Another vote for LSE woohoo

    haha, really? I need to see how Mega looks like for god's sake xD

    Really? Why is that?
    Oh just because this is all an inexact science, and looks/demeanors can be so multifactorial and situational

    lol mega's pics should be floating around the forum somewhere (check unofficial members picture thread)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    Let's do this!

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Of course the definition of beauty varies from one person to another, but I believe for me it's the aesthetic aspect of it. Inner beauty also exists in my opinion but when I hear the word beauty I immediately think of nice art, jewelries, clothes and makeup.

    Love is this deep connection, emotion, of putting someone or something before you; the feeling that you can't live without this one person or thing. I'm being a little extreme here but you get my point.

    What are your most important values?
    Something that's very important to me is to be kind to yourself and others, work ethics, creativity and a thirst of knowledge, equality and love.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm not a very religious person but I do believe there is some kind of a god out there, something very abstract and surreal that cannot be explained by religions and rules. I hold this belief because probably like any other person, I can't accept the fact that I'm not as significant as I'd like to think and I have to have a purpose, a reason for being put on Earth.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I hate wars and I wish they wouldn't exist, but they will never cease to exist because it's in the human nature and there will always be the ones who're unwilling to accept any point of view other than their own.

    Power is having control over something, whether it is people, yourself, whatever etc. It's also will and ambition.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I don't usually have long conversations, in my longest conversations I jump from one topic to another. I enjoy talking about politics, current events, the existence of god, funny stories, media, jokes, sex, anything that keeps my mind busy.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Eh, sometimes I do, actually. I like to keep myself healthy and I enjoy bragging lol. I am very interested by it.

    I am, I try to eat healthy and exercise as much as I can. I know I need to sleep exactly 8 hours a night (no less, no more) because if not I'll be tired for the whole day. I'm not one to stay up all night or wake up late. I'm very aware of my body; in addition I always wear makeup and nice clothes to make myself look good.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Someone needs to do them, and more often than not it's me. I finish them off as early as I can so I'll have the rest of the day off. I don't like stuff bugging me for the whole day and I prefer work first and play later.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    A book that I loved is Pope Joanne, a feminist story in an interesting time (medieval times), and of course- Harry Potter, magic and alikes are fun to me, I love fantasy.
    I enjoy comedic movies that most of its cast is females (dunno why, it makes it funnier to me), animation and musicals.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    My cousin told me that I end up taking too much responsibility on myself and I end up falling apart and not helping at all, which was hard for me to hear because I really wanted to help and do well. In general I cry because someone has hurt me (usually pointed out one of my flaws or betrayed me in a way), or a very sad moment in a film (I cry over everything).

    I smile a lot, I think. Jokes, friends, family, and things I like. Those make me smile.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    In bed, sleeping Mhm, unsure, I feel at home when I travel in Europe and everything around me is green, cold and rainy.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    People think that my weaknesses are either me being uptight and maybe a bit anxious, or that someone might take advantage of my good nature. Other than that, people don't see many weaknesses in me.

    What I dislike about myself is of course, the ones stated above. Also, I'm a perfectionist and sometimes I'd like to just relax and not care. I care too much. I think I like myself as a person a lot, and have made peace with my flaws a long time ago. I'd like to stand up for myself a bit more because I can let people step on me sometimes and I hate that. I'd love to live more in the moment. I'd like to be louder.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People see me as quiet, sweet, creative, artistic, helpful, dependable, responsible, precise and self confident. I've heard people say that I'm perfect, kinda scary to be honest. I'm not perfect, no one is. No idea why I give that kind of vibe.

    I like my goodness, my creativity and resourcefulness. I like my self confidence and I believe in shines through; I'm myself's best friend, and if people would be kind to themselves the world would be a better place.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Mhm, not sure what this question means but I already do plenty of help around the house and in school, I guess I'd like to do more volunteer work because I think that's important but I currently don't have the time (school sucks), when I'll be free I'll do some charity work.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    When I'm stuck in a routine; exams, homework, nothing changes, a week after week. I get bored and a bit depressed. I get tired and restless; I am not as studious as usual. I try new things to spice up things a bit but I leave it after awhile.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I admire people who take charge, who take responsibility, who get the job done. I admire people who're creative, people with a vision who know where they're heading. I also admire goodness in people, a helpful person who is charitable- I can only admire. I dislike people who're close minded, unkind, rude and fake.

    Types- mhm, if we're taking MBTI in account I tend to get along best with xSFPs, INFPs and ISTJs.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    It's good, I don't know if I want it now but someday probably. I need a partner with a good head on their shoulder, someone who's mean to everyone except me (muhahah), humorous, unemotional (I'm the sensitive one in the relationship!), and of course trustworthy and loyal.

    My sister told me I must be a Lesbian (I'm Bisexual) for rejecting a really cute hot guy I dated- but he was rushing things too much (he asked me after two dates what I look for in a man and invited me to the hot tub, like man chillax I need time to think about this, and when I would text him one word texts we would get mad and say I'm disrespectful. Mhm k). My point is that he was annoyingly emotional and I couldn't deal with it.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Well, they need to grow up to be independent and on their own but still know I have their back. I would want them to be respectful (it can be taught) and curious (yes, I believe it can be taught as well).

    Not sure how I would make it happen, but maybe try to let go a bit (though I know it will be hard for me once I'll have children cause I'm a bit of a control freak), encourage them to learn and not sure what else.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Depends on how important is the subject to me. If not so much, I'll shut up, if it's important I'll educate them nicely about my point of view and hear about theirs (and probably won't be convinced lol, but I'll say "okay let's drop this it isn't going anywhere good").

    There was a question here about the relationship between me and society, and what are some problems with society nowadays or in general. Usually I would answer but this answer alone would take me 4 paragraphs and this wouldn't end and I'm tired so I'll gloss over that one

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    My friends are outcasts, almost always. Most of the times they're very weird, in a good way- mystical or whatever. Artistic and creative, deeper than most. I have a friend who likes to say each of us has something that's very different from everyone else, I believe she's right.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Very kind and polite, I'm the kind of person who will say "Good day" and "Thank you" every time. I smile a lot (my sister says I'm like a ray of sunshine, a delight xD), I look very nice to others util I don't really want to hang out with them cause my energy level is very limited so I'd rather spend it on people who matter xD

    Also, for visual identification purposes, here's a few videos of me blubbering. Don't watch all of them unless you want a brain damage.

    You're a SiFe my dear. I could even underline all the things that made me think that...

    Now if only it was so easy to type myself. Ah well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    You're a SiFe my dear. I could even underline all the things that made me think that...

    Now if only it was so easy to type myself. Ah well.
    It was one of my initial typings, I think it's the description I relate to the most! May I ask what made you think that?

    Haha, I know the pain of not being able to type yourself

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    Today I took the extensive Socionics quiz, and:
    Your Sociotype: SEI-1Fe (ISFp)
    I read the sociotype description and it's so much like me, more than LSE or ESE.

    Associative Socionics Colour Test (SCT) Gave me introvert intuitive ethical (I guess it's INFp?) but I don't think that's the case with me.

    I took another two and one gave me ISFp as well and the other has given me INFp. Now I know tests can only get you this far but... This is a hell of direction. Maybe SEI after all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    Let's do this!

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Of course the definition of beauty varies from one person to another, but I believe for me it's the aesthetic aspect of it. Inner beauty also exists in my opinion but when I hear the word beauty I immediately think of nice art, jewelries, clothes and makeup. And funny enough you don't think about beauty in nature, beautiful cars, tanks, planes etc. You immediately link it with known(S focus) and orient it further towards people(F focus).

    Love is this deep connection, emotion, of putting someone or something before you; the feeling that you can't live without this one person or thing. I'm being a little extreme here but you get my point. Putting something before you...a nice Dynamic expression. Comfort + feelings are strong here(SF). I also get the subtle hint of algorithmic cognition here. "If person not present, then life = insufferable". It struck me like that.

    What are your most important values?
    Something that's very important to me is to be kind to yourself and others, work ethics, creativity and a thirst of knowledge, equality and love. This is all SF and could fly both ways(FiSe, SiFe, except the bolded part. See, my dear, that's called Ti Hidden Agenda{6th function}-which in turn means that you must have Te PoLR{4th function}-which in turn means you must have Fe creative{2nd function}).

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm not a very religious person but I do believe there is some kind of a god out there, something very abstract and surreal that cannot be explained by religions and rules. I hold this belief because probably like any other person, I can't accept the fact that I'm not as significant as I'd like to think and I have to have a purpose, a reason for being put on Earth.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I hate wars and I wish they wouldn't exist, but they will never cease to exist because it's in the human nature and there will always be the ones who're unwilling to accept any point of view other than their own. You show quite a nice example of Fe, potentially SiFe here("I hate wars and I wish they wouldn't exist"), but you also show that you are aware of reality and on the negative side("I HATE, I wish they WOULDN'T exist, but they will NEVER CEASE TO EXIST, because there will always be those who are unwilling to accept others' opinion"). Which is a feature of SiFe. That is ISFp.

    Power is having control over something, whether it is people, yourself, whatever etc. It's also will and ambition. Just a definition what can I say. Nothing to see here.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I don't usually have long conversations, in my longest conversations I jump from one topic to another. I enjoy talking about politics, current events, the existence of god, funny stories, media, jokes, sex, anything that keeps my mind busy. Clear sign of introversion("I don't usually have long convos"), your Ne suggestive also shows here(just count the number of things that interest you and...the only person who could even halfway indulge you would be a Ne dom-am I right?)-which means Ni is your Role(3rd function) which means Si is your dom function. Si is INTROVERTED Sensorics and you being an introvert must have an introverted dom function, which you have.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Eh, sometimes I do, actually. I like to keep myself healthy and I enjoy bragging lol. I am very interested by it.

    I am, I try to eat healthy and exercise as much as I can. I know I need to sleep exactly 8 hours a night (no less, no more) because if not I'll be tired for the whole day. I'm not one to stay up all night or wake up late. I'm very aware of my body; in addition I always wear makeup and nice clothes to make myself look good. Clear signs of Si dom here. You are so aware of that, that it started working automatically, no?

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Someone needs to do them, and more often than not it's me. I finish them off as early as I can so I'll have the rest of the day off. I don't like stuff bugging me for the whole day and I prefer work first and play later. This is kinda strange and a point that'll have to be approximated, but approxiation can be made. Nothing and noone is an 1 / 1 par excellance example of a concept. You are free and it's completely expected that you'll veer of on some tangents.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    A book that I loved is Pope Joanne, a feminist story in an interesting time (medieval times), and of course- Harry Potter, magic and alikes are fun to me, I love fantasy.
    I enjoy comedic movies that most of its cast is females (dunno why, it makes it funnier to me), animation and musicals. You love fantasy(sure you do, you seek out Ne-a clear cut fantasy function. Master Tolkien himself was a FiNE, get those kicks!) and you enjoy warm hearted movies that bring out emotions. Again Fe is visible.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    My cousin told me that I end up taking too much responsibility on myself and I end up falling apart and not helping at all, which was hard for me to hear because I really wanted to help and do well. In general I cry because someone has hurt me (usually pointed out one of my flaws or betrayed me in a way), or a very sad moment in a film (I cry over everything).

    I smile a lot, I think. Jokes, friends, family, and things I like. Those make me smile. Fe, Fe, Fe and more Fe.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    In bed, sleeping Mhm, unsure, I feel at home when I travel in Europe and everything around me is green, cold and rainy. Bolded is Si dom. I think it's clearly visible. Also, you seem to like forests, another Si strike.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    People think that my weaknesses are either me being uptight and maybe a bit anxious, or that someone might take advantage of my good nature. Other than that, people don't see many weaknesses in me. Let's go sequentially. First, ISFp's have a tendency to become quite...unlike themselves when they are in charge(which they loathe to be-as do you, am I right?) and become quite...uptight/bossy when someone violates their core belief(Freedom and responsibility-correct?). Second, good nature, it's a clear sign of Fe and you conforming to others instead of you trying to change them or whatever. I think that Sie can be seen here as well.

    What I dislike about myself is of course, the ones stated above. Also, I'm a perfectionist and sometimes I'd like to just relax and not care. I care too much. I think I like myself as a person a lot, and have made peace with my flaws a long time ago. I'd like to stand up for myself a bit more because I can let people step on me sometimes and I hate that. I'd love to live more in the moment. I'd like to be louder. Introversion(the last one) + Feeling(the second one) + SF mix(the third one) + the reality of ISFp(yes you can be quite perfectionistic due to you seeking people who are into that). Game, set, match! ISFp confirmed! Won't even continue(it's really not necessary ).

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People see me as quiet, sweet, creative, artistic, helpful, dependable, responsible, precise and self confident. I've heard people say that I'm perfect, kinda scary to be honest. I'm not perfect, no one is. No idea why I give that kind of vibe.

    I like my goodness, my creativity and resourcefulness. I like my self confidence and I believe in shines through; I'm myself's best friend, and if people would be kind to themselves the world would be a better place.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Mhm, not sure what this question means but I already do plenty of help around the house and in school, I guess I'd like to do more volunteer work because I think that's important but I currently don't have the time (school sucks), when I'll be free I'll do some charity work.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    When I'm stuck in a routine; exams, homework, nothing changes, a week after week. I get bored and a bit depressed. I get tired and restless; I am not as studious as usual. I try new things to spice up things a bit but I leave it after awhile.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I admire people who take charge, who take responsibility, who get the job done. I admire people who're creative, people with a vision who know where they're heading. I also admire goodness in people, a helpful person who is charitable- I can only admire. I dislike people who're close minded, unkind, rude and fake.

    Types- mhm, if we're taking MBTI in account I tend to get along best with xSFPs, INFPs and ISTJs.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    It's good, I don't know if I want it now but someday probably. I need a partner with a good head on their shoulder, someone who's mean to everyone except me (muhahah), humorous, unemotional (I'm the sensitive one in the relationship!), and of course trustworthy and loyal.

    My sister told me I must be a Lesbian (I'm Bisexual) for rejecting a really cute hot guy I dated- but he was rushing things too much (he asked me after two dates what I look for in a man and invited me to the hot tub, like man chillax I need time to think about this, and when I would text him one word texts we would get mad and say I'm disrespectful. Mhm k). My point is that he was annoyingly emotional and I couldn't deal with it.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Well, they need to grow up to be independent and on their own but still know I have their back. I would want them to be respectful (it can be taught) and curious (yes, I believe it can be taught as well).

    Not sure how I would make it happen, but maybe try to let go a bit (though I know it will be hard for me once I'll have children cause I'm a bit of a control freak), encourage them to learn and not sure what else.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Depends on how important is the subject to me. If not so much, I'll shut up, if it's important I'll educate them nicely about my point of view and hear about theirs (and probably won't be convinced lol, but I'll say "okay let's drop this it isn't going anywhere good").

    There was a question here about the relationship between me and society, and what are some problems with society nowadays or in general. Usually I would answer but this answer alone would take me 4 paragraphs and this wouldn't end and I'm tired so I'll gloss over that one

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    My friends are outcasts, almost always. Most of the times they're very weird, in a good way- mystical or whatever. Artistic and creative, deeper than most. I have a friend who likes to say each of us has something that's very different from everyone else, I believe she's right.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Very kind and polite, I'm the kind of person who will say "Good day" and "Thank you" every time. I smile a lot (my sister says I'm like a ray of sunshine, a delight xD), I look very nice to others util I don't really want to hang out with them cause my energy level is very limited so I'd rather spend it on people who matter xD

    Also, for visual identification purposes, here's a few videos of me blubbering. Don't watch all of them unless you want a brain damage.

    This is why. Important things are bolded and my additions are in teal. Get it?

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    @nondescript wow, thanks! I'm pretty convinced now. Though there's one thing that doesn't and up- is it possible for me to be a bossy control freak who's also an IP?

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    I'm considering ESE-Si, I posted the same thread in PerC and they all said I'm very FeSi, that my worldview isn't personalized at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    I'm considering ESE-Si, I posted the same thread in PerC and they all said I'm very FeSi, that my worldview isn't personalized at all.
    Don't do subtypes. It's not as simple as FeSi-Si et voila! It further edits the whole sociotype.

    And don't get confused and tangled in various trivialities(for a begginer, yes, they are very much so) like functions, reinins etc. These are important differences:

    Extrovert(objective, gains energy from outer sources then spends it on rumination about those things) vs Introvert(subjective, gains energy from ruminating about things then spends it when it shares those ideas)
    ESE vs SEI in a nutshell.

    Only you can answer that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Don't do subtypes. It's not as simple as FeSi-Si et voila! It further edits the whole sociotype.

    And don't get confused and tangled in various trivialities(for a begginer, yes, they are very much so) like functions, reinins etc. These are important differences:

    Extrovert(objective, gains energy from outer sources then spends it on rumination about those things) vs Introvert(subjective, gains energy from ruminating about things then spends it when it shares those ideas)
    ESE vs SEI in a nutshell.

    Only you can answer that.
    It's very complicated; I go out, have fun, and come back energized, but I love being alone. I spend a lot of time alone, but to be honest after a while I just get a bit depressed and mellow, very tired and then I don't have energy to meet people. I fall into this loop too often. I enjoy small talk and meeting new people and stuff but I stick with my close knit group of friends in the end, not sure what it says.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    I'm considering ESE-Si, I posted the same thread in PerC and they all said I'm very FeSi, that my worldview isn't personalized at all.
    That might explain where LSE typings came from here. Shared creative, vulnerable.... I have an ESE sister so I will watch your videos in a bit and see if I can spot similarities.


    Business relations (also known as look-alike relations) are similar to identity and kindred in that partners have half their functions in common — in this case, all the even-numbered ones. This provides a certain commonality of methods and approaches and somewhat similar communication styles. Business partners rarely have serious problems understanding each other and don't need much time to get to know each other and find common ground (or define their differences). The psychological distance is naturally large enough that partners do not generally seek to know each other deeply. Rather, they are content to pal around with the other on a relatively superficial basis. A change in location or life circumstances is usually enough to interrupt the friendship.
    Business partners do not tend to view each other as serious threats or competitors. Their preferred spheres of influence, their basic attitudes and purposes — defined primarily through the leading function — are very different, diminishing potential competition. Furthermore, neither partner can easily stimulate the other's vulnerable function, meaning that partners can loosen up around each other. However, the fact that the first function of each corresponds to the third of the other can make time spent together feel like a challenge and an effort. Each becomes a bit more like the other and a bit less like his usual self.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooneese View Post
    It's very complicated; I go out, have fun, and come back energized, but I love being alone. I spend a lot of time alone, but to be honest after a while I just get a bit depressed and mellow, very tired and then I don't have energy to meet people. I fall into this loop too often. I enjoy small talk and meeting new people and stuff but I stick with my close knit group of friends in the end, not sure what it says.
    I don't have any investment in your typing, except that you're trying to figure things out, so consider anything I say as something to "push against" if you like. What you describe there is very much true of a current ISFp friend of mine. She's social and seems pretty energetic; she likes to keep busy. That's more true of her than of most people I know. But she never looks frantic about it. She still needs a lot of alone time. She says she's an introvert who looks like an extrovert. I think she's right.

    The thing I came into this thread to say, however, is that you wrote the following:

    Very kind and polite, I'm the kind of person who will say "Good day" and "Thank you" every time. I smile a lot (my sister says I'm like a ray of sunshine, a delight xD)
    and those words stuck with me because frankly, I've not met an LSE who anyone would call a "ray of sunshine" or a "delight." Could such a person exist? I suppose so; I just haven't met one.

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