Right. Let's do this as we should. I'll first aggregate the questions then answer them sequentally. I'll try to make it as pleasing to an eye as possible.


1. What is beauty? What is love?
2. What are your most important values?
3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
7. What do you think of daily chores?
8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
21. How do you behave around strangers?



1. What is beauty hm? First of all it needs to be outlined that it is subjective. what I find beautiful someone else might find highly repugnant. Second of all, the ability to define it eludes me. I'd say that a beauty is when you are positively influnced by a physical property of something, most often the looks, but it can happen that there's a beautiful perfume, touch etc. So, I'd definitely link it with sensual side of a man. Ultimately? It's a subjective and sensual feeling you get when you're positively influenced by a physical property of something.

What is love? A defined it exactly half a year ago: "A love is a state of longing for someone or something". I don't think I need to say anything else.

2. My most important values are freedom, truth and honour. Honour is de facto amalgamation of the first two so yeah. Why freedom? Because there can't be more depressing thing than to be forced into something. Everyone deserves at least this basic need. Truth because from what I found out during my life, if you try to dance around the problem or mask something, you are only digging your grave. If you come out truthfully and admit stuff and say exactly as it is, there shouldn't be any misunderstanding, hence quarrels. And if someone can't live with the truth? Ah...well. What can you do?

3. Not really, no. Except astrology, but that'd require an article of its own so I'll just answer why. Because I found out it works as long as someone does his job instead of scamming you. Filthy scammers! I know that when you show a chart to someone he'll be in the equal state of mind as if you showed him a long math equation. And then the important details such as COMPOSITE(scam alert!) chart, synastry chart etc fly right outta window. Long story short...it works.

4. A war is a necessity in order to preserve peace. It may be an ugly truth, but it is the truth. So, with that said it's much better if that tension that is present in the world discharges somewhere out of mind, out of sight. Sadly, there are like focus points for this energy. Areas like Israel, like Afghanistan, like Africa. But ask yourself: would you rather that this energy discharges itself focusedly in those places or all over the world? You know the ugly truth. With that energy spent we can live in peace. Or rather wall ourselfelves from those influences.

A power is an ability of a person to influence his environment. It can stem from multiple sources. It can also be used for good purposes(family and societal needs) or for bad purposed(ME!!!).

5. Long conversations? About things that interest me, ofc. Things like games, sports, but also politics and economy. Games interest me mainly because I grew up with them. Sports, well I like when my favoured teams win and I like to predict who will win. I also like the kinesthetic side of it. Ah the K-side. It's also very important for games ofc! Politics and economy-I am drawn to them more than I enjoy them for myself. It's nice to formulate your opinions around what someone said, try to predict the likely course of events etc.

6. Nope. Nope. The end.

7. I don't think anything about them. I just do them. "Do or do not. There is no try".

8. I haven't watched that many new movies recently. The most recent were "The Avengers-Age of Ultron" and I loved it! The movie was spectacular and the 4DX tech that I watched it in? LOVE IT! Shame that a screen is of notably smaller size and hence resolution than IMAX. But I will say that I prefer when a movie is about vs(say, like a Dark Knight where it's about Batman vs Joker) instead of group movies(say, The Iron Man > The Avengers). I especially loved Thor as well. The blending of traditional Norse mythos with current day things was spectacular. Overall, I prefer action movies. The more bang, the better! And, ofc, there is this ranchise that must be mentioned:

STAR WARS. I love this thing to the death. It's surreal. Can't wait for this winter ofc! I am already hyped and excited and everything. It'll be BEAUTIFUL, especially if in 4DX. But then the choice presents itself: 4DX vs IMAX. GOSH DARN! Soresu <3 .

9. The ONLY thing that CAN make me cry are absolutely positive endings. Accompanied by relevant music, ofc. Things like ending of Star Wars. Or like ending of LoTR. Things like that. The ending of SWTOR Jedi Consular also broke me down. The passage of time can also break me(like say in the end of Star Trek: DS9).

Things that make me smile? We are talking about smiling, not laughing right? Positive experiences but not of the magnitude as described above. Fine meals, positive outcomes, normal things yeah.

10. That'd be anywhere where I can be truly alone. Home alone, in the nature, in a car in the nature you name it! I feel a sense of elation when I'm alone. A sense that helps me deal with unwashed masses of faceless plebs. Without that ability, I grow judgmental and harsh. I grow exhausted and I completely change. To be alone is to me like a good nap is to someone else-ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Also, the family must be mentioned. What kind of monster does not feel at home in his family, no matter how good the family is? ...speechless.

11. My weaknesses? I can't answer for other people(ask THEM, not ME about that!), so I'll speak about what I see as my weaknesses:

-> Hothead: A ticking bomb, when it ticks off, it's Hulk time! This is not ok. I once made a mistake on a car park, bumped a car and then went into hulk mode. I kicked the everloving shit out of it. NOT OK! This is my PRIME WEAKNESS.
-> not ambitious: Yeah, I am happy with a steady job, a family and few insignificant other things(sport channels, updated PC etc). Prestige and Beverly Hills are not for me!
-> indecisive: I can be very indecisive and/or doubt my decision after I made it. It can impact quality of life ofc(both for good and for bad).

12. Like with 11, I'll only focus on what I think.

-> Optimism/Realism: I have a rather nice mixture of both. I prefer here and now to most anything(ok, tbh I live on some kind of bridge between here and now and tomorrow a bit slanted towards present) and that allows me to spot and tell things exactly as they are, hence avoiding disappointments etc. On the other hand, there is optimism. I can find a silver lining to most everything. A rather rare feat yeah.
-> Unbreakable: This one stems from the first one. To break me? Nope. You can do that only with EXCEEDINGLY positive moments and I sure as hell won't grow any more poor due to them. .
-> Passionate: Deep down, I am rather passionate about this world. I think that my hothead temper is likely an effect of this. I can and I do live inside an emotional bunker, but deep down...those who are meant to see it, see a whole another image of me.

13. For someone to fix my country so that young people stop going away? Hence me getting a steady job? Perhaps with my temper? Don't know tbh. I'll say temper.

14. Nope. Silver lining as I already mentioned in #12. That's it.

15. I don't get with people who are too touchy or who are too judgmental or who like to poke their nose in somebody else's business. I also HIGHLY DISLIKE people who command/mentor other people. Both of those are...OMG. That'd be that.

16. Time for delineation and some logic. This:

Sex = biological need => non romance stuff(one night stands etc)
Making love = emotional need => romance stuff

Those two are HIGHLY different things that I know only from theory. What? It's the truth dam it! I won't hide it. So, these are my opinions about both:

About Sex: One has got a need to do it and that's why I am ok with things like sexual toys, self help , stuff like that. If we are talking primarily about a biological need(and we are), I prefer if a person does it alone. If it SIMPLY MUST be done in a pair, PLEASE but oh PLEASE do take care of consenquences! Don't ruin your life because of an one night stand.
About romance: I prefer lifelong romances with a single partner. If a partner(or me) grows tired of whatever, we can arrange for adventures etc. No problem. But at the same time, I am mortally scared of opening myself enough for this to happen. I am not into hurting business I'm afraid.

17. I don't know. I don't deal in ephmeral maybes that I have no idea about. So, I'll just skip this one.

18. Let a fool speak his mind. It's his prerogative after all. If I punch him, which I most likely will and he most likely will have been warned about, it's his fault. My inward and outward reactions are almost equal. Out with the truth, yeah? After that, I'd highly doubt if he is a friend or a mere colleague or whatever. Don't be an idiot and everything will be k!

19. People = unwashed masses. They need to prove to me in some way, not always direct, so as to distance themselves from that state. The prevalent social problem is overbreeding. Look, control yourself. Use things. It's a modern time in a modern world! Don't have 5 children. The problem arises when 2 plebs with a job that barely sustains them have more than 1 kid. I think you know exactly why. We'll have to colonise at least Moon in the next 100 years or so. Bcause the situation on Earth is quickly becoming unbearable.

20. I am dropped in a group of people and I stick close to those that I feel good around and/or have common topics(better if both). They also mustn't diverge that much from my beliefs or the clash will pop up sooner rather than later. That's basically it. I don't adjust my behaviour at all. I very rarely do in fact.

21. Strangers? If they don't begin conversation, I keep quiet. If a girl doesn't begin the look, flirt thing, I won't as well. If I am talking with a stranger, I'll act just as I normally do, but I'll perhaps add a doze of decency that I wouldn't necessarily have around my normal company. I am a motourmouth, but only if someone else initiates. The same can be said for oh so many things.

Ultimately, the words that would describe me in this situation are: normal, reactive and decent.


I'll have some more questions when you answer. Cheers!