By 'things' I'm talking about machines and other mechanical type things. I panic and get upset when they don't work the way they should. I've never been good at troubleshooting them either. The troubleshooting in the instruction sheet rarely helps because the specific issue I have is not addressed by the instructions or even if I follow them to the letter it still doesn't work.

I've always been this way with machines and the like. I've never cared to learn how they work either, I just want it to meet my needs. When driving the car, as long as it gets from point A to point B, I'm happy. The Internet, as long as I can find what I'm looking for in a reasonable time, I'm happy.

I love exploring the underlying workings of theories and abstract things and the like but when it comes to actual physical objects, oftentimes I'm at a loss.

With computers, I'm pretty good at troubleshooting software issues but computer hardware I find difficult.

What socionics functions do you think tie in to what I'm describing?