I found this quite interesting, it explains how to type children (usually around 3-4 years).
There is a theory of a basic type that can be covered by masks in the adulthood, so maybe it's a good possibility to analyse yourself when you were a kid.

Source: http://www.solnet.ee/parents/p2_46.html
This is google translated and then corrected by myself.
I will add other dichotomies later.

Sensing - Intuition
Sensing and intuition are two opposite ways of obtaining information.This preference describes what kind of information you usually notice and remember.

Explores the world due to the information which is obtained through his five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch).

Understanding of the world is based on experience.

Works gradually.

Prefers constancy, immutability, may be distrustful in the future and to what is poorly mastered

Living in the past, the present.

Does everything in a measured thoroughly way.

Needs clear step by step instructions (this also applies to games and sports, and education).

Material things matter a lot, loves to collect (pebbles, shells, cars, dolls, and so on).

Remembers well the details and pays great attention to the sensory side: picky in food choices, has special preferences in the tissues, aversion to certain tastes, smells.

Likes to be surrounded by things that he owns, is possessive.

Wants and needs to know all the details of their activities and typically uses toys and meterial/objects only for their original purpose

Plays with pleasure with sand, mud, water, clay.

Likes action games, movement.

Builds the game on his own rules and follows then strictly.

Can be described as "corporeal", "down to earth".
Uses the sixth sense - intuition to obtain and process information

Interested in everything unusual.

Likes variety, is quickly tired of the monotony, repetition.

Notices hidden connections and relationships.

Often lacks sense of reality, lives in his fantasy world.

Can foresee the future, as thoughts are directed to the future, the past is quickly forgotten.

Inclined to meditate, work, play, talk ramdomly, by impulses

The best way to do something - one that has not yet been tried.

Has a wild magination, can solve the problem in an unusual way, creatively transforming the existing material.

May also collect, but it is unusual ways, that can consist of unusual items (crystals, antiques, souvenirs, etc.).

The value of the object is more important than the object itself.

Sincerely and passionately believes in their ideas, can inspire others, greatly upset when adults do not share his optimism, and when they sometimes are even ashamed of this "extraordinary" side of the child.

Is often accused of lying, as gives his imagination for the truth.

Can ignore information that contradicts his idea of ​​how the event would develop, it can lead to great disappointments.

Invents things (from scrap materials) during the game, likes to invent new games, participates in role playing and acting (fairy tales, art. Work).

Likes to role play.

Can love sports, but rather participates in them intellectually, trying to predict events.

Often changes rules in the middle of the game.

He lives in his imagination - "dreamer".