I'm going to borrow/modify some questions from a recent topic over in Alpha, because I'm curious to see how our types relate when it comes to financial decisions...

1. How do you spend money? (In general, i.e. freely, thriftily, etc.)

2. How do your spending habits compare to your parents/family/friends?

3. Do you lend money to others? If so, when someone owes you and doesn't willingly repay, how do you respond?

4. How do you earn money?

5. Would you rather work at a decent paying job where you know that you'll get a paycheck every 2 weeks, but will never find challenging or enjoyable - or - give up the steady income and security to risk starting your own business, with much better enjoyment and higher income possible, but not guaranteed?

5. Do you desire getting rich and how do you plan to do so?

6. If someone donated $1M to you today, what would you do with it?