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Thread: Suede's type (thread split)

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    Default Suede's type (thread split)

    Quote Originally Posted by Suedehead View Post
    I actually just remembered this one SLE I used to hang around often for some reason..our interactions were pretty neutral/hit-or-miss, although nothing worth complaining about. We vaguely enjoyed eachother's company and barely got into quarrels.
    Well particular people within types can be very different - i. e. more or less entertaining depending on the onlooker not necessarily type related.
    Having said that - what makes you feel SEI-Si >ESI-Fi for yourself? SEI and ESI not always are but can be very similar. I'm not trying to force anything on you - I'm genuinely curious (my Dad's ESI and people tend to say "you're so similar")

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    Well particular people within types can be very different - i. e. more or less entertaining depending on the onlooker not necessarily type related.
    Having said that - what makes you feel SEI-Si >ESI-Fi for yourself? SEI and ESI not always are but can be very similar. I'm not trying to force anything on you - I'm genuinely curious (my Dad's ESI and people tend to say "you're so similar")
    Not sure about me being a dominant-rational type. I could see myself in someone like Frank Ocean (who's typed as ESI), but can't relate to some of the more 'prim' descriptions.

    Pharrell also, if you're thinking he's ESI.

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    ESI has an attentive, alert gaze, that sometimes seems a little fearful or modest. Nothing escapes from his sight; he takes note of everything and analyzes it. His eyes are frequently large, beautiful, and expressive, and even if they are small they still manage to draw attention. ESI's smile is often seems a little forced or anxious. Some representatives of this type find it very difficult to smile. Nevertheless, they will still make an effort to appear less strict. ESI's mimicry is somewhat monotonous; sometimes his face even seems frozen. His movements are elegant, a bit constricted. His gait is usually graceful but seems somewhat angular and stiff, may resemble movements of a pendulum. His poses are elegant and without excesses; he is usually in good control of his body. In his behavior there are hints of modesty, shyness, or uncertainty. When he attempts to hide this, he usually assumes a haughty slightly provocative attitude. Most frequently ESI holds himself seriously, with dignity, and a little formally.


    APPEARANCE: The ethical subtype makes an impression of a modest, gentle, and kind person, but in his soul and essence he is exacting, principled, and distrustful. It is difficult to make him to change his mind; he can be obstinate and pig-headed in allowing others to persuade him. Sensitive, unimposing, conscientious. Internally critical; he applies his high ethical standards to everyone, though may not openly express this. If his principles are encroached upon, he suddenly becomes sharp and uncompromising, demonstrating a harsh and firm character. Hardworking, practical, and thorough in his work. Shows good manners, tries to be gracious and refined. Dresses with taste, but somewhat monotonously. His gaze is soft, at times wary and testing. In interaction with other people he is sincere, caring, and courteous.

    CHARACTER: Restrained, tactful, and polite in his behavior. Well-versed in human relations. He is constantly analyzing actions of others and condemning any behavior that violates moral and ethical standards. Principled in matters of morality and responsibility. Distinguished by his sharp and categorical conclusions. Tries to be more tolerant of others, thus he doesn't immediately express his opinions if they are negative. Very observant: readily takes note of personal deficiencies and qualities of other people. Remembers the mistakes of others for a long time; if opportunity presents itself can resort to his "personal files". At a distance, however, he can idealize those towards whom he is sympathetic.

    Stable in his habits and affections; appreciates friendship and does not forgive betrayal. Expresses his attitude not so much by words as by tone of his voice and look. Does not like giving promises if he is unsure that he can deliver them. Dislikes imposing anything on people who are unfamiliar to him. Yielding in relations, may put aside his own affairs to devote himself to solving problems of his partner. Vulnerable and impressionable; shares his feelings only with people who are close to him. Demonstrates his attitude not only by words, but also by deeds. Guarded and mistrustful; tries to be cautious such that he wouldn't be caught by surprise. Courteous and polite. Modest and undemonstrative in his behavior, tries not to stand out. Dresses simply, but tastefully.

    Does his work consistently and thoroughly overcoming any obstacles that arise on the way. Does not put off tasks and chores until later. Helps others with their work if they cannot cope with it by the deadlines. Painfully endures injustice and critical remarks regarding his abilities. Afraid of making mistakes and failing others. In need of praise and compliments, but doesn't show this. Can be indecisive; given to internal doubts, but ultimately does not let his internal swings undermine his main values. Appreciates comfort, both in work and in human relations.

    Very conscientious, aware of his obligations, responsible person, but prefers to share responsibility with others. Expands his time and effort for upkeep of order and stability. May prefer to plan his future activities. Punctual, prepares in advance, usually does not run late to events. Inclined to sit up late at work trying to finish everything. Forces himself to do work that is uninteresting but necessary. Able to accurately maintain records.

    APPEARANCE: In interaction seems calm and soft. Industrious, practical, does everything with a sense of refined taste. Often engages in fine arts as a hobby. Well-wishing, tactful, unimposing; with his presence he pacifies others. Tries to sympathize with other people, assist them and provide advice. Loves rest and comfort. Likes talking about his sensations, attentively questions his conversation partner in regard to his or her affairs. Slightly delayed in his behavior and conversation, sometimes stretches out his words, with difficulty formulates his thoughts. Even if he is speaking quickly will not hasten to end the conversation. Able to speak about the same subject very comprehensively and at great length. Often smiles with confidence, nods his head as a sign of support. Movements are smooth, refined, somewhat sluggish, may appear to waddle, "walk like a duck". Does not like to claim the spotlight, but his well combined clothing and accessories nevertheless attract attention.

    CHARACTER: Very much aware of harmony in communication. Amiable, will try to find a method to find rapport with anyone. Attentive and caring towards others people, very considerate of their conveniences. Inquisitive, collects various information and shares it with others. Critically evaluates what he hears. Does not like exaggeration, hype - needs facts and justifications. He enjoys when someone argues with him a little, enlivening the conversation, but poorly tolerates people who are aggressive and avoids serious quarrels. In business matters prefers to negotiate at an informal level. Knows how to patiently persuade a person to take on a beneficial or profitable project, but doesn't always notice which undertakings are actually promising. Thus, he can be hesitant in starting on new projects, afraid of making mistakes and feeling at fault. Values his peace and knows how to move away from any sources of irritation.

    Tries under any circumstances to not lose his sense of measure. Keeps neutral in debates. Even when he has to insist on and defend his own opinions, he is able to maintain good relations with everyone. Often acts as a peacekeeper, trying to convince other people to agree to a compromise and come to mutual accord. Doesn't find it easy to deny a person's request, to push someone away, thus is often careful at the beginning of a conversation. Dislikes people who are clingy and imposing. With difficulty determines what a person is capable of and what to expect from him, though he appreciates talented and original individuals. Usually does not criticize anyone and dislikes it when other people are criticized in his presence. May be impatient as a listener. Does not like to compete or to coerce others into doing things against their own will. Has difficulties asserting and defending the interest of his business matters if he is unable to find agreement on an informal level.

    Has a good memory for sensations: sounds, colors, and smells. Able to describe events in great detail. Loves nature and good aesthetics in any manifestation. Gravitates towards pleasant experiences. Dresses tastefully. Has an inclination for following the latest styles. Loves comfort and aesthetics, various original decorations. Industrious, loves doing something with his hands. Everything that he takes up does with a sense of taste investing his heart and soul. Does not like commitments and giving promises, since he is afraid that he won't be able to fulfill them. On some he can make an impression of a passive and inert person, since he doesn't see the point in empty hassle and pointless expenditure of efforts. Due to this, often acquires the reputation of a talented slouch, who takes up a philosophical, contemplative stance in life. Strives for good quality of life.

    Warm, gentle, charming, seeks to be in accord and harmony with his environment. Pays attention to manners and behavior of others and evaluates them in his mind. Tries not to burden others with his requests, asks for help only in extreme cases. Generally, will not attempt to draw attention to himself when he feels that nobody is interested in him. Dislikes talking about his failures. By nature private, sensitive, and easily wounded. Turns for help only to people who are close to him and who have proven themselves. Hospitable, likes when food is cooked deliciously and served with appeal. If he is to receive important guests or visitors, spends a lot of time and effort on such occasions, and thus rarely agrees to such events.


    The intuitive subtype appears as a calm, tactful, languid and diffident individual. He seems torn from reality, inert and poorly adapted to life. However, such impressions are erroneous, for he possesses a fine intuition, which aids his in establishing useful connections and obtaining support from influential people. Externally he seems serene, but in his heart he is sentimentally predisposed, has bouts of moodiness and melancholy, and regrets his mistakes and misfortunes for a long time. His mimicry is somewhat monotonous, often shows an expression of light amazement or full interest in his conversation partner. His gaze is dreamy and pensive, slightly strained, with a bit of luster, often expressing melancholy, attentiveness, or sardonic irony. His speech is measured, smooth, and intimately heart-felt. On his face there is almost constantly a polite half-smile that easily predisposes towards trust. Gestures are modest, timid, undemonstrative. Gait is unhurried and smooth.


    Soft and considerate person. In his heart he is a dreamer and a romantic. Has figurative, associative memory, and can recall experiences from the past down to the smallest detail. Somewhat unsure in himself, inclined to doubt and hesitate in cases he has to speak or act decisively. He does not like to hurry, can delay carrying out tasks and finding solutions to problems to an indefinite period of time. Reminiscing about the past, he recalls all the mistakes and mishaps, then extracts from them lessons for the future. Thanks to a strong intuition sees short-term prospects of affairs and relations, but because of the tendency to idealize everything may also overestimate them. Under any circumstances does not lose hope that in future everything will turn out for the better than in the present situation.

    Usually does not aspire to leadership and finds it difficult and tiring to handle organizational functions. Gravitates more towards intellectual sphere of activity than towards hands-on management and production. Dislikes routine, monotony, stereotypes, conventionality, strict order, having to follow rules and regulations. Likes to talk about various unconventional and mysterious phenomena, seeks new experiences, feels attracted to interesting and unusual people. Willingly accepts and promotes unordinary ideas and innovative approaches, but shows caution in new ventures; in such cases prefers to yield initiative to those who are more assertive and energetic. However, if necessary, exhibits outstanding diplomatic skills, achieving success where others, more straightforward and impatient partners who do not attribute much value to flexibility in relationships, would usually give up. Does not know which of the two disputants he should favor, therefore, will try to reconcile them.

    In work can become distracted by irrelevant details, and thus run out of time to accomplish the more important tasks. In his apartment or at his workplace may allow for creative mess and disorganization. Being practical, thrifty, and calculating is not in his nature, due to which he misses some major opportunities. Respects strong, influential people. Needs moral, physical, and material support. Due to absentmindedness sometimes forgets to fulfill his promises, but then does his best to make up and make amends.

    Sensitive and attentive to other people, tries to maintain even relations with everyone. Exhibits tolerance towards the flaws and weaknesses of others. Does not break immediately those relationships that have been exhausted for he grows used to people. Knows how to patiently wait and how to adapt to any circumstances. For the sake of good relations with those close to him, tries to meet their requirements for him, to develop practical skills, to perform at school and work, and to fulfill his family responsibilities.
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-05-2014 at 05:04 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suedehead View Post
    Not sure about me being a dominant-rational type. I could see myself in someone like Frank Ocean (who's typed as ESI), but can't relate to some of the more 'prim' descriptions.
    My dad doesn't fit the "prim" descriptions either, if that helps a bit. We like a lot of the same things and act very similarly quite often and are quite good friends.
    It's difficult to pin point the difference...although it definitely is there and goes beyond age/gender difference. He can definitely hit it off with ILIs and understands my ILI mum on an emotional level, which is like trying to understand Mandarin to me a lot of the time... But I do like ILIs, I just find it difficult to understand them and communication is quite challenging if we spend prolonged periods of time together (not sth easily seen if interaction is rare and superficial).

    The most visible differences between myself as SEI and my ESI dad (Idk if type related entirely, though) from real life are:
    1)) Given a choice of two jobs - A) is your passion but it's not too well paid (gets you by) or B) you don't like it and it's well-paid
    a choice obvious to him is B) while a choice obvious to me is A) (and we're not talking strictly theory here, it is a choice I had and made and he had trouble understanding it for quite a while, he's ok with it now that he sees it makes me happier).
    So I'm more about the process - I need to enjoy it or at the very least not dislike it to withstand it (even if it means a lesser pay) and to him it's more about the result (he'd rather withstand doing sth he doesn't like in order to later on buy himself sth he likes or travel to an exotic destination)
    Of course both of us would prefer a solution C) you get to perform a job that is your passion and it's well paid

    2)) He values Se>Ne quite clearly, when to me it's more Ne=Se, but if forced to choose, I'd go Ne>Se.

    dunno if this helps, it's quite vague

    Pharrell also, if you're thinking he's ESI.
    Pharrell looks ESI to me, I didn't give too much time to actually investigating his attitude. There's just nothing in him that vibes SEI to me...

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    regarding those descriptions - they sound written by someone very elegant sitting in a posh suit and using a duck's feather to write... I just get annoyed by this sort of language by now reading it in so many descriptions - cause it's "blah blah" and basically not precise enough to help discern between types (I mean in some SEI descriptions I read mostly about what my looks are supposed to be if I lived in 19th century Russia and not too much of it is a character study. No wonder some people think SEI females are supposed to be dumb cooking robots...)

    My dad fits less of the SEI description (*edit here, there was a typo, quite significant given the subject on hand*) but still about 80% of what you bolded. And he is ESI. I'm not saying that you are ESI, but I wouldn't rely on those descriptions as a way of discerning which type you are... ESI and SEI are look-alikes (*pffft correct is "quasi-identicals"* but we do look alike to outsiders and that's what I meant*) after all.

    Now my gut feeling for you is ESI>SEI>IEI. But it's just a feeling combined with one picture you posted so it's not much. In the end only you will know.

    What I've noticed so far is that Gamma descriptions are just as stereotypical as Alpha.
    Alphas are supposed to be fun, but irresponsible and scattered, yet giving. While Gammas are supposed to be kill-joys, responsible, focused and selfish.
    I've met people from both quadras irl who are quite clearly Alphas or Gammas, but at the same time do not fit these stereotypes.
    Alpha stereotypes are based on unhealthy behaviours of xSFx drama queens, while Gamma stereotypes are based on unhealthy behaviours of xNTx bullies/manipulators.
    It's hurtful for both quadras to filter them strictly through such lenses.
    Last edited by aisa; 03-05-2014 at 10:54 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    regarding those descriptions - they sound written by someone very elegant sitting in a posh suit and using a duck's feather to write... I just get annoyed by this sort of language by now reading it in so many descriptions - cause it's "blah blah" and basically not precise enough to help discern between types (I mean in some SEI descriptions I read mostly about what my looks are supposed to be if I lived in 19th century Russia and not too much of it is a character study. No wonder some people think SEI females are supposed to be dumb cooking robots...)

    My dad fits less of the SEI description (*edit here, there was a typo, quite significant given the subject on hand*) but still about 80% of what you bolded. And he is ESI. I'm not saying that you are ESI, but I wouldn't rely on those descriptions as a way of discerning which type you are... ESI and SEI are look-alikes after all.

    Now my gut feeling for you is ESI>SEI>IEI. But it's just a feeling combined with one picture you posted so it's not much. In the end only you will know.

    What I've noticed so far is that Gamma descriptions are just as stereotypical as Alpha.
    Alphas are supposed to be fun, but irresponsible and scattered, yet giving. While Gammas are supposed to be kill-joys, responsible, focused and selfish.
    I've met people from both quadras irl who are quite clearly Alphas or Gammas, but at the same time do not fit these stereotypes.
    Alpha stereotypes are based on unhealthy behaviours of xSFx drama queens, while Gamma stereotypes are based on unhealthy behaviours of xNTx bullies/manipulators.
    It's hurtful for both quadras to filter them strictly through such lenses.
    Thanks. I'll upload a questionnaire video in a bit...would you mind giving your thoughts on it when I do? I think it's 10-15 minutes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suedehead View Post
    Thanks. I'll upload a questionnaire video in a bit...would you mind giving your thoughts on it when I do? I think it's 10-15 minutes.
    yeah, sure PM me when you do and I'll share my impression (either today or tomorrow, depending on when you let me know - it's evening here )

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    lol, so that's how a thread split looks like
    I saw it and I was like "wth I didn't start a new thread in days"

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