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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    I have taken it upon myself to sift through the bullshit that is “Podlair” to pull out any useful shit-flecked nuggets of gold that may lurk within the turd of a site that it is.

    I have found that despite the mysticism, alchemical references, cluttered pages, and general whacky-obtuseness, there are some good descriptions of the Jungian functions. They have been re-named with strange, Naruto-ass syllables… but they are simply Jungian functions at the end of the day.

    Perhaps the descriptions will charm you with their abstract-ness or maybe you’re just looking for a good laugh, in which case you should visit the site here:

    Anyways, here are the descriptions of the functions, which I have re-labeled for those too impatient to get acquainted with their inner Zai. Any explanations of mine are in [brackets].

    (incoming posts saved below as I get my fingers dirty)

    Dedicated to Woofy.
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  2. #2
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Ni (Nai!)

    Ni (//) is the Power of Directive Subjective Interpretive Perceptions.
    [Directive meaning dynamic, interpretive meaning intuitive]

    Concept of The Unknown

    The Power of Ni addresses the Concept of The Unknown. Ni creates a drive in the psyche to figure out what is not yet in the current scope of perception. It also provides a framework that captures all of our current scope of perception through out-of-time perceptions and makes guesses at the next things Unknown.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals
    Dissatisfied, with sub-signals Self-Possessed, Driven, & Original

    With Ni (//) there is distinct signal of Dissatisfaction and anger, in a more profound and less surface understanding, that stems from various factors:
    * One of them is noting that others are not Detaching, thus not seeing the larger scope of perception, but nevertheless thinking and operating as if they do. This is compounded by Ni (//)'s inability to demonstrate concretely the truth that others’ constrained perception is not seeing.
    * Another factor is that Ni (//)'s Visionary Drive to follow trails makes requests from the psyche that seem far-fetched, yet are presented as unrelenting and uncompromising quests.
    * A third factor is that the loss of fidelity of the vision once articulated by the Apparatus itself leads to

    Dissatisfaction and deep anger at its own performance.
    The Distinct Signal of Ni (//) Dissatisfaction can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ni (//) Originality. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ni (//) Eccentricity.
    The Distinct Signal of Ni (//) Dissatisfaction can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ni (//) Drivenness. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ni (//) Obsessiveness.
    The Distinct Signal of Ni (//) Dissatisfaction can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ni (//) Self-Possession. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ni (//) Egomania.

    Ni (//) Power Flow

    Innate Hunger

    The First Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Call to Detachment & Call to Imagine

    Ni (//) compels the psyche to guess at things unknown, to hold something better than one currently has and thus generates an innate desire to Imagine. To imagine at the highest vistas of information, one must let go of the associations to any current understandings. Ni (//) achieves this through Detachment.

    The Second Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Conceptualization & Envisioning

    Once there is a complete blank canvas in the psyche, Ni (//) gives the ability to touch one’s Spirit Form programming, as well the rest of the psyche, and conceptualize or envision. Envisioning leans more towards the pure Spirit Form programming, which has a highly fantastical nature. Conceptualizing involves imagining while connected to a more tangible issue.

    The Third Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…

    Synthesis & Synergy

    Ni (//) detaches then conceptualizes or envisions the largest scope of perception. At ground level these large streams of information can seem paradoxical. Ni (//) allows the psyche to look at the information from a bird’s eye view and Synthesize and Synergize it to remove any seeming paradoxes.
    Point of View

    The Fourth Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Inclusiveness & Perspective Shifting

    Because Ni (//) compels detachment, the psyche lets go of what it was holding, which did not encompass the big picture and instead imagines the whole thing. One’s perception now becomes more Inclusive. The detachment and inclusiveness of Ni (//) grants the ability to shift anywhere within the larger model created and at any point be able to look at it from that Perspective.

    The Fifth Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Meaningful Insight & Seeing the Angles

    Ni (//) allows one to perspective shift to See All the Angles in a model and triangulate truths within the scope of the large model. This process gives one Meaningful Insight.

    The Sixth Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Speculation & Prediction

    Ni (//)'s ability to perspective shift and gain meaningful insights gives rise to speculation and prediction. Speculation is guesswork of what’s going to happen based only on your internal perceptions to give you a purely original answer. Prediction is guesswork on external dynamics currently in action.

    The Seventh Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Global Modeling & Long Range Planning

    Once Ni (//) speculates and predicts how a model in general will work, it wants to come up with how one should then play accordingly. Ni (//) takes pleasure in creating a future-oriented map with Long Range Planning and Global Modeling.

    The Eighth Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Sense of Destiny & Visionary Drive

    Once Ni (//) completes the modeling from micro-to-macro, considering time and space, if all variables align, then that model is in theory aligned with Natural Law. That alignment will impart one with an uncompromising direction, propelled by a Visionary Drive and Sense of Destiny. Ni (//)'s intensity of drive compensates for the initial intangibility.

    The Ninth Ability of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Independence of Mind & Secrecy

    Once Ni (//) has detached and seen the largest scope of perception and settled on a perceived right course, in concert with Natural Law, an Independence of Mind or Secretiveness develops depending on the individual’s position. If the individual is in power, Ni (//) will not want to listen to the world’s opinion (Independence of Mind). If the individual is not in power, Ni (//) will be Secretive, due to fear of misunderstanding from the external world, since the world is not working with the biggest scope of perception.

    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Ni Power Flow is…
    Proactive Theorizing & Abductive Reasoning

    The job of Ni (//) is to try to continually guess at things that are currently outside of the scope of perception. This is achieved through a desire to theorize on questions that have not yet been asked (Proactive Theorizing), and trying to figure out what has been missing from all previous approaches in order to reason correctly (Abductive Reasoning).
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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Ne (Nyy!)

    Ne (??) is the Power of Adaptive Objective Interpretive Perceptions.
    [Adaptive meaning static, interpretive meaning intuitive]

    Concept of Possiblity

    The power of Ne (??) begins with the assumption that Possibility exists, perceiving the multiplurality of possibilities of Being or Becoming in any given moment. It looks beyond manifestations of concrete reality in the here and now to extract their greater meaning and latent potential, traversing beyond the actual to the possible. This pursuit of Possibility is characterized by voracity, creativity, playfulness, novelty, and change initiation.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals

    Buoyancy, with sub-signals Open-minded, Diverse, and Irrepressible

    Those with Ne (??) are characterized by Buoyancy due to optimism, enthusiasm, and an abundance of mental energy, being fed by an inexhaustible supply of incoming ideas and possibilities. Ne (??) resists being weighed down and is undaunted by the prospect of change; its creative resourcefulness presents options previously unseen and makes what is heavy seem light.

    The Distinct Signal of Ne (??) Bouyancy can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ne (??) Diverse. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ne (??) Scattered.

    The Distinct Signal of Ne (??) Bouyancy can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ne (??) Open Minded. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ne (??) Gullible.

    The Distinct Signal of Ne (??) Bouyancy can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ne (??) Irrepressible. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ne (??) Fickle.

    Ne (??) Power Flow

    Innate Hunger
    The Ne (??) operating system is a perceptual framework for understanding the universe; it possesses certain mental powers that are always on. The following qualities are always informing the way a Ne (??) user understands reality:

    The First Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Sixth Sense & Imminent Potentiality

    Ne’s (??) perception is attuned to energy fields surrounding sensory phenomena; it registers subtle and nuanced environmental energies, emotional energies, and other unspoken vibratory phenomena. The traces it senses are beyond anything tangible – these energies are present and significant but they are not visual, obvious or explicit. Ne (??) draws attention to the greater meaning beyond what the five senses detect. These are often underlying, unaccounted-for factors relevant to a given reality.

    The Second Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Abstraction & Getting the Gist

    Ne (??) mines universals from concrete reality; it extracts attributes from things in the external environment, reducing them to their pure Spirit Form or quintessence (triangle to “triangleness” for example). Ne (??) perceptions attend to Gists, qualities, and Abstractions over discrete, concrete particulars in order to increase the possibility it perpetually hungers for. A tangible object is used for a specific purpose in a specific context, while an Abstraction can be withdrawn and applied in multiple contexts – the possibilities go up exponentially to infinity and have great connective ability.

    The Third Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Brainstorming & Idea Generation

    Ne (??) possesses a tremendous amount of mental energy to generate ideas through its raw creative processes. Spirit Forms are fuel for creativity, originality, and imagination as Ne (??) takes in abstractions from objects and explodes outward with new creations, ideas, and creative guesses. What flows from an inexhaustible Pandora’s box of artistic stream-of-consciousness is unpredictable, and in its raw form content will vary from valuable, applicable, irrelevant, or needing further refinement.

    Point of View
    Being a perception power, Ne (??) has a point of view or way of looking when its instrument is attending to the environment:

    The Fourth Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Cross-Contextualizing & Idea Juggling

    In a lightning fast process of free association, abstractions and ideas are cross-referenced with other ideas, connecting spirit forms and expanding Ne’s (??) portfolio of options. These connections multiply, yielding an amazingly large and multifarious quantity of eclectic and seemingly random ideas with potential for application. Ne (??) has the creative ability to connect what is seemingly unrelated, putting together ideas in novel ways, filling in gaps between islands of thought, and connecting untapped pools of potentiality. Because of its ability to jump between connections quickly, easily, and without restraint, Ne (??) has a pronounced tendency to resist limitations on its freedom.

    The Fifth Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Optimism & Risk Taking

    Since Ne (??) operates with a great deal of resources at its disposal and is hungry and excited about infinite opportunity and possibility in the world, it approaches the world with Optimism, a can-do attitude, the sense that anything is possible and nothing can stop it. Hence Ne (??) is characterized by ambition, fearlessness, and high Risk tolerance. When there is a high potential for failure but greater opportunity for high returns if successful, Ne (??) assumes that a successful outcome is likely.

    The Sixth Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Trend Tracking & Storm Chasing

    Of the wild assortment of options and ideas generated in brainstorming and multiplied in cross-contextualization, Ne (??) highlights those with the potential to lead somewhere significant. Identifying and separating out the relevant and important Trends prevents a sense of dispersion that could result from being pulled in an infinite number of directions simultaneously. Ne (??) prepares to refine the multifarious streams of raw creative information into meaningful signals to follow.

    Being a perception power, Ne’s (??) movements are prediscernments; it chases signals and makes moves on connections and multiple streams of ideas.

    The Seventh Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Riffing & Improvisation

    Ne (??) picks up and plays with the plurality of environmental cues and vibratory phenomena occurring at any moment, with the ability to multitask and jump from vibrations and abstractions in the environment onto contingents and related tangents. It rapidly pursues shifts happening in real time, and possesses the ability to sprint ahead and keep morphing with unfolding changes. Ne (??) revels in novelty and change and improvises based on new information coming in, taking conversations in new directions and creating new contexts.

    The Eighth Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Pattern Surfing & Bridge Building

    Ne (??) can distinguish between multiple abstraction patterns arising and dispersing in real time and identify strong currents, lengthening meaningful contingents and concentrating on certain goals. Patterns rescued from the fleetingness of the moment and pursued over time create significant connections and more lasting webs of meaning.

    The Ninth Ability of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Creative Energy & Contagious Enthusiasm

    The pure life force of creative energy animates Ne (??) and radiates outward to others, making life richer and more magical. When excited about being onto something significant, Ne (??) emanates enthusiasm and inspirational energy. Ne (??) is able to see and unlock potential in situations and people, and can wake up abilities in others. The enthusiastic belief that anything is possible has contagious, inspiring, and mobilizing effects. Ne (??) can serve as a powerful catalyst for change.

    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Ne Power Flow is…
    Playful Imagination & Change Initiation

    Ne (??) makes connections, expands, and stretches the boundaries of what is real and what is possible. By imagining an alternate possibility, generating resources, building bridges between ideas and people, and animating others with impactful enthusiasm, Ne (??) enacts Change in the environment. In so doing Ne (??) moves from the abstract realm to impact the real world, using its gifts to contribute to the further evolution of humanity.
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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Fi (Xai!)

    Fi (@) is the Power of Adaptive Subjective Values-Based Discernments.
    [Adaptive means static, values-based means feeling)

    Concept of Harmony

    Fi (@) empowers the psyche to maintain a constant state of inner Harmony or absence of discord, and is the discernment power vested with making conscionable judgments. Fi (@) can be viewed as a defensive tower that protects a core of intricate personal values and sacred resources - its basis for distinguishing between Harmony and disharmony and standing firmly against anything threatening the balance. It reacts to incoming energies impacting the Compass Bearings, holding fast or moving the proper amount to maintain or restore equilibrium. In the face of unpredictable change, flux, and chaos, Fi (@) imparts steadfastness and centeredness, serving as a rudder in the sea of life.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals

    Poignant, with sub-signals Humane, Innocent, and Authentic

    There is a deep emotional beauty to Harmony and hope, and Fi (@) gives off a distinct signal of Poignancy, stemming from the pain of moving away from Harmony. Fi (@) is constantly attuned to the disharmony and pain in the world, and the sorrow that wells up creates a need and impetus to span the gulf and relieve the sorrow through devoting resources to restoring Harmony. This acute anguish generates a great amount of inner energy, compelling one to do superhuman things to reestablish the Harmony of the world.

    The Distinct Signal of Fi (@) Poignancy can have a positive Sub-Signal of Fi (@) Humane. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Fi (@) Depressive.

    The Distinct Signal of Fi (@) Poignancy can have a positive Sub-Signal of Fi (@) Innocent. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Fi (@) Deluded.

    The Distinct Signal of Fi (@) Poignancy can have a positive Sub-Signal of Fi (@) Authentic. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Fi (@) Self-Centered.

    Fi (@) Power Flow

    Constant Qualities
    The foundation of the Fi (@) tower is a set of upward-looking qualities that serve as criteria for holding its position. When functioning ideally, Fi (@) stands from a position without motion, suspended in a balance between the absence of the negative and focus on the positive.

    The First Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Hope & Expectancy

    Fi (@) stands from a foundational position of Hope, or the desire for Harmony. A hopeful position stems from a positive Expectation of obtaining the good, and the absence of doubt or negative focus. Hope is what brings one to Harmony, a right position overshadowing lower and lesser thoughts that threaten equilibrium, focusing on harmonious outcomes.

    The Second Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Idealism & Sentiment

    Fi (@) prizes the highest moral and theoretical Ideals, values, and Sentiments, and strives to keep these goals constantly in view. Setting its sights on the best and being immune to the worst, Fi (@) reaches out toward what is good and useful in oneself, others, and circumstances. Fi (@) enables one to stay on target when one is moving, constantly calling to what is harmonious, positive, and noble.

    The Third Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Virtue & Purity

    Fi (@) strives for moral excellence through its virtuous core of personal values. The right course of action changes as situations, dynamics, and parameters change, and Fi (@) possesses the constant but Adaptive ability to ascertain what is right and wrong in a given situation. Fi (@) keeps negative, toxic, and disharmonious energies from infiltrating the psyche so that it can function ideally and with a clear lens. Fi (@) strives to keep oneself, others, and the environment free of discordant energies in order to maintain Harmony and equilibrium.

    Fi (@) registers stimulus entering the sensitive field around its tower by reacting in subtle and nuanced ways, indicating what it is encountering. This aids in the detection of the nature of discord and Harmony in self, others, and the environment.

    The Fourth Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Gut Reaction & Acid Testing

    Fi (@) detects emotional energies in the environment through subtle instinctual reactions, based on a spectrum of nuanced positive and negative gradations as defined by its compass. Gut Reaction is an Adaptive, freeform kind of detection that is often felt physically, such as in the stomach. Fi (@) sorts incoming signals by reacting vibrationally and variously depending on the kind of impact received. This enables its field of sensitivity to detect Harmony and discord without yet making a connection to the source of these vibrational phenomena.

    The Fifth Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Essence Reading & Attunement

    By extending its field, Fi (@) can make contact with the source of the stimulus, providing information on why its field of sensitivity is being impacted positively or negatively. Fi (@) has the ability to access highly personal and protected areas of the psyche by reaching into others’ essences and reading their intentions and states of being. This enables Fi (@) to increase its understanding of others’ positions and even locate the causes of their disharmony.

    The Sixth Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Empathy & Communing

    Fi (@) can deepen its connection with others through Empathy - feeling what they are feeling and experiencing what they are experiencing, for bonding, helping, and healing. Fi (@) can resonate sympathetically with others’ joys and growth or understand how they are wounded in order to help. Fi (@) can connect with any being or personified being (including non-human living beings and nature) and can feel wild and raw energies that others are often unaware of in themselves.


    The Fi (@) tower protects a fount of wild and powerful forces, valuable resources reserved for the most important and worthy of circumstances. Since equilibrium is ideally an immovable position, mobilization and movement expends resources and energy, moves away from Harmony, and is considered an extreme measure for noble causes or preservation of an individual's sense of Self.

    The Seventh Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Resonating & Internalizing

    When Fi (@) detects disharmony in the world and encounters causes that could reestablish Harmony, it sets about discerning worthiness and integrity. If a cause Resonates and is consistent with Fi (@)’s personal values, it is Internalized as Fi (@) prepares to mobilize its sacred resources and energies.

    The Eighth Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Conviction & Investment

    When a cause is deemed worthy, Fi (@) commits resources reserved for its own inner Harmony toward the greater good or “Greater Harmony.” As it connects and invests resources, disharmony in the world affects Fi (@)’s Harmony, but it is willing to compromise its equilibrium for the noble aspiration to restore collective Harmony.

    The Ninth Ability of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Devotion & Sacrifice

    Fi (@) must correctly discern a cause’s worthiness and truth based on the clarity and strength of its moral compass before committing resources, for incorrect investment results in exhaustion of energies and weakened ideals, both of which are extremely difficult to recoup. Thus Fi (@) is leery of committing itself, but its highest calling is Devotion to noble and altruistic causes, Sacrificing one’s entire resources in the process. A truly worthy cause will strengthen, expand, and energize the tower, as returns are enormous when individual, collective, and even further-reaching Harmony is restored and revitalized.

    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Fi Power Flow is…
    Personal Values & Moral Compass

    The Moral Compass can be thought of as the conglomeration of all of Fi (@)’s power flows working in concert as one overall function. The ability to maintain Harmony in the face of the changes, stresses, and stimuli of life is indicative of a good Moral Compass based on noble best practices and positions.
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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Fe (Xyy!)

    Fe (:+: ) is the Power of Directive Objective Values-Based Discernments.
    [directive = dynamic, values-based = feeling]

    Concept of The People

    As a Directive Objective power, Fe (:+: ) is out and about concerned with the overall state of Humanity, its own personal Tribe, and how these relate to one another.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals

    Caring, with sub-signals Loyal, Passionate, & Charismatic

    With a supreme sense of personal connection and warm communication, an energy of compassionate composure will radiate from Fe Alpha.

    The Distinct Signal of Fe (:+: ) Caring can have a positive Sub-Signal of Fe (:+: ) Persuasive. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Fe (:+: ) Manipulative.

    The Distinct Signal of Fe (:+: ) Caring can have a positive Sub-Signal of Fe (:+: ) Passionate. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Fe (:+: ) Volatile.

    The Distinct Signal of Fe (:+: ) Caring can have a positive Sub-Signal of Fe (:+: ) Loyal. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Fe (:+: ) Clannish.

    Fe (:+: ) Power Flow

    Constant Qualities
    The Fe (:+: ) operating system constantly undertakes a number of roles to effectively absorb and move the current social structure.

    The First Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Sense of Community & Personal Connection

    Moods of the self and the people around them are all part of the Fe (:+: ) user's personal awareness. How everyone feels will directly affect him/her. There is a constant unrelenting awareness of the Community dynamics. A sense of Connection is always present even when people who are stress-locked enter the environment. All body language and facial expressions are consciously piloted to send messages of personal feeling or to impose feelings on the human collective present at the moment.

    The Second Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Social Awareness & Personal Consideration

    When engaging a person, Fe (:+: ) is able to interpret how that engagement was received, find the meaning in how it relates to their personal community, and then apply a strict rating system from the social setting. The positive and negative influences of each person are categorized and noted as well as unique talents and abilities. Changes in moods are also recognized in each person and within the social circle as a whole while applying each aspect to personal goals.

    The Third Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Integrity & Code of Conduct

    With a constant awareness of tribal and interpersonal relationships, Fe (:+: ) will easily manifest a means of merit and human law. What is accepted and not accepted within cultural constraints is fully understood within each engagement. Fe (:+: ) users hold to the highest standards within each human ritual being fully aware of the use and purpose of the rituals at play. A steadfast focus will lead him/her to remain honorable and those with true dignity will find consistency in themselves as well as a pure love for humanity.

    Fe (:+: ) users may withhold an objective stance for a brief moment allowing the social structure to play but then quickly act to assist in the revealing of any mysteries.

    The Fourth Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Tribal Relationships & Cultural Dynamics

    Fe (:+: ) users are wired to interpret information as an instrument in Tribal Dynamics and Relationships. A smooth connection between tribal dynamics and interpersonal dynamics is ideal. The tribe may start small with a clan, a tight team, or a crew and from there zoom out entirely to observe everyone on the planet. With this in mind, it can extend the scope of Productive Harmony.

    The Fifth Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Interpersonal Relationships & Group Dynamics

    As a master of tribal dynamics, the Fe (:+: ) user does not view changes in people lightly but instead as a masterful critique of human capacity. A well developed Fe (:+: ) user knows everything there is to know about human dynamics. Much like a detective, a series of questions fill the mind with even the slightest movement being observed. A scale indicating more or less loyalty is included with each engagement.

    The Sixth Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Etiquette & Diplomacy

    With Diplomacy in play, conflict is expected and this is partly resolved through Etiquette. Shifts in moods are observed while always interpreting information as an instrument to make decisions. These modes of communication answer how the tribe will move forward and be productive. Each person who is drifting from Productive Harmony will be a concern for the Fe (:+: ) user and Etiquette and Diplomacy will be used to realign the tribe.

    A sense of perpetual connection remains in constant focus as each new Mojo presents itself within the Fe (:+: ) user’s social circle showing him/her where to act.

    The Seventh Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Team Building & Shepherding

    Detective work is used in preparation to grow the relationships while working to be productive and harmonious. With a grounding in either Si (\\) or Ni (//), Fe (:+: ) will look to its world view and then project this on the tribe. As a Shepherd gathers and cares for each of its sheep and guides the direction of the flock, Fe (:+: ) will gather people together to work in unison while attending to each individual’s needs.

    The Eighth Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Rituals & Collective Values

    Rituals are brought to the tribe and placed on individuals to build strength while always moving forward towards the greater goal of harmonious unison. A number of Values are played out and assumed to be the standards of engagement for the tribe often established by the Fe (:+: ) user. A person may be included into a ritual brought by the Fe (:+: ) user with or without them knowing it in order to create habitual patterns always working towards the core values.

    The Ninth Ability of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Charm & Persuasion

    Positive feelings are projected outward to bring about a connection with each individual in order to steer the social environment. When people are drifting, it is important to put them back on track. The sole purpose of Charm is to Persuade to the point of conversion instead of disownment. This is always preferred as a Fe (:+: ) user although ridicule may come into play when needed. After Persuasion and Charm are implemented correctly, the one whom it was bestowed upon will feel personally loved, more energized towards a greater goal, wholly enlightened, and closely knit to a community.


    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Fe Power Flow is…
    Human Relationships & Dynamics

    With a masterful use of personal connection harmoniously and productively working within the tribe and extending to humanity as a whole, Fe (:+: ) takes hold of human interaction while constantly moving forward with superior social craftsmanship.
    Last edited by ArchonAlarion; 03-03-2014 at 06:01 AM.
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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Ti (Zai!)

    Ti (=) is the Power of Adaptive Subjective Logic Based Discernments.
    [adaptive = static, logic-based = thinking]

    Concept of Perfection

    Ti (=) strives to maintain a constant state of logical Perfection and strength, or absence of imperfections and weaknesses, and contains the programming to distinguish between Perfection and Imperfection. As we are constantly receiving incoming information in the continual change of the moment, Ti (=) advocates that the psyche maintains a balance of Perfections kept in with as much imperfection as possible kept out. This gives Ti (=) the aspect of 49/51; what side we should lean on and when to maintain or restore this balance.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals

    Unflappable, with sub-signals Self-Assured, Tactical, and Hardcore

    Ti (=) has an uninvested quality to its functionality, which gives it a Distinct Signal of Unflappability. When Ti (=) is impacted with information, it merely shakes off the irrelevant information and only focuses what logically matters. Ti (=) also approaches the situation at hand in a purely impersonal and dispassionate manner, and will resist making any unnecessary reactions due to environmental or emotional stimulus.

    The Distinct Signal of Ti (=) Unflappability can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ti (=) Tactical. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ti (=) Ruthless.

    The Distinct Signal of Ti (=) Unflappability can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ti (=) Hardcore. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ti (=) Dismissive.

    The Distinct Signal of Ti (=) Unflappability can have a positive Sub-Signal of Ti (=) Self-Assured. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Ti (=) Condescending.

    Ti (=) Power Flow

    Constant Qualities
    Being a Subjective Discernment power, Ti (=) exhibits qualities such as holding onto, maintaining a position, preventative, stabilizing motion, centeredness, keeping what is unwanted out, and guarding against destabilizing forces.

    The First Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Clarity & Lucidity

    In order to maintain its strong grasp of situational Perfection, your lenses must remain clear of imperfections and weaknesses. Therefore Ti (=) must approach the situation from a position of clear-headed logical reasoning, filtering through all irrelevancies and biases in order to acquire a constant clear and logically sound understanding. As the psyche is continually impacted by new information, it is important for Ti (=) that it updates and keeps its lens focused on Clarity as new information emerges. To allow the psyche to be shaken or moved by this oncoming stream of information and energize would cause the psyche to drift further away from Clarity.

    The Second Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Precision & Accuracy

    Once Ti (=) locates its strongest position, it will not move from this position until a stronger one emerges. When Perfection is found, it must be locked on to, because to move from this position will mean losing Perfection. This is how Ti (=) can act as the psyche’s suspension system, advocating that if we do not yet have a Precise understanding of information involved, we should not begin to make assumptions until a stronger position of understanding is acquired. Ti (=) holds on to standards and criteria for Perfection, and if one is not focusing on these standards of what is important, all of their other calculations and assumptions will be flawed.

    The Third Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Dispassion & Purity

    The ability to be able to maintain a position clear of imperfection, as well as locate Perfection and sustain its position when it is found, requires that one must be able to tell the difference between Perfection and imperfection in all situations. To gain this position, Ti (=) advocates that you completely uninvest yourself from the situation, putting yourself in a state of clear headed reasoning, free of personal or external bias. In this sense, Ti (=) essentially shields us from irrelevant information, when we are Dispassionate we will not be moved and influenced in the ways that others who are not dispassionate will.

    When Ti (=) is checked on, it will assume that from the last time it checked we will have lost clarity and precision. Thus Ti (=) must use detection to zero in on Perfection and imperfection, in order to maintain the perfect balance.

    The Fourth Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Diagnostics & Experimentation

    When Ti (=) is impacted by information, it approaches it with the concept of Perfection in mind. When Perfection is not achieved in a given situation, Ti (=) will resonate in very nuanced ways to detect the presence of the weaknesses that are causing this imperfection. Ti (=) actually begins by running Diagnostics on itself in order to gain clarity, and it does so by locating what is resisting this pursuit of Perfection and why it is resisting it in the way that it is.

    The Fifth Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Principle Understanding & Customizing

    When Ti (=) experiences Perfection, it will detect what is working well within that given model, idea, or situation, Ti (=) then uses these Principles as a set of criteria that needs to be met in order to gain Perfection. These principles can also be used in detection, diagnosing that information is not strong because it does not meet the right criteria. When something proves to be successful, Ti (=) will analyze it to understand the principles behind where the strength that is making it a successful idea or model lies.

    The Sixth Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Situational Logic & Analysis

    No situation is ever the same for very long, events will take place differently than they did before, new information is constantly emerging, and principles that were previously working will not always work in all situations because the criteria for Perfection is constantly changing. The key to Situational Logic and Analysis is knowing when the situation has changed and knowing what is strong and weak in this new situation so you can readjust to maintain Perfection.

    After Ti (=) has detected any weakness or strengths, it lobbies that intervention measures must be taken in order to restore them to Perfection.

    The Seventh Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Refining & Sharpening

    In Ti (=)'s pursuit to reduce all weakness and isolate strengths, Ti (=) must have a careful and precise influence. The criteria that is involved with an idea or model is a part of an extremely delicate web of interconnected principles that can make or break the idea or model if tampered with incorrectly. Ti (=) seeks to remove all weaknesses within a model, however it must remove this weakness surgically, without reducing any of its strengths and level of Perfection.

    The Eighth Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Optimizing & Perfecting

    After gaining an understanding of an idea or model’s principles, or criteria that should be met in order gain Perfection, Ti (=) can then customize this idea or model using only elements that have proven successful. However, Ti (=) must again have a very steady and surgical approach as Ti (=) advocates to only increase levels of Perfection. Thus principles must only be introduced if they are working well in the given situation, implementing no more or less than necessary, whatever takes it closer to strength and Perfection.

    The Ninth Ability of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Calibrating & Rectifying

    When Ti (=) applies the concept of Perfection to a target, it will continuously move that target toward Perfection. Ti (=) detects when movement must be applied and something’s current form must be changed according to the situation. However, it will move precisely where it needs to in order to land perfectly on Perfection and then hold its ground.

    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Ti Power Flow is…
    Reactive Theorizing & Deductive Reasoning

    New information and energies coming from the psyche or the environment causes your psyche to momentarily lose sight of its concept of Perfection. Ti (=) is what helps you find that equilibrium again after being shaken by these factors. Ti (=) has a need to restore Perfection once it has been lost. An idea could work in most situations, but if it is not consistent in all situations then it is clearly not perfect. Ti (=) will be unrelenting in its search for Perfection, not standing for the allowance of anything to exist in an inferior state of imperfection.
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    Te (Zyy!)

    Te (#) is the Power of Directive Objective Logic Based Discernments.
    [directive = dynamic, logic-based = thinking]

    Concept of The System

    Te (#) is an Objective Discernment power. Te (#) continually strives to achieve perfection and consistency in The System, in which the two are seen as inextricably tied to one another.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals

    Bracing, with Sub-Signals Assertive, Hierarchical, and Rigorous

    Te (#) advances forward using a Bracing language, seeking to attain maximum strength and impact in every decision. It approaches decision-making in a structured manner (beginning, middle, end) and defines the worth of a System or its components by its relative or absolute rank to other Systems or their components.

    The Distinct Signal of Te (#) Bracing can have a positive Sub-Signal of Te (#) Rigorous. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Te (#) Callous.

    The Distinct Signal of Te (#) Bracing can have a positive Sub-Signal of Te (#) Commanding. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Te Brutish.

    The Distinct Signal of Te (#) Bracing can have a positive Sub-Signal of Te (#) Aggressive. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Te (#) Domineering.

    Te (#) Power Flow

    Constant Qualities

    The First Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Ambition & Thirst for Challenge

    Te (#) exists to serve The System, and the person who possesses it serves as its conduit.

    The Second Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Directness & Efficiency

    Te (#) desires to move The System forward in a structured manner, utilizing the most Direct and Efficient approach, and eliminating all extraneous factors that do not contribute to the greatest possible outcome.

    The Third Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Authoritativeness & Decisiveness

    Te (#) has an inherent and uncompromising drive to express itself in the most efficient and direct manner. Its quest for perfection manifests itself in the ranking process, as it seeks incessantly to advance its position in The System.


    The Fourth Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Assessing & Strategizing

    Te (#) thoroughly examines and Assesses the existing System to assess the most tactical and direct Strategy, in order to produce the greatest impact and results, then executes its plan with willful force.

    The Fifth Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Planning & Organizing

    Te (#) delegates how resources should be managed for prime optimization of The System.

    The Sixth Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Scheduling & Sequencing

    Te (#), in the editing and revision process, shuffles around the ordering of its plan until it is satisfied that it is capable of achieving maximum efficiency, strength, or impact.


    The Seventh Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Protocol Implementation & SOP Enforcement

    Te (#) is driven to execute any plan it devises, and it quickly and confidently delegates orders for Implementation in a very decisive and direct manner. Te (#) understands the interconnectedness of The System’s components and efficiently maneuvers to seamlessly merge the existing System with any new modifications or improvements made to it, thereby further fortifying The System.

    The Eighth Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Systemic Logic & Going for the Win

    If Te (#) neglected to anticipate or identify conflict in the earlier Detection stage, prior to the expenditure of energy, the most superior option will take precedence over all others, easily sacrificing other considerations that it perceives as frivolous or extraneous, as it seeks to quickly achieve the greatest power and strength possible in its ultimate quest for perfection and consistency.

    The Ninth Ability of the Te Power Flow is…
    Straightforwardness & Forcefulness

    Te (#) demands efficiency in its execution, focusing only on matters of relevance, so that it may maximize its impact on The System in the most direct manner possible.

    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Te Power Flow is…
    Systemic Relationships & Dynamics

    Te (#) seeks to understand the world and our role in it, based on the concept of a System that is consistent and perfect.
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    Si (Vai!)

    Si (\\) is the Power of Directive Subjective Literal Perceptions.
    [directive = dynamic, literal = sensing]

    Concept of The Known

    The Power of Si (\\) creates a drive in the psyche to record historical details in the current scope of perception. It also provides a framework to store all Known perceptions.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals

    Concern, with sub-signals Staunch, Unfailing, & Meticulous

    With Si (\\) there is a distinct signal of Concern due to:

    * A constant worry that others or they themselves have forgotten previously recorded information, which leads to a consistent Call to Remember. Si (\\) keeps checking for the memories and the Concern is alleviated but never goes away, because there is always something else that they or others may have forgotten.

    * There is also a worry of the potential for disinformation that stems from incorrect memories, and therefore regular checks are performed in order to ensure the fidelity of the historical information stored by Si (\\).

    The Distinct Signal of Si (\\) Concern can have a positive Sub-Signal of Si (\\) Staunch. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Si (\\) Rigid.

    The Distinct Signal of Si (\\) Concern can have a Positive Sub-Signal of Si (\\) Meticulous. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Si (\\) Nitpicky.

    The Distinct Signal of Si (\\) Concern can have a positive Sub-Signal of Si (\\) Unfailing. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Si (\\) Boring.

    Si (\\) Power Flow

    Innate Hunger

    The First Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Recall & Call to Remember

    Si (\\) compels the psyche to keep track of things Known, to hold all things in the current worldview and thus generates an innate desire to Remember. To access the most relevant and important information, one must dive into their historical perceptions. Si (\\) achieves this through Recall.

    The Second Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Memories & Experience

    Si (\\)'s waters are made of Memories and Experience, and when you dive into those waters they reunite you with specific moments related to whatever you’re attempting to recollect. Si (\\) provides the ability to contextualize based on historical Memories and Experience.

    The Third Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Exact Information & Verifiable Data

    As you swim the memories will start forming like a picture and the memories will become more accurate. Because what Si (\\) remembers happened tangibly, the information it recollects is Exact and Verifiable.

    Point of View

    The Fourth Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Specificity & Practicality

    Si (\\) provides verifiable data related to something that stimulated the recall of the memories. When Si (\\) gets called upon to summon information about something, it comes back with a lot more information than what it was asked about, and the information tends to be very Specific and Practical.

    The Fifth Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Stability & Security

    Si (\\) has the ability to consistently go back and get verifiable information relevant and on point to what one was talking about, whenever it’s asked for information. Because of this the other Pod Powers and thus other Mojos will interpret Si (\\) as Stable and Secure.

    The Sixth Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Consistency & Reliability

    Si (\\), similarly to the other worldview power Ni (//), is equipped with a great deal of endurance. There is a phenomenal mental will with Si (\\), and each time you call upon it to recollect, it will do so and never gets tired. Si (\\) will bring back specific Reliable information every time, not wobble, and always be Consistent like a metronome.


    The Seventh Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Maintaining & Preserving

    Change happens constantly, and Si (\\)'s out-of-real time perceptions offer a database to cross-reference any new information for variances to the Known. Si (\\) notices immediately any variation that happens to the Known data and will call attention to it. It also keeps checking that memories are in the psyche in its original state. Si (\\) Maintains the fidelity of the memories and Preserves them as such.

    The Eighth Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Sense of Tradition & Historic Roots

    Si (\\) is very concerned with being completely contiguous, is leery of guessing, and advocates in the psyche for checking before moving. It builds the largest contiguous historical models upon which to look from, building from the roots up. The roots that Si (\\) builds provide a precedence of information. These Historic Roots can be ritualized into Traditions, so they can be shared with other people and passed down through generations, ensuring that the historical experiences are not forgotten.

    The Ninth Ability of the Si Power Flow is…
    Attention to Detail & Standards of Excellence

    Si (\\) will consistently note in the environment any detail that their psyche has told them is important. This Attention to Detail is Si (\\)’s attempt to give the psyche the best Known options. Si (\\) then sets a Standard for Excellence by providing the psyche with as much accurate information from which to make decisions.

    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Si Power Flow is…
    Solidity & Certainty

    The job of Si (\\) is to provide the psyche with consistent reliable information, which often matches with external data. It gives one a great sense of being grounded and certain. Si (\\) does not guess at the big picture, but it does know with confidence all the individual pieces. There is a sureness that comes from Si (\\) and it takes on a Certainty quality, because what is causing the forward movement is Known.
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    Se (Vyy!)

    Se (**) is the Power of Adaptive Objective Literal Perceptions.
    [adaptive = static, literal = sensing]

    Concept of Reality

    The Power of Se (**) creates a drive in the psyche to interact with the Five Senses and engage in Sensory Experiences. When one connects with the Five Senses they are painting a sensory portrait of Reality, which is the closest to a concrete understanding of Reality as possible.

    Distinct Signal and Sub Signals

    Amped, with sub-signals Earthy, Stylish, and Acquisitive

    With Se (**) there is a distinct Amped signal. Se (**) doesn’t get starved, since everything is so stimulating. There are ample things in the environment to interact with, and with Se (**) one has ample energy to do so. The Amped signal can manifest as alertness, a readiness to engage and experience the environment. One seems brimming with energy, which is distinct from the other seven Powers and thus they perceive Se (**) as Amped.

    The Distinct Signal of Se (**) Amped can have a positive Sub-Signal of Se (**) Stylish. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Se (**) Shallow.

    The Distinct Signal of Se (**) Amped can have a positive Sub-Signal of Se (**) Acquisitive. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Se (**) Greedy.

    The Distinct Signal of Se (**) Amped can have a positive Sub-Signal of Se (**) Earthy. A negative corollary within this Sub-Signal Spectrum is Se (**) Simplistic.

    Se (**) Power Flow

    Innate Hunger

    The First Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Five Senses & Sensory Stimulation

    Thinking about Reality implies a connection with the Five Senses. Se (**) is used to create Reality within the psyche even when the psyche is not in Reality. When you imagine what a sensory experience will be like with Se (**), you are constructing a perception of Reality. Se (**) is energized by Five Senses information and thus has an innate hunger for Sensory Stimulation and experience.

    The Second Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Alertness & Environment Scanning

    Because Se (**) lends an importance in the psyche to connect with the five senses in order to drink in a sensory picture of Reality, one is automatically in a mode of Environment Scanning and Alertness. The continual scanning of the environment with Se (**) allows one to drink in as much sensory stimulus as possible. Se (**) is naturally alert to changes in the environment, particularly sensory ones, since those are innately valuable to it.

    The Third Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Present-mindedness & In the Moment

    Se (**) wants to be Present to the sensations of the day, to Reality, so there is always a drive to not let the sensations of the Moment pass you by. Se (**) will be present because the five senses connection is very important to it and as there is a constant stream of it there is no reason to “leave”.

    Point of View

    The Fourth Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Visceral & Hyperized Experience

    To one with Se (**) the drinking in of the five senses is fascinating. It’s like real life but extra rich, and the more intensely one engages with the senses the more intense energy one receives. Se (**) creates a drive to become one with the sensory experience, to become Viscerally connected with the environment.

    The Fifth Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Sensual & Connoisseur Experience

    The engagement in visceral experiences with Se (**) leads to deeper, richer experiences. At one point it becomes pleasurable to note the sensation. There’s a noting being aware of the sensation and a pleasure in the awareness and the sensory Connoisseurship it engenders.

    The Sixth Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Aesthetic & Ecstatic Experience

    As Se (**) use becomes more sophisticated within one’s psyche, the sensory input begins taking a human importance. At this point, sensory experiences can affect one in a very profound way. There is art in sensory experience that can impact the psyche in a way that can only be interpreted by it as sublime even spiritual.


    The Seventh Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Kinetic Energy & Galvanization

    When Se (**) perceives sensory stimulus, one is charged with bodily energy. After every sensory experience, there’s more energy to further experience. The psyche will be compelled to interact with something its senses can perceive, then feeds on those perceptions and continues the kinetic loop. With Se (**) the active movement of the senses or the body is innately interesting. This creates a charge which can active the Se (**) in others and spur them to engagement with the environment.

    The Eighth Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Zest for Life & Exuberance

    Se (**) finds any sensory experience innately interesting and energizing, so one can almost go anywhere and do anything and get enjoyment. There’s a Zest for Life because opportunities for satisfaction are very high. Not only is there ample opportunity for sensory satisfaction, there is also a limitless feeling to it, so there’s no concern with the energy source running out. Se (**) for this reason gives one a very carefree attitude.

    The Ninth Ability of the Se Power Flow is…
    Animal Magnetism & Stage Presence

    With Se (**) not only is there an ability to drink in environmental sensory richness to receive external energy, but also the ability to emanate the richness oneself. That emanation creates a Hyper Reality zone around the Se (**) user. That Se (**) phenomenon imparts one with Stage Presence and Animal Magnetism. The Stage Presence comes with an attitude of taking ownership of the environment; it’s mine to experience and enjoy. When one is charged up with that kinetic energy and going at life with such engagement it tends to stun and hypnotize people, which is perceived by others as Animal Magnetism.

    The Tenth Ability and Overall Theme of the Se Power Flow is…
    Concrete Existence

    The job of Se (**) is to make sure the psyche doesn't miss what is on offer from the external environment. The world is here, the five senses are here, one should not be distracted. Se (**) considers all other Pod Powers distracting.
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    they'll ban you immediately if they find out you're leaking info from their forums

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    Quote Originally Posted by Radio View Post
    they'll ban you immediately if they find out you're leaking info from their forums
    Oh noes!

    That, certainly, is a loss.

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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    It's not from their forums, it's from their website.
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    ArchonAlarion is now a Vee'nee'gee level 15 goblin slayer with a Magical Axe +2 THAC0.

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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
    ArchonAlarion is now a Vee'nee'gee level 15 goblin slayer with a Magical Axe +2 THAC0.

    Gaming pooponics at it's finest.

    Now this is a story all about how, my type got changed, turned upside down. Just wait for a minute and watch chatbox right there, & I'll tell how Gem became the moderator with blue hair.

    In typology central friended and praised, on the picture thread was where she spent most her days. Chilling out, selfies, relaxing all cool, And all typing some people and getting them schooled.

    When a couple of girls who were up to no good, Started annoying her & her friends in the forumhood, She got in one little flame war & got pissed off & said 'I'm moving in with that exboyfriend in the forum with the socionics toffs.

    So Gem pulls up to the forum for a year without being a hater, And yells to typocentral 'Yo creeps! Smell Ya later', Became a mod in her kingdom she was finally there, To sit on her throne as the mod with blue hair.


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    Just got banned from pooplayer for asking the wrong questions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    Just got banned from pooplayer for asking the wrong questions.
    A pod'lairist is likely monitoring this thread. They check youtube to 'correct' negative comments and everything.

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    Start killing the Ne polrs first and then the rest. Delta Quadra and some of Alpha spared of course, @ArchonAlarion.

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    No problem Jim, not even the NSA can stop an idea whose time has come.
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