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Thread: Member Questionnaire (nousername123)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (nousername123)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (nousername123)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is looking at art or (anything really) and just being awed and happy, pretty much. Love to me is passion for things and people. It is neutral. Sometimes love can make people do stupid things but I view love as useful if used right.
    What are your most important values?
    Honesty, freedom joy knowledge and ease of comfort
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    No but I thought about being a pagan to be a part of my European heritage ( I am North American) I find Christianity to encourage weakness and so full of self punishment, but I'd rather not have a debate please. Im not thinking of religion right now (and I will when I have time) but I view it as a good for human society to boost morale. I don't and will never see god as a real entity but a code.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    Sadly, its practical at times but right now its bullshit. Like why do we need war on Syria? Power to me is freedom because you have no power if you are not free. Power is not always using force ;that's different.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I don't know. I don't really have a social life right now I wish though. When I was happier a lot of people talked and I was so happy. High school sucks. I guess whatevers on my mind( what's interesting to me) or what Im feeling. But Im not confident on this one. My interests are action/adventure and role playing games, day dreaming, meditation and martial arts. I just wanna kick ass man
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    No more as a need. Unless something feels good No not usually but I want it to be sexy as hell. Be a muscular man, yeah.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    What can I say... boring as hell? Why is this even a question lolz. Dosen't everybody hate chores? I do them at the last minute
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't really watch movies, Im more of a gamer. Movies/TV are too passive for my tastes but I will watch movies when Im forced to. I tend to like fantasy, mystery and suspense. I like plots with a lot of depth and rich characters and a world I can explore. And this goes for games, books (Why I like Final Fantasy so much)
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I don't really cry much. But I cried like a week ago when I listened to a song about not being perfect. My class was being condescending to me and my Dad used to critize me a lot and I couldn't take it anymore.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    An envioremmt where Im comfortable and relaxed. Where people are open about anything without being over dramatic and are accepting and non-judgemental. But it has to have a soul not feel like a robotic environment
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Im very overanylitical gets paranoid about the dummest things. Not very good at talking to people and people are confusing and I get stressed out about them. I can come as rude without realizing it. I tend to day dream a lot and not really care about the present. I don't like that Im really fucking skinny and have a leg impartment. Im a bit werid sometimes too
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I anazle things well good at noticing connections, imagine a lot. I just love how I daydream and laugh and people go "so what you day dreaming about?"
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Social skills, remembering where to put things, relaxation
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Its cuz Im stuck in my head all the time always day dreaming. I get paranoid lol and then maybe I get optimistic and find a way out.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I dislike unpredictable people, arrogant people, preachy people. People who betray people, two faced people, narrow minded (wow Im getting repetive ) snobs, yeah. I like people who are kind, repective, fun, non-judgemtal, smart
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I don't know. This is a hard one.... Well Im bisexual I guess (wont go into detail, yuck!) If Im in straight mode I like women who are soft spoken, beautiful, kind yet fun and interesting. But they have to a "soul" and are not robotic and ridgd personality wise.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I'd want to my kids to have freedom but with common sense, I want them to be part of society and their going to have to follow certain expecations. For example, I'm not going to pump feminism in my daughter's head (this is my opinion you can like feminism for all I care) to tell her she's all that. I think women are naturally feminine and men naturally masculine but as they get older (say 15-16) they can go their own way but I want to provide them guidelines basically

    I would also homeschool (future)them if I can. I hate how learning is structured in schools
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Outwardly I'll just say "yeah" but I'll feel disappointment in the inside. Because I like it when people agree with my beliefs
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I don't feel really part of society but would like to again like I was when I was younger. I see people as confusing sometimes but their just people with a life of their own just like mine. Some bad apples some goodies in there too.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't really have any friends so Im not sure. Its hard to picture how I behave.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Say Hi not much else. Cautious though.

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    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    You are very clearly an -ILI (Ni-INTp).

    ILI descriptions.
    Intertype relations.
    Reinin Dichotomies.

    Some key pieces of information to understand:
    • ESFp are your "Duals", ISFj are your "Activity", ENTj are your "Mirror" types.

    • ENFj are your "Supervisor", ESTj are your "Supervisee", ISTj are your "Beneficiary", INFj are your "Benefactor".

    • ESFj are your "Conflictor", INTj are your "Quasi-Identical", ENTp are your "Extinguishment".

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

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    Introverted intuition in ILIs is often characterized by well-developed imaginative abilities and mental wanderings. They can spend a great deal of time simply thinking and may appear to live 'in their heads'. This mental focus is demonstrated through reflection on scenarios, pondering bodies of information, etc. They can be prone to excessive daydreaming, creation of intricate inner worlds or universes, or considering the past or future. ILIs may even have novelistic tendencies with the ability to create intricate plots, characters and places. ILIs, however, are not necessarily inclined to share their imagination with others.
    ILIs are naturally attuned to hidden connections between things as well as hints of greater implications in everyday reality. recognize patterns of events, repeating outcomes and contradictory messages. This overarching understanding of patterns and behavior allows ILIs to critically analyze present situations and determine both immediate and far-reaching consequences of certain actions. The mind of an ILI is an oasis of sorts where knowledge is treated as a toy or even a vehicle that allows them to visit complex mental landscapes that are continually shaped and revised by new information. Nonetheless, they are likely to find the process of gathering new information tiresome compared to their mental explorations; new information is often accumulated and updated in a rather lethargic, periodic, and occasionally incomplete fashion.
    ILIs are often stereotypically represented as reclusive scholars, philosophers, scientists, artists, seers, and sages. With their often unusual perceptions, they may come across as unreachable, esoteric eccentrics. Because of their confidence about analyzing the implications of their gathered knowledge, ILIs often appear perceptive, especially in fields of interest, and commonly tend to view the ideas of others with skepticism and scrutiny. They may even see others' intellectual contributions as deeply misguided or limited in scope.
    ILIs often predict inevitable disasters. This type of fatalism is fueled by their ability to see the negative in anything, which has its roots in the ILI's general dislike of expressing or reinforcing positive emotions. For an ILI, it may be easier to predict pessimistic results in order to avoid unpleasant emotional reactions. Likewise, the ILI's sense of self doubt leads him to be very conservative in his general outlook; why unnecessarily subject oneself to the uncertainty of possible disappointment?
    ILIs typically exhibit a general detachment from day-to-day affairs. While an ILI might devote a great deal of time to pondering the possible consequences of some political decision, very little attention is likely to be paid to such tasks as household maintenance or cleanliness, which the ILI sees as trivial matters undeserving of his time or effort.
    ILIs can, in certain situations, act very tentatively. In many situations they are inclined to hesitate prior to taking any action or making important decisions. They often prefer to observe and gather an understanding of a situation rather than actively participate. The ILI's restraint complements the hyperactivity of his dual, the SEE.
    2. Extraverted Logic

    ILIs place great importance on factual accuracy and a basic understanding of how things work. They may be inclined to look down on or pity people who consistently demonstrate ignorance of what they consider to be simple, essential facts. It is often also very important to ILIs that a person's beliefs account for any new factual information. For this reason, ILI's are often characterized by a nagging and constant sense of doubt, contradiction, and misinformation. They tend to be skeptical of other people's positions, and even frequently question their own. In groups the ILI will often question the validity of the information exchanged. Likewise, many ILIs will use a mocking and aggressive tone if they believe that the information being presented is incorrect or absurd. ILIs can also be very adept at removing errors in facts and statistical data, especially in undertakings that they consider as high priorities. ILIs may brush off failure unconcernedly, viewing it as merely a necessary misstep on the road towards success.
    A sense of the efficiency in an ILI's life is a prerequisite for his inner peace. This manifests very differently in ILIs than SLIs; the latter are much more likely to be proactive about making their physical environment comfortable and managed with an efficient use of resources. In contrast, ILIs are largely indifferent to their physical surroundings, and their desire for efficient allocation of resources may extend to less tangible forms, e.g. the allocation of resources in a game or hypothetical political scenario, the efficiency of a computer program or corresponding piece of code. An ILI will demonstrate perfectionistic tendencies most clearly in such situations where they can work out the details in their heads or on paper.
    ILIs can differ significantly from dominant types in that they are less likely to take direct action to achieve practical and societal gain, and may not even choose to gather new information very actively. ILIs often do not acquire knowledge with any clear purpose other than to further their own understanding. When ILIs do use their knowledge for specific purposes, such knowledge is not usually considered a means to an end. When ILIs are required to pursue practical knowledge required for some aspect of their functioning -- such as how to fill out a series of bureaucratic forms -- sometimes ILIs embrace this information and quickly assimilate every aspect of it. More often, they will be disinterested and spurn this activity to whatever extent possible.
    ILIs tend to have a deep, factual understanding of subjects or fields of interest. Sometimes ILIs perceive the real-world occurrences around them, such as the daily tedium of work or school, through a lens created to understand the information that they care about most, though they may choose not to share this perception with others. They often have little to contribute in many social situations, but when a topic of interest comes around they can end up being the center of attention, disseminating the information of their expertise.
    ILI humor is typically saturated with irony, cynicism, witticisms, and sarcasm. When provoked, an ILI can engage in highly toxic sarcasm, insulting the offender's intelligence. In such situations, the ILI can come across as cold and malicious, but the ILI will see himself as simply punishing an obnoxious individual for his foolishness.
    ILIs are often highly critical of others' ideas and actions. Typically this is because these ideas violate the ILI's understanding of the facts, or because ILIs see more efficient or realistic solutions. ILIs often channel their energy towards constructive criticism because they frequently lack the initiative to take decisive action themselves.
    Super-Ego Block

    3. Introverted Sensing

    ILIs generally place moderate to minimal importance on such matters as cleanliness, comfort, and sensory stimuli. Some ILIs may consider them distractions. It is not atypical of ILIs to be completely uninterested by and unable to find any value in something like a fine piece of artwork. Different ILIs respond to different artistic stimuli in different ways; for example, an ILI might think painting is worthless but possess sufficient background to enjoy other media, such as sculpture or music.
    ILIs are often uncertain about the messages they receive from their bodies. An ILI might feel some irregularity in their own body and not realize its significance to the overall functioning of the body. An ILI will often try to determine the consequence of such symptoms through their own understanding of anatomy (or 'google it'), often blowing things out of proportion. An ILI's sense of self doubt may lead to such assumptions as the presence of a brain tumor as the result of a mere headache. In contrast to valuing types, ILIs are significantly less adept at making adjustments to their lifestyle to correct these minor ailments.
    Even so, ILIs are capable of placing a moderate focus on maintaining their physical comfort. ILIs often construct a lifestyle based on various activities that feed their own intellectual stimulation. Though attention to comfort is never a priority, it is not completely ignored, as some attention to it goes hand in hand with their inactive lifestyle. Still, ILIs often neglect the world around them and become consistently mired in their own inertia, and are unlikely to notice that anything is missing.
    ILIs are often hesitant or resistant towards lifestyle changes that threaten the commodiously constructed surroundings that they create for themselves. No one is better suited to opening the ILI for change than the hyperactive SEE, whose flurry of constant activity is seen by the ILI as refreshingly active.
    4. Extraverted Ethics

    ILIs analyze situations and make decisions in a very logical and scientific manner. Their reliance on objectivity and accumulation of factual knowledge leaves very little room for decisions based on emotional considerations. ILIs deeply dislike being asked or coerced to express their emotions. They are most comfortable expressing negative sentiments which indicate their disdain for required emotional participation, such as wry, sardonic pessimism. Some ILIs have very poor control over their emotions, and may lash out angrily if provoked.
    When discussing important matters, ILIs often betray a harsh, critical perspective on viewpoints and ideas that they find particularly stupid or insensible. ILIs do not attach emotions to factual information, and so do not consider such criticism to be offensive. If confronted with somebody whose intelligence, persona, or ideas they do not respect, they may react in a hostile fashion, which can be perceived as arrogant or insensitive; not all ILIs, obviously, will react this way.
    ILIs' reactions to the sphere of emotions can vary greatly, but they are particularly apparent in the sphere of social relations. ILIs are typically not social creatures. Some do not understand the importance of social connections and choose to ignore the area of emotional involvement with others altogether, instead delving into virtual reality, mystical introspection, or private study. Others trudge through the social landscape without truly understanding the art of socialization, ignoring politeness and not caring about offending others. ILIs may view people who constantly try to make others happy as foolishly involving themselves in a completely pointless exercise.
    ILIs tend to be nervous about interacting with other people due to lack of confidence in their social abilities, and often feel that they are not socially respected. They find it difficult to gauge a person's mood without an obvious expression or gesture. Only with a small number of people whom the ILI trusts deeply does the ILI let down his emotional guard. To these people, the ILI can be surprisingly sincere and kind. Nonetheless, the ILI will be little more than an acquaintance to the mass of people that the ILI does not completely trust.
    Super-Id Block

    5. Extraverted Sensing

    ILIs are often characterized by their inertia. If left to their own devices, they may choose to do relatively little to interact with the outside world. When they do interact, they often find their activities empty and unsatisfying. To ILIs, life is characterized by periods of stimulation. True stimulation is spontaneous, and the intervals between periods of stimulation are often characterized by tedium, inertia, and apathy. ILIs are not very adept at finding new areas of interest, and may seek to continue to reproduce past experiences instead of moving on to new things. In order to break out of this cycle, ILIs require an active, external, spontaneous stimulus. This spontaneity allows the ILI to discover new experiences and escape from the confines of his own mind.
    ILIs are also very indecisive. They may lack the ability to make important decisions, especially regarding their own future. ILIs do not always know what they want out of life and may have difficulty setting or achieving long term goals. In order to act, the ILI needs a clear, tangible signal from somebody who is well grounded in external reality and knows exactly what must be done in a certain situation.
    ILIs may consider work-related or intellectual pursuits important in the long term, but not in the short term. Even so, losing himself in these interests will rarely suffice as a true replacement for the discomfort that he may feel at his lack of decisiveness or inertia.
    6. Introverted Ethics

    ILIs deeply value feelings of attachment to those whom engage them in a deep and lasting emotional kinship. They have a hard time establishing these sentiments as they are naturally disinterested in most people, who seem outwardly unremarkable or have nothing in common with them. But when an ILI has developed deep interpersonal bonds, he makes an effort to hold on to them. ILIs are almost always deeply unconfident about their social abilities and, consequently, they rarely speak of their most valued relationships with others to common outsiders that they consider superficial acquaintances. Feelings of this sort are rarely talked about with others, but the ILI may be painfully aware of these sentiments for fear of appearing overly sentimental or having feelings that are "out of line" or inappropriate to their present level of social interaction. ILIs may love from afar and in their solitude if there is something or someone they love, due to their lack of confidence in their own feelings. Some ILIs may even be closet romantics. ILIs can also be quite sensitive, despite their outward emotional reservation, and are sometimes far more emotionally vulnerable than they appear.
    In general, ILIs are fundamentally good-natured and conscionable people who may place a great deal of importance on ethical principles. In fact, ILIs have a very strong sense of good will and loyalty towards others if they find the others to be similarly reasonable, trustworthy individuals. ILIs will not usually demonstrate this loyalty explicitly. As a consequence, ILIs are not always seen as kind people, and more often appear standoffish, cold, or hostile. If an ILI is drawn in by sincere and engaging individuals, his sense of compassion may be realized and so surface. ILIs can be calm, attentive, and the sympathetic listeners to the plights of their emotionally volatile duals, easily establishing a relationship of deep affection withm.
    Many less actualized ILIs hold a far more vindictive attitude. This occurs, among other scenarios, when ILIs are depressed about people, especially when ILIs are suffering from a lack of support from others. In these scenarios the ILI can aggressively attack people's intelligence, ideas, or character rather unrelentlessly. Even so, such actions may precipitate conflict which the ILI is liable to find highly tiresome and frustrating -- blurring the ILI's mental image of the facts and making him feel as though his work is unfinished. Such people who have been 'blacklisted' are often in the ILI's eyes very deserving of this role, but the ILI may find that other people do not agree and faces the choice of either withdrawing in order to avoid interacting with the object of derision, or else continuing to interact, thus perpetuating the process and compounding the ILI's frustration. Such judgments may be very difficult to extract from the ILI; such a process requires a copious amount of often thankless moral support and truth; SEEs are the only persons well-equipped for this task, and may in their occasional naivete of others' motivations benefit from the ILI's harsh stances. Typically, however, if the ILI is engaged with people with whom he feels very close and who accept his observations, explanations, and expositions (his mental image of the facts, as it were), he sees little need to interact with individuals that would inspire his aggression.
    ILIs rarely, if ever, take it upon themselves to display emotional, social, or physical initiative. To engage other people, especially in unfamiliar circumstances, can be a harrowing task for ILIs, one from which most try to refrain. Nonetheless, ILIs are often treated with uncertainty or hesitance by others due to their inability to give off clear emotional data; ILIs can appear overly polite, formal, and robotic in social situations. ILIs seeking emotional ties with individuals may find themselves forced to take the initiative with others, a task for which even friendly ILIs are ill-equipped. Even when ILIs do take some initiative, they rarely succeed at reaching a depth of emotional connection that truly satisfies them.
    Realization and development of in ILIs as a weak and unconscious function is a process of growth. Some ILIs with minimally developed can be far less aware of the importance of lasting emotions, and can appear much more insensitive, unfriendly, and antagonistic.
    Id Block

    7. Extraverted Intuition

    Although ILIs may have the ability to brainstorm and develop lots of new and unconventional ideas, they prefer not to do so while interacting with others. ILIs often believe that a well-developed understanding of a situation is of greater importance than an understanding of several potential outcomes. To an ILI, it would be a silly and pointless exercise to simply list an infinite number of possible outcomes without assessing their relevance or the likelihood of their realization. In contrast to leading types, ILIs are likely to be relatively immotile in the ideas that they consider. Whereas leading types may jump from idea to idea in succession, ILIs are likely to focus closely on a more limited batch of mental themes. ILIs are also often critical of new ideas which do not correspond to their overall understanding of a subject.
    ILIs may be more apt to take a more practical approach to evaluating the outside world. They seek to expand upon aspects of their own internal realities, e.g. thinking of possible characteristics or plots for inner mental universes. Additionally, they prefer to use their imagination to solve real-world issues, like those regarding economics, politics, or the development of modern society.
    ILIs often have difficulty adapting themselves to new intellectual interests. They would rather limit the amount of new information that they have to learn. Consequently, they may be prone to recycling interests until the same interests become a drudgery, even so much that intellectual progress becomes stunted.
    8. Introverted Logic

    ILIs naturally possess a strong command of logical systems such as formal logic and mathematics, but may find them uninteresting. They also tend to be very skeptical of overly systematic explanations of real-world phenomena. While they readily acknowledge the utility of many proven systematic, mathematical, and scientific systems, they tend to criticize theories that describe an absolute reality or that do not have any empirical basis. The ILI vision of reality -- scientific, philosophical, or otherwise -- is a self-contained universe with too many processes and mysteries to count.
    ILIs often reject absolutist explanations, constantly reevaluating their informational outlook (e.g. "this may change, but at the moment I am kind of inclined to think that droog is better than blinth, despite these probable alternatives").
    In socionics, ILIs often reject or place little importance on certain extensively systematic and unproven aspects of the theory, such asSupersocion theory.
    Common social roles

    1. The computer geek who lives in virtual reality and understands computers and Internet communication, but lacks experience in real-life social situations.
    2. The mystic or spiritual philosopher who is into all things mystical, esoteric, or eastern and makes little sense to the material-minded.
    3. The encyclopedist or librarian type who knows literally all there is to know about vast areas of knowledge, but does not use his or her knowledge at work.
    4. The office introvert who will not let a sentence mean anything but what was technically said, and doesn't care about how uncomfortable he is making his co-workers


    This description fits me 70-80% however, I don't think SEE's are that attractive and im more into feminine women who aren't pushy and SEE's would make me a bit on edge becuase from the descrptions I read, they seem rather manipulative but yeah their fun though, just not sure. Why would I hate being around ESE's though? They nag, but I don't see why I'd not want to be around them. I really like their maternal energy from the deceptions I read.... done ramble.

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    What is a "constructive post" ?

  5. #5

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    Default See here

    Te blocked with Ni,

    • Gamma types take a longer-term view regarding efficiency and profitability, giving lower priority to the short term. Likewise, they tend to aim at the broader benefits of decisions, rather than only at those affecting themselves, giving them an inclination for self-sacrifice.
    • Gamma types like to talk about where present trends are leading in terms of potentially profitable events and undertakings.
    • Gamma types tend to give more value to ideas and concepts that are firmly connected to factual information.

    Fi blocked with Se,

    • Gamma types take a hard-line approach regarding ethical principles and the punishment, even revenge, on those who break them.
    • Gamma types place high value on personal loyalty, once they feel a close relationship has been established.
    • Gamma types like to discuss personal relationships in a realistic manner and are skeptical that "jerks" can ever become "nice people", for instance.

    Fe blocked with Si,

    • Gamma types don't tend to form or maintain groups based on fun, emotional interaction, but only take groups seriously that perform some common productive activity or discuss serious topics.
    • Gamma types reject the idea that it's best to avoid confrontations so as not to spoil the mood of those present, they prefer directness in settling or at least discussing disagreements.
    • Gamma types have difficulty relating to emotional atmospheres connected to "special dates" such as public holidays.

    Ti blocked with Ne,

    • Gamma types do not see much point in deeply analyzing ideas that they see as having little practical application or connection to reality.
    • Gamma types are more inclined to speculate and discuss possible developments of present circumstances, or how these came about, than to speculate or analyze alternative scenarios or possibilities

    Group behavior

    Groups made up of primarily Gamma types tend to be small in size; perhaps 6 at most. Laughter and very obvious displays of emotion are subdued, instead, there is a lot of smiling, amusement with ironic and witty remarks or, when serious subjects or not very happy personal experiences are discussed, a serious demeanour. Even such small groups tend to split into smaller ones; perhaps 3 is the ideal "group" size for Gammas.
    Group discussions are focused on exchange of information and ideas on subjects of mutual interest, discussing and planning activities together, or on personal experiences. The latter are usually discussed not with the purpose of making people laugh or to boast one's position but to get an insight into the lessons to be drawn from such experiences.
    Gammas usually dislike being "drawn" into larger groups where loud exchanges of jokes and quick shifting of one subject to the other are the norm, as in a large dinner table in an informal environment, especially if the group is also somewhat "artificial" as in work colleagues or business partners where personal relationships weren't really spontaneously formed. In such situations, Gammas will tend to focus on the persons sitting immediately near them in order to engage them in more individual conversations or will tend to remain mostly silent, not really participating in the group atmosphere, making the impression of being "introverts" in the everyday meaning of the term.
    Once a group is formed, it tends to be wary for some time of "newcomers", being neither exclusive nor inclusive on purpose. Conversations often focus on trends regarding material and yet personal issues, such as career prospects and developments, success or failure of financial investments and enterprises, and the future prospects of romantic relationships, as well as the reasons for the failure of past ones. In more light-hearted moments, such talks get a "bawdy" flavor with some slight teasing.
    Other subjects tend to focus on internal work politics from the point of view of how it jeopardizes general efficiency, the nonsense of bureaucracy, and how to be better than competitors.
    Romance styles

    Gammas usually have little time for "romance" in the "wooing" meaning of the term; relationships tend to develop rather as the meeting of two individuals interested in a relationship and each other. Elements of "courtship" or "romance" are seen as rituals with less meaning than the feelings involved. Relationships, also friendships, usually develop from exchanges of information, ideas, personal experiences of special significance, and mutual help, proceeding to activities together.
    Gamma romantic interactions tend to focus on the longer-term prospects of the relationship in terms of definition, that is, for instance, even if it is to be a temporary relationship, this should be more or less clear, or at least in one's mind, from the beginning. General impatience with flirting for flirting's sake, or for fun; approaches and moves are made with a purpose, which may be altered down the road, nonetheless. Assumption that sexual innuendo and approaches are backed by some sort of emotional attachment. Once a relationship is established as being romantic, interactions tend to focus on physical and somewhat tough interplay and innuendo. Playful power-games, focusing on intensity of interactions and feelings.

    My main criticism with this description is who (as lesuire) would want to talk about business related stuff? Sure I could see this being a topic of importance, but I just don't see a group of friends drinking beer , saying " so how's your corporation doing" and really enjoying it. Maybe to be polite but I just don't see anybody wanting to talk about how such corporation/and such is doing or business or money matters as a topic of leisure.

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    :popcorn: Capitalist Pig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    What is a "constructive post" ?
    Something that's about as arbitrary as the assignment of personality types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Something that's about as arbitrary as the assignment of personality types.
    I meant what does "marked as constructive mean?"

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    :popcorn: Capitalist Pig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    I meant what does "marked as constructive mean?"
    It means someone decided to click the "Constructive post" button beneath your post. They exist beneath every post on the forum (save your own, because you can not "Like" your own posts or mark them as "Constructive").

  9. #9
    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    This description fits me 70-80% however, I don't think SEE's are that attractive and im more into feminine women who aren't pushy and SEE's would make me a bit on edge becuase from the descrptions I read, they seem rather manipulative but yeah their fun though, just not sure. Why would I hate being around ESE's though? They nag, but I don't see why I'd not want to be around them. I really like their maternal energy from the deceptions I read.... done ramble.
    If you think SEE are manipulative, you've probably only met less actualized examples. Healthy SEE are usually socially adept and charismatic as well as being good to their friends. Also, you likely won't hate ESEs. In fact, in terms of first impressions, conflictors usually click better than duals. It's long-term relationships that tend to draw out the unsettling elements of the pair. Having said that though, if both parties know of and understand Socionics properly, even conflicting relationships can be pleasant if the effort is made to be understanding of each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    What is a "constructive post" ?
    It's subjective and depends on context, but I usually use it as a means to say that a thread is being advanced by posting whereas a "like post" is a post that's interesting/cool/tickles your fancy/etc.

    Also, in some instances where people are being silly, "Up" or "Down".

    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    My main criticism with this description is who (as lesuire) would want to talk about business related stuff? Sure I could see this being a topic of importance, but I just don't see a group of friends drinking beer , saying " so how's your corporation doing" and really enjoying it. Maybe to be polite but I just don't see anybody wanting to talk about how such corporation/and such is doing or business or money matters as a topic of leisure.
    Gammas being all about business related stuff is just a stereotype. A gamma who's into philosophy would be less excited to discuss business and new ventures as opposed to say...the meaning of life, existence and other similar pursuits to uncover "profound truths".

    It's also really a more fitting stereotype for rationals than the irrationals, who're likely to shy away from talking business unless that's what they do. Also, we're talking about groups of only gammas, mixed groups would naturally discuss different topics.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post

    You are very clearly an -ILI (Ni-INTp).

    ILI descriptions.
    Intertype relations.
    Reinin Dichotomies.

    Some key pieces of information to understand:
    • ESFp are your "Duals", ISFj are your "Activity", ENTj are your "Mirror" types.

    • ENFj are your "Supervisor", ESTj are your "Supervisee", ISTj are your "Beneficiary", INFj are your "Benefactor".

    • ESFj are your "Conflictor", INTj are your "Quasi-Identical", ENTp are your "Extinguishment".
    Any other type options you see me as?

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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    Any other type options you see me as?
    I re-read your questionnaire (some funny, one "aww..." and several interesting answers btw) and maybe. Would you mind taking this test? Read the instructions carefully before you begin.

    Also, do you happen to know your MBTI/Kiersey type?

    IEE Ne Creative Type

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    I re-read your questionnaire (some funny, one "aww..." and several interesting answers btw) and maybe. Would you mind taking this test? Read the instructions carefully before you begin.

    Also, do you happen to know your MBTI/Kiersey type?
    My kisery type is - -INFP(behavior)
    Myer Briggs type- INTP( thinking style)

    I scored : (other types, INTP, ENTP, INFP

    extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************* (21.2)
    limited use
    introverted Sensing (Si) ******************************* (31.7)
    good use
    extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************ (36.8)
    excellent use
    introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************* (33)
    good use
    extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************** (20.6)
    limited use
    introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************** (38.3)
    excellent use
    extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************** (22.1)
    limited use
    introverted Feeling (Fi) *********************************** (35.7)
    good use

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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    My kisery type is - -INFP(behavior)
    Myer Briggs type- INTP( thinking style)

    I scored : (other types, INTP, ENTP, INFP

    extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************* (21.2)
    limited use
    introverted Sensing (Si) ******************************* (31.7)
    good use
    extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************ (36.8)
    excellent use
    introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************* (33)
    good use
    extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************** (20.6)
    limited use
    introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************** (38.3)
    excellent use
    extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************** (22.1)
    limited use
    introverted Feeling (Fi) *********************************** (35.7)
    good use

    Your MBTI and Kiersey types are contradictory and your cognitive functions are weak. It seems that you are only suitable for Socionics, in which case Gamma Quadra suits you best.

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    The gamma descriptions have been written by Expat who brought a lot of his own personal preferences into the desc. itself. So yeah, don't take them for gold. For example, I'd never say that I have "little time for romance". In fact most ENTj descriptions say that this is a kind of (hidden) priority for us. And well, ESFps with little time for romance?? Please
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    Your MBTI and Kiersey types are contradictory and your cognitive functions are weak. It seems that you are only suitable for Socionics, in which case Gamma Quadra suits you best.
    I see sir. So your soul is weak lol jk

    On second thought it might a good explanation- They are kind weak right now

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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    I see sir. So your soul is weak lol jk
    I don't know what you're talking about. (/)

    IEE Ne Creative Type

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    I don't know what you're talking about. /
    Never mind

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    The gamma descriptions have been written by Expat who brought a lot of his own personal preferences into the desc. itself. So yeah, don't take them for gold. For example, I'd never say that I have "little time for romance". In fact most ENTj descriptions say that this is a kind of (hidden) priority for us.
    No wonder. I see he is ESE on some list.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    I don't know what you're talking about. (/)
    POLR FE misunderstanding- i took your comment way too personally lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    POLR FE misunderstanding- i took your comment way too personally lol
    People say I'm stern but fair. It wasn't personal, I assure you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    People say I'm stern but fair. It wasn't personal, I assure you.
    People called Absurd hailing from the land of Absurdia, well-versed in Absurdcracy, tell a different story. A story about a guy, called MisterNi, whining about some Absurd and demanding he leave the chatbox, for he is "dripping with sarcasm" and "too serious."

    So, your stern qualities may be inherited from hkkmr, another LIE, I just adore, not.
    Last edited by Absurd; 10-14-2013 at 09:24 PM.

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    Being manipulative isn't inherently evil, it just means directing things towards an outcome. Not necessarily a selfish one.
    Easy Day

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    Beng manipulative is pissing people of Absurdia off - they're immune t it after two or three days.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    People called Absurd hailing from the land of Absurdia, well-versed in Absurdcracy, tell a different story. A story about a guy, called MisterNi, whining about some Absurd and demanding he leave the chatbox, for he is "dripping with sarcasm" and "too serious."
    Yeah, that's not my fault. I'm not sure why you've been banned from the shoutbox. Bring it up with the owner of this place as I had nothing to do with it.

    So, your stern qualities may be inherited from hkkmr, another LIE, I just adore, not.
    We're not related.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    Yeah, that's not my fault. I'm not sure why you've been banned from the shoutbox. Bring it up with the owner of this place as I had nothing to do with it.
    LUL. It's like boxing a guy in a wheelchair waving a beta Ti glove at you. I'll pass - don't hit below the belt.

    We're not related.
    Good for you. I'll light a candle.

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    And another liek. It's the smell of acceptance. Hah.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Beng manipulative is pissing people of Absurdia off - they're immune t it after two or three days.
    You look simply dashing in those scars.
    Easy Day

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    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3 View Post
    You look simply dashing in those scars.
    Yeah, especially when I impale myself on the fence.

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