In mid-January of this year I met with Pavel Dmitrievich Frolov, Ph.D. Head of the Laboratory of socio-psychological techniques of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

Discussed the work devoted to the dichotomy of "positivists - negativists"
Here's what he told me, he told me that I'm trying to act really scientific methods, but there need some fine-tuning:
In general, the experiment took part 20 heople. It should be at least 100 ( at least 50 per each pole). Also, do some statistical analysis of the data: to build a Gaussian distribution to calculate sigma justify why the chosen range: up to 10 "positivist"
After a 15 - negativists (All the necessary parts of the theory - he told me which useful to me). To draw conclusions. Calculate the final chance with the statistical error.

If all these conditions are met - received research data will be considered scientific.

This means that thanks to me socionics soon become a science!

But that's not all: I realised, that my criteria are formally logical, so it could be applied on the computer.
Now I'm considering the possibility of creating high-precision computerized test
Will work as follows: Secretary (Secretary of essential knowledge is not required socionics only communicative skills, so you can hire secretaries as they want. Can be typed in large numbers and to handle any streams) communicates with typed on any topic. A special algorithm converts the text said. On the basis of formalized rules of this text will be analysed for supplies to the different characteristics and will identifying TIM.
These research are now focused on Russian-speaking category of people, but in the same way in a few years passing after that I can create the analogical algorithm to typing the English-speaking people and other languages.

So follow me and get rich as Bill Gates ))