After reading the ubersly vague descriptions of on various socionics sites, I've been strugging with how this is my dominant function even though I feel and act so INFj-ish, I just look like them in the face, have the same demenaor in my relations with people, etc. But the description is just way too vague.

Then it hit me, I think. When I was young I used to keep this notebook with me that explained the relationship I had with nearly every one of my classmates. It was very fun for me. I rated them based on how much I liked them (and vice-versa). Like I'd give them grades or stars next to my name.

I was VERY proud about this as a kid, which now I think I was just showing off my leet -ness. I showed the notebook to my family, as I was so confident that I was right about my relationships in the world. (and they were equally impressed although that could just be them being parents) I was the stereotypical INFj in a way as I didn't seem to share myself much, but I was very confident about this ability for some reason. It was like I was an ESTp doing a backflip for people.

So, I guess my point is...we need more practical examples of the vague descriptions.