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Thread: Interested in more typing suggestions repost from Perc

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    Default Interested in more typing suggestions. *repost from Perc*

    Personal concepts
    1. What is beauty? What is love?'

    Beauty and Love? I honestly don't know how to answer that question. To me Love is simply a deep connection that connects people together, and allows them to forgive trespasses and other such thing. Love isn't really something that I feel very often though, even towards my family. I don't know why, I just don't feel a deep attraction to someone because I share blood ties with them. I never really felt romantic love, I'd certainly like to, but I'm too much of a dick sometimes. I admit, I'm a rather "cagey" person whenever it comes to friendship and shit like that. It hurts to be isolated, but I don't think anyone would be interested in me anyways. So it's just something I'll have to deal with.

    As for Beauty? Well anything that inspires a sense of awe that blows me back, it's pretty weird actually. At any case I'll give you an example. I was watching a few documentaries on youtube about how apes (monkeys or whatever the fuck) are extremely intelligent animals, and I couldn't really help but be effected by how wonderfully curious and playful the monkeys are. I guess a sense of curiosity is what I find to be beautiful, but that's just one example though. There is something like them in ourselves, the only thing that they had wrong was whenever the monkeys didn't bother to teach each other how to do things. In the sense that they showed them how to do it. My sense of awe and beauty came to an end, it was sad really. Those animals cannot teach each other in the true sense. It's sad really. Don't get me as some sort of animal lover, I think most of them are rather boring. I just love apes though. They are very lovely creatures.

    2. What are your most important values?

    I don't really have that much of a set of important set of values to be honest. I never really thought of it actually.

    I'd say that one thing that I truly value is criticism and how one adapts to the environment. After all, without the ability to take criticism, then you'll just find yourself in some extremely deep shit. It also means that one's mind is open, and it helps to have an open mind whenever you are dealing with anything. I also value honesty as well, no matter if it's not the correct response that "society" wishes to impose on us all. After all, I'd rather be blunt and honest, than a lying bastard who just goes along with what everyone else is saying. Which seems like a bizarre contradiction to the value of criticism statement, but it's not. One can take the criticism of other person, without letting the critiques control who you are.

    On the other hand, if my life is going to be in danger, then I will lie. I don't like to be forced into doing something, but I'll bide my tongue if it means that people will die if I don't. Sometimes one has to abandon their values, whenever certain circumstances force a bad hand on you. It sucks and I hate it, but I'd rather look at long-term, than be a smug git about who follows my values at the sacrifice of something that I deem important or useful y'know?

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

    I'm personally an Atheist, but I do have to admit that I do think that supernatural forces have some sort of effect on our lives. I can't believe in gods or whatever the fuck, but I still believe that there is certain forces out there that control out very thoughts in a way. When I was a teenaged lad, I looked up certain occult sites (but mostly that piece of shit place called Joys of Satan) and thought that what that crazy chick said was real. I was also really into Black Metal at the time, and I got linked to that site whenever I was listening to some Black Metal band that had themes of national socialism and shit like that. Then I grew disinterested of the place, but it was a pretty funny time, I guess.

    That being said, I never really aligned myself to the devil, or really practice the occult rituals that that place had. I just kind of read that site a lot, while listening to some heavy metal. Which helped out my imagination land a bit. I think the major reason why I didn't practice, and got into it even more. Is because I didn't really have the resources to do all that much. I really did believe in what they had to say, but I didn't really put much effort into it. Oh well, now I know that the chick there is crazy, and that she was actually some sort of nazi who was corrupting the ideology of Satanism. (such as not following someone's word all the time). I guess I don't really hear the other side very often, until it's too late. Oh wells. If I do get out of my house, I might get into that sort of thing again.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    Hmm....War? I personally think it's something that is rather unavoidable. It's not a very good thing, (What with the death and all) but I certainly think that it's fairly useful. After all, all sorts of innovative achievements that humans get is because of the fact that they are competing with each other to annihilate their enemy. I do think that, in the right circumstances that war is rather justified, such as the Israeli-Palestine war. I personally think that Israel is in the wrong, they shouldn't have taken Palestine at all. I don't really understand why all of the Jews have to be in Palestine in the first place, but "because it's our holy land" is not a valid reason for them to be there. That being said, you can't exactly change the past, and even if the Israelis apologize and try to welcome the Palestinians. The cut of blood, and the history they have with each other. The wounds that each side has inflicted on each other is too deep, and I'm afraid that peace isn't going to be something they can do.

    I think that we should fund our militaries, but on the other hand I don't think it should be the Number One priority of a nation. Using America as an example, we have a very bad reputation of expanding our military power to the rest of the world, while ignoring the needs of the people who live inside of this land. Our nation has poor health care, it's not a very good place to be in, if you don't have a lot of money. The rich are way richer then they need to be, whenever all of that money they are hording could be used to go somewhere else. It's not even all of the rich people, but a good chunk of them are just con artists who should be behind a jail cell. This place is an Plutocracy, a land where money rules. It's that way in other places for all of time, but I think America should be doing a lot better about this.

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

    Long conversations? Well I don't really have those a lot. Particularly in real life. Most of the time I typically just like to fuck around with people, and have fun. I think the longest conversation I had was with this Asian chick I knew on skype for about 8 hours or so. It mostly involved Roleplaying, MMOs (Which I don't really play), and simply just throwing ideas at each other. Really, I'd rather do something then just talk about something to be honest.

    As for my interests? Well I've got to admit, my interests are rather shallow in a way, but I do enjoy playing numerous video games. Of the computer, console and flash variety. I've just played flash games though, because I'm pretty worried about money. I tend to deny myself pleasure if that means saving up on the cash, because I don't want to cause my family any trouble, and because I don't want to regret paying for something, for a quick taste of something that I wouldn't really like anyways. That being said, I've been trying to get into reading, though I don't really like fictional books very much to be honest. I always though they were rather boring, I'd rather read something informative than something that exists for pure entertainment value. That is why I like to watch documentaries on...well anything really.

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    Not really. I've been trying to lose the weight that I've gained, but it's been a slow climb downwards. I tend to snack on things whenever I shouldn't, so that's always a bitch.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?

    They are boring, and I hate doing them. The only daily chore that I do is cleaning out my desk area, but that's just because I don't like clutter around it. Still, I'll do it if I have to do it.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    Alright, seeing as this recent manga that I've read is something that I've enjoyed. It's English name is Attack on Titan, but Shingeki no Kyojin is the Japanese name. It's a pretty awesome and thrilling experience, and it's really, really dark and bleak as all hell. it's something that I enjoy, because of the general tone is just really done well. At least that's what I got from it. I grim dark settings in a rather non ironic way y'know? Like Fist of the North Star, Warhammer 40k and all sorts of places and shit.

    To be honest, I don't really read much. I never really found books to be that interesting really, I'd rather read a history book then some cheesy Fantasy tale or whatever. I'd rather just create my own little world and shit. Y'know? That's why I don't really read or watch much media. I do like to go around on internet sites and catch up on the news though.

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    I've got to admit this, but I can be pretty violent sometimes. Whenever I generally get too far with the rough housing, I can injure someone that I didn't really intend to, and sometimes I just lose control of myself and end up doing something really violent that I shouldn't have. It sucks, but I've got more control of that from now on. I guess I tend to cry whenever someone is being hurt, after I realize the fact that I've done something wrong or whatever. I try to fancy myself as some cold-hearted man, but I'm not that cold. I'm not cold as ice. I do get teary eyed whenever I see something that amazes me in an emotional way. Even if it's through laughing too hard. So there is that.

    As for what makes me smile? I smile whenever something something I find is funny, I am amused by something or whatever. I also tend to smile when the mood is all good I guess. It tends to wain after a while, and I need to retreat, but everything else is all good.

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    A sense of belonging I guess. I don't really "get" with the environment, if that's what you are trying to get at. I mean, I like to be understood and all, but I don't really get what this is trying to ask me.

    Evaluation & Behaviour
    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    My weaknesses? Well I think I come off as a rather dickish person at times, and I can come off strongly as well. I tend to make some rather...offensive jokes sometimes, so the people around me can be rather offended. I think this is because I generally like it when everyone is participating on the same thing, I just think that people who want to do something else, should just fuck off and do something else. I also think that I tend to be rather open about my...self-loathing tendencies, so I fear that I annoy people with that. I can also just randomly stop talking to the person, because I think that they don't really want to be around me, and I'm fairly easily distracted.

    As for what I don't like about my self? Well I don't really like the fact that I don't have any sort of willpower at all. It sucks, that I can't really be into anything y'know? I also tend to be rather flaky and I don't finish things off. I just get bored of it, and I just go read how something ends if it's boring to me. I'm prone to just...inertia in general, and it's pretty hard to get me to do something for once. I'm also not very reliable whenever it comes to...well anything. I just get kind of confused about shit, and it's like hey.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    My strengths? Well most people seem to compliment me on my intelligence, if nothing else. Outside of that, I don't really know about that. I don't really have many strengths really. My father also told me that I was a visionary of sorts, though no one else thinks of me like that. I'm rather in the dark with how people look at me.

    What I like about myself? Well...I'd like to think of myself as creative, and it's something that I can do. I think that I can be fairly witty at times too, and funny at times too. Granted it depends on the person, but eh.

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

    What I'd like help in...Well. I'd certainly like it, if someone would just go kick my ass so that I could actually do something for once. I wouldn't mind to do the things that I find to be scary, if someone was around to help me through it. It's weak as hell though.

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yeah, I tend to get stuck in ruts all the time. I am usually in my head, so I can be kind of "out of it" a lot of the times. That's why I tend tend to block off certain points, because I'm just in imagination land and shit. I also find it hard to be interested in new things as well, but whatever. Inertia is certainly one of my weak points though. That is why I think I'm an Ixxp in socionics.

    People & Interactions
    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

    I typically like it if someone is a witty, funny person. As well as people who are magnetic and have a certain kind of energy to them. That's why I like people who are "dominant", and shit. People who are inspiring leaders are people that I like as well, and as such, I tend to find people who have the traits of high willpower, magnetism and all around kick-ass people to be awesome. As for people who I don't like? Well I don't really like people who just kind of talk about the things they did and shit, and I admit. That while I am an Introvert, I don't really like people are don't really do anything for the group. It's not that I mind people who are to themselves, but you should at least be able to keep up with a conversation and try to be engaged in it. On the other hand, sometimes I find them cute, and I like to harass them a bit. Get a little touchy feely at times as well.

    I don't really like people who are judgmental pricks about the behaviors of other people. I have a pretty "live and let live" philosophy when I deal with people, but I really hate it when people go around telling people that they shouldn't be doing something, because it's the "bad" thing to do. I understand wanting to correct the errors that other people have, but god dammit does it piss me off when people just go on some sort of judgmental tirade and shit. You aren't better than everyone else, because you live by a set of arbitrary rules. So fuck off. Shit, I even do this myself sometimes, whenever I am really angry. I just go on a tirade and shit. It's annoying and I should knock that shit off, but I do like seeing the reactions that people have. So I "play" that to mess with people. It's paradoxical, I hate elitists, but I act like one sometimes as well.

    Strangely enough I think that I am only annoyed by elitism whenever it's not really justified, whenever you are actually a kickass person, then I actually like a bit of confidence. It's like hey man, you are actually really cool. So I don't mind confidence whenever it's from someone who actually proven their worth.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

    What qualities I want from a partner? I admit, that I would like to have someone who is self-confident, can do things by themselves, and someone who can just carry the conversation around a bit. That's why I tend to imagine my dream-partner as some sort of badass who can kick ass, while at the same time is also not full of themselves as well. I can be pretty bad whenever it comes to keeping a conversation going, so it's nice to have someone who can just talk about they do and shit. I can space out a bit, but I do like to exchange dialogue though. Let's have our peace and let each other talk.

    As for sex? Well I'm up for whatever the fuck. Why not? I'd do anything that doesn't involve things going inside of my urethra. Then that's just fucking insane and nasty. I typically just fap to normal stuff though, though I tend to be more rough in er...Internet Sexual Rolelays...(Aka cybering... How Embarrassing and weak of me.)

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    If I raised a child? Well...I honestly don't know what the fuck I'd do with one. I don't want to raise a kid though, that would just suck all sorts of life from me. So no, I am not going to raise a kid, no matter what.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

    Well, I'd just tell them off. My inward and outward reaction would be the same if we were on a leveled playing field, I'd just argue with them, and tell them how they are wrong about it. If the person has more power than me though, then I tend to be a bit more careful and passive aggressive about it. I do have a sense of survival after all, I'm not an idiot who would just mouth off anyone.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I've always been detached from society. I don't really see people as bad, in fact I typically think that most people are pretty good in a way. Foolish, and not very good at dealing things on a collective level though. On the other hand, I'm also like that, so it's hypocrisy to just look down at others, whenever I am below everyone else.

    As for a social problem? This is going to be cheesy and hypocritical as fuck, but I honestly think that people should get their heads off of their asses and help one another. Try to look at the real issues (such as class problems) and stop trying to bring others down because they just happen to belong to some sort of idiotic group like sexuality, skin color or nationality. I've been a libertarian for about 5 or 6 years, and it was a rather embarrassing time for me, thinking that all of these problems could be solved if people did their own thing, and tried to improve their own lives. However, I was wrong. It's actually the opposite of that, I don't support collectivism, but America is an overly individualistic country.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

    Hmm...I guess if I am around them for a while, then that means that we are friends. I mean why not? I don't really monitor how I behave around friends, but I am pretty open with them. Everything's cool and we exchange information and the like.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?

    I don't know? I'd just treat them as I treat anyone else I guess. I tend to be a rather welcoming person, if a little guarded a bit, but that's just introversion though. I don't mind strangers, and I'll talk with them. If it's in a group, then I tend to be more open though.

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    Default Enneagram type post this time.

    I know the questions aren't here, but I am 19 (nearly 20) in age. I don't have any sort of mental illness, outside of potentially having autism so there you go. I like purple prose (for somewhat campy reasons), so if that is a form of psychosis, then I am mentally unstable then.

    Main Questions

    1. What drives you in life? What do you look for?

    I honestly don't know what would drive me in my life, and what I look for. I just sort of derp around on the internet, and it always kind of been like that for the 5 years of my life, so I've always been a person of little desires and needs. I don't even look for anything, though to be honest, I am rather fearful of having to get stuck on a boring life, as I've been stuck in. I've always felt like I've wasted my teenaged life, because I've dropped out of school, and never really did much of anything with my life. I have no accomplishments, nothing to my name, or anything really. So if it's anything, I just want to do something that would make me proud of myself, and that's honestly the only thing that I can think of at the moment.

    2. What do you hope to accomplish in your life?

    Again, I haven't really thought about that. It's kind of annoying having to answer this question, because I honestly don't know what I want to do. I guess I like to write up some bullshit, but I don't think I'd turn that into a job.

    3. What do you hope to avoid doing or being? What values are important to you?

    Well, I would generally wish to avoid making a complete idiot of myself, losing my sanity, having a normal American family and job? What sort of meaning is there to just working, working working working working working working for a bunch of fucking ungrateful kids with a trophy wife who hates me and cheats on me? Why would anyone want to accomplish this in this sort of life? I know this is a childish and immature thing to want to avoid, but I would utterly hate doing that. I would utterly hate having kids as a result. I would honestly wish to avoid becoming a parent, because I would have to devote all of my resources, and time on my theoretical kids. The thing that I would wish to avoid the most is to become a parent, and sire children. As odd as that sounds.

    Ideals? Hmm...I haven't really thought about ideals that much. I'm just kind off in la-la land most of the time. As such, I would generally say that simplistic rules such as basic empathy and caring about other human beings in the time of need. I also highly value the ability to take criticism, and to listen to others if they have something worthwhile to say. Granted I can't always do this, but it's highly important for me to at least listen to the person who offers me their time and effort to criticize my actions. I can never really hate someone who analyzes my life in a weird way. That would just mean that they care about me, even if that caring is hatred. I guess this is the reason why I have switched from free-market perspective, to a more socialistic one I guess. I know how silly and cliched it sounds, but yes these are pretty important to me. I guess that is why I am generally more patient towards those that bitch about their lives, even if I think it's kind of silly to bitch about, because even those who don't necessarily deserve empathy, still needs it.

    4. What are your biggest fears (not including phobias)? Why?

    The greatest fear that I have is going into a situation wherever I am completely naked (figuratively speaking). It is the most primal of all fears, but it is also an important one to have I suppose. I guess that is the reason that we are clothed. To avoid the elements of the natural realm, and to bring our own comfort into our own hands. I honestly like having this fear actually, because without it, we wouldn't be able to do much without ourselves. We'd be fucking dead. Going into a situation wherever I have no idea what I am doing, expected to perform, yet I cannot really do anything. I generally dislike disappointing others to be honest. Even though I'm a bit of a disappointment to my parents, because I'm lazy. I guess that is the reason why I am lazy in the first place. It's the general fear that I'll just get fucked over whenever I can't really do anything about it. A situation where the unexpected fucks me with me, and thus I lose myself to influences that I can't really control.

    5. How do you want others to see you? How do you see yourself?

    I simply want others to see me, as I see myself. Miscommunication would certainly be less of an issue whenever people can understand where I am coming from. I honestly don't think that a lot of people seem to understand where I am coming from, and that just serves to irritate and dishearten me. I kind of suck at communicating really. As for how I see myself? It depends on my mood, however what is stable is that I am generally kind of a space case, isolated, blunt, jokerish and kind of silly a lot of the times.

    6. What makes you feel your best? What makes you feel your worst?

    My best? Whenever I actually do anything, and make progress in my life. That always makes me feel like I'm actually a worthwhile person, particularly if I manage to help someone else, because that's just pretty good. That is generally why I sort of like to listen to other people's problems in a way. It makes me feel like I'm not someone who is worthless, even though it's a sort of fleeting emotion that I have. Though this part of me never really is a part of my IRL persona, where I'm just someone who is closed off and generally someone who just plays video games all the time (which I actually don't do that much).

    What makes me feel worse? Whenever I do something particularly fucked up, and whenever I just lose control of myself, as well as whenever I hurt another person or whatever. I generally cover that in the )b shame section of my experiences, because I forgot to think about what makes me feel like crap.

    7. Describe how you experience each of:

    a) anger; Ah yes anger. I would generally say that I have a fairly poor temper, and anger issues actually. Particularly whenever people seem to misinterpret my intentions, and put words into my fucking mouth. That is why I secretly don't really like my grandmother all that much, because she says "(IRL name) wants to do XXX, or (IRL name) thinks whatever." which is annoys the fucking hell out of me. I also really hate it whenever people get up into my space, and generally mess around with my things. I hate it whenever my brother breaks all of my shit, but I'm never really able to do much about it, and I just say "here you go" and then find that it's half torn most of the time whenever I get it back. I believe the reason for this is simply because I'm not really someone who speaks up all that much IRL. I know I get a reputation for someone who just says what I think, but I don't think that is something that is really true. I hold out on my judgements of other person's behaviors, because I'm afraid that they would retaliate for some reason. I mean, I sort of say what I mean through my facial expressions, but I'm not as blunt as I would like to believe. As a whole, I would say that I am a fairly angry person. I can certainly say that I have violent tendencies though.

    b) shame; I don't really feel all that much shame. Unless I do something particularly horrible to another person, such as the time whenever I called my 5 year old niece an idiot because she played monopoly the way that I didn't want her too. That really did make me feel like I was garbage in a legit way, I mean, what sort of person would just ruin a child's fun? That's just mean. It's pretty much the only time whenever I actually cry (granted I usually had my parents telling me what I did was bad, and I was feeling depressed before I even played the game, so that made it worse.), is whenever I lose control of myself, and hurt a person. Even if I don't particularly care about them, I don't like to hurt other people, because that would just make me some sort of asshole. I don't like to be viewed as someone who is harsh. That actually hurts my feelings, even though I guess I can understand why I would come off as harsh. I generally just want to help someone else out through the power of critique, but a lot of the time they get offended over it. I guess I'm just sort of socially retarded in that sense.

    I don't really feel shame all too much though outside of that. Maybe embarrassment sometimes, but not really shame.

    c) anxiety. Anxiety...Man. I am actually fairly anxious as I talk. I am generally extremely anxious whenever I reveal a part of myself anywhere. I generally do that unthinkingly, sort of in an over revealing sort of sense. I can't really seem to balance myself out whenever I reveal myself. It's either "I don't care." "I don't care." "I don't care" or "I pour out my heart on them." generally IRL it's mostly the former and on the internet it's the later. I also get anxious whenever I have to try something new to be honest. It's just a sort of dull sense that it wouldn't be good anyways or whatever. I also talked about the anxiety whenever I was talking about my worst fear. The inability to do much in a situation that calls for it, and the fact that I would get screwed over. I don't want to be redundant, because I covered that up in my worst fear. I would say, over all that I can be pretty anxious at times. Though mostly I don't feel it that often. It's just with other people that I freeze up a bit IRL.

    8. Describe how you respond to each of:

    a) stress; It generally depends on the situation, but most of the time my cheeks just sort of feels hot, with violent spasms and I lose my sense of mind. I don't really deal with stress very well. I mostly just tend to shut down, and do very poorly in stress. Particularly whenever other people are egging me on. I get generally pissy and pessimistic about the situation at hand, and as well as the future prospects of how it could be done. I get into rants about how the (whoever is responsible if there is a person to blame) should get beaten up, and I go on violent tangents about fucked up the situation is, and what they should've done to prevent this happening in the first place, because it's always the fault of the people who just want to rush things, and blah blah blah. It's fairly over the top sometimes, and it's quite amusing to reminiscence about.

    b) unexpected change;....Pretty to very poorly. As I've stated in the fear, I generally dislike getting into situations that I have no idea what I'm going to do. It makes me feel as if I am simply going to fail in the first place. So it generally ties into stress in a lot of ways. I generally get stressed about unexpected change, because I'm not good at dealing with it. That is generally what causes stress 50% of the time. I even hate surprises, particularly whenever I am receiving gifts, because all I could think about is that it was a waste of cash it is.

    c) conflict. I do alright in that, I guess. I mostly tend to sit on the sidelines, but I can generally interfere in conflicts and point out what is wrong on whatever sides there are. I typically become a bit more meek whenever there is a threat of physical violence. As cowardly as it sounds, I generally don't mind conflict if there is a chance of me being able to deal with it. I just hate it whenever I get involved in conflicts that aren't fun, or are forced into. I hate feeling weak, and as such I tend to avoid conflicts that make me feel weak. Whether it's intellectual or physical conflicts.

    9. Describe your orientation to: a) authority; b) power. How do you respond to these?

    I would say that I have a fairly passive role as far as authority is concerned. I don't seem to bother them very much, and their rules rarely bother me. As I find that it's a good thing to be respectable whenever you are in the realm of someone else's home or business. What right do I have to trample on the right's of others? As for government. I can even trace when I got the idea that I should respect the homes of others, from the Satanic Bible from Anton Levey. It's a good lesson to learn, even though these seem to be fairly basic rules of personal engagement. As for government? Well I've hated the idea of it. I was a libertarian and I just wanted the free-market to rule over the world. Minimal government for all!! I just sort of realized how foolish of an idea that actually is though.

    As for power? Eh I hate it when it's in the hands of idiots or assholes. I don't really care about having it myself, though it's fairly nice if I get to use it. I don't think I'd do anything with it though.

    10. What is your overall outlook on life and humanity?

    Depends on my mood. I generally like humanity and shit though. That is why that I say that I am a lover of humanity, and sometimes I just get into domestic disputes over humanity whenever I am disappointed with the collective energy of humanity as we know. My outlook on my life is alright. My own future is going to be stale, lifeless and boring. I will never really do anything that is going to be important, and I will never really be able to contribute to humanity in some basic way. I hate that feeling that I am just worthless because of this, but I just have to deal with it.

    Optional Questions

    11. Discuss an event that has impacted your life significantly; more importantly, how you responded to it.

    Whenever I was a lad of the age of 11-12. I must admit that I was a conformist. I hate admitting that, but I always felt a desire to belong to something. I guess it's due to my childish idiocy, because I've tried to mimic the local black culture of The South. Before my attempted conformity though, I was just a dorky little derpling who did well at school, until I was segregated and bullied for whatever reason. The adults never really tried to help me out, even whenever my mom tried to get the kids to stop bullying me. I was assaulted about like 4 times. One was whenever I was pelted with pine cones (there was a forest near the school, and pine cones would cluster up there.) and the other was whenever I got into a fist fight (I didn't bother to fight back). I was just punched in the ear, and I cried from the blow, which was extremely humiliating thinking about it. A school year after that, I faintly recalled being pushed against the wall during P.E. (it was some sort of freeday?) and some tall black guy dry humped me for quite a while, and another incident was whenever a black girl shoved her finger through my clothed anus (she didn't pull down my pants and finger me though) and then giggled with her posse whenever I actually got embarrassed from it. I'm certain the later two incidents have something to do with whatever psychosis that I might not be aware of, but I don't really think the later affected me all that much. I actually developed a crush on the girl who molested me, because she was the only person who willingly payed attention to me, and I was just kind of "eh?" about whenever he dry humped me. I was extremely naive about sex as a lad.

    I think there might be some sort of deep psychosis whenever I was 13 as well, whenever I was at the end of middle school. My parents say that I threatened to commit suicide (which I don't remember), because I was still bullied at my transferred school. Maybe it's because I was sort of obnoxious and I'm still kind am obnoxious? Eh. At least I kind of understood. I would get kind of giddy and talk about nonsensical things with folks or whatever. Then I dropped out, and never did anything much outside of that.

    12. Comment on your relationship with trust.

    I don't think I have much issues with trust actually. Any sort of awkwardness from me IRL is shyness and not particularly that I lack faith in the other person or anything. I am a fairly trusting person, and that's why I doubt that I am a 6. I just don't really question other people like that.

    13. List some of the traits you: a) like; b) dislike most about yourself.

    I don't think I can say that I like myself to be honest. Anything that I say that I do like about myself seems to just sort of turn out to be a lie anyways. So I guess nothing. As for what I don't like. The thing that I don't like about myself, and the one that makes me feel crappy as hell is this. I feel as if that I have nothing to my name, I'm not interested in anything. I don't like anything. I figure things out too lately. I'm always behind everyone else, and it seems like kids lower my age are more intelligent then I am. It seems like I can't even list anything else about myself then that, because I have no sense of experience whatsoever. I could go on and on, but it's honestly starting to get old, just constantly hating on myself all the time.

    14. What do you see or notice in others that most people don't?

    I personally think that most people seem to underestimate how utterly petty they are. Maybe I am fairly petty in a sense, but I can honestly say that I am at least not as utterly nonsensically petty as most people are. They get caught up on trivial bullshit such as school, fandoms, who likes what, and what hobbies other people have. Do people honestly think they are better then others because some people like to do weird shit from time-to-time and others don't? Why does the fandom of something you like turn you off from a source of media? Are people so fucking shallow that they won't look at something for the sheer fact that they don't like whoever occupies whatever? I don't care if you just don't care about looking at something. As long as you know that you don't care, and you have no reason to care, and I hate forcing things on other people, so I can understand that feeling. I guess it's the whiplash from overly eager people who like to shove their likes and dislikes down people's throats. I understand the feeling of both sides in a way. I was kind of like that too. Refusing media because it's popular. I was a derpling metalhead who wanted to separate myself from my past pop-rap past. So I understand this. That is why I think it's stupid bullshit.

    People also seem to get into conflict for retarded reasons as well. That is why I don't really get into fights with people all that often, despite my blunt personality. I let grudges go, and I never really hold that many grudges. I'm not talking about wanting to get revenge for serious shit. I know the feeling of revenge is sweet, and I don't care if people seek legit revenge. However, people just fight for bullshit reasons, mostly status and shit. Status is such a bullshit thing to seek, unless there is a pragmatic reason to do, and in which case just don't involve people who don't deserve the crossfire.

    15. If a stranger insults you, how do you respond/feel? What if they compliment you?

    I honestly just feel kind of confused, and somewhat threatened about my life if it was IRL. Actually people who just randomly insult people for no reason is just someone who I wouldn't want to be around. As for compliments. It depends if I think I deserved it or not.

    16. What's something you are: a) thankful you have; b) wish you could have? Why?

    I am thankful for my parents. As they have been pretty understanding of myself, and they always try to deal with my stupidity and social awkwardness. I love them a lot for that reason. I am thankful for all of the shiny material things that I have, despite not really having that much, because I don't care about things too much.

    I wish I had a graphics card though. I hate not being able to play 3D games on a decent graphic's setting.

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    It would be my guess that you are some sort of peak Ne IxxJ-type. INFj-Ne or something. Your forum identicals might be people like Radio, April, lungs, or even maritsa. Oh, and good luck with finding type descriptions that fit you well, as those are usually lacking for subtypes with high accent on creative function, such as INFj-Ne, ESFp-Fi, etc.

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    Hahha, lots of text.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor View Post
    It would be my guess that you are some sort of peak Ne IxxJ-type. INFj-Ne or something. Your forum identicals might be people like Radio, April, lungs, or even maritsa. Oh, and good luck with finding type descriptions that fit you well, as those are usually lacking for subtypes with high accent on creative function, such as INFj-Ne, ESFp-Fi, etc.
    Could you please explain why you came to that conclusion? I'm pretty confused.

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    i'm afraid that's not possible because i'm an inarticulate.
    Last edited by Trevor; 05-13-2013 at 03:09 PM.

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    Liberation front/Army (100%)
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    Islamic suicide bomber (0%)

    You Are:

    My Law. My Judgment. My Guild.
    The lawmakers of Ravnica, the Azorius Senate are a hierarchical bureaucracy obsessed with order, stability, and the rule of law.

    You might also be:
    Boros, Izzet, or Simic.

    You Scored as HoardingYou are likely a "Hoarding" character.<br><br> Fromm describes this character as a cold, obsessive person who finds it hard to change. The hoarder finds it difficult to accept losses of any sort, and relies on a very orderly, static lifestyle. These people prefer conventional methods to creativity, and are often suspicious of others. <br><br><a href="">Go here</a> to learn more about this and other orientations.


    The last one was kind..what the fuck? Anyways this is Ath's idea. I just wanted to do it, because I'm bored.

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    I want to be a Pirate.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Holy LORD you can write

    I need to take time to carefully examine this please. So far I say a T type.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor View Post
    It would be my guess that you are some sort of peak Ne IxxJ-type. INFj-Ne or something. Your forum identicals might be people like Radio, April, lungs, or even maritsa. Oh, and good luck with finding type descriptions that fit you well, as those are usually lacking for subtypes with high accent on creative function, such as INFj-Ne, ESFp-Fi, etc.
    How? He doesn't feel any love!!!!!!

    Where is that darn brick wall and my head against it?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    You're an interesting cross between ISTp/ISTj and ESTj LOL

    But no N for you
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    You're an interesting cross between ISTp/ISTj and ESTj LOL

    But no N for you
    I can see SEE.

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    LSE? Nah. I don't think I'm very Delta in all honesty. Nothing about them seem to reach me y'know?

    I'm likely too flaccid to be a Se creative or Se ego, though it's interesting to see people type me as not an intuition type at least. Why can't I be an N though.
    Last edited by StVual; 05-01-2013 at 08:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by StVual View Post
    Why can't I be an N though.
    Add this to the list entitled "You know OP is from Personality Cafe when: "

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    Add this to the list entitled "You know OP is from Personality Cafe when: "
    Lol. I was just wondering. In Jung I would say that I would have a preference for Sensation actually. It just seems in Socionic's that Intuition is "Mental" and Sensing is "Physical". While I'd call myself as "Mental" sensation type. Or rather a Introverted Thinking type with a sensation preference. Essentially I'm saying that I'm mostly likely an ISTP in JCF/Jung and MBTI. She just didn't explain why I can't be one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by StVual View Post
    Essentially I'm saying that I'm mostly likely an ISTP in JCF/Jung and MBTI.
    Which more often correlates with SLI or LSE (ISTp or ESTj) in socionics than it does SLE or LSI (the types that use Se/Ti in socionics). Most ISTPs I know end up being SLI.

    And it goes without saying that the difference between Se/Si and Ne/Ni isn't just physical vs mental.

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    ISTP(Gabin) - 255
    ISFP(Dumas) - 245
    INTP(Balzac) - 230

    ESTP(Zhukov) - 220
    INFP(Yesenin) - 220
    INTJ(Robespierre) - 210
    ENTP(Don Quixote) - 195
    ISTJ(Maxim Gorky) - 195
    ISFJ(Dreiser) - 185
    ESFP(Napoleon) - 175
    ENTJ(Jack London) - 170
    ESTJ(Stirlitz) - 155
    ENFP(Huxley) - 150
    ENFJ(Hamlet) - 125
    INFJ(Dostoyevsky) - 120
    ESFJ(Hugo) - 110

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    A lot of being a Meyers Briggs ISTP is about being a rebel ... that is not what Socionics LSIs are like. If you identify with the "rebel" side of ISTP you are SLI.
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    No ISTp?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    I'm gonna go Fe-IEI 6w5 for you
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
    trad metalz | (more coming)

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    how do you go o Fe creative for him?
    God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.
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    Nobody seems to explaining how they came to their conclusions, but for the moment I am going to go with SLI. Mostly because I'm a lazy piece of shit, who over indulges on food stuff sometimes and masturbates about 3-4 times a day. Occasionally 5-6 a day if I'm feeling kinky.

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    Quote Originally Posted by StVual View Post
    Nobody seems to explaining how they came to their conclusions, but for the moment I am going to go with SLI. Mostly because I'm a lazy piece of shit, who over indulges on food stuff sometimes and masturbates about 3-4 times a day. Occasionally 5-6 a day if I'm feeling kinky.
    Where is the Te in that?

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    That wall of text seems N imo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Saberstorm View Post
    A lot of being a Meyers Briggs ISTP is about being a rebel ... that is not what Socionics LSIs are like. If you identify with the "rebel" side of ISTP you are SLI.
    I tried being rebellious whenever I was 13/14 or so, but I don't really think I'm that big of a rebel now.

    I don't identify with the rebel side of ISTP honestly. I was mostly speaking from a cognitive functions standpoint.

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