I have a dear (new) friend whose type I can't figure out. Allow me to describe him:
He's extremely (yet wonderfully) extroverted, confident, charming, sweet, opinionated, hard-working, and playful. We work together and he is always playing jokes on other people, looking for excuses to not actually work (but when he does work he is very competent and thorough, and he chooses to work 80+ hours a week), and trying to make other people smile.
He is a talented performer (he sang and acted as a teen) and is majoring in political science in college. He is also very smart (he's going to college on a full scholarship), mentally quick, and well-connected (probably due to his amazing charm and interpersonal skills).
In spite of all this, I'm still confused about his type. Part of me says "ENFP," but another part says no, because his extraverted feeling function is so incredibly well-developed, and most ENFPs I know are actually quite shy and reserved about approaching and getting to know others. I never experienced any of this with my friend. Also, most of the ENFPs I know tend to be a bit more, well, different. I can't describe this in detail, but they tend to be quirkier than this individual, and I say "quirky" with great affection and respect because I myself am exceedingly quirky. But then again, maybe my ENFP friends are just quirky ENFPs, and quirky people tend to run in packs.
Also, most of the ENFPs I know seem insecure, whereas this character seems very confident (but perhaps it's just a facade).
My friend also tends to be slightly bossy. Well, perhaps not bossy, but he doesn't hesitate to demand things of people, yet I'm never offended by his tone.
My opinion: I think he's either ENFJ or ENFP, but I'm not sure which one. Help!