Michael Carrol (5723michael) is a blogger, youtube poster, and cigar aficionado with a unique and controversial perspective on the socio-political events of today. What's his type?

From http://www.amessagetoblackpastors-md...-syndrome.html

The American white man is the devil incarnate, he is a living testament to the presence of evil in the world. The havoc he has wrecked on humanity exposes him as a blood thirsty ghoul, that covers his murderous rants with the pages from a socalled Holy Bible.

The white mans deceit can be attributed to his origins of being poor white trash from the lowest levels of European society. During the time in history known as the European age of expansion, after new worlds were discovered by cracker explorers, in order to populate these lands Europe opened her jails, prisons, mental institutions, and homeless shelters, literally dumping her human garbage onto the world via the crackers who left, the wealthy, well educated white people stayed in Europe and are still there today

It’s the poor white trash who left taking up residence in America, and from the moment those white demon stepped foot on this soil it has not been the same. Why is that you ask? well what These white demons did was drained the puss from their social, political, and religious sores onto the psyche of American culture, producing racism, sexism ,discrimination, and aggression. All were designed to create a buffer between the low self-esteem of white people and the false image they wanted to project to world.

You know the one the false notion that white is right, Manifest Destiny, meaning God ordained crackers to be the human template for civilization, the mold upon which all of humanity must follow, or pattern themselves after if they are to be considered civilized / Christian. This backward premise has been debunked centuries ago with people of color all over the globe, the only place this foolishness is still believed is here in America among buck dancing dick sucking, booty clapping black slaves, along the same line as James, a soft spoken, shoe buffing, Negro minstrel, who takes great pride in being the defender of all things white.
When you expose to the world how much of a demon the white man is, your first opposition will come not from the white man, but his human shields, buffers if you will, human puppets who much like suicide bombers are willing to kill or be killed all in the defense of their master, or some silly dogma that can be debunked.
James has been around from the dawn of time, he was the historical Judas, Brutus, Benedict Arnold, turn coat, sell-out, an snitch. With each turn of the page's of human history, you will find the soft spoken minstrel James usually as a footnote, or pushed to the margins, occupying a small space of little to no importance. well that’s until someone says anything wrong about white people.

When that happens this slaves ears will stand erect, much along the same lines as Underdog when he hears the yelps from Sweet Polly Pure Bread. Help, help me ******, please Sambo, I need your help, the white man screams, whenever someone is disclosing how much like Satan white men are, and just like Underdog the minstrel ass James jumps into a female restroom and out pops, super ******!

Faster then the white man's deception, lies, and tricks, able to leap tall stacks of white American racism, more powerful than white Christianity's indoctrination, and who disguised as a meek mild buck dancing ****** Pee Wee Herman, decked out in Argyle sweaters, nut hugging Dockers, and Buster Brown Penny loafers.
Leads an ongoing campaign of being the top defender of all things white, simply put; James is a slave, a minstrel who no matter where you find him, you can rest assure he is operating in the best interest of whites, not blacks. For James his only reason for being alive is to defend white people. Even if they sat this coon down and told him, Mike Carroll is on point when talking about how much like Satan we are, James would argue with them how wrong they are, he would do this as tears rolled down his monkey cheeks. It simply breaks his black heart to hear anyone say bad things about his master.

In his mind white is not only right, it's pure, this isn’t hard to comprehend when one considers the slave religion All American Negro's practice, a simmering pot of religious raw sewage, where everyone from God, angels, and the scribes who plagiarized the Bible from ancient religions are white, in fact this ****** holds a secret desire that one day in the sweet by and by, when Jesus returns he will turn all ******s into white people, as a reward for being such faithful, devote, slaves, this is why they sing in their church, how much they want God to wash them WHITE as snow!

Don’t take my word on this, drive past one of these churches this summer when they are advertising their vacation Bible school, and pay close attention to the cracker on the posters. Stop at one and walk up to the stained glass windows and view the flying white people that they say are angels, this is in the heart of the ghetto, why is that? I’ll explain why, black people not only love, they fear and worship white people, don’t believe me just ask James!

You recall that historically inaccurate movie Roots? think back to the scene when Toby was talking to Fiddler about freedom, do you recall what Fiddler told Toby? “Freedom What’s that? I was born a slave, lived my life as a slave and I’ll die a slave” what a classic picture of the Afro American Negro in 2012!

The person we have to thank for making sure this ape stays on a mental plantation even after chains have been broken, is white ghoulish looking demons like Ralph, because he can change his looks this cracker has the ability to appear as an angel of light, an if your not careful you can be easily fooled by his deception. But if you study him, watch him closely tune out what he says with his forked tongue, pay very close attention to his actions, then and only then can you see this demon for the slithering snake he is,

Who exactly is Ralph? He is the typical cowardly ass white man, suffering from penis envy, an a low self-esteem, this is why he must shout to the entire world how superior he is, when deep within his own subconscious mind he understands he’s not shit. His woman only deals with him out of economic security, not love, how he keeps coming up short in the bed room has sent her into the jungles of urban America seeking a Mandingo buck. Couple that with how he calls her fat, after she has given his frail ass children.

The white daughter he stuck in private schools to keep pure and free from black influences , has today become the largest consumer of Hip Hop / Rap music, her lust to bed / wed the most dysfunctional Negro the race has produced is a living testament that ******s come from every social class in white America. Because she is not sexually attracted to her own kind, thanks to the sexual advances of her father, brothers, and uncles; she too will find herself taking on two, three some times more black bucks at one time, allowing them to film her exploits. Sooner or later nature will take its course and with that we have a barnyard / society full of mongrel, dirty babies, half breed mutts, I think the politically correct term is biracial children.

I mean think of it like this, when you have a President, Barrack Osama who was the product of poor white trash and some dusty, crusty in heat African from Kenya serving in the White House it place a Presidential seal on inter-racial dating, well for most people except the likes of Ralph. You see Ralph is a closet bigot, a Klan member with a shirt and tie, who uses peanut brain ******s like James, big butt black women, and poor English speaking Jap’s to do his evil deeds.

Along the same lines as the military gathering intelligence before invading a country, this cracker Ralph sends out his foot soldiers; buck dancing James, nappy head black bitches, and fried rice eating Jap’s, to gather information on a black male he plans to set a trap for.

The goofy ass Negro consumed with being a social misfit, while dressing like a fucking clown, will fall into the trap, and Ralph can jump for joy marginalizing yet another black male away from his horny wife / daughter. But for the well trained soldier who under stands the Art of War, spots this slimy slithering snake and his tribe of slaves before the demon can put his plan into motion.

After all its chess not checkers, and for the good chess player they make moves long before they materializes on the chess board. I recall a high school social studies teacher use to tell us black men, don’t you let these white folks put you in a trick bag, we would all laugh, oh Mr. Clark is crazy we would say, I never fully understood the implications of his words until I became a veteran in this ongoing race war.

Today I have come to appreciate what he tried to tell us , this American white man is a trickster, who loves to bamboozle Negro’s, speaking with forked tongue, and fingers crossed he smiles in the goofy faces of ******s, all while plotting and planning their demise. Often times the blacks are so stupid they become the pawns used to pull the trigger on a weapon pointed at themselves or one of their kind.

For this I must blame black women a tad bit more than black men, I’ll explain why. Even though James is a slave, a henchman, he is still only given certain information, the one this cracker confides his most deep seated hatred for black men to is this black bitch. She sits with a blank expression on her silly face as he talks about how much he hates, don’t trust, dislikes male ******s, even James is included, but the black woman is so intoxicated off her own shallowness never does she connect the dots understanding this devil is talking about my brothers, sons, and father.

Because she is the weakest link, and the biggest looser of the race, she sides with the enemy digging ditches, and laying traps for her own brothers. She does this because of a simple axiom , black women are not loyal too nor do they care about black men, her loyalty is to her white master. She is not today, nor has she ever been our woman, she has always been the property of someone else.

This is a harsh truth for most black men to face, they get confused with the fact they have a ring on the bitches finger, or have dated her for ten years, having children with the bimbo, tell him what I just said and he will refuse to accept it even to coming to blows. Yet that changes nothing, at the end of the day, after all is said and done, the modern-day black female is nothing more than a big butt enemy of your average black man.

She has taken the side of her master buying into his diabolical scheme to destroy black men. The sooner back men embrace these facts the sooner they can plan a course of action to prevent the black bitch from setting them up. As long as he allows himself to be a social misfit, a buffoon dressed like a circus clown, with the brain the size of a peanut he will continue to fall prey.

When he shuts his mouth and watches the actions of this black bitch it will become painfully obvious whose side she is on. Call me what you will, say whatever helps you digest what I have written, if it’ll help call me gay, say I have been hurt by a black female. Say I love white women, call me a sell out, whatever helps you digest it, because I’m sure the day will come when this will hit you like a ton of bricks and you will see stars as you finally come to realize Mike Carroll was on point, the black bitch is my enemy, she has sided with the cracker Ralph to set traps for black men, it would not surprise me if one day I walked into the office and found his three inch pecker in her mouth, ducked behind the fax machine.

You simply cant trust a black female, most are like the restored classic cars at an auto show, no I’m not talking about value I’m talking about how the owners will allow you to peer but don’t you dare touch. The same is true for black women, sure she as a fat ass, big hips /tits, with a pare of lips that resemble the mud flaps on a Mack truck.

Enjoy what you see, but understand this if its brains you are looking for you will have to date outside the race. Because you simply can't mention black female and brains in the same sentence unless you are pointing out how much of them she lacks. don’t take my words on anything do your own research, and when you do it will be come clear how Ralph the typical American white man is the devil who seeks to destroy black men, aided by male slaves like James, and nappy head black women.

For the work these two fail to accomplish Ralph the racist trap setting devil has his ever present Jap to play pinch hitter. In other words the Jap is a bad speaking foreigner whose panties are wet with the desire to please the white man. For deep within this Jap’s mind is the desire to be white. He understands this could never happen due to his inability to speak coherent English compounded also by the fact he appears exactly like the ****s from Hiroshima and Nagasaki two cities the allies dropped atomic bombs on in the final stages of World War two.

These bombs killed innocent Jap women, children and babies, this caused The Jap’s to wave their white panties in a show of surrender bringing an end to the war. So if anyone should be clear just how demonic this American white man is it should be the Jap’s yet in 2012 you still will find these ****s defending and being the eyes and ears for the white man, thinking that he will gain favor in this crackers eyes if he can assist him in laying his traps for black men.

Thus you can see the Jap sneaking around ducking behind fax machines, peering trough windows, at first glance because he is short in more ways than one, often times the only way you can tell if he is standing up or on his knees is if there is a white man close by with his polyester pants around his ankles.

These are the suspects the American white man has at his disposal, each flunky operates from the simple premise their sole reason for existence is to please their master, no matter what it may cost them personally if in the end they hear, well done thou good and faithful servant then the ends justify the means in the minds of slaves like James, Jap’s, and Negro women.

Again the traps will fool the typical American black man whose brain is the size of a drop of ant shit, whose mental development places him on the same level as school children. No matter his age the average Negro males mind is simply missing in action, when you have coons such as this they always fall for the deceitful tricks of Ralph, the only black man who can side step his traps are those few brothers who have studied this devil.

The few black men who have taken the time to research his history and how he has dealt with people of color, this is the black man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with this demon telling him to his pale white face the simple truth. I don’t fear you, nor am I impressed with you. I don’t today nor will I ever trust you, in fact its safe to say I don’t like you, this does not mean I'll be disrespectful to you, I’ll be polite when dealing with you, as long as we understand how I feel about you, in my mind you are evil, a blood thirsty ghoul, who will stab me in the back the second I’m dumb enough to turn it on you, this is why I wont, I only will shake your hand if I have soap and water handy to clean my hand when done. I’ll watch you like a hawk, never blinking, understanding in the moment in a twinkling of the eye you will strike.

You cant fool me Ralph, I understand who and what you are, because I understand the Art of War I’m fully prepared for your schemes, I’ve studied your kind long enough to know the plays you will run, snap count , and formation. Thus when you break from your huddle with James, Jap’s and ****** women, I take a panoramic view of your formation and it tells me what play you are about to run, an who I can expect to get the ball.

When I stop each of your schemes I can hear you thinking aloud, damn this brother must have our play book, no not at all, the only thing I’ve done is studied the film of how you ran the same plays trough out history. Your predictable it’s the same old game, only the faces have changed, nothing new. With that I can only inform you Ralph your plot has failed, send your ****** wench back to her street corner, and instead of having her watch me tell the whore to watch for her next trick.

This is a job better suited for a Negro female, attempting to have one of them match wits with me is a waste of time. She lacks the insight, intelligence, and mental development to even be on the same field as me. This goes for your effeminate down low ****** James, that frilly pink thong wearing minstrel lacks the nuts, backbone, mental strength, and courage to engage me, finally inform your Jap he can only properly press my shirts, I happen to like them with extra heavy starch, oh yeah he can fetch me a plate of fried rice and mixed veggies, but please inform him he cant speak English well enough.

So Ralph this leave you, no one else just you, but your never going to step my way because by nature Ralph you are a bitch, a coward who only shows balls, when you have the upper hand, with it you hide your bitch like nature behind worthless ass titles, that has the same purpose as a used condom.

The traps you attempted to set can only work with a slave, a minstrel, or Negro court jester, they can never work with a free thinking black man who has a backbone and very large balls, stop drooling Ralph I don’t bat from that side of the plate, you will never see them, then again allow me to restate that, you will see them just not literally, you will see them on display as I tell you to your face that you are a demon, and because I’m watching you like your watching me, I will never fall into the Ralph / James syndrome!
Mike Carroll