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Thread: Delta type descriptions: INFj, ISTp, ESTj by Gulenko

  1. #1

    Default Delta type descriptions: INFj, ISTp, ESTj by Gulenko

    1. Program function : He is an energetic and operational person. It is said that he can work more in an hour then less efficient people can work in a day. He is a champion for the quality, the reliability and the productivity of labor. He is interested in daring, nonstandard technological solutions. He must rationalize every activity. He is zealous and economical. He has the urge to provide well for himself and his family. He skillfully exploits technology. He possesses an exceptionally practical turn of mind. Everything is evaluated from the point of view of expediency and usefulness. He teaches people how to use their minds effectively.

    2. Creative function : He is a very thoughtful person. He likes to live fruitfully and share his wealth with those close to him. He helps others even without their asking. He rests only so he can work effectively. He loves Holiday celebrations, and he is a great epicurean, with a taste for fine foods. It brings him great pleasure to give gifts to others, to surprise them. He is more willing to give to others than to give to himself. A strict business or classical style of clothing is preferred. Special attention is given to the cleanliness of foot-wear.

    3. Role functions : When with others he appears polite and humorous. He shows positive emotions at almost all times. He can often be seen as slightly hyper active or over exited. He is strong in debate and does not cover his emotions. He will not take ideas that seem strange to him into account. He almost never realizes when he has unjust. However, if he has been restrained and is not, it becomes attentive and preventive. He has the ability to remain seemingly emotionless. He loathes when people interfere with his life and he sometimes flares up, flings objects, and speaks sharply.

    4. Painful function : He is prepared in advance for everything. He does not like to think about the future and responsibility. He only feels comfortable in predictable situations, he hates radical change and it often takes him time to adjust. When he moves forwards he prefers to walk a straight predictable path. He is pessimistic and foresees danger. It respects traditions and customs fixed by time. However, it attempts to keep abreast of time. It will not be caught in the old.

    5. Suggested function : His health depends on the psychological atmosphere prevailing around him. If people quarrel, if they do not trust each other, his health rapidly deteriorates. It is very steady in personal attachments. For those to whom he shows sympathy, he will make much more than they expect. He needs deep and durable human relations. However, he does not bond quickly or easily. He loves long sincere conversations. In spite of external sharpness, his soul is quite sentimental.

    6. Activation function : His creative abilities rise if he is in a good mood. If he feels, an enjoyable event is possible he will approach it with enthusiasm and the zeal. He cannot live a wandering aimless life. He loves competition, games, and dynamic forms of sport. He is reckless, especially if he is inspired to prove his abilities. When it is beat at something, he becomes sullen and nervous. In this situation he needs council and calm confirmation or the correction of the final goal.

    7. Controlling function : He cannot live in chaos and disorder. He is impatient with people that are undisciplined and lack organizational skills He himself demonstrates both discipline and a keen eyes for organizing. Before beginning anything serious, he assembles an understanding of all the facts relating to the task at hand. It cannot act unsystematically or blindly. He is impartial to the opinions of others. It is critical in the estimation of the results of his task. He is best instructed verbally.

    8. Standard function : He knows how to force people to work. He will not suffer near the presence of lazy persons and careless workers. He will not allow anybody to command his territory. He lives according to the principle "my house - my kingdom" He is strongly it is concentrated on the object of labor. It is extremely rare for him to use force, suppression or humiliation, to assume power. The force, which it allotted nature, directs to the useful matters, uninterrupted control of technological processes.

    © Text: V. Gulenko // V.Gulenko, "Jung in school", 1997.
    Source :

  2. #2

    Default INFj

    1. Program function : The ethics of relationships are well understood among all people. He is aware of who gets along and does not get along with whom. He is prone to superfluous trustfulness. He has a great trust in the honesty and decency of others around him. Treason and treachery are not easily forgiven. He differs in tones of courtesy and softness in debate. Humanitarianism often manifests itself in daily matters. He avoids declarations and beautiful words. He is most generous. He knows how to pardon even his enemies, if they have sincerely confessed. Democratic relationships are maintained with all he knows.

    2. Creative function : He has a good understanding of the possibilities and he possesses the talent of aneducator, since he understands how it is necessary to reveal the ability of people. He treats children in the same manner he would an adult, encouraging independence and other qualities, necessary for the adult life. He greatly values friendly exchange of opinions, as it creates the climate of confidence and respect. He is calm and collected in the most complex vital situations. People turn to him for council. He is drawn to the new and uncommon, he is self-educated. He attempts to find the interrelation between different studies and theories, as a rule, spiritual- humanitarian nature. Few better understand the effects of religion on the life of people.

    3. Role function : If wanted he has the ability to be disciplined and executive. He is honest, although sluggish in execution of work. He is very careful about the detail and quality of his work. He fulfills undertaken responsibilities. He works modestly, without want for praise. He works objectively, and does not suffer to over analyze facts. He some times has issues understanding problems of logic. In official situations he appears restrained and mundane. He does not like to impose his problems on others, and often does well enough dealing with them himself due to his patient nature.

    4. painful function : He will not force others to do what is against their will. He does not respond well to force, aggression and demands. He is nervous in stressful situations but is always willing to help when needed, relief is attained soon after situation calms.

    5. Suggested function : He has great business logic. He cannot sit idly; when others work. The best method to instruct him with his work is through personal example. True pleasure is obtained from the comfortable, well organized labor. He does not like useless expenditure of energy that could be better used in other places. It often takes him some time to become well acquainted with policy. He is pleased with an organized tidy work space, with the necessary tools close at hand. He has a tendency to sit to long at work and to slack off. It is grateful to people, that take into consideration his own leisure and maintenance of health.

    6. Activation function : His mood strongly depends on physical state. When he is ill or experiences inconveniences he becomes pessimistic and moody. He feels most comfortable in the small, but warm company. He worries about the mood of people in his social circle. It relates critically to its appearance. He needs approval of his appearance. He has a method of dressing that is custom to his style but avoid overly flashy clothing.

    7. Controlling function : He senses ripening conflicts. He focuses attention on the negative emotions of people and condemns them. It knows how to listen man, to sympathize, to remove emotional stress from them. He shares his experiences openly to only very close people he is deeply effected by negative, dramatic events in his life and those surrounding him, even if they do not directly concern him. Internally he is a very emotionally stressed and nervous person. Although he knows how to keep his emotions in check, he must periodically emote. He is torn away in the contact with the close ones, if it seizes them in the lie, the selfishness and indifference.

    8. Standard function : He is punctual. Completes tasks accurately in the time allotted. Work is kept separate from life and he keeps concentrated on any given task. He is frustrated by delays and things he feels are a waste of time. Garrulous people and small talk is not tolerated.

    © Text: V. Gulenko // V.Gulenko, "Jung in school", 1997.
    Source :

  3. #3

    Default ISTp

    1. program function : Peace is achieved through the senses. Anything that goes against the natural flow of events is sharply received. He rejects any activity that goes against social norms, does not abide primal instincts. He is squeamish. He is thoughtful and shows respect to relatives and loved ones. If he sees a weak man it is in his nature to come to his aid. He is sensitive and will never take joy in the pain of others. The possibilities of sensations are well understood. He is often and enthusiast of the out doors and enjoys earthy activities, camping, fishing and primitive listing being some of the many things he enjoys. He does not force his moods on to others, if he is bored it is not spoken, if he is restless he will not say. He is easily wounded but will not say when his spirit has been broken. In order to survive he knows how to abide by rules and follow social stereotypes.

    2. creative function : He works well with his hands. Things must prove to be absolutely unworkable before he will dismiss an idea. He has a very logical mind. The simplest most objective solutions are found for all problems. Before undertaking a matter, he thinks over several ways of reaching the desired result and stops on the most economical. He works in a way that is convenient for him without paying much attention to others. He takes note of people, that elude or loaf. He wants these people to either complete their tasks or to remove themselves. He does only what is necessary. He skillfully manages tools and technical adaptations. He strives to improve upon himself.

    3. role function : the intuition of the time He is hard on himself, all promises are to be kept, all appointments to be gotten to on time. He tightly governs the time he spends on everything, schedules and lists are often made. He fears imposing on others. He manifests skepticism through humor and self-irony. However, secretly it does not lose hope for success. In critical situations he does not panic. Often he feels as if he is a victim to fate.

    4. painful function : His display of emotions is contrasting, at times he will appear as an iceberg in the ocean, and at others he will appear emotional and energetic. His emotions are stormy and sometimes result in instable poor relationships. During the conflict he prefers not to get involved in dispute, but simply walk away. He cannot place trust in people he does not know well. He does not like to be psychoanalyzed or studied. It must be understood without the words.

    (Not done.)

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    from Gulenko

  5. #5

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    Very accurate. Bravo.

  6. #6

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    Ehum, does this means that ESTjs get extra offended when you cancel on them?

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by pesto
    Ehum, does this means that ESTjs get extra offended when you cancel on them?
    YES...It absolutely kills me when someone cancels on something or doesn't come through with something when they say they will... I hate hate hate hate hate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    What I've noticed about my dad and lecturer, you don't mess with their time. They greatly dislike being late or those who arrive late. Also, they try to avoid uncertainty when making future plans and can get agitated when the plans don't unfold well.
    very true, for example...yesterday I was hanging with 2 of my friends around 3pm or so. One of the guys asked if I wanted to go to dinner with him and another guy I know when he gets off work. I said, depending on what time... He calls the guy up and asks if he wants to get out and when a good time would be. The guy said he had to work til about 830pm and after that would be fine. So, to this i said, yeah that's ok with me...830 it is.
    He gets a call back about 30 minutes later and the other guy said he's got some stuff to do but didn't know how long it would take after he got done with work. This kinda sent me into a tizzy because I now didn't have concrete plans as to what I was going to be doing and when it was going down. and for some reason if i don't have plans made sometimes i just feel like it's a waste of a
    so, another guy that was with me asks me a bit later if I had plans and i said, i'm not sure yet. so he says, me and a couple people are meeting at the bar to shoot some pool at 9pm. Since this was set up and I was sure about this time then I went ahead and told my friend to give me a call if his friend got off work early and we'd go have dinner, if not i'll be out shooting pool at 9pm and just call me if ya wanna hang out later.
    I hope this makes sense. I figured that story would fit pretty well in this discussion.

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    It made perfect sense. Thank you both. (And I have some making up to do.)

  9. #9

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    Wow I really like ESTjs... I think they go well with INFjs, isn't that true?

    They seem really cool. Like powerful, but not in an annoying way.

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