Ok so ashton decided to let me know I'm an ENTj, which I agree with.

ENTj is labelled as the "pseudo aggressor." First of all, wtf does that mean? Secondly, if ENTj's are "victims" to their dual, the aggressor ESI, then wtf am I supposed to do?

As I mentioned in another thread, my typical method of meeting women is this:
get phone number asap
talk for a couple weeks then ask her out.

Success rate? zero percent. My ex did most of the initiating last time.

Anyway, my whole life I've felt like women come in and just... ruin me. They come in, they get all flirty with me, I chase after them, they never say yes to any of my date requests. Bullshit! I'm tired of it.

So now that I've read that ENTj's are the victims and ISFj's are the aggressors, wtf does that mean? how does that work? Where should my strategy change?