What is it and what does it mean to you?

To me being normal simply means having a common personality and state of mind. In the sense that if you're normal, it shouldn't be too difficult to find someone that is very similar to you. Also, if weird people were common and normal people were not common then it would make weird people normal and normal people weird. Being weird as in not common results in being ostracized to an extent because you are somebody that most people are not used to so they feel they have this right to punish you for it. Most normal people like to think they're a beautiful unique snowflake, but if they were truly unique then they'd feel the pain of ostracism depending on how weird they are. Most weird people wish they were normal so they can be fully accepted into social groups. I think the ability to adapt to social norms and being normal mostly depends on the kind of childhood you had, which could reinforce you to develop into a normal social adult or into a maladjusted awkward one where genetics might have some influence. Psychiatry though I think takes this too far and tends to make any slight deviation from the norm into a personality disorder. While it's good to know what is different about you in order to improve, it backfires because it gives people a label to ostracize and attack. I'm just curious and would like to hear some thoughts on this.