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Thread: Types and RPG roles

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Types and RPG roles

    ENTp: Offensive/Hybrid Tanks

    Entps ultimately have to go on the attack if they want to be likeable. Challenge who needs to be challenged, attack others, go for the goal maaaan. Or something. ENTps have a lot of versatility to them and can be found in many roles, although sometimes their Ne ambivalence can get the better of them. This is because their Ne ideas always makes them switch classes. Because the rest of alpha doesn't really have any tanking, they frequently find themselves in this position if this should occur. But tanking is one of those things that is only really useful on some fights, anyway. Even though ENTps are hybrids, their healing is kinda ehhh as they are more of a class that is 'inspiring' than 'healing.'

    ISFp: Defensive/Healing

    Like the infp, you belong in the back casting healing spells and being cute, NOT on the front lines. What are you stupid or something, you just wiped the whole group cuz you had to go up to the straight man's face to prove something. Straight men melee are weak against other things too, mainly long range intellectual attacks that they can't fix with their car wrenches. Straight men melee can TRY to put points into inteligence but ultimately they will get too seriously offended and cave under the intellectual pressure. Your spells aren't as flashy and wonderful as the INFp but they are also more reliable and earthy.

    ESFj: Hybrid/In the middle

    An ESFj is a buffer class, a caretaker, so being in the middle of the pack and casting your Fe inspiration spells is what you need to do. ESFjs are the best buffers, and they can hold their own in melee range somewhat with their Se-demonstrative. If you are an ESFj the thing you are best good at is giving everybody donuts and showing INTjs that the world isn't so tough.

    INTj: Long range attack/some defensive buff spells similar to Arcane Brilliance etc.

    INTjs need to attack others from the distance like mages. They have great damage potential but need to be encouraged by others to make the most out of their class. INTjs are a really powerful class when used properly, but they are too people-insecure sometimes and that is what hinders them the most.

    ESTp: Defensive/Offensive/Pure tanks

    If you are an ESTp you need to be tanking in a group, you should almost always be tanking- you can melee damage deal but you're best left to tanking. While an ESTp can damage others effectively and get under an INFj's skin, over-all they are too emotionally sensitive themselves to be in an effective offensive role. So tank, tank, tank.

    INFp: Defensive (Healing)

    If you are an INFp, you need to play defensively. Heal, Heal, Heal. Don't be insecure about your softer nature, use it to your advantage. infps are like kings, you will be left alone to do whatever the hell it is you want if you just suck it up already and deal with the fact that you are a humanitarian.

    A specific role for an INFp is only good if they are emotionally connected to their tanks or some other sort of ideal. Usually, INFps are best as raid/party wide medics that throw Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing-type spells on people. The trick is to use their creative Fe as much as possible in a fight. An INFp is able to shock multiple people at once from a distance, being so empathetic themselves they can be good at trolling others, but this ultimately needs to be turned into a defensive thing otherwise the INFp would be gutted by the more offensive classes. An INFp can also be a Rogue/Mage type class or a hybrid (shaman), they are versatile that way but they almost always will end up healing. So suck it up.

    ISTj: Long-ranged damage

    Gunner/warlock/sniper/police officers are the epitome of ISTj. Beta ISTj in a gay porn police uniform is what an INFp is erotically attracted to the most, making them great activity partners. You can use some melee attacks, but you're best left to hang out in the back. Be like discojoe!

    ENFj: Hybrid/in the middle

    Like the ESFj, you belong in the center spotlight casting caregiver type spells and hollywood entertainment abilities. ENFjs and ESTps are the eptiome of hollywood actors that always seek to inspire INFp. INFp have a lot of raw power, but need buffing and things that help them with their tempo. Beta quadra is a really pure quadra. Everybody is more neatly defined and stereotypical but it is what needed to win the battle. So don't be afraid too much to put a pretty bow on things. ESTp, should tank - protecting mainly the INFp. INFp should heal everybody, mainly the ESTp tank. ISTj does all the damage from a distance while the ENFjs buff the party and maybe helps a little with the melee damage.

    ENTj: Offensive- Melee

    ENTjs are excellent melee-ranged damage dealers. When Te is up in your face, it makes almost everybody feel uncomfortable. So know your role, bitch. A lot of ENTjs when they are insecure will try to be just as 'long range intellectual' as an INFp. Fuck that shit. Be a man and get in their face to properly intimidate them. If you want to win an actual war, the ENTjs would all be in the front lines doing melee damage. They can tank too somewhat, but they are best to just use melee damage. An ENTj lost in their head is a pathetic, worthless ENTj. ENTjs are incredibly powerful but are one of those classes that are hard to master.

    ISFj: Healing

    Heal your duals, heal your duals, heal your duals. Get in your kitchen and bake him his turkey while he goes out and makes real money and conquers the world with straight man intimidation! In a more magical RPG sense, stay back and heal. Also if you are going to morally snap at somebody, do it from a safe distance, because even a well played INFp could out last you in a toe-to-toe brawl.

    INTp: Long-ranged magical damage

    INTps are long-range damage dealers and also great debuffers from a distance. With the entj's melee debuff abilities, and the intp's magic debuff abilites, gamma is all about trying to use the other side's insecurity against themselves. However your armor is made of tissue paper, Daria. Don't be an idiot and try to be physical out of insecurity - a lot of INTps lose it all by being insecure about their own flaws.

    ESFp: Tanks/hybrid/buffers

    ESFp, the politicians of the soicon are best as being in the middle buffers and control ice/water mages (like dolphin) or in the front lines back-up tanking. (They can main tank some bosses even but their F will get in the way of taking on some of the more aggressive creatures. So for those you should swap out an ENTj instead) They can tank okay, and control others well.... and are capable of some great burst damage attacks but they aren't really consistent damage dealers because their empathy gets in the way too much. (Semi duals with INFp remember) ESFps also have a few light healing spells too maybe, but there are tons of other better choices for main healing. ESFps can definitely be tough, but they really shine better in a support role.

    ESTj: Battle Warden/Tactical Assistance

    You're an ESTj, so direct. Tell other people what to do. Other deltas love you for it, and it won't end up annoying some INFp and make his home dawgs gang up on you. ESTjs are those type of types that have great group-wide aura buffs that are always on. An ESTj also has the ability to position other team mates to be where they should be. As for actual fighting, ESTjs shine as a Paladin-style hybrid tank. Delta fights are all about pacing yourselves well. Beta has the power, but you have the tempo.

    INFj: Defensive (Healing)

    You're basically an INFp but with more Fi-based healing powers. An INFj can heal their tank better than an INFp can heal their tank, but an ESTp can protect their healer better than an ESTj can protect their healer INFj.

    ISTp: Melee damage (more common)/long range damage (less common)

    Craftsman ISTp you're meant to get up in somebody's face all quiet like while you pwn them from melee. A lot of rogue/thief classes are from the ISTp type.

    ENFp: Hybrid/buffer

    You are an ENFp. A psychologist. You annoy everybody around you by always staying in the middle and staying calm and being a peacemaker that inspires others. The thing that's tricky about an enfp is you want to make sure where your loyalties lay, and that is something that an ESTj's Directive Powers can help you with. Otherwise you might end up buffing the other team accidentally because you feel sorry for them and 'see their point as well.' All-in-all, an ENFp should be played similiary to an ESFj and ENFj.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 10-24-2011 at 12:33 PM.

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    Haha, this is awesome.

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    INTjs, the world isn't so tough!

    What RPGs have you been playing lately BnD? Are there 1-2 in particular that inspired this?

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    Say you're fighting one of those 'purely evil narcissistic bosses that everybody hates and even Ashton and Sam can get along with and agree that is evil and they need to take it down or it will destroy something they both might like.'

    My next post I will talk about the best fighting strategy to use to win that war. So stay tuned!

    <3 poli and woofwoofl.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Have the ESTp tank the boss. ESTps are all about experiencing multiple Se shit to prove how tough they are and they are so incredibly tough defensive-wise. They are pure, main tanks- and the harder it is to tank it, the more you want an ESTp.

    Ironically, have the ESTp's conflictor heal the INFj. INFj have the best single-target healing spells.

    An INFp needs to be making everybody feel good by healing all 16 people. Flash Heal, Burst Heal, gimmicky heals...use them. An INFp isn't very consistent you know. We are more like you need a heal BLAM there you go!

    ESFj needs to reactively buff, depending on the situation of the group. They have sort of the easiest job but also the hardest. Depending on what the monster is doing, the ESFj needs to buff that type of group the most to take on the greater challenge. ESFj will be buffing almost the whole fight. ENFp will be half-buffing, half back up healing whereas ENFj will be half-buffing, half-doing magical damage. All these buff classes can also dispel 2nd best to the ESTj. An INFp can dispel too a little bit but why bother when these classes can do it better & cheaper. An ESFj is a reactive buffer, an ENFj a proactive buffer and the ENFp somewhere in between.

    An ESTj is basically dispel-bot as well as helping with melee damage. Also they need to use their situational-placed abilities, that come from their Se-demonstrative.

    ESFp, now this is interesting. When the raid boss spawns adds to help him, an ESFp primary job is crowd controlling. An INFp or some other type *can* do this too but during that time they will almost always need to be healing others instead. So if you are an ESFp, your job is to crowd control. After all, that's what a Politician does the most. This can sometimes include being a back-up tank, or throwing ice-type spells that kite enemies around the room etc. Can heal slightly but worthless in a raid, too many healers can do it better than you can and you will just overlap. When you're not crowd controlling you have the option of melee damage or magic damage depending on what the group needs the most.

    An ISTp? Be like a pure rogue (Jessica the ISTp rogue) and stay up front and stab stab stab stab stab the boss. Your role isn't very complicated but it takes a lot of focus and situational awareness.

    ENTj.... should be debuffing the boss, doing melee damage, and also help tanking any adds that come that the ESFp can't necessarily crowd control. Their single-target melee damage isn't as good as the ISTp, but they have good area of effect melee attacks.

    INTps, INTjs, ISTjs....

    Long-range damage. Hunters, mages, snipers, warlocks, whatever. INTps should slightly focus on back-up debuffing. INTjs on the other hand should focus slightly on back-up *buffing.* ISTjs a little bit of both, with male ISTjs usually preferring to debuff and female ISTjs buff. All these types also should help assist the ESFp in crowd controls.

    ISFp: Heal the hybrids, heal other healers. Shield others with Si earthiness.

    INFp is best at healing clothies/weaker armored people. INFj is best at healing the tank, ISFj is best at healing non-tank melee damage. An ISFp job is more along the lines of 'damage prevention', excellent healing over time spells and things like that. ISFp is kind of like a gap filler for the other healers. ISFps have mediocre raw healing spells but great shield spells and healing over time spells.

    ISFj: Focus mostly on keeping the Death Knights (ENTjs) and Rogues (ISTps) up.

    ENTp is basically a mana battery and a sub-buff class and can be a lot of different things based on what the party needs. If a lot of people are dying an ENTp becomes essential at getting the most out of the fight due to their versatility. They are like Druids in vanilla wow, the more you stack them on fights you're 'just learning' the easier time you will have. All in all their primary role is to assist the damage dealers and healers to not run out of steam by giving them back mana. They can back-up tank as well.


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    I was thinking since N often represents magic/spells "fantasy/mystical element", and S often represents more combat/abilities "realistic, real-world stuff", there are two kinds of each:

    magic is dynamic; it's more akin to affliction damage, AOE, curses, auras, runes, over-time healing/draining.
    magic is static; it's more akin to burst damage, burst heals, hexing, blinking, some burst AOE.

    combat is dynamic; it's more akin to tanking, battle shouts/seals, stealth, poisoning, handicap/disarming, traps.
    combat is static; it's more akin to front damage, berserk, criticals, stunning, sniping.

    Temperament will favor some elements more than others. For example:

    ESFp/ESTp - Engaging Static Combat
    -EPs will want to stir something up big from the get go. They will usually find themselves in the midst of the action, often being the action themselves, using the quickest weapons, berserking, critting, dodging, delivering the most responsive martial-arts and taking immediate advantage of every second with quick stamina recovery and a fiery internal rage. They feed off of fighting and are known to cause some of the biggest death tolls once their strikes become deadly perfect and surpass their own power.

    ISFj/ISTj - Concentrating Static Combat
    -IJs favor best being a sniper, long-swordsman, samurai, or bomber, where power shots are given careful delivery, calculating their body and actions as to invoke a devastating result every time. They're always upkeeping their current physical position and their defense flourishes due to their well engineered offense. They can easily become the most annoyingly unstoppable and accurate class with the greatest stamina.

    ESFj/ESTj - Engaging Dynamic Combat
    -EJs will want to "tough it out" and lead directly in the front lines, tanking, battle shouting, taunting and defending, where their monumental endurance will be used towards the most advantageous end goal. They can make great key leaders of parties as the more support they're given, the more rewards they give to their party in battle, and can even command devastating team abilities and be rewarded rare auras from the gods.

    ISFp/ISTp - Concentrating Dynamic Combat
    -IPs will play their stealth, massive poisoning, trapping, looting and disarming techniques and other unique abilities in the more thoughtful "mind-over-matter" elements of the game. At the right times they're known to wield special potions and recipes that yield the most unexpected affects, pets and machinery to do some of the harshest bidding, and with their sixth sense collect some of the rarest prizes and gear for battle.

    ENFp/ENTp - Engaging Static Magic
    -EPs will make use of their quick-wit and advantage, pulling random stunts in the moment, anywhere from charming their enemies into powerless creatures to raiding them with fireballs. Their pure power, however, comes from gaining visions of the battlefield and blinking near others in a mass, riskily taking the best damage opportunities. They're sometimes known to combine combat weapons and spells for an even greater effect, and their class is known to store some of the greatest mana pools. Their spell most devastatingly known is an elemental wave of energy around them from a mana overload.

    INFj/INTj - Concentrating Static Magic
    -IJs will often make a home out of a special pedestal or outlook where they can connect to a great mana well or deity and freely cast their powerful blows and secretive healing channeled from afar. They see the battlefield over like a giant chess board and must usually make solid recovery from a stable position. With a supportive party they can easily become the greatest damage or healing contributor, but without support they can be quite defenseless and so unable to use their power to great lengths.

    ENFj/ENTj - Engaging Dynamic Magic
    -EJs may often like to play a kind of magical manipulation or puppetry, stirring chaos and using their determination to dominate the battlefield, doing things like cursing those to fight against another, draining their lifespans, finishing them off with elemental pours, even transforming the terrain to great lengths and summoning back the dead to fight for them. The drawback of this class is if and when they can't find an effecient mana source to power their intense mechanics, they fall short of a solid backup plan and face revolution.

    INFp/INTp - Concentrating Dynamic Magic
    -IPs will feel out their best chance. They are often known to let the natural auras and runes they attune themselves to protect them, then will turn around to plague the death sentences of the land upon many of their foes, evading and slipping themselves back to a full recovery or spiritual metamorphasis using the essences tapped from around them, just as they let time make the final decays. These types can make supernatural physical transformations, sometimes one of their allies being the result.

    For duality, the feel is that one person handles the dynamic aspects more and the other handles the static aspects, each in their own way. For instance, Se-dom + Ni-dom pair: the Ni-dom protects the Se-dom by essentially rotting out his opponents to make his agile blows easier to deliver and being able to over-time heal him, while the Se-dom is basically causing a huge distraction and can stun or follow-bash any spills to protect the background dynamics of the Ni-dom.

    I think I'll write some more in-depth duality descriptions on this later.

    The extrovert is more engaged in the moment, and the introvert is thinking or seeing what happens next.

    The feeler is better able to support the thinker, while the thinker is able to calculate the risks. (So for Se-IJ, this can differentiate a sniper who is supporting from above (ISFj) from more of a loner swordsman who is calculating the initial decisions (ISTj).

    The sensor is usually up-close and personal, while the intuitive evades and gains some distance. They each use a different form of fighting which does not clash but works together.

    The two perceivers are more often gauging the moment and reacting, where as the two judgers have a plan or scheme being laid out or in development.
    Last edited by 717495; 10-24-2011 at 08:53 PM.

  7. #7
    ■■■■■■ Radio's Avatar
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    Hah, this is pretty cool.

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    Robot Assassin Pa3s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    ISFj: Focus mostly on keeping the Death Knights (ENTjs) and Rogues (ISTps) up.
    Hey, this fits perfectly!

    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
    – Arthur Schopenhauer

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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    I'm only an Arcane Mage.

    I can't tank shit; my armor is like tissue!


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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    Oh BnD you just made your type a Holy Priest THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT HUH

    Sooooo I have an INFj 1w9 so/sp Holy Paladin healer while I tank as an ESTp 8w9 sx/so Protection Warrior?

    Okay, cool -- we can have the holy paladin spam Divine Light and Beacon while I refresh Rend + Devastate on CD.

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    How come I don't see a Discipline Priest or Restoration Druid equivalent?

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    An ISFp is like a mixture of both those classes. They have great Shields plus great Heal over Time.

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    The extrovert is more engaged in the moment, and the introvert is thinking or seeing what happens next.

    The feeler is better able to support the thinker, while the thinker is able to calculate the risks.

    The sensor is up-close and personal, while the intuitive evades and gains some distance.

    The two perceivers are more often gauging the moment and reacting, where as the two judgers have a plan or scheme laid out or in development.
    hmm... I really like this poli.

    What RPGs have you been playing lately BnD? Are there 1-2 in particular that inspired this?
    A mixture of world of warcraft/rift/city of heroes/final fantasy/runescape/16types adventures. =p

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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    An ISFp is like a mixture of both those classes. They have great Shields plus great Heal over Time.
    But Penance is shiny and pretty.

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    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    Awesome post! I'm not too familiar with WoW but if ENTp are most like druids then I guess I know which class I should play if I ever do get sucked into WoW.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

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    OH God. This explains why I always play rogue/meleeDPS lol.
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    her soul
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    the sun
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    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    This explains my sniping and opportunistic tendencies.
    Reason is a whore.

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    I always thought that ESFjs could be better suited for being bard-like buffer/enchanters.

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    함부로 애틋하게 Kierva's Avatar
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    If ESTps are tanks....


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    @truck what type is teemo! haha

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    God, this old thread is hilarious!

    I'd also say it should be added that ESTp tanks are highly susceptible to Fear and Sadness spells, so best to keep a Delta healer nearby to help dispel these when they are struck and turn to go home.

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    ESTps are the guys carrying around swords like these to compensate for something:

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    INFp healers do primarily aoe heals. INFj healers do primarily single-target heals.

    1-6-2 so/sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    i dont know any other games except LoL
    but i think for healers, isfjs are healers with strong poke (sona) and infps are healers with good cc (janna).

    jayce is estj. singed is intp. miss fortune is enfj. taric is isfj. ziggs is entp. blitz is istj.

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    what about adcs in general?

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    Lungs, I have no idea what you're typing about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Finale View Post
    I'd also say it should be added that ESTp tanks are highly susceptible to Fear and Sadness spells, so best to keep a Delta healer nearby to help dispel these when they are struck and turn to go home.
    Fear and sadness? Really? I'm immune! (Unless my INFj healer dies. That might make me sad and afraid.)

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Lungs, I have no idea what you're typing about.
    thats cuz i only know about 1 game >.>

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    I always liked to play hybrid character. e.g. in AD&D Paladins, Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Thief, Melee Rangers

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    What? The SEE as a tank or caster class? Clearly there are no bards or charisma based characters in whatever rpg we're dealing with here.
    Easy Day

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    I like the concept of the shadow priest from WoW. Draining the enemy and distributing the health to your allies.

    Being a pure healer for any sort of RPG carries with it a lot of responsibility, but it also means that people will always want to be in your company.

    Playing as a hybrid is fun if you're functional enough to carry your weight, but level progression typically revolves around you specializing in a niche.

    1w9 - Wisdom support hybrid (Druid, Cleric)
    1w2 - Wisdom tank Healing hybrid (Paladin, cleric)
    2w1 - Charisma / Wisdom Heals/buffs (Priest, cleric)
    2w3 - Charisma Heals/support/ (Druid, Bard)
    3w2 - Charisma / heals (Bard, sorcerer)
    3w4 - Charisma (Rogue, Bard)
    4w3 - Charisma / Dexterity (Rogue, bard)
    4w5 - Charisma / Int (Rogue, Bard, Wizard)
    5w4 - Int / Dps (Wizard)
    5w6 - Int / Wisdom / Dps / support (Wizard, Spellsword)
    6w5 - Int / Wisdom/ Support (Spellsword, Warmage)
    7w6 - Dexterity / Int / Support ( Spell thief, Rogue, Bard, Ranger )
    7w8 - Dexterity / Wisdom Support (Rogue, Ranger, secondary tank, Fighter)
    8w7 - Wisdom / Constitution / Tank (Fighter, Ranger)
    8w9 - Wisdom / Constitution / Tank (Fighter, Druid)
    9w8 - Wisdom / Constitution / Tank (Druid, Monk)
    9w1 - Wisdom / Support (Druid, Cleric)

    Happy, @derpface?
    Last edited by RedBeard; 06-13-2013 at 09:47 PM.
    The trickster is at one and the same time creator and destroyer, giver and negator, he who dupes others, and who is always duped himself.

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    I was crap mighty at every single ranged class except Marksmanship Hunter in WoW. Anyhow, WoW really ended for me on TBC.

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    The Socionics types Final Fantasy style:


    ESE - Mime

    Innate understanding of party members, can copy their actions in battle with careful observation.

    SEI - Thief

    Possessing cunning and dexterity, the SEI can hide in the shadows and pick pockets when need be. Demonstrative Fi makes them feel guilty about stealing from the innocent, so they go for enemies only.

    ILE - Red Mage

    Jacks of all trades, they can use black magic, white magic and attack with swords and knives.

    LII - Gunner

    Long range fighter of Alpha, uses a series of guns to snipe the enemy and strategically target specific body parts of enemies to lessen their fighting capabilities.


    EIE - Blue Mage

    Keeps an eye on the enemy and watches them attack so they can copy their abilities to give them a taste of their own medicine.

    IEI - White Mage

    Keeps the troops perky with healing spells.

    SLE - Berserker

    Berserks self to bring the rape and pillage. Swimming in HP.

    LSI - Dragoon

    Likes putting his "spear" in things. Attacks at mid-range so you don't get blood over his pristine armour.


    LIE - Fighter/Time Mage

    Short temper, long sword. Decent all-rounder but not ultra specialized. Impatience mixed with Ni may result in the learning of time magic because they want to speed up and smash down whatever gets in their way, but otherwise not great with the whole magic thing.

    ILI - Black Mage

    Plenty of scorching Ni/Se destructive fuckery coming from these guys. Fire, ice, lighting, you pick it, they'll throw it.

    SEE - Defender

    Boost the party's defense, tank and carry around a big chunky sword to bludgeon and slash whatever comes too close.

    ESI - Paladin

    Swords and healing spells for Gamma-ites. Only the finest gold breastplate armour at 100000 Gil apiece. Weirdly okay with blood and gore, so they're happy to stick a sword in you.


    LSE - Knight

    Swords and shields like the fighter, but with the whole hierarchical thing going on.

    SLI - Monk

    In tune with their body and all that business. Right in the thick of the action, but goes into prayer in idle moments. Probably as an excuse to be lazy.

    IEE - Summoner

    Such good friends with everyone that they can call magical Ne beasts out to do their bidding.

    EII - Synergist

    Supreme buffer, there to make the big guys even bigger. Stat boosts and damage shielding spells and so on. Obnoxiously self-righteous.
    Last edited by Narc; 06-18-2013 at 10:57 AM. Reason: Syntaxing this motherfucker.

  33. #33
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    teemo seems SEI-ish to me.

    i like sona as isfj and janna as infp.

  34. #34
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    I've recently taken to playing darkforge Jarvan IV as my main in League of Jarvan IV. VI/Type?

  35. #35
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Your dual <3

    Nah I'm kidding. I can't type anything or anyone.

    Moonlight will fall
    Winter will end
    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

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    Quote Originally Posted by truck View Post

    INFp: Defensive (Healing)

    If you are an INFp, you need to play defensively. Heal, Heal, Heal. Don't be insecure about your softer nature, use it to your advantage. infps are like kings, you will be left alone to do whatever the hell it is you want if you just suck it up already and deal with the fact that you are a humanitarian.

    A specific role for an INFp is only good if they are emotionally connected to their tanks or some other sort of ideal. Usually, INFps are best as raid/party wide medics that throw Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing-type spells on people. The trick is to use their creative Fe as much as possible in a fight. An INFp is able to shock multiple people at once from a distance, being so empathetic themselves they can be good at trolling others, but this ultimately needs to be turned into a defensive thing otherwise the INFp would be gutted by the more offensive classes. An INFp can also be a Rogue/Mage type class or a hybrid (shaman), they are versatile that way but they almost always will end up healing. So suck it up.
    This is so true! I've been healing for years before I discovered that I was an INFP. In WoW I played priest, druid, and shaman, and ended up healing with all of them. And I did some of my best healing when I felt connected with my tank. Now that I'm playing GW2, I have my main set up for WvW group support. It's what I love, it's what I feel most comfortable doing.

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    @Quinky Staffementalist? I really like dagger/focus. You can't beat frost breath and swirling winds!

  38. #38
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    I hate tanking. I usually stand back and kite or healz. Mage is my otc.

  39. #39
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    I heavily prefer damage/tank classes so I can freely go around the map reeking havoc without relying too much on teammates for protection. Screw fancy spell combos, just give me highest damage to tankyness ratio possible so I can wreck enemies anytime anywhere and be a one man army. I also a addicted to watching enemy's health bars melt so sometimes I in get in the mood for hypercarrys. More damage plz.

    Favorite champs/heroes from dota and league:

    Phantom assassin(???), wraith king (LSE?), master yi(LII?), nasus(IEI/ILI?), jax(SLI?), pantheon(LSE?), katarina(SEE?), ursa(ESI?), sniper (hoho haha), legion commander(LIE?)

    Yes I play extremely greedy heroes and I am proud of it.
    Last edited by Muddy; 11-03-2015 at 09:30 AM.

  40. #40
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    I play rogue characters only. Stealth + burstdamage for the win. I will prioritise chests over monsters.
    Or in tabletop roleplaying anything munchkinish that utelises intelligence and or charisma as a substitute for strength. I will usually be the best performing character because I obsessively study the rules and try to find the best way of playing that particular system. (no, not DnD, never thought it to be an interesting world).

    In general I like to be able to get away with stuff and annoy/steal from other players.

    Doesn't sound like the buff type IEE now :'(

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