This is from Theosophy. It proposes 7 basic 'Rays' which are basic energies which affect everything in our planet. Everyone has a personality aligned with one of these (this alignment may change) and a spiritual alignment with some of the Rays, according to this system.

I have found this makes sense and I was interested by the system. Here is a list of the 7 Rays according to Geoffrey Hodson who wrote probably the best book about the subject.

Ray 1 - Power, Will. This is a totally male-quality Ray. Politics is associated with this, as well as wars and leadership. In today's world personalities aligned on this Ray are said to be fewer than in past times. One example of a Ray 1 personality is Vladimir Putin, Russia's Prime Minister or President.

Ray 2 - Wisdom. Here the male and female polarities are balanced even. This is the Ray of our solar system and this energy rules our planet especially. It's the energy which binds two people together, or groups, along with the 6th Ray, though in this energy there is more of a wisdom aspect so it rules over marriages and relationships one-on-one more than groups. People from this Ray tend to be wise and take things lightly, and prudent. It's the energy of the prudent and the elder. It has a special impact over the UK and the USA.

Ray 3 - Love/Intelligent Activity. This is where the female energy gains prominence over the male energy and so it is opposing the 1st Ray. People on this Ray tend to be intellectual and appreciate a wide range of knowledge, whereas the 5th Ray is more of specialized concrete knowledge. as a quality. I see it as ruling for example internet forums along with the 5th.

4 - Harmony/Beauty - This is the Ray of beauty and art. Artists tend to align with this Ray or the 7th. It's also the Ray of balance between spirit and matter, standing in the middle of the 7 energies. In this Ray spirit and matter are equally balanced, and from then on matter prevails over spirit, as well as activity over contemplation.

5 - Concrete Knowledge - The Ray of the scientist, of the physician, of the computer geek, of the hacker. It is the most prevalent of the material Rays nowadays. People aligned with this Ray tend to be a little dry, but knowledge as a certainty and the practical use of the intellect are what they are about. It is the more active and material aspect of the 3rd Ray.

6 - Devotion/Idealism - The Ray of religion, spiritual movements, and also ideologies. Its energy is Confidence and Faith. When in an atheistic personality this will reflect as a deep-rooted confidence without any reason for it, as well as either a peaceful or a warrior-like nature. It's the Ray of the soldier in battle as well as the priest in devotion to God.

7 - Order/Ritual - This is the Ray of rituals, as well as order. Magic of all sorts. Its energy transmutes and transforms and organizes. It's the organizer by nature. A military parade is very much a demonstration of this as well as the 1st Ray. People aligned with this Ray enjoy freedom and for them life is freedom more than anything else. They also enjoy order in every sense of the word, from neat dresses to impecable uniforms. It relates especially to the 4th Ray as its more active and material expression.

This is just a sketch. I found the system to be interesting to get to know.