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Thread: Creative/Demonstrative Nature

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    Default Creative/Demonstrative Nature

    This might be very similar to the +/- system and it might be common knowledge or just a summary. I don’t really know or am not sure or don't care, so…

    Creative Functions
    Ni -> ruminations with the intent of closure, relenting;
    Ni- -> The/My world is too dangerous; I can change that by determining why and stopping the problem from reoccurring.

    Ne -> ruminations with the intent of understanding, relentless;
    Ne- -> The/My world is too primitive; I can change that by figuring out how the world works, changing it indirectly, and eliminating the problem.

    Si -> calm, fluid, controlled, stable experience;
    Si- -> The/My world is too chaotic; I can change that by finding ways to reduce stress

    Se -> fast, chaotic, haphazard, volatile experience;
    Se- -> The/My world is too combative; I can change that by finding the world's structure and ruling it with direct force.

    Ti -> organization of thoughts through principle, internally structured;
    Ti- -> The/My world is too unreasonable; I can change that by finding a way to reason the world with others.

    Te -> organization of thoughts of the objects of the world, externally structured;
    Te- -> The/My world is too wasteful; I can change that by finding why and redirecting it.

    Fi -> organization of thoughts through relationship principles, internally structured;
    Fi- -> The/My world is too disconnected; I can change that by finding a way to connect people together.

    Fe -> organization of thoughts of the people of the world, externally structured;
    Fe- -> The/My world is too cruel; I can change that by finding why and using it to create friendly relations.

    Alpha (Ne-, Si-, Ti-, Fe-) – (too primitive, too chaotic, too unreasonable, too cruel) desires to successfully create/enjoy a society and make it reasonable/friendly, thus making society more individualistic and peaceful

    Beta (Se-, Ni-, Ti-, Fe-) – (too combative, too dangerous, too unreasonable, too cruel) desires to successfully rule/adapt a society and make it reasonable/friendly, thus making society more individualistic and confrontational

    Gamma (Se-, Ni-, Fi-, Te-) – (too dangerous, too combative, too wasteful, too disconnected) desires to successfully rule/adapt a society and bring people together, thus making society more collective and confrontational

    Delta (Ne-, Si-, Fi-, Te-) – (too chaotic, too primitive, too wasteful, too disconnected) desires to successfully create/enjoy a society and bring people together, thus making society more collective and peaceful

    Human Being
    A.	Reward/Punishment
            1.	Actions produce desired and undesired results
            2.	Processing determines what is desired and undesired
            3.	The desired is then sought after and the undesired avoided 
                    through more action
    B.	Processing
            1.	Must be done on a set of information
            2.	Involves using previously obtained information
                    a.	Recollection output (Fi, Ti, Te, Fe)
                            I.	Relationships
                            II.	Reason
                            III.	Organization of objects
                            IV.	Organization of people (Life)
            3.	Involves producing newly created information
                    a.	Event input (Ne, Ni, Si, Se) becomes part of 
                            recollection output
                            I.	Nature of indirect force
                            II.	Nature of the previous
                            III.	Nature of the present
                            IV.	Nature of direct force
    C.	Actions
            1.	Attempts to obtain the desired
                    a.	Direct Action (Fe, Te)
                    b.	Indirect Action (Ti, Fi)
            2.	Is either a lineation of previous or present information
                    a.	Recall-Focused Action (Ni, Si)
            3.	Or either a lineation of untested information
                    a.	Experimental-Focused Action (Ne, Se)

    Creative function is negatively perceived, so demonstrative becomes the solution to fix that. If creative function is positively perceived, the demonstrative isn’t necessary.

    XSE – (Fe/Te, Si-) -> (Si-)too_chaotic(Se_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by finding the world's structure and ruling it with direct force.

    XII – (Ti/Fi, Ne-) -> (Ne-)too_primitive(Ni_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by determining why and stopping the problem from reoccurring.

    XEI – (Si/Ni, Fe-) -> (Fe-)too_cruel(Fi_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by finding a way to connect people together.

    XLE – (Ne/Se, Ti-) -> (Ti-)too_unreasonable(Te_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by finding why and redirecting it.

    XLI - (Ni/Si, Te-) -> (Te-)too_wasteful(Ti_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by finding a way to reason the world with others.

    XEE - (Ne/Se, Fi-) -> (Fi-)too_disconnected(Fe_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by finding why and using it to create friendly relations.

    XSI - (Ti/Fi, Se-) -> (Se-)too_combative(Si_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by finding ways to reduce stress

    XIE - (Te/Fe, Ni-) -> (Ni-)too_dangerous(Ne_Solution)
    Demonstrate Solution: I can change that by figuring out how the world works, changing it indirectly, and eliminating the problem.
    Last edited by DividedsGhost; 02-10-2011 at 07:46 PM. Reason: Fixed Something Else

  2. #2
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Regardless of some known information, it has excellent consistency.
    Some information is also clearer than before.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    Well, thanks. I'd like some input on this, but I'm currently happy with its current state, although I'm not sure I have the Se creative function correctly modeled.

    I want to redesign the theory to fit the functions and not the types or relationships specifically. So if I can split everything up, then it can be parsed with the basic cognitive functions that cover the basics of human life. Then bigger pieces can be put together to explain other things, and in many cases eventually suggest types and relationships as an abstract and not a shaky foundation of the theory.

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    Eh, you know what, almost half of the demonstrative examples are just plain wrong and I'm not sure how to put the IEs into words to explain it correctly...

    Disregard this then.

  5. #5
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Divided View Post
    Eh, you know what, almost half of the demonstrative examples are just plain wrong and I'm not sure how to put the IEs into words to explain it correctly...

    Disregard this then.
    No, they're may be going for a wider, narrower or otherwise different perspective, but every single Demonstrative description I have observed.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
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    Quote Originally Posted by Divided View Post
    Eh, you know what, almost half of the demonstrative examples are just plain wrong and I'm not sure how to put the IEs into words to explain it correctly...

    Disregard this then.
    I like it overall

    maybe -creative demonstration is something you can't express extrovertedly, intuitively, and for reasons, you just have to be there and see it for yourself!

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    It's incoherent.

  8. #8
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    I disagree on the Te. Ti is internal structuring, Te is external structuring. It doesn't have to do with efficiency. Efficiency is a Ni or Si thing - Si: conservation of physical resources, Ni: conservation of time - it is not a Te attribute.

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    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    I disagree on the Te. Ti is internal structuring, Te is external structuring. It doesn't have to do with efficiency. Efficiency is a Ni or Si thing - Si: conservation of physical resources, Ni: conservation of time - it is not a Te attribute.
    Ti and Te cannot both be structuring.

    And your view of Si and Ni seems skewed.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
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