I'm talking about Judicious vs. Decisive, Merry vs. Serious, and Aristocratic vs. Democratic.

When looking at your own Quadra, how would you "rate" these three dichotomies in importance to you, personally? Which dichotomy is most obvious vs. which are less obvious?

I clearly, absolutely favor Serious>Merry. Between Judicious and Decisive, I am more Judicious, but it's also easy for me to relate at times to the Decisive attitude. When it comes to Democratic vs. Aristocratic, though, I'm pretty evenly split, I think; that is, it doesn't really seem to matter to me much either way.

Maybe the above explains why I tend to like Gammas more than Alphas...because being Serious (which I have in common with Gammas) is ultimately more important to me than being Judicious (which I have in common with Alphas); and then of course Betas would be my least-favored quadra, not just because we are Opposing, but because the one dichotomy (Aristocratic) that we have in common is far less-defined in my own personality.