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Thread: IEI descriptions, etc. (Filatova and Moshenkov)

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    Default IEI descriptions, etc. (Filatova and Moshenkov)

    Ekaterina Filatova, Understanding The People Around You: An Introduction To Socionics (Holister: MSI Press, 2006), pp. 44-47, 31, 116:

    -- Temporal Intuition. Presentiment, prediction, perception of dynamics in development, poetical spirit, mysticism (I, Personality Program).

    -- Emotional Feeling. Susceptibility to emotions, direct emotional influence, exposed feelings (II, Productive).

    -- Practical Thinking. Pragmatism, efficiency, rationality, affection to technology (III, Vulnerable).

    -- Volitional Sensing. Persuasive pressure, determination, persistence, spatial control (IV, Suggestible).

    Intuitive-Feeling Introvert (IFI)
    , , ,

    General appearance

    Natural grace is the most prominent feature of Romantics (IFIs) that sets them apart from other psychological types. This trait can show itself in refined clothing or elegant movements, regardless of physique.

    Among strangers, Romantics are very mistrustful, fretting and worrying. They are reluctant to talk about themselves or their friends with outsiders. A bashful smile appears on their faces, as if asking everyone to forgive them. Their behavior is very gentle and polite, revealing tact and politeness. However, in a group of close friends or with family they can act fussy and sometimes even rude.

    Characterization According to Strong Channel Functions

    I. Personality Program Channel ( -- presentiment, prediction...)

    A Romantic feels like being carried by a powerful stream of time, which is impossible and inexpedient to overcome.

    This guy has a characteristic trait. He is a good indicator of other people's possibilities and perspectives. He is like a weathercock pointing to those who are about to be successful. His attitude to you is a faultless signal whether you are OK or you are losing tempo.

    Romantics often daydream. The subject of these daydreams can be a change of career, a perfect love, or going on an adventure. Many books about the paranormal (occultism, bioenergetics, alternative medicines) can often be found in their homes.

    For Romantics time has substance. Dreamers and poets, Romantics easily disconnect from reality and wander in the land of imagination where they find the joy and meaning of life. Living through an adventure in this imaginative land for them is the same as to accomplish something practical for the others.

    They often muse about themselves and their abilities, and strive to understand themselves. Sometimes, the representations of this psychological type seek extra-sensory abilities within themselves. They analyze their abilities of influencing people. It's hard to imagine these people without belief in anything; it's essential for them to have some kind of ideal. With the downfall of one model, they search for another.

    They are gullible and impressionable. If they are told it will bring good luck, they will knock on wood or carry a good luck charm.

    They often hesitate in making decisions.

    Romantics sense imminent danger very well, and either try to prevent it or warn those around them.

    Emotionally negative experiences leave a deep mark on his mind, but positive feelings leave behind only the tiniest trace. When showing someone her wedding photo, a Romantic woman said,

    I look like someone who is about to give away her freedom.

    II. Productive channel ( -- emotionality...)

    Romantics don't hide their feelings, and can sometimes burst out laughing, start crying, or get angry at someone in public. In front of family or close friends, they can even be outright rude. Romantics love to tell people about their problems. Here, one woman relates an incident involving her acquaintance, who is a Romantic:

    Yesterday I met a friend. She was very upset and said she was divorcing her husband. <What? Why?> I asked. "Because he hasn't brought me flowers for more than a week! Does your husband give you flowers?" <No.> I said: <He hasn't bought me any gifts for a long time.> "Well, I don't understand how you can live with a man who doesn't bring you flowers!"

    Romantics love to be the center of attention: they readily organize parties for nearly every possible occasion, though it saps their strength. They think up an imaginative program for every party, plan fun group games, make craft[s], create exquisite dishes, and give an aesthetic touch to everything. Romantics are capable of being very sweet, effortlessly socializing with large groups, and complimenting people in order to leave a good impression (). They enjoy art, love music and poetry, and like to decorate their house with their own handwork ().

    Romantics sense even the weakest emotions of others. They strive to lend a hand, to console those facing hardships, to find the right words to cheer someone up.

    Characterization According to Weak Channel Functions

    III. Vulnerable Channel ( -- pragmatism, efficacy)

    It's difficult for Romantics to work hard at anything business-related. For example, they plan to take courses at a community college, but after the first few classes, they can't take the pressure and drop out. This is how most of their attempts at fulfilling business responsibilities, duties, or chores turn out.

    Romantics work well under a volitional manager who sets tasks in the way of <fulfill or lose your job>. When the manager is liberal, a Romantic begins to hesitate; working turns into long discussions without any outcome.

    It is usually hard for Romantics to keep their house always tidy. While washing the dishes, they can stop halfway through for a snack, not continuing afterwards. It's also hard for them to keep their finances in order. Money can be left lying around the house. Romantics buy things spontaneously, often spending money on appealing, yet unnecessary, purchases. As a result, their house is full of useless things: gaudy umbrella stands, fancy vases, books they will never read, various antique statues, lacy tablecloths, and so on.

    IV. Suggestible channel ( -- determination, persistence, drive...)

    Romantics are followers, not leaders. It's difficult for Romantics to use willpower; they would prefer that somebody guide them in the right direction, infect them with energy, or, best of all, do the task for them. As a rule, Romantics easily locate such people around them and, using their abilities as Feelers, persuade them to do what is necessary by demonstrating fragility, evoking sympathy (even pity), etc. Romantics can easily find others' weaknesses, and use them to get what they want.

    The best way to use a Romantics' business capabilities is to set clear boundaries for accomplishing a task that, if at all possible, requires creativity.

    Job Options

    The best job for IFIs is one that doesn't concern academics. Some examples of good job choices are musician, author, tour guide, journalist, talk show host, etc. Sometimes IFIs can be found doing well in the field of mathematics. However, keep in mind that the worst jobs for this psychological type concern business and administration.

    Famous IFIs: composer -- Frederic Chopin, writers -- Hans Christian Andersen, Ray Bradbury, politicians -- Nikolai Bukharin (Russian revolutionary), Yuri Gagarin (the first man to fly to space).

    HUMANISTS (Intuition + Feeling)

    , Intuitive-Feeling Introvert (IFI, The Romantic)

    For IFIs, the most important thing in the world is the blooming garden of their own imagination. With its help, it is possible to see into the past and future, to recognize the world in its entirety, capture the dynamics of events around them ( -- personality program), and then emotionally inspire people to desired activities ( -- method of the program execution).

    The Romantic

    Intuitive-Feeling Introvert

    Channel I

    Romantic daydreamer who easily forgets reality for the sake of dreams which are the source of inspiration and understanding life

    Channel IV:

    Follower, not leader; difficulty manifesting initiative and willing himself to do something or to undertake responsibility for something

    Sergei Moshenkov and Wing Tung Tang M. Sc., MBTI and Socionics: Legacy of Dr. Carl Jung (Lexington: USA, 2010/2011), 117-124:

    pp. 117-124 [INFp - The Writer]:

    Celebrity: Melanie Thierry

    Facial Features: The INFp has dreamy eyes -- that is the most striking and common feature. The intuitive subtypes have rather elongated faces and upward angled eyebrows. The feeling subtypes have large eyes and a large space in between the eyes just like Melanie Thierry. An often pale face, with decentralized features, and a thin build are the characteristic symptoms of the INFp.

    Ni - INFp's are often writers, artists, dwelling on their past, analyzing mistakes and successes. They are very emotionally wise and can predict the emotional and relational outcomes of social situations. They see the inner structure of one's emotions, values and motivations. They can be very farsighted, though as all people they may act against their own wisdom.

    Fe - The INFp can be very emotionally expressive; their emotionality however has a lower amplitude than the ESFj, ENFj or even the ISFp. Their emotions generally concern memories, global events, rather than the situation of the current moment.

    Si - The INFp likes to make others comfortable, they enjoy cooking for their friends and loved ones. They enjoy good food, stylish clothes, and most importantly their facial expression is often soothing and self-indulging. It is peculiar to see the INFp and the ISFp talking; the INFp is usually skinnier and more airy than the ISFp, and it seems that the ISFp tries to be more like the INFp and the INFp tries to be more like the ISFp as their role functions are the same as the other's base.

    Te - The INFp has trouble being methodical and organized. Usually they are messy airheads, with a fixated need for expensive things. Generally people want to compensate their weakspot, and in the case of the INFp, their compensation is usually done by gaining money, quality things and other attributes of Te. When required to find directions however the weakness of their Te becomes immediately apparent.

    Se - The INFp can be rude, cruel and assertive. Usually they are too introverted to be consistently assertive, but will respond with visible emotional cruelty, and a position of power, if they are somehow undermined.

    Ti - The INFp tries to be logical. They analyze, divide and categorize. It's peculiar that the female INFp's mainly analyze reality rather than philosophy, and male INFp's analyze philosophy rather than reality. Perhaps this is due to what Carl Jung called the predominance of the earth element in women and the spirit element in men.

    Ne - The IEI-Ni can brainstorm fairly well, but they usually miss hidden opportunities. They brainstorm when objectively necessary, rather than when a brainstorm could be useful. The IEI-Fe on the other hand doesn't come up with ideas, they see no need for it, they act out of experience and knowledge, rather than out of creativity.

    Fi - The INFp is very focused on people. They are not necessarily good to people, nor kind, but consistently focused on their behavior, and the underlying relationship.

    Subtypes [some of this is kind of my interpretation -- like regarding which of the 16 subtypes correspond with each of the descriptions. That's not explicit in the book. I actually corresponded with Moshenkov once (on facebook in English) and he told me that some people can have more minus/negative functions than plus/positive functions and vice versa]

    Dominant subtypes: (IEI-Fe)

    IEI-ESE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Very emotionally positive, but assertive. Oscillates between aggression and positivity. May try to see reality from different perspectives, but I doubt he succeeds.

    IEI-EIE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Can be constantly rude and mean to loved ones -- especially the same-sex parent. Can be reckless, but at the end of the day always comes back to those that love him.

    IEI-LIE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Very cheerful, attempts to maintain an orderly, clean home. Tries to be an analytical person, but usually any analytical conversation turns into an emotional monologue. Usually doesn't say no to others, but expects immediate reciprocation.

    IEI-LSE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Rather negative, and demands everything to be done efficiently. His weakest trait is analysis and a sense in cooking.

    Creative subtypes: (IEI-Fe)

    IEI-ILE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Insightful and perceptive. May be a good administrator, but it's hard for him to maintain consistency. Generally positive in his emotions, but only when his interactions bring real benefit.

    IEI-SLE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Defensive, easily says no to others. Creative and full of ideas. Detailed but not active in work. His weakest trait is analysis, and a cooking talent.

    IEI-SEE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Philosophical mindset. Very assertive and pushy compared to most other N types. He mainly encounters the negatives of the outside world with assertiveness. His weakness is keeping long term relationships due to his egoistical pushiness.

    IEI-IEE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Comes up with a lot of ideas, but generally meaningless ones. Consciously tries to execute tasks in an efficient manner. Chances are that he's a bad cook and a poor homemaker.

    Normalizing subtypes (IEI-Ni)

    IEI-LII [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    They are transactional with people and analytical in life's situations. Their weakest trait is efficiency and organization. They treat people according to their value.

    IEI-LSI [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    This is the most reliable of the INFp's. He attempts to seem very rational and logical. He keeps promises and is loyal to his friends. His weakest trait is seeing the big picture behind facts and seeing reality from different paradigms.

    IEI-ESI [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Transactional with people. Upholds his own benefit in interactions. Rather hedonistic in his life's philosophy. May be analytical when it comes to his career or life's plans.

    IEI-EII [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Looks very soothing and internally balanced. Has a great sense of style and fashion. Likely enjoys dancing or a light sport. Has a few close old friends. Exhibits more negativity than positivity.

    Harmonizing subtypes (IEI-Ni)

    IEI-SEI [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Probably the most unreliable and indecisive of all INFp's. He may be overweight, and definitely pale. Great with metaphors and imagery, but a poor planner.

    IEI-IEI [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Very wise. Can predict the development of a situation even if he has never been in one like that himself. Systematic, tries to be a good worker, but generally needs to be in a routine to be efficient.

    IEI-ILI [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Very artistic, and creative in writing. Analytical but more so in making sense of people, and with objects. Doesn't bother maintaining his body, but is still rather thin naturally. His weakest trait is task execution.

    IEI-SLI [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Changes decisions, comes late to meetings, and is very flexible and open-minded. Likely has an artistic, musical or writing talent. Poor at seeing the big picture of a job or of work done.

    pp. 16-17:

    Introverted intuition - is the ability to bring out of memory the data that is most relevant for a specific moment. It allows one to imagine things, to write creatively, to use metaphors - and more practically to carry on a conversation skillfully. Introverted intuition is the skill of the brilliant writer or painter to create worlds inside themselves, to describe colorfully and metaphorically, and to connect to the realm of the archetypes for wisdom. Introverted intuition is a world in itself. Developing this function is probably the hardest out of all 8 since introverted intuition is so elusive. One can start by drawing things never seen before, thinking up stories and situations that never happened. Play with associations--as the conversation progresses, cling on to key words and build on them, allow a word "Caribbean" to bring a world of associations with it and a great number of questions that you could ask to carry on the conversation. For the intuitively advanced I would recommend writing down dreams and sudden thoughts, learning meditation and attempting to view these dreams and thoughts as hints for changing your life. Many times my dreams advised me against a certain person, against a decision, or in favor of a certain attitude. Introverted intuition surprisingly also allows one to plan and forecast events -- I'm not sure how this trait relates to the other skills that introverted intuition grants, but it is a fact that strong introverted intuits are also great planners, forecasters and futurists -- relating past trends to future trends and etc.

    Ni (+) -- Holistic internal intuition is great at detailed, big picture planning and the holistic view of the situation from the point of view of internal archetypes that is wisdom.

    Ni (-) -- Differentiated internal intuition plans strategically with no attention to detail. It bestows a knack for metaphors and artistic imagination.

    pp. 23-24:

    Extraverted feeling - is the actual emotional affect, here and now. Extraverted feeling is directed at people, at objects, and at the outside world. If a friend is leaving the country the extraverted feeler will say GOOD FOR YOU!!! HAVE FUN!!! The introverted feeler will say "I will miss you". The extravert expresses the emotions that the object is likely to feel, whereas the introverted feeler expresses personal subjective emotions. When passing a homeless person the extraverted feeler is more likely to give 10$ and walk on. The introverted feeler will give 1$ but is likely to start volunteering at a shelter. Of course these are extreme examples, but I hope they deliver this difference between having a strong affect motivate you in the here and now, and having a distinct long-term subjective feeling decide your life strategy. Extraverted feelers express their affect to influence others, and are influenced by their affect themselves. Their affect may change daily. From loving to hating, back to loving, all towards the very same person, often in the course of one day. The strength of the affect compensates this seeming lack of integrity. This function allows one to attract the attention of a group, to motivate and influence an individual through the induction of affect. An acting school could do wanders in the development of this function. Practicing facial expressions of emotion: laughter, joy, anger, disappointment and the other components of the spectrum of emotion will help one develop this function.

    Fe (+) -- Holistic extraverted feeling is very positive, loving and great at capturing the attention of a group. Carriers of this function are criticized for being equally loving to their spouse, friend and acquaintances.

    Fe (-) -- Differentiated extraverted feeling is better at motivating, and showing negativity. These people are very emotionally powerful, able to control and command with expressiveness. They are criticized for being loving one moment and hating the next.

    pp. 17-19:

    Extraverted sensing - this is one of the most immediately valuable functions. Although the types with a "-" coloring of this function generally are just very detailed, practical and good at saying NO, the types with the "+" coloring allow a far wider range of skills. The first tenant of the (+) extraverted sensing (power drive) function is "the more space you occupy, via assertiveness, the more space and respect you are given". The ability to tell the golden middle and the ability to shrink and extend your assertiveness according to the situation is probably the greatest talent of the extraverted sensing function . . .

    Se (+) -- Holistic view of extraverted sensing allows for an adequate judging of the overall power stance of each individual around. It makes the possessor very aggressive to the weak and submissive to the strong, demanding and assertive.

    Se (-) -- Differentiated view of extraverted sensing entails a defensive stance. A person doesn't try to take up someone else's space, but rather defends his own.

    Ekaterina Filatova, Understanding The People Around You: An Introduction To Socionics (Holister: MSI Press, 2006), pp. 44-47, 31, 116:

    -- Temporal Intuition. Presentiment, prediction, perception of dynamics in development, poetical spirit, mysticism (I, Personality Program).

    -- Emotional Feeling. Susceptibility to emotions, direct emotional influence, exposed feelings (II, Productive).

    -- Practical Thinking. Pragmatism, efficiency, rationality, affection to technology (III, Vulnerable).

    -- Volitional Sensing. Persuasive pressure, determination, persistence, spatial control (IV, Suggestible).

    Intuitive-Feeling Introvert (IFI)
    , , ,

    General appearance

    Natural grace is the most prominent feature of Romantics (IFIs) that sets them apart from other psychological types. This trait can show itself in refined clothing or elegant movements, regardless of physique.

    Among strangers, Romantics are very mistrustful, fretting and worrying. They are reluctant to talk about themselves or their friends with outsiders. A bashful smile appears on their faces, as if asking everyone to forgive them. Their behavior is very gentle and polite, revealing tact and politeness. However, in a group of close friends or with family they can act fussy and sometimes even rude.

    Characterization According to Strong Channel Functions

    I. Personality Program Channel ( -- presentiment, prediction...)

    A Romantic feels like being carried by a powerful stream of time, which is impossible and inexpedient to overcome.

    This guy has a characteristic trait. He is a good indicator of other people's possibilities and perspectives. He is like a weathercock pointing to those who are about to be successful. His attitude to you is a faultless signal whether you are OK or you are losing tempo.

    Romantics often daydream. The subject of these daydreams can be a change of career, a perfect love, or going on an adventure. Many books about the paranormal (occultism, bioenergetics, alternative medicines) can often be found in their homes.

    For Romantics time has substance. Dreamers and poets, Romantics easily disconnect from reality and wander in the land of imagination where they find the joy and meaning of life. Living through an adventure in this imaginative land for them is the same as to accomplish something practical for the others.

    They often muse about themselves and their abilities, and strive to understand themselves. Sometimes, the representations of this psychological type seek extra-sensory abilities within themselves. They analyze their abilities of influencing people. It's hard to imagine these people without belief in anything; it's essential for them to have some kind of ideal. With the downfall of one model, they search for another.

    They are gullible and impressionable. If they are told it will bring good luck, they will knock on wood or carry a good luck charm.

    They often hesitate in making decisions.

    Romantics sense imminent danger very well, and either try to prevent it or warn those around them.

    Emotionally negative experiences leave a deep mark on his mind, but positive feelings leave behind only the tiniest trace. When showing someone her wedding photo, a Romantic woman said,

    I look like someone who is about to give away her freedom.

    II. Productive channel ( -- emotionality...)

    Romantics don't hide their feelings, and can sometimes burst out laughing, start crying, or get angry at someone in public. In front of family or close friends, they can even be outright rude. Romantics love to tell people about their problems. Here, one woman relates an incident involving her acquaintance, who is a Romantic:

    Yesterday I met a friend. She was very upset and said she was divorcing her husband. <What? Why?> I asked. "Because he hasn't brought me flowers for more than a week! Does your husband give you flowers?" <No.> I said: <He hasn't bought me any gifts for a long time.> "Well, I don't understand how you can live with a man who doesn't bring you flowers!"

    Romantics love to be the center of attention: they readily organize parties for nearly every possible occasion, though it saps their strength. They think up an imaginative program for every party, plan fun group games, make craft[s], create exquisite dishes, and give an aesthetic touch to everything. Romantics are capable of being very sweet, effortlessly socializing with large groups, and complimenting people in order to leave a good impression (). They enjoy art, love music and poetry, and like to decorate their house with their own handwork ().

    Romantics sense even the weakest emotions of others. They strive to lend a hand, to console those facing hardships, to find the right words to cheer someone up.

    Characterization According to Weak Channel Functions

    III. Vulnerable Channel ( -- pragmatism, efficacy)

    It's difficult for Romantics to work hard at anything business-related. For example, they plan to take courses at a community college, but after the first few classes, they can't take the pressure and drop out. This is how most of their attempts at fulfilling business responsibilities, duties, or chores turn out.

    Romantics work well under a volitional manager who sets tasks in the way of <fulfill or lose your job>. When the manager is liberal, a Romantic begins to hesitate; working turns into long discussions without any outcome.

    It is usually hard for Romantics to keep their house always tidy. While washing the dishes, they can stop halfway through for a snack, not continuing afterwards. It's also hard for them to keep their finances in order. Money can be left lying around the house. Romantics buy things spontaneously, often spending money on appealing, yet unnecessary, purchases. As a result, their house is full of useless things: gaudy umbrella stands, fancy vases, books they will never read, various antique statues, lacy tablecloths, and so on.

    IV. Suggestible channel ( -- determination, persistence, drive...)

    Romantics are followers, not leaders. It's difficult for Romantics to use willpower; they would prefer that somebody guide them in the right direction, infect them with energy, or, best of all, do the task for them. As a rule, Romantics easily locate such people around them and, using their abilities as Feelers, persuade them to do what is necessary by demonstrating fragility, evoking sympathy (even pity), etc. Romantics can easily find others' weaknesses, and use them to get what they want.

    The best way to use a Romantics' business capabilities is to set clear boundaries for accomplishing a task that, if at all possible, requires creativity.

    Job Options

    The best job for IFIs is one that doesn't concern academics. Some examples of good job choices are musician, author, tour guide, journalist, talk show host, etc. Sometimes IFIs can be found doing well in the field of mathematics. However, keep in mind that the worst jobs for this psychological type concern business and administration.

    Famous IFIs: composer -- Frederic Chopin, writers -- Hans Christian Andersen, Ray Bradbury, politicians -- Nikolai Bukharin (Russian revolutionary), Yuri Gagarin (the first man to fly to space).

    HUMANISTS (Intuition + Feeling)

    , Intuitive-Feeling Introvert (IFI, The Romantic)

    For IFIs, the most important thing in the world is the blooming garden of their own imagination. With its help, it is possible to see into the past and future, to recognize the world in its entirety, capture the dynamics of events around them ( -- personality program), and then emotionally inspire people to desired activities ( -- method of the program execution).

    The Romantic

    Intuitive-Feeling Introvert

    Channel I

    Romantic daydreamer who easily forgets reality for the sake of dreams which are the source of inspiration and understanding life

    Channel IV:

    Follower, not leader; difficulty manifesting initiative and willing himself to do something or to undertake responsibility for something

    Sergei Moshenkov and Wing Tung Tang M. Sc., MBTI and Socionics: Legacy of Dr. Carl Jung (Lexington: USA, 2010/2011), 117-124:

    pp. 117-124 [INFp - The Writer]:

    Celebrity: Melanie Thierry

    Facial Features: The INFp has dreamy eyes -- that is the most striking and common feature. The intuitive subtypes have rather elongated faces and upward angled eyebrows. The feeling subtypes have large eyes and a large space in between the eyes just like Melanie Thierry. An often pale face, with decentralized features, and a thin build are the characteristic symptoms of the INFp.

    Ni - INFp's are often writers, artists, dwelling on their past, analyzing mistakes and successes. They are very emotionally wise and can predict the emotional and relational outcomes of social situations. They see the inner structure of one's emotions, values and motivations. They can be very farsighted, though as all people they may act against their own wisdom.

    Fe - The INFp can be very emotionally expressive; their emotionality however has a lower amplitude than the ESFj, ENFj or even the ISFp. Their emotions generally concern memories, global events, rather than the situation of the current moment.

    Si - The INFp likes to make others comfortable, they enjoy cooking for their friends and loved ones. They enjoy good food, stylish clothes, and most importantly their facial expression is often soothing and self-indulging. It is peculiar to see the INFp and the ISFp talking; the INFp is usually skinnier and more airy than the ISFp, and it seems that the ISFp tries to be more like the INFp and the INFp tries to be more like the ISFp as their role functions are the same as the other's base.

    Te - The INFp has trouble being methodical and organized. Usually they are messy airheads, with a fixated need for expensive things. Generally people want to compensate their weakspot, and in the case of the INFp, their compensation is usually done by gaining money, quality things and other attributes of Te. When required to find directions however the weakness of their Te becomes immediately apparent.

    Se - The INFp can be rude, cruel and assertive. Usually they are too introverted to be consistently assertive, but will respond with visible emotional cruelty, and a position of power, if they are somehow undermined.

    Ti - The INFp tries to be logical. They analyze, divide and categorize. It's peculiar that the female INFp's mainly analyze reality rather than philosophy, and male INFp's analyze philosophy rather than reality. Perhaps this is due to what Carl Jung called the predominance of the earth element in women and the spirit element in men.

    Ne - The IEI-Ni can brainstorm fairly well, but they usually miss hidden opportunities. They brainstorm when objectively necessary, rather than when a brainstorm could be useful. The IEI-Fe on the other hand doesn't come up with ideas, they see no need for it, they act out of experience and knowledge, rather than out of creativity.

    Fi - The INFp is very focused on people. They are not necessarily good to people, nor kind, but consistently focused on their behavior, and the underlying relationship.


    Dominant subtypes: (IEI-Fe)

    IEI-ESE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Very emotionally positive, but assertive. Oscillates between aggression and positivity. May try to see reality from different perspectives, but I doubt he succeeds.

    IEI-EIE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Can be constantly rude and mean to loved ones -- especially the same-sex parent. Can be reckless, but at the end of the day always comes back to those that love him.

    IEI-LIE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Very cheerful, attempts to maintain an orderly, clean home. Tries to be an analytical person, but usually any analytical conversation turns into an emotional monologue. Usually doesn't say no to others, but expects immediate reciprocation.

    IEI-LSE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Rather negative, and demands everything to be done efficiently. His weakest trait is analysis and a sense in cooking.

    Creative subtypes: (IEI-Fe)

    IEI-ILE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Insightful and perceptive. May be a good administrator, but it's hard for him to maintain consistency. Generally positive in his emotions, but only when his interactions bring real benefit.

    IEI-SLE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Defensive, easily says no to others. Creative and full of ideas. Detailed but not active in work. His weakest trait is analysis, and a cooking talent.

    IEI-SEE [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Philosophical mindset. Very assertive and pushy compared to most other N types. He mainly encounters the negatives of the outside world with assertiveness. His weakness is keeping long term relationships due to his egoistical pushiness.

    IEI-IEE [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Comes up with a lot of ideas, but generally meaningless ones. Consciously tries to execute tasks in an efficient manner. Chances are that he's a bad cook and a poor homemaker.

    Normalizing subtypes (IEI-Ni)

    IEI-LII [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    They are transactional with people and analytical in life's situations. Their weakest trait is efficiency and organization. They treat people according to their value.

    IEI-LSI [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    This is the most reliable of the INFp's. He attempts to seem very rational and logical. He keeps promises and is loyal to his friends. His weakest trait is seeing the big picture behind facts and seeing reality from different paradigms.

    IEI-ESI [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Transactional with people. Upholds his own benefit in interactions. Rather hedonistic in his life's philosophy. May be analytical when it comes to his career or life's plans.

    IEI-EII [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Looks very soothing and internally balanced. Has a great sense of style and fashion. Likely enjoys dancing or a light sport. Has a few close old friends. Exhibits more negativity than positivity.

    Harmonizing subtypes (IEI-Ni)

    IEI-SEI [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Probably the most unreliable and indecisive of all INFp's. He may be overweight, and definitely pale. Great with metaphors and imagery, but a poor planner.

    IEI-IEI [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Very wise. Can predict the development of a situation even if he has never been in one like that himself. Systematic, tries to be a good worker, but generally needs to be in a routine to be efficient.

    IEI-ILI [Fe (+) and Ni (-) and Se (+)]
    Very artistic, and creative in writing. Analytical but more so in making sense of people, and with objects. Doesn't bother maintaining his body, but is still rather thin naturally. His weakest trait is task execution.

    IEI-SLI [Fe (-) and Ni (+) and Se (-)]
    Changes decisions, comes late to meetings, and is very flexible and open-minded. Likely has an artistic, musical or writing talent. Poor at seeing the big picture of a job or of work done.

    pp. 16-17:

    Introverted intuition - is the ability to bring out of memory the data that is most relevant for a specific moment. It allows one to imagine things, to write creatively, to use metaphors - and more practically to carry on a conversation skillfully. Introverted intuition is the skill of the brilliant writer or painter to create worlds inside themselves, to describe colorfully and metaphorically, and to connect to the realm of the archetypes for wisdom. Introverted intuition is a world in itself. Developing this function is probably the hardest out of all 8 since introverted intuition is so elusive. One can start by drawing things never seen before, thinking up stories and situations that never happened. Play with associations--as the conversation progresses, cling on to key words and build on them, allow a word "Caribbean" to bring a world of associations with it and a great number of questions that you could ask to carry on the conversation. For the intuitively advanced I would recommend writing down dreams and sudden thoughts, learning meditation and attempting to view these dreams and thoughts as hints for changing your life. Many times my dreams advised me against a certain person, against a decision, or in favor of a certain attitude. Introverted intuition surprisingly also allows one to plan and forecast events -- I'm not sure how this trait relates to the other skills that introverted intuition grants, but it is a fact that strong introverted intuits are also great planners, forecasters and futurists -- relating past trends to future trends and etc.

    Ni (+) -- Holistic internal intuition is great at detailed, big picture planning and the holistic view of the situation from the point of view of internal archetypes that is wisdom.

    Ni (-) -- Differentiated internal intuition plans strategically with no attention to detail. It bestows a knack for metaphors and artistic imagination.

    pp. 23-24:

    Extraverted feeling - is the actual emotional affect, here and now. Extraverted feeling is directed at people, at objects, and at the outside world. If a friend is leaving the country the extraverted feeler will say GOOD FOR YOU!!! HAVE FUN!!! The introverted feeler will say "I will miss you". The extravert expresses the emotions that the object is likely to feel, whereas the introverted feeler expresses personal subjective emotions. When passing a homeless person the extraverted feeler is more likely to give 10$ and walk on. The introverted feeler will give 1$ but is likely to start volunteering at a shelter. Of course these are extreme examples, but I hope they deliver this difference between having a strong affect motivate you in the here and now, and having a distinct long-term subjective feeling decide your life strategy. Extraverted feelers express their affect to influence others, and are influenced by their affect themselves. Their affect may change daily. From loving to hating, back to loving, all towards the very same person, often in the course of one day. The strength of the affect compensates this seeming lack of integrity. This function allows one to attract the attention of a group, to motivate and influence an individual through the induction of affect. An acting school could do wanders in the development of this function. Practicing facial expressions of emotion: laughter, joy, anger, disappointment and the other components of the spectrum of emotion will help one develop this function.

    Fe (+) -- Holistic extraverted feeling is very positive, loving and great at capturing the attention of a group. Carriers of this function are criticized for being equally loving to their spouse, friend and acquaintances.

    Fe (-) -- Differentiated extraverted feeling is better at motivating, and showing negativity. These people are very emotionally powerful, able to control and command with expressiveness. They are criticized for being loving one moment and hating the next.

    pp. 17-19:

    Extraverted sensing - this is one of the most immediately valuable functions. Although the types with a "-" coloring of this function generally are just very detailed, practical and good at saying NO, the types with the "+" coloring allow a far wider range of skills. The first tenant of the (+) extraverted sensing (power drive) function is "the more space you occupy, via assertiveness, the more space and respect you are given". The ability to tell the golden middle and the ability to shrink and extend your assertiveness according to the situation is probably the greatest talent of the extraverted sensing function . . .

    Se (+) -- Holistic view of extraverted sensing allows for an adequate judging of the overall power stance of each individual around. It makes the possessor very aggressive to the weak and submissive to the strong, demanding and assertive.

    Se (-) -- Differentiated view of extraverted sensing entails a defensive stance. A person doesn't try to take up someone else's space, but rather defends his own.

  2. #2
    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Seen this before from you but glad you posted it. I think you repeated the descriptions twice, by the way.

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