when you find out someone "likes" you, who you dont have any particular feelings for? Do you tend to break hearts easily? Or do you tend to be tactful and sensitive to the person's feelings?

As for ISFjs, i know better how they react. I had a crush in acting school on an iSFj girl who would cling to this INFp guy in the class like a fly on horseshit. At one point i got so jealous that when we got a chance, in our class, as an excercise to openly criticise one person in the class, the teacher had us stand in a circle and take turns. When my turn came, I chose her and told her plainly" you and Ran are always together, dont you feel like interetacting with or open up to anybody else?" etc. Then guess what? After that she and I became friends. And when she found out indirectly that I had a crush on her she didnt avoid me. Intea she treated me nicely and we continued to be friends. I think her reaction was intelligent, from an emotional standpoint because it actually helped quench my feelings for her to be friends even though she said we couldnt date. I still call her sometimes, and we get along great.

So Im wondering about you INTps. How would you react if you knew someone had a crush on you and why do you think that is the best course of action?