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Thread: DCNH: Incomplete groups by Bannov

  1. #1
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Default DCNH: Incomplete groups by Bannov

    [[xx]]: poorly translated or not translated.

    S. Bannov, [SHGS], Volgograd, 23.01.2007
    DCNH groups in which one of the roles is absent.
    Original text: ?????? ?4: ?. ?. ??????. «???????? ?????? ? ??????? DCNH» | ????? ???????????? ?????????

    Consider the features of the functioning of such groups, taking into account three types of relations:

    1.[[заказно]] - supervision;

    In a fully functional group, the 1st and 2nd types of relations are the most important. The third type has the lowest importance since there are often few identical roles present.

    After removing an element (say H) three possible cases can occur:

    1) dual relations. Dual roles balance each other out, without shifting the equilibrium balance in one direction over another. In some ways, this gives them the opportunity to mutually enhance each other: equivalent pairs (Ne? Si) on the energy level, anti-conjunction (Ne? Ni) on the informational level. By removing one of them, we get the reinforcement of its opposite: the absence of the harmonizing role leads to conflict between different C; on the other hand, the lack of a creative role leads to an overly passive H group.

    2) identical relations. At the level of [[FS]] there is conjunction (Ne? Ne) and anti-equivalence (Ne<+>Se). Those performing this role can effectively multiply their effort in performing a common task, when several persons occupy one and the same role. For example, new ideas are introduced by C (brainstorming) to deal with emergent problems. When the existing problems in this region are solved (and they’ll be solved pretty quickly), further action in this region is simply excessive and leads to the loss of the group’s stability (this can also be due to a lack of a stabilizing, dual element) – there exists a mechanism of anti-equivalence that displaces all except one person from this role. The System will attempt to advance to the subsequent state along the [[заказно]] (DCNH) ring.

    3) if there is no element H, then too much creative C leads to the strengthening of the N role, which stops excessive creative activity through the supervision ring. Furthermore, the D component will be weakened due to enhanced C, as well as by the absence of H-generated tasks (dispersing the activity of D in many opposite directions).

    Thus, with one of the roles absent, the group at the integral level will regress to the previous role along the DCNH ring:

    — there is no D? group (N) →H.
    — there is no C? group (H) →D;
    — there is no N? group (D) →C;
    — there is no H? group (C) →N;

    Remove D, and the tyranny of the N bureaucracy starts to grow (removing all creations immediately)… the bureaucratic structure is not viable, however, and it becomes necessary to spend virtually all effort on plugging holes and keeping the ship afloat - the system’s integral type transforms to H…

    After these internal limitations are removed, the activity of N and D is strengthened and the inaction of H is considered criminal. A fight occurs for leadership, as a result of which the system is converted to chaos.

    [[On the general law of development DCNH - is passed one of the stages in the chain, i.e. the process of development is accelerated.]]

    How stable are these groups?

    How can this mechanism be used, and for what tasks?

    After removing the creative C component (superfluous chaos, conflicting strategies), we obtain a stable H group and D is actively ready to act.

    After removing the N bureaucracy (by destroying the old system), we obtain a highly active D group that creates something new by progressing to C.

    N? C - the necessary conditions to remove limitations begin to arise.

    C? D - in order to act, it is necessary to remove those who think differently (for example, with the slogan: “Whoever is not with us is against us!”).


    Vyacheslav Ledin (SHGS):

    This work is a fairly interesting hypothesis about the functioning of groups. It’s no secret that this is one of those topics, which generates interest not only to socionics-theorists, but also to those who try to apply socionics in practice. It is hoped that work on the development of this idea continues and takes the form of a valuable publication (or series of publications).

    This work testifies to the high level of working knowledge possessed by socionics – the hypothesis is a skillful alloy of the socionics theories of micro-groups and functional states. It is consistent with well-known phenomena, but we wish that the author would consider experimentation, as well as propose a falsification scheme (in so far as this is possible).

    The only critique, which it is possible to advance, is the fact that the very concept of an incomplete group is not fully disclosed - this incompleteness can either manifest in the general absence of a role, or in someone actually taking leave of his role. The first treatment contradicts one of the basic postulates of the theory of micro-groups: “In any steady and productive micro-group it is possible to isolate four roles.” Since our hypothesis is based on this theory, such a treatment unavoidably leads to paradox and internal contradiction (according to the theory of micro-groups, such a group would disintegrate). In practice, the second treatment means that the role as such exists, but the person who left the group wins back, upon his return, some other role (such role combination does not contradict the theory and is quite observable in reality), [[but “be absenting” to only if ignore the accumulated problems it is begun already simply impossibly.]]

    Therefore, it is desirable to note the novelty of this work. As is known, practically each novice entering socionics attempts to improve the theory by devising something new (let he who did not devise one brilliant idea in the theme of socionics cast the first stone). It is in exactly the same manner widely-known today that 99% of such cases prove to be old discoveries, which the novice simply hadn’t come across yet. However, as far as I know, this work relates precisely to that other 1 percent. Thus, although for a lone person to invent some new principle is practically impossible, this work clearly demonstrates that by working within the command framework of a research program it is still possible to make numerous discoveries.
    Last edited by xerx; 06-30-2010 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    In a nut shell,

    In DCNH groups, dual roles enforce and support each others' stability. When a dual role is absent, it causes the dual to heat up and disintegrate (in groups of arbitrary size?).

    For example, if H is absent, then there is too much friction between C roles. To compensate the system shifts to the next role along the supervision ring, which happens to be the supervising role. In this case the system shifts to N, which establishes a kind of order over all the competing C theories. That's how the system moves forward.

    For reference: DCNH supervision works like this: D >> C >> N >> H >> D ( >> points to the supervisor).

    Seems like a pretty simple and interesting hypothesis.
    Last edited by xerx; 06-30-2010 at 03:06 PM.

  3. #3
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    Very interesting! Yes, yes I can see how these would play out. Good article!

  4. #4
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Fascinating. I shall have to ponder this further.
    Quaero Veritas.

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